HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-08-01, Page 15 (2)• Luccin and district news LUCAN 4-H DISPLAY — The Lucan No. 3 4-H club took part in Saturday's 4-H Achievement Day of Poplar Hill. Shown with their display are leader Pam Moor, member Lynda Jane McIn- tyre and leader Christine Geertsen. T -A •hoto vs Ile Held at Strathroy Ladies attend WI rally Five Women's Institute Members, Kathleen Neil, Jean Miller, Reta Cun- ningham, Bernice Lockyer rs 90\3•%0,co FROM THE WILDERNESS — "From the Wilderness to You" was' the theme of the Birr 4-H club display at Saturday's 4-H Achievement Day at Poplar Hill. Shown with their display are Connie Vanderloo, Gayle Lewis, Penny Hodgins, Linda Eedy, Janice O'Connor Michele Dol() n, Lisa Vanderloo and Lorraine Lewis. T -A photo Roof Trusses Simplify the Building of a Sound Roof Wood Truss RESIDENTIAL FARM ivres��AL `--, ri t'4,k!G IN YOU PLAN.S4 .1 Ball -Macaulay Ltd. roof trusses make any roof Tess expensive to build. You'JI save money on materials and labour. You'll build Ball -Macaulay Ltd. roof trusses are -engineered to withstand even the heaviest loods_wiihout --T,; u if you're doing the job yourself you can blyld a rot' Taster with Ball -Macaulay Ltd. trusses. We'll show you how to save money. and Iva Hodgins attended the 24th Middlesex County W.I. Rally held at Alexander Park, Strathroy. Tuesday. The rally theme was "Today's child" and !s1id- dlesex West District Branches were hostesses. Mrs. J.D. McLean, Mid- dlesex West District President welcomed the delegates and told them that 8,000 hours of television is watched before a child starts school. She suggested that next year might he the International Year of the Parent to help us solve all our problems. • Mrs. Keith Hiepleh, London area president. R.R. 2, Springfield. brought greetings from the area and announced the Convention to be held in St Mary's November 1st and 2nd. A delicious pot -luck smorgasbord was enjoyed at the noon hour. Brenda Lee of Parkhill. who will be attending the R.N. Course at Fanshawe in September, was presented •with the W.I. Scholarship by Mrs. Verne Towers, Federated Representative, R.R. 4, Glencoe. Twenty- seven 4-11 Girls applied for the Scholarship, among them Pam Moor. Karen VanderLoo, Christine Geertsen and Rosemary Boland of the Lucan Clubs. 140 members and friends attended the Rally, which unfortunately was "rained - out" before the afternoon program was completed. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Lewis, R.R. 2. Denfield and Mr. and Mrs. M.H. Hodgins attended the 25th wedding an- niversary of Rev. and Mrs. W.A. Tupling, formerly of Lucan at Morgan's Point Church, near Port Colborne, Sunday. Mr. Tupling was also celebrating his 28th an- niversary of ordination. While in the area for the weekend, the Hodgins visited friends and relatives in Fonthill, Thorold, Port Colborne and Sunset Bay. Len Maslen and son Terry, Hank Mogk and son Jeff spent last week on a fishing trip at Buckhorn Lake in Northern Ontario. OPP detachment has busy week During the week, officers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated four incidents of break and enter with S1,300 worth of goods stolen along with three thefts. Merchandise stolen amounted to $245. An automobile reported stolen earlier in .Ailsa Craig was recovered in Florida. Also investigated Was one case of'fraud and five per - Sons were charged with liquor offences. Both accidents in- vestigated this week oc- curred on Wednesday. At 9 a.m Constable W.R. Disher set damages at $700 when vehicles dri•:en by Kenneth Butler, 120 Albert street, Lucan and Bette Dewan, Crediton collided at the corner of Main and William streets in Lucan. At 3.05 p.m. the same day vehicles driven by Donald Steinmetz. Kitchener and Bartholomew Pascuzzo, Play T -ball on Tuesdays Tuesday evening, July 24, 28 boys and girls ages 5 to 8 years registered at the Park for T -ball on Beech Street. Two teams of 14 each, played four innings, under the direction of Ross Holden, Butler Street. T -ball will continue each Tuesday evening com- mencing al 7 15.m. for the balance.of the summer. .Further registrations are welcome. Bring your child. as forms have to be signed. any Tuesdaevening. or telephone 227-4833. Registration fee is $1 anal: •.,T;;ALtsA. Mabel F'roats. Dorot- y Dedels, Dorothy Murray and Gwen Grose took a "Roads to Roam" tour Saturday to the Kitchener and Waterloo Markets. the Elora Gorge Next Sunday Rev. Keith and boutiques and to Elmira Brmyn will be back from "nd area, reporting an e vacation and will be rclleni trip e 'i tX t.abno. h Clan - Stratford were in collision on Highway 7 at the Thames River bridge. Constable Disher set- damages at $1.500. Melanson's lead service The service in Lucan United Churcjj on Sunday by Freeda and Ed Melanson," with Ed leading in worship and Freeda bringing- the message. Mrs. D.M. Thompson was again the guest organist and Allen Melanson and Norman Sawlor sang three numbers to tape accompaniment "Happiness. is Following Jesus". "Lift Up The Name of Jesus" and "Will You Carry My Cross." Mrs. Melanson chose as her topic "Prayer" and asked the question "Do you belie*re in Prayer Prayer 'is a permanent habit and all religions are founded on prayer. "The Prayer -life of man lies rooted in his instinctive recognition of his depen- _ dence on some power or being greater than himself." said Mrs. Melanson. and "Prayer is man's means of contact and communion with God." Christ knows what is in man yet forgives all and still loves all. Prayer is a very secret thing so we must "shut the door" lot our mindst'against the intruding worldliness. and rid our- selves of what may be called a mechanical conception of prayer Pi dyer gives us strength and power which can be derived from no other, source. Do not lose precious lime_ by, neglecting to pray Toinorrow. Thursday. at '9 41 the Prayer and Share group Will meet. The group is presently studying several of -the 'Psalms. You are welcome to attend. SEAFORTH 527-0910 • CLINTON 482-3405 HENSALL 262-2418 GETS PROVINCIAL HONOURS — Penny Hodgins of Luton, a member of the Birr 4-H club received Proeintiuf Hc:7?-:rs at. Saturday's Middlesex Achievement Day of Poplar Hill. Mak- ing the presentation was Middlesex North W.I. president Mrs. Duncan Fletcher. T -A photo Times -Advocate August 1, 1979 Potato 3A Basins s Plrsctory C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN 1. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panel lone. STRATHROY Telephone 245 1272 By appointment please Guaranteed Investment Certificates representing several trust companies Norma J. Hooper 15 Gidley St., E. Exeter 235-1111 PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont Auction Sole Service that's most ett,c,enl and courteous CALI THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensoll i 5191 262-5515 Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years experience of complete sale service Prov,nc'oliy Lcensed Conduct soles of any kind. any place . We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sole 0• appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Ett,c,ent ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We gave complete sale service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER Ed Lawson LICENSED AUCTIONEER EXETER ONT. For Complete Auction Service Call Bus. 235-0541 Res. 235.0266 a Realty EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 Appraisals Mortgages Life Insurance Trust Certificates SEEUSFORA- FULL LINE OF Office Supplies Furniture & - Equipment LIVINGSTONE'S Downtown Exeter or In The North End Plaza MT CAR -MEI. Income Tax ('entre Inr,nn( T.It %( rnunling F,1r 1 -',.Scher'. tl IT i'onr' amen Monthls 1trwlkkreping Cert It's Phone 237 3469 Vince Ryan R •1 R li 3 t)achwond Gerald A. Webb D.C. Doctor Of Chi•-••". 438 MAIN ST , EXETER • By Appointment Phone 235-1680 • Let Over 1R.00D,,. Readers Know You're In Business To Serve Them Phone 2354331 H. WARD & PARTNERS Chartered (ou1110f1ts 476 Main St., South Exeter, Ontario 2350120, Resident Partner A.W. Read, C.A. Home Telephone 2388075 • Manager J.S. McNeilly, GA. Home Telephone 2351734 GERALD L. MERNER Chartered"Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr • EXETER 233 0281 NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants 497 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO (319) 235-0101 (519) 227-4455 J. A. NORRIS, C.A. Manger, S. W. HOMUTH, C.A. SUITE 200 190 WORTLEY ROAD LONDON, ONTARIO (519) 673-1421 L. 0. GEE, C.A. RICHARD WELSH Chartered Accountant 120 Alice St. Lucan, Ont. Ph. 227-4224 (F-ABRICING SYSTEMS MASTER CLEAN EXETER (Formerly Huron Carpet Care) 235-1451 We clean ordinary fabrics — BUT WE SPECIALIZE IN PROBLEM FABRICS with outstanding results. UPHOLSTERY — DRAPERY — CARPET RENTAL MACHINES — By Appointment - free delivery 8 pickup within 5 mi. of Exeter DAVID C. HANN, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Mom Street Exeter 235-1535 By Appo,ntmenr Doily Evening G. RANDALL PAUL Administrative Services MAIN ST LUCAN PHONE 227-4462 & 227-4463 .IOVK1'11 1'. 1)A1-11.17'4(; Cin TIrIPO i.t Stk Al. A(r t11 'TANT TT.1 etP-inn-e.,.• TM* nils Tr1WN MA/.1. :112 AIAIly STN YET IF.TFR. (rNTAtl10 NnVI 1e0 CONSOLIDATED SIGN & "•l*t#GHTING-SERV ICES INC. P CREDITON PH 234-6721 Complete Sales, SERVICE & Leasing Nave carry o complete stock of signs lomps and ballasts 'People de - r. read small ads You arel TELEPHONE (5191 235.2211 eor�e r Af ope 147 MAIN STREET, S. EX( ', 7".""). P. aMi O. BOX 1600 N0M 190