HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-07-18, Page 7 (2)REFRIGERATION • • • MR. AND MRS. JAMES DAWE Lynn Van Wyck and James Henry Dowe were united in marriage on July 7 at the Hensall United Church by'Rev. Stan McDonald. the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas -'Von Wyck, Blenheim and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dawe, RR 2, Zurich are parents of the groom. The maid of honour was Shelley Admason and the bridesmaid was Tracey Van Wyck and Shelley Pfaff was junior bridesmaid. The best man was Jeff -Dawe and guests were ushered by Norman Dawe and Doug Dawe. After o honeymoon to the southern United States the couple has token up residence on Edward street in Ex- eter. Photo by Frank Phillips PEOPLE AND EVENTS Mrs. Mary Thomson Andrew Street took her brothers,' sisters, brothers- inlaw, sisters-in-law to supper at the Burkley Restaurant on Tuesday evening. Those attending were Mr. r j r0 ENJtV ssioti paws 11 EFU LYI and Mrs. Arvin Hanna of Vancouver B.C.• lir. and Mrs. Stuart Shier and Mrs. s1vrtic' Hanna of Kirkton. :liter supper they all returned to the home of Mrs. Thomson for a visit. Mrs. 1Villiam Andruski ,nee, Margaret Allison. of Thunder Bay is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Allison, Mrs. Allison and Mrs. Andruski attended church at Thames Road on Sunday-. Jack Smith Jewellers We are going out of business Your patronage over the past 2.8 years has been very murh appreciated. • V•Jr• ho +e a civartity of reporr•items in our, shop. Kindly arrange to pick these up before August 1 Ith Other .. they r lI be sold Watch for our sale ad. Thank You Jack Smith 213 Pryde Blvd. Phone 235-1926 �I Annual Interest for OneYear VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST ,SfnC e i844 Contact our office 425 Main Street Exeter 235-0530 Member Ca -Ida Orr -5 r rnsu.anA. on (Garanteed Investment Certificates NOW i perces VG • SAVE YOUR OLD WINTARIO TICKETS -. FOR SAVINGS ON CANADIAN RECORDS AND FILMS. Ausable Nomads at Campvention By LOIS ARMSTRONG Local camping enthusiasts were well represented at the week long Campvention sponsored by the National Campers and Hikers Association. The Ausable River Nomads had 22 families in attendance at the Guelph Conservation Area. Over 5,000 camping units from eight provinces ,and 42 States were present, This figure was 1,700 less than had pre -registered but presumably the gas shortage in thecoastalstateskept some campers home. -The campground was set up in different areas in- cluding an area for han- dicapped and retirees. The Silent Campers were a • special 'club. They came from Tennessee and are a camping group of deaf people. - Another unique chapter was from the Atlantic Provinces. This is the Allan is Coast Teen Chapter and these young people are blind.. They are from the Sir Frederick Fraser school in Halifax N.S. which is a resident school for blind young people from the Atlantic provinces. There were 12 students and four advisers and they camped in tents for the week-long Campvention. The Chapter "Dunwerken Retirees" travelled from California to Guelph by motorcycle. An 84 -year old lady dro •e her own unit up fro:► Clearwater, Florida and th oldest camper was a 9 ea old gentlemen from n- s_ylvania. A large Commercial Are route down through the centre of the Campground and the road was lit by lanterns looked after by the ColemanCompany. tiaturally it was calledColeman Lane. In this area was a Super- market, Canadian Tire Campers Supplies. Drug store, Bank and all kinds of eating places. Also on the grounds was a Post office. fire department. 24 hour doctor and small -hospital. An in -camp bus service ran every 10 minutes from 10 a.m. until -midnight. Past President Alex Meikle of the Nomads was co-chairman of this bus service. The city of Guelph ran free bus service every hour from the campground to the down town shopping areas and over 12 buses left every morning for day long tours going to Hamilton. Toronto. Niagara Falls and Men- nonite Country and the City -of Guelph. Toronto had the most tours with six buses going there each day- Overnight a small city arose on a piece of land Allen family at reunion The sixth annual reunion of the family'of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tomas C. Allen was held at Riverview Park, in Exeter, July 8. • At 2 p.m. the family gathered for an afternoon of visiting and several games which were led by Lynda and Ken Johns. R.R. 2. Staffa. Races were enjoyed by the younger members ofthe family. A picnic supper was served at 5 n0 p.m followed by a short business meeting called by President Wayne Jackson. Riog'etown, Secretary, Ruth Sawyer. Mitchell. read the minutes 11 was decided the the next, reunion will he held in •r` he seeofrd.Stm4ay:' of July 1981 at 2p.m. The president will -he Bruce Sawyer, Mitthell Vice-president, Bill .Allen, London: Secretary. Glopia Jackson. Ridgetown: Table committee. Keith and Nancy Allen. Londeshoro: Games will be in charge of Joanne Sawyer, Mitchell; Colleen Scruton, Clinton anc1 Sandra - Jackson. Ridgetown • Sooner or later a ousy person learns to write things down. It's the best way to capture things we are apt to forget May 1 to September 30,1979 save up to $2.00 on Canadian records and tapes costing at least • $395 and at least 50% on admissions to Canadian movies. Look for the HALF BACK symbol at partici- pating record stores and theatres. ®Hon Reuben C Bast:. - Ministry of Culture and Recreetan • bordered on jhree sides by water. $36.000 was spent in out -houses alone. Each day held a full program for adults. teens and pre -teens. - The Ontario teens Volleyball team- played 10 straight games losing only one and beat out the Wisconsin teens to become the winners. Joan Cooper of the Nomads was on the Championship team. • Norma Coleman, Kippen,- winner of the ladies Ontario Championship in horseshoes, pitched the winning -hor- seshoe on the first game against :Michigan only to lose it on a tight score on the second game. Members of the local club took their _turns working. an hospitality. registration, bus driving, selling badges and security. The .Campvention was hosted by all the Ontario club and 'the Nomads Club was host to Kentucky, ser- ving hot dogs and .coffee Wednesday • night as hospitality. Each night four or five states would host hospitality each having their own area. Pennsylvania served apple pie and ice cream. They had 800 fresh pies and 250 gallons of ice cream. It lasted about two hours. A program was held each night at the- Amphitheatre where an 80 -foot stage was built at the bottom of a hillside, This area held 15,000 people Entertainment in- cluded Teen Queen Pagent, Air Show. the Fort Henry Guards, William Bros. -Billy Meek. Paul Bros and Shirley. John Wurm and his fiddle, Roger Quick and 1heRainbows. The •Iters and many. many more it was expected that over one million dollars would be spent in the Guelph area by the Campers in one week. sifter the Campvention five members of the Nomads travelled on 10 Kitchener for the week endd-to attend the Country and Western Music • Jamboree held by the Pioneer sportsmens stub. The Pioneer Sportsmen received their NC HA charter at this Carnpout. MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL CRONYN Cathy Jane Fuli,-r and Michael Earl Cronyn exchanged marriage vows July 7 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Father Sossil officiated. The bride ,s the daughter of Dolores flossy) and Jock Fuller, Exeter and Mary and Larry Cronyn are parents of tile groom - The bridal attendants were Kathy Wolkom, Connie 5-aroros. Gail Fuller and Launa Fuller. Mark Cronyn was the be,.r mon and guests were'ushered by Bill Hodge. Perry Kn•e and Jeff Fuller. After o wedding trip to Pennsylvania the couple has"takenup residence at 104 Welbngton Crescent. Huron, Park. ,Pix by Peake ONION QUICHE Ontario Onion Quiche is a very tasty combination of onions. bacon, eggs, cream and cheese. As a. pie. it makes a superb meal served with crusty bread and a salad. It's a perfect party food when made in small tarts. say food specialists at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ontario Onion'Quiche Pastry for 9 -inch single crust pie 3 medium Ontario yellow cooking onions. coarsely chopped 3 slices bacon. diced 3 eggs. lightly beaten lea rtont10oz. i cream a 10'; 1. tablespoon butter. melted I./ teaspoon salt 'i teaspoon pepper 's teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup grated Ontario Swiss cheese Pry bacon until just crisp Discard all but 2 tablespoons baron -fat: - rook onion -in - bacon fat until transparent. Blend together eggs. cream. butter and seasonings Stir in cheese and onions. Sprinkle bacon in pie shell Pour onion -egg mixture over bacon in shell. Bake at 230"C 4 450Ft for 10 "minutes: r'duce heat to 160C (325"F1 and continue baking for 30 minutes. ,A knife inserted. halfway between edge and center comes out clean 1 Makes one 9 -inch pie or 2' 2 dozen small tarts. Times -Advocate, July 18, 1979 Pogo 7 Cherries Pick your own Sweet and Sour - Cherries at Armitage Orchards Ridge Road Bosanquet Twp. R.R. 1, FOREST Pitting Machine on the farm for your convenience - Closed Sunday Phone 873-5970 4-H DELEGATES Nine Ontario 4-1-4 members were selected to participate in the 4-1-1 Inter- prG.,nc,al Exchar July 10-23. From left ore - Eleanor Holt. RR 2 Stayner visiting Novo Scotia. Anita Hart•., rd. RR 2 Roseneath, visiting Newfoundland: Paul Povkete, RR 2 Centralia: Baan Little. Royal Bork representative; and Melody Hume- R6 Ottawa. visiting Prince Edward Island The program .s sponsored by the Royal Bank. Smiley reunion The -loth annual reunion of the Smillie -Fader _ clan was held at Seat orth Lions.Park. July 7. with an excellent attendance. under sunny skies. President Larry Elder welcomed all and carried out his duties in fine style. Secretary -Treasurer. .Ken Elder of ottawa brought everyone up to date on in- teresting ;terns of the previous year. and the new slate of officers was elected They are honorary president Dr .Lennie Smillie Robertson. Toronto. Past ptesidety Larry Elder. Henson: President \irs. Mary Scale. Ailsa Craig, Vice-presidents Mrs Mildred Shepherd. Toronto and Mrs Dianne Kirton. Varna: Secretary -treasurer Ken Elder Ottawa; Social Convener Mrs. Norma Gemmell: Billet convener Mrs. Dorothy Elder: Historian Mrs. Grace Peck, Huronview. The reunion will be held again in a year's time at the same very attractive hx•a l inn The wading -pool .proved very popular. Swimming and various sports for the children were carried out by Cheryl and Scott Litt. Chatham. while others visited , and reminisced P iits.yw,t<awtifdc4.1 '-9) winners. some of whom were Andrew Hoye. Niagara Falls. Jennifer. Steers. .teff Gemmell, Sandra Peck, Eric Elder. Ottawa. Hannah Geiger. Michelle Howe. Scott Kirton. Nancy Scare The judging of the coloring contest of a sketch of the business section of Seaforth's Main Street. done previous to the reunion. sy,,. held, divided into junior. intermediate and senior groups Thejudgesap- pAinted were Mrs. Jean Statham of Kingsville. Dr Ivan Smillie. Kamloops. and Mrs. Donna Draper. London Winners were Ajana McBride, Burlington. Jeff Gemmell and Grace _Peck The youngest member of the clan present .w•as little .Jennifer Steers. London An auction was held of crafts and treasures donated by members • off? the Clan, with .lames Statham. St ('lair Shores. Michigan, as auctioneer. The auction was so successful that Sainte of the ('lan literally stole such items as eerainics, oil paintittc, mind a rather snappy wig letter of greetings was signed • by all present and sent to honorary president. Dr Jennies .;nullie Robertson who is 1(12 years of age and resides at Bayview Villa. Toronto :Imong these coming the farthest distances were Helen and Fred Howe of Tucson. Arizona, and Dr. iyan Smithy of Kamloops, B C a medical doctor who practised in Hensall for ten years many years ago. He brought greetingfi and good wishes for the future and re•rnrnded,all of the annual Smillie reunion on the Pacific ('oast. which takes place al the home of Dr. Roy S►nillie in Victoria B (' . August 28. 1979 :1 hountious smorgasbord .supper served in the pavillion was thoroughly enjoyed Photographers for the occasion were Lorne Elder and Jeff Peck. DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL CENTRAL AIR SYSTEMS HEAT PUMPS MAX'S TV & APPLIANCES GRAND BEND 238-2493 Joanne's House of Hairstyling 365 William St. For Appointment Please Phone, 235-0288 Operated by loonne.1uxfon I r • Owners ofsmal/er busz'nesses... Veprovlde: * FllkMei diw j-hllll-e * A magemenlcounfe/It11 (CASE) * A 1clllclement trlllllllq * Information ollgot or invent p?vgrlllrf f l-Iniskess • Cmntlaeipjou See our Representative RANDY BROWN OR BiLL SCHUTZ at: The Devon Building, 476 Main Street, Exeter EVERY TUESDAY (Next Visit: J uIy 24, 1979) on: FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK For prior information call 271-5650 (collect) or write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. BLUE BONNET VARIETY STORE Zurich 236-4012 STOREWIDE C1eaance CONTINUES CLEARANCE! SLACKS&TOPS 40% off TEENS! SUMMER TOPS SATIN SHORTS 1/2 PRICE SHOP TO -DAY FOR BEST CHOICE EVERYTHING MUST GO 1 ladies BRUSHED NYLON SLEEPWEAR SHORT AND LONG GOWNS 40%OFF • Mens and Boy WINTER COATS & WIND BREAM '/s PRICE Men s SHIRTS, SLACKS, PYJAMAS COMBINATIONS 1/2 PRICE Children's SUMMER WEAR SHORTS, TOPS SLACKS JEANS 40% OFF YARN '15'1 OFF each bellJ rSAYELLE sr