HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-08-01, Page 5 (2)•
Ladies attend play
Achievement Day for 4-Hclubs
On July 18 the Granton
W.I. was represented at
•Achievement Day, for the 411
dub "Outdoor Living", by
the following members:
Mesdames H. Hodgins, G.
Dann, N. Riddell, J. Scott,
and 11. Wissel. Two groups
from Granton 411 took part.
"The Lady Bugs", the
F'itness Freaks this was heli
at the hatderton Recreation
On Thursday July 19 a
number of ladies attended
the matinee performance of
the play "I'll be back for you
before midnight" at the
Blyth Summer Festival.
Mrs. Clarence Lewis, Mrs.
Elwood Morden, and Mrs.
Hamilton Hodgins attended -
the North Middlesex W.I.
Rally, held at Alexandra
*Park Strathroy on Wed-
nesday July 25. -
This Institute was very
successful on Granton Fun
I)ay. They were awarded
second prize for their float
"The Internation Year of the
Child," and also did very
well with their booth in the
park, where they sold hot-
dogs, pop, pie and coffee.
A bus trip to Windsor is
still in the planning stage,
more details will be an-
nounced later.
Rev. Elwood Morden
conducted the Sunday
worship and. entitled his
sermon "Taskmasters of.
Talking about the story of
the plight of the Children of
Israel, who were whipped,
and given impossible tasks
by their masters, Rev.
Morden said, "This record of
Ancient history does have
some relation to us today.
We are hard pressed and
driven to distraction at
times, by • our taskmasters,
hurry, fear, frustration and
discontent and more.
Some of them are related
to the conditions under which
WINS CASH DRAW — Lorrie Morrison of Exeter was the
winner of $500 in a recent Granton 'Lions club draw. Presen-
ting the cheque is Lions president Bill Goos. C. Achom of Lon-
don won $200 and Blair Clark of Chatham 5100. T -A photo
120 Sanders St. W. Exeter, Ont.
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we live, and some are of our
own making, said the
minister. Hurry, what a mad
rush life has become,
'deliverance from this task-
master comes from God who
never hastens. Fear, we are
a fear ridden people,most of
us are whipped by fear, fear
torments, the power of love
can exorcise fear, Perfect
love casts out fear, the love
of God.
Frustration, :as never
betpre, we are slaves to time
"-dM system which can play
havoc with our souls, it
depends on our attitude to
life. Christianity teaches
contentment with life.
There will be Vacation
Bible School at this church
from Aug 13-17. pre-
registration on Saturday
Aug. 11.
There will be no service in
the United Church during
August, but members of the
congregation are invited to
share in worship' with St.
Thomas Anglican Church,
while Rev. Morden is on
vacation. Flowers were left
in the church from the
Hardie Thompson wedding
on Friday evening.
Congratulations are ex-
tended to Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Rose on the arrival of their
baby daughter, Melody
Patricia, on Monday July 23
at St. Joseph's Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bakker
have returned home from a
.motor trip to Northern
Ontario, visiting Wawa and
Timmins. They were ac-
companied by Jim's sister
and her husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Rafael Valez of Rot-
terdam, Holland, who are
Anderson hits
50 straight
John Anderson with 50
straight hits led the 19
competitors at Monday's
regular shoot at the Kippen
gun club.
In second place with
scores of 25 each were Lloyd
Venner, Paul Ritchie, Burt
Mahaffey, Brad Mann and
Bob Ironside. Tied with 24
each were Terry Baker,
John Hessels and Jamie
Caldwell. •
Harrison Shoch and Brian
Beer were all even at 23.
Mark Edmunson and Todd
Caldwell hit 22 each and Dan
Crerar and Alan Bell were
tied at 21.
Completing the scores
were Bob Caldwell 19. Grant
McGregor 18 am Roy
Lamport and Bob Baker 17
spending three weeks
holiday in Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Dormer of few Westminster
B.C. have returned _home
after visiting their cousin,
Mrs. C.B. Westman and her
daughter Mrs. Robt Morrow
of London Township, they
also called on Mr. and Mrs.
Earle Middleton on Saturday
Congratulations are ex-
tended to Mt. and Mrs.
David Sans oh the arrival of
their baby son Jeremy on
Monday July 9
Congratulatitns to Linda
Bryan, Leannqand Susanne
Sleeper for their vocal
numbers. The Sleeper twins
were the yoltnngest per-
formers at the Kirkton
Garden Party,
Mrs. Gordtn McRobert
was the hostess for a
Hydroculture Luwasa plant
party on Thursday evening.
The demonsk'ator of this
new concept of indoor plant
cultivation vas Mrs. Robt
McRobert d London.
Congratulations to Bill
Powell who held the lucky
ticket on thedraw sponsored
by the Luca! Ladies soft ball
team early in July.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Elders aid family of
Chatham, tnd Mr. and Mrs.
Terry Findt of London, were
week -end guests of Mrs.
Fred Crotch.
Hugh aid Roger Rivet of
Hamilton nephews of Mr.
and Mrs Elmer Summers,
spent thtday with them last
Mr. Ind Mrs. Kenneth
Hodgins, Lois, Marion,
Helen, 3etty Ann, and John
have rtturned home from an
enjoyable three weeks motor
trip, following the Trans-
Canada route through the
Praire Provinces, the
Rock) Mountains, spending
some time at Banff and
Jasper National Parks, Lake
Loxrke and the Columbia Ice
Fief's, the Bad Lands of
Drtmheller, returning home
by the Yellow Head Route.
tisits were made to the old
homestead of John
Defenbakbr, where he lived
with his family at Bordex
}ask. from 1905-1910 and is
low situated in the
Legislative Grounds in
Regina: They also viewed his
present home in Prince
Albert and had a tour of the
Qu'Appelle Valley, the
Gardiner Dam, the Thunder
Bay Amethyst Mines in
Ontario. Visits were made to
several friends and
relatives, the Gordon Mark
family in Winnipeg, Mrs.
Doris Mills and Lynn at
Watson Sask. and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Kerpax and '
family of Watson.
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BADGERING THE MAYOR — Anne Anglin as Mrs. Moneybonks verbally threatens Mayor
Lumpy played by Peter Elliott during McGillicuddy s Lost Weekend at the Blyth Summer
Festival. -
A policeman's weekend
Simple fun in Blyth play
The third play of the
season at the Blyth Summer
Festival premiered Tuesday
night and drew repeated
curtain calls from ' an en-
thusiastic audience.
McGillicuddy's Lost
Weekend written by Blyth
author Keith Roulston
pokes some simple fun at
life in a small town.
It's based on the antics of
Hamhocks police chief
Ezekiel McGillicuddy as he
is portrayed each month by
Roulston in his magazine,
the Village Squire.
The play covers a com-
plete weekend when
McGillicuddy the police
chief tries in vain to get
away for a well earned
holiday. -
In the chief's role, Layne
Coleman was only 30
minutes away from his
holiday when the play
opened. He .is relaxed in
dreaming about his up-
coming fishing:trip but he
isn't upset when councillor
Hemple catches him reading
a Playboy magazine
The chief is lectured on his
inability to set the pace for
high morality in the town
and is warned by the
councillor that she is going to
challenge long-time Mayor
Lumpy on .a morality
campaign with the chiefs
actions to be revelled
Mcdillicuddy who in the
past had issuing. tickets as
one of his toughest Jobs
decides to give up his
vacation when he finds he
has an honest -to -goodness
kidnapping on his hands
when Mrs. Moneybank's son
Junior disappears. -
Some of the chiefs' litres
were shouted which .sogld
suggest he '.vas not quite sure
of himselL He carte on
stronger in several con-
frontations with Mrs
Anne Anglin's portrayal ,tf
Mrs. Moneybanks was
strong and convincing to
showing het as a familiar
character in most sr,;.,;.
towns With her express" •
Cuties to provide
plenty of laughs
An evening of good fun
should be had by all as the
Exeter Rec League all-stars
tackle thio California Cuties
this coming Tuesday
The Cuties. a team of ten
men who play in some of
finest ladies-' finery
available, will take on the
first all star aggregation
ever from the four year old
rec league.
While the stars roster was
not complete as of press time
Lucan Revival
Centre news
in absence of Rev. Ray
Brewster, Rick Brewster
was in charge of both ser-
vices at the Lucan Revival
Centre. Rev Roger Mason
led in the hymn sing. Miss
Lorna Minogue played the
piano, with James Henry
.playing base guitar.
Larry and Julie McGill
with Doug Butler sang a trio,
with Larry McGill on piano.
singing "Oh. Jesus You are
my Light and Salvation" and
"I See Why the Tide Keeps
Mr. Brewster took the
book of Jude for • his
message. How to live a
"Christian life above the sins
of the world." Discipling
oneself. one must daily
accsida.esponsibilitjy fel
"witdtotme thltyti; itt�YtttS
daily choice to serve God.
Christians must earnestly
contend for the faith.
in the evening service
Rev. Roger Mason led the
song service. Miss Lorna
i ittogue played the p' no in
the absence of Mrs. LaPf ine
Miss Joan Lockyer sang
"Alf I Can Do is Love You."
accompanying herself on the
piano. Again Rick Brewster
took his message from Jude.
God will not tolerate ungodly
sinful living.
As satan has counterfeits
for all spiritual blessings
God gives man, these evil
ways turn people away from
-There is a challange to live a
strong CRristian life so as to
experietice victory in living
for Cod.
a few names t;.:.,• t„
. released
Representing the ('res(, 7 •
Rolls will be sloe Figure.
Darling. and Bill tlu:
drast" Brock Beano:(.,
orange and 'shite of 'Le•
Carpet -Baggers ,sill t.,• '
"Slippery.' Fowe
[3uswhtz" Tindal
respons!bill is
representing McKnight. t,,,s
been thrust upnr•: it,,
"Horner" Hevss o,xl and 1',
"Busy signal" t1cFaL's
of the represent,rtt, es
Hurondale will he
"Green Machine.. Fit su, .
Coaching the team \id;
John Miners and It
The game a hick t
organized hs the rre.cert
Rolls of the men's loop has a
starting time of 8 p r.; ar the
Proceeds 1ronr the torose
will be used 1,,,. ,
'scqulsrhnl' of ,1 no -k
for the community
Tickets which are $2 per
person or SS per family can
he purchased at IISI) Spiv -
Den. The Junction ►self•,,
Autotnntive. member. ot'hr
rec league or at the door
Aside from the antics. the
(unties play an excellent
brand of fasthall 11 will tie a
good test and good fun for the
BY MRS ;', f
Hiss Carol ,e Steyt art.
Guelph. spent a few days
with Mr and Mrs Rob
Templeman and (arrah
Mr. and Mrs Laverne
Wallace and Mr and Mrs
:-"e. Alec Scott are home from a
moth' hllSliday.in, the western
Mr. and Mrs 1 i„
Templeman holidayed for a
few days in Northorn
Mrs. Stint Norris aril
grandson. Robert Norris are
visiting with Mr and Mrs
Tony Brait, St .inhr'-
Mrs.• Dave ('apling.
Mississauga, visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs John
Templeman and Tamils
and actions she becomes
almost likeable despite
obsessions for a spoiled son.
Cindy Lou. the girl next
door who has romantic in-
tentions for the chief is
played well by Man Anne
The other.two players are
Peter Elliott as mayor
Lumpy. and Angie Gei as
councellor Sally Hemple.
The latter's main concern
,s as to clean up the town of
While the plot was simple.
it provided plenty of laughs
and treated the audience to
entertairiigg comedy on
human nalulte;<
�I (;illtcuc1v's Lost.
Weekend resumes tonight
ltednesdas in Blyth and
on August 2. 3. 7. 8.
•I at 2 p ,•. 11. 13. 16 at 2 p.m
and ti :iii p m and 17.
Times -Advocate, August 1, 1979
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