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Times-Advocate, 1979-07-25, Page 22 (2)
Pose 10A, Jul 25, 1979 GRADUATE - Julie Webb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webb. Dashwood graduated recently from the Marvel School of Hair- dressing" London She is presently employed or Keith s Harem, 6rand Bend Smile Studio photo Shipka folk enjoy picnic By MRS. HUGH MORENZ The annual Shipka- com- munity picnic was held Wednesday evening at the Community centre here. with approximately 40 at- tending. Sports and games were held for children Special prizes awarded were eldest couple attending. Lorne and Mary Dietrrich. youngest attending Chris Kaeburn. son of Mr and Mrs Rick Raehurn. closest birthday. Jenny Russell, guessing no. of jelly beans in jar. Mary Moser. Barbecued hot dogs. pie and ice cream were enjoyed for supper Officers for 1980 are as follows: President - Harvey Ratz: Secretary - Velma Rdssell and Treasurer - Ruby Mellen Persona Is Weekend visitors" with Edwin Snyder were Wayne Alderson and Tim Reinhart_ Mrs Maria Voet. • of Antwerp. Belgium is visiting in this area at her daughter's Mr and .Mrs- Walter Coeck and family for five weeks holidays Mrs Barbara Ten E. ck and her sister Mrs. Christine Brandt. of Kitchener and Mr and Mrs Ronald Ten Eyck and• Steven. of Guelph. visited Sunday evening at their brothers and aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs -Henry Becker The visitors had pre.iousi. attended the Becker reunion. Sunday. and also .:sited their brother Edmund Becker. a patient in South Huron hospital. 'Ron and .Judi Watts. Dean and Lee. Cliff and Vel Russell and Kathy were guests at Helen Ratz cottage at Boat Lake near Wiarton Jack Pickering is a patient in St,.. Joseph's hospital. London ' Mr and Mrs Andre Janisse. Renee and :Angela. of Tecumseh. visited on the weekend. at her sister's Mr and Mrs Tom Russel{. Jacquie and Jenny Mrs Erie Comfort. Welland. Mrs Helen Prisciak and James of Smi'hyille. visited here last eek with Mrs Comforts' three daughters and families. Doris Sweitzer. Marilyn Pickering and Eva Sweit•zer They returned home Sunday with Mr and Mrs Carson Brady and Mike Prisciak Laura and Oscar Miller and Annie and Hugh Morenz. visited Thursday in Komoka with friends. Mildred and Tom Doan Weekend visitors with the Morenz's were M Lavery and friend of London. and Bill and Michelle Morenz. Goderich Visitors during the ri+ - ";;, and Mrs `' 41(6 -- von - AtTafi9"�� iia- were her'. sisters. Mr and Mrs" .James Kenned'v. Southampton. and Mr and Mrs James Murray and 'Elizabeth. of Harrow About 20 relatives and friends •gathered Saturday night at the Adam's how to wish Don and Liz a "Happy 25th wedding anniversary." Kirkton Man marks event Back Attached Chicken Legs or Breasts Top Valu Skinless Wieners 1 Ib. pkg. Burns Pride of Canada Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls ,0.1.48 Top Valu 6 oz pkg Sliced Cooked Ham Imperial 2 x 8 oz tub Twin Pack Soft Margarine 1.08 :88 Carnation 5 Ib pi4q Frozeh 1 ib bonus ra-m Hash Brown Potatoes .69 Downey 3 L con! Liquid Fabric Softener 2.88 •r,r*•• ' 1 • .or rano e4,0,• pos.b,.a & Ha,v••.^. e..is o• Cnp,c. C,.a"+ Sty'. Co•n Plias & Ca„ots o, Plies 3/51 Top Valu Lemonade Drink Crystals 20 o;. can Reg Pace* 1.49 .75 Buy one get one FREE miner n Days CANADA PACKERS 'el% 4 Varieties 16 oz. pkg. all .38 ;a29 Sliced Bologna or" ',s or 1/2 Bone In Fully 1E3 Cooked Hams lb. 2.08 'e` 1 Ib. pkg. Golden Fry 1■ 78 ilia Sausage „A Sliced Mac & Cheese 12 oz. pkg. ■ E9or Chicken Loaf 38 - All Beef or /�� Skinless 8 Wieners 38 1 Ib. pkg. • Hint of Maple or Regular ' Side 8 Bacons' 1 Ib. pkg. ■ �� SUPPLIED AND SERVICED BY Top Valu Store Packed Breakfast Sausage Top Valu By The Piece Bologna 178 Canada 128 fl oz jug White • Vinegar • Mixed Rib End ' or Tenderloin En t1 "Y. `3 (7-9 Chops) ' Loin Pork Chops By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS OkkAt St. enc 1 L cont. ,e A..M,Ss *ur or Ron�t aliwae irrrZ; , - . Sunday afternoon July 15th at the home of Jim and Rose Billy Bee 16 oz. tub Siddall. Kirkton Creamed Those able to attend were Honey her parents Arthur and Rose Fletcher. London. sister Edith and Robert McCor- mick. llderton and hmthers Walter and Judy and John and Elma and families, Lon- don. • 1.25 Allen s 4 x 3.25 oz. pkgs. Orange Flavoured Drink Crystals .77 'Centre Cul Loin Pork Chops 168 lb II. Canada No. 1 Kraft Mayonnaise 500 ml jar David Assorted Ice Wafers 200-350 g pkg. Head Lettuce 3 3• 89 U.S. No 1 Laroda Plums U.S. No. 1 Salmon Flesh Ib .69 Cantaloupes ea. .89 U.S. No. 1 Fresh Peaches Product of South Africa Granny Smith Ib .49 Apples Ib. . 89 Kool Aid Unsweetened Regular Fruit Aylmer -4.106NiieS Club House 3 x 3.3 oz. jar Sim. Bacon Chips or Salad Toppin s 10 11. oz. tin Gerbers 41 11. oz par Strained Baby Food 1.19 9 .99 4/$1 Purina 340 pkg. Tender Vittles A'ildbrted - --4,1�:•+m54#,. Cat Food Weston 24 oz. loaf Crusty Vienna Bread . 59 Kraft Mac & Cheese Dinner 225 g box Golden Yellow Dole Bananas Ib. 28■ Kingsford 20 Ib. bag Charcoal Briquets 3.99 Holiday 12 oz. tin Luncheon Meat Chase 8 Sanborn 1 Ib pkg Ground Coffee 2.99 Twice as Fresh 25 g pkg Assorted Air Freshener 1.15 Glad pkg of 50 Sandwich Bags .59 Shell pkg of 1 Vapona No -Pest Strips Clover Leaf 7 oz tin Solid White Tuna 2.29 1.55 Libby s 28 H. oz. tin Fancy 9 9 Fruit Cocktail .99 yy Van Camp 19 fl. oz tin W/Pork in Tomato Sauce Beans .59 Mellow Roast 8 oz. lar Instant Coffee 3.99 Flowerdale pkg. oI 50 Tea Bags 1.25 Laura Secord 9 II. oz. par Pure Strawberry 1.19 or Jamspberry .83 Oxydol or Cheer red Detergent 6Lbox 28.8 High Liner 2 Ib. pkg. r n I ij t Ie ortlo s444. . - Farmhouse 12 oz. pkg. • Frozen Banana, Chocolate, Coconut or Lemon Cream Pies .88 :.i.. ,epi•. rs Bick's Cu_ -BIts, Hot Dog, 9ali.r a 't um Relish 12 fl. oz.jar 2 for • PRICES EFFECTIVE .UNTL CLOSIN©.,SATUi PAY, . ,.. •41 411 JULY 28, 19'79. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO AVERAGE FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. BETTY AND ART'S DARLING'S GRAND BEND EXETER AND LUCAN