HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-06-01, Page 18Page 6A Times -Advocate, June 1, 1988 Fred Lewis is OPA president STRATFORD - The Ontario Plowmen's Association has named Fred Lewis OPA President for 1988. Albert Carson, who served as President in 1987..stepped down in February to allow Mr. Lcwis to as- sume the senior position in the or- ganization. First on Mr. Lewis's list of responsibilities is the Inter- national Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Show, which will take place September 20-24 near Strat- ford, Perth County. Fred Lewis, a cash crop, beef and broiler chicken producer from Mid- dlesex County has been an OPA member since 1978. Mr. Lewis served as Vice -President of the OPA last year. "I owe a lot to Albert Carson tune! last year's committee," says Lewis. f'We all learned a great deal from their advance planning and hard work." Lewis himself was deeply involved in last year's Match, when he served as vice-president of the OPA. "Things look great for this ycar," Lewis adds. "We've had plenty of time to prepare for what promises to be an exciting and successful Plowing Match. We're looking for- ward to the match .in Perth Coun- ty." STRATFORD - "To Perth; per- chance to Plow...." This, and many other Shakespear- ean sounding phrases, will abound when the 75th annual International Plowing Match and Farm Machin- ery Show is held lust southwest of New interest in commodities CENTRALIA - Agriculturalists in southwester Ontario are gaining interest in a new type of rural or- ganization, the commodity market- ing club. Alison Lobb, commodity futures lecturer (Centralia College), joined the recently formed Huron County club. According to Lobb, "the objective of a commodity marketing club is the education of club metnbers in the fundamental principles and tech- niques of marketing. their agricultu- ral products. In addition, members gain hands-on experience with the Chicago futures markets by invest- ing collectively in options con- tracts. Expenses arc kept to a mini- mum". Beginning with 15 interested per- sons, the Millionaires Marketing Club allows for 20 paid-up mcm- bcrs and these spots were promptly filled. Visitors to the educational meetings are welcome. Meetings are held thc first Mon- day of every month, April to No- vember and twice a month, Decem- ber to March. Executive members are president, Walter Vermont, Zu- rich; vice-president, Stephen Miller, Zurich; and secretary -treasurer, Carl Bolton, Dublin. In the few meetings held since January 1988, several of southwest- ern Ontario's best known commodi- ty professionals have addressed the club. Frank Backx, a Marketing Man- ager from Cooks in Hensall, shared his experiences in the formation of similar clubs in Lambton County. Marty 1{uzcvka, a Commodity Broker with Richardson Green- -shields, and Fred Evans, a broker from McLeod, Young, 1Vcir of London, discussed the various fu- tures alternatives. Also, Wayne MacLean of Ag-Alcrt, London cov- ered marketing alternatives and bas- ic charting services and club mem- ber Alison Lobb described the "paper trading" game played by her commodity futures students at CCAT. Education is the key to successful . marketing and following thc Chica- go futures markets is an excellent way to learn about cash market trends, whether or not one is inter- ested in actual trading. Only three of thc club mcmbcrs had previously traded in the futures markets. In March, club members hired a broker (Fred Evans) and de- cided to invest in a December corn call option. Options are less risky than futures. Now the -watching be- gins! All mcmbcrs arc keenly fol- lowing their contract progress. If you wish to know more about the Millionaires Marketing Club or want to organize a club in your arca contact Alison Lobb at CCAT (228-6691) or Brian Hall at the Clinton OMAF office (482-3428). Don't forget, visitors are welcome at the monthly meetings! So mark your calendar June 6 at the Clinton OMAF office Board- room, 8:00 p.m. is the next meet- ing. CHAPARAL FENCING R.R. 1, Lucan Ontario NOM 2J0 ALL TYPES FREE ESTIMATES industrial Francois Chain Link & Patio Farm F.nc.s Phone Bob Hardy 227-4160 f Stratford, September 20-24. This year's 1.P.M. has adopted a Shakespearean theme because of the match's proximity,to thc world rc- knnwncd Stratford Festival Theatre. Every year, thousands of people travel to Stratford to sec the various performances presented on. the Fes- tival stage.. I.P.M. organizers arc hoping to capitalize on the Festi- val's popularity with their Shakes- pearean theme; and want to encour- age those Coming to sec the Festival, to visit the various attrac- tions the match has to offer. • Members of the local I.P.M. Publicity Committee arc working along with Festival organizers and Stratford and arca Visitors and Con- vention Bureau ,members to co- ordinate various promotional mate- rials and events. And, in keeping with the thane, the official I.P.M. poster depicts William Shakespeare plowing a field with a single push plow. Will the Shakespearean theme at- tract large crowds to the match! To quote Williaun Shakespeare's "The Tempest", local organizers hope everyone will "... Come hither from the furrow and be merry; make holiday!" - at the International Plowing Match and Farm Machin- ery Show, September, 20-24, in Perth County. STRONG ON VALUE No matter If you choose the / or 9 hoot rnoili • . you'll agree the New Idea mower e or id tioher Is a . superior valuer • . •: ,e it iu h,r(r (41'.Ir . e tl k•i• tur • f �e'.i (',•1l (�/•t\'.e`� ..;tt •'r J' .1 ,7 rll'.'] • T. ;, • tt $10,501) NEW IDEA J C.G. Farm Supply Ltd. 22 Main St., Zurich 236-4934 WHITE BEAN GROWERS Have you tried Hensall Co-op's 4:4 ^Ngcid or FIuid -Blend Fertilizer? AC D Did you know you can get your Total N,P,K and Chemicals custom applied at one time? Total Blend of Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potash and Chemical being uniformly applied 5 LIQUID TERRAGATORS CAN GET THE JOB DONE FOR YOU FAST!!! 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