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Serving South Huron, North Middlesex
One Hundred and Seventeenth Year
& North Lambton Since 1873
EXETER, ONTARIO, June 1, 1988
Price Per Cap/ 60 Cents
FIRE -FIGHTING TOTS -- Michael Vanbruaene (back), Christopher O'Brien (centre) and Mark Ritchie got a first
hand look at the insides of a fire engine when their Grand Bend Nursery class -took a tour of the volunteer fire de-
partment Wednesday.
Plan to extend watermains
from Drysdale to Bayfield
VARNA - The proposal to extend
the Highway No. 21 trunk water -
main from Drysdale, through Stan-
ley Township, to the south limits
of Bayfield is well underway. Pres-
ently the projcct is undergoing an
Environmental Assessment follow-
ing the Class Environmental As-
sessment procedure for Municipal
Sewer and Water Projects.
Under this process, as the design
of the o‘crall projcct is developed
an evaluation of the environmental
significance of the proposed work is
carried out. This procedure is de-
signed to involve the general public
and their input is solicited during
the planning process. Thc cnd result
of the procedure is a project which
responds to an identified problem
with an approved solution that is
both technically and environmental-
ly well defined.
This project was initiated by the.
GB fireworks will go
GRAND BEND - The threat of
no Canada Day Fireworks display
- on the Beach, because of lack of
Chamber of Commerce funds,
brought forth a special committee
headed by Nick Cartcr and Gene
Grcnier, both arca businessmen.
After taking over as President of
the Grand Bend and Arca Chamber
of Commerce, May 13, Dave Shep-
pard has announced a turn over of
an early spring decision to cancel
the July 1 showcase because the
Chamber just did not have the thou-
sands of dollars required.
At their last general meeting,
May 25, Carter and Grenier asked
the Chamber to endorse their efforts
as a separate committee to raise the
funds through a variety of means, a
collection before or after the fire-
works, being one of those means.
The two men received a hearty
round of applause after the motion
was unanimous. The annual Show-
case of spectacular fireworks attracts
over 10,000 people to the beach at
dusk, July 1.
Two collisions occur
on same day in Exeter
EXETER - Euler police wcrc
called twice to collisions on May
2, and both involved vehicles
northbound on Main St.
In the first, vehicles operated by
Allen R. Shearing, RR5 Clinton
and Donna D. Daley, 369 Main
St., Exeter, collided on Main St.
The Daley vehicle, which had.
slowed down, was being passed on
the right by the Shearing vchicic
when the former turned into the
The police must have had a sense
of deja vu when called to the second
accident the same day, on the same
street, involving two northbound
vehicles, one also driven by person
from a Clinton rural route. This
one involved Donald Wise, RR3
Clinton and Carlos R. Brand, 68
Huron St. East, Exeter. The Wise
vehicle had slowed down to turn
into the Donut Now Shop when the
Brand vchicic slid into its rear.
That was the end of the traffic ac-
cidents for the week.
Township of Stanley in response to
generally poor water quality in the
lakcshore areas of the Township.
To date there have been two well at-
tended Public Information sessions
that generated a great deal of input
and showed support for the project.
An Interim Environmental Study
Report was completed in February
which outlined the work to date.
Thc Township mailed question-
naires to all affected ratepayers dur-
ing this past winter to obtain their
opinions regarding the extension of
distribution lines to the various
subdivision areas along the lake -
shore. Over 360 replies were re-
ceived to the mailout. As a result of
this mailout a decision was made to
include some distribution systems
in the cottage areas as part of the
main trunk project.
The information is being used by
the Consulting Engineers,' B.M.
Ross and Associates of Goderich, to
design a distribution system
through the arcas that indicated they
wcrc in favour of being serviced ini-
tially. Eventually, as finances per-
mit, the Township believes .that
everyone in the service arca will be
Connected to the water system.
The next step in the project is to
finalize the design of the system.
and prepare cost estimates and rate
bylaws. The Ontario Ministry of
the Environment is contributing
74.94 percent of the estimated
S2.55 million dollar cost of the
Highway No. 21 trunk watermain.
The complete cost of bringing the
distribution lines into the lake sub-
divisions will be borne by the rest-.
dents being serviced. When the de-
sign and costs arc finalized another
public meeting will be held to give
the residents an opportunity to ex-
amine the proposal. An Environ-
mental Study Report will be pre-
pared for the project and a formal
thirty day public Review will then
be advertised.
Local man released on conditions
after charge of public mischief
GODERICH - A Justice of the
Peace in Goderich Monday after-
noon released Gordon McDonald of
Exeter on charges of public mis-
chief and unsafe storage of firearms
with a number of conditions.
McDonald surrended at 4 a.m.
Saturday morning after police had
surrounded his residence at 106
William street for seven hours.
Exeter Police Chief Larry Hardy
said the siege began at about 9
_p.m., Friday after receiving a tele-
phone call from a man who said lie
was depressed and threatened to kid
Hardy said the lights were turned
off _when police approached the
house. The arca was cordoned off
by local officers and the OPP
TRUE tactical team from London
was called in.
After several attempts to make
contact with someone in the house
by telephone throughout the night,
a man finally answered at 4 a.m.
and gave himself up to Hardy. Po-
lice found four guns and 75 rounds
of ammunition in the house.
Assisting chief Hardy from the
town police force were officers Will
Chisholm and Liam Brennan and'
auxiliary officers Steve Dalrymple
and Kevin McIntosh.
The Goderich JP ordered McDo-
nald not to communicate with his
wife, not own or possess firearms
and ammunition and not consume
alcohol or non-prescription drugs.
In addition, the Exeter man was
told to keep -the peace and be of
good behaviour, immediately attend
his family physician and abide by
any recommendations made by him.
Highlight on accessibility for handicapped
EXETER - This is National Ac-
cess Awarenesss Week and the
town of Exeter will join in on a
special day on Friday, June 3 at the
Exeter Legion Hall.
Ontario's Proclamation of the
Decade of Disabled Persons, signed
in 1986, has emphasized the im-
portance of integration of disabled
persons into community living.
Integration covers a variety of
circumstances and situations, but
all are interconnected to physical
accessibility. Many communities
are now realizing how important
physical access can be to all com-
munity members.
Fridays activities at the Legion
Hall are organized by representa-
tives who work with disabled per-
sons and designed to heighten the
awareness of physical accessibility.
The events are also planned for en-
joyment as well as learning about
the difficulties of accessibility.
About a dozen local municipal of-
ficials and representatives of other
organizations will be undertaking a
pre -determined task that will high-
light physical access to local estab-
Members of the Exeter Lioness
Club will be acting as escorts for
the dignitaries who will be finding
out first hand about the daily prob-
lems encountered by those who are
physically handicapped. Some will
be making trips to local stores, fi-
nancial institutions and public
buildings in wheel chairs.
Those who have agreed to partici-
pate are Exeter Mayor Burce Shaw,
Deputy -reeve Lossy Fuller, fire
chief Gary Middleton, reeves Jim
Robinson of Hensall and Tom
Tomes of' Stephen township, Dolly
Creces of the Exeter BIA, South
Huron Hospital physiotherapist Ian
McCrae, Ross Mathers of the town
Works department and T -A editor
Ross Haugh.
Geri Babcock, community servic-
es manager for the Ontario March of
Dimes is in charge of Friday's
events with assistance from many
other goups. Jeanne Gladding of the
Town and Country Homemakers is
the local co-ordinator.
Mrs. Gladding reports the Legion
Hall will be filled with numerous
displays and information booths:
These groups willinclude the Cana-
dian Cancer Society, March of
Dimes, Veteran Affairs, Easter
Seals, Town and Country Home-
makers, CNIB, Canadian Hearing
Society, Huron Day Centre at Hu-
ronview and the Canadian Parapleg-
ic Association.
Mrs. Gladding continued, "We are
very pleased with the excellent re-
sponse to invitations to participate.
The public is invited to attend in a
come -and -go situation anytime be-
tween 10 a.m. and 2 p.m."
Town building official resigns
EXETER - Brian Johnston who
has held the position of chief
building official for the town of
Exeter for the past eight years has
resigned , effective June 10 of this
Johnston has acccptcd a position
as arca inspector for the Liquor Li-
cence Board of Ontario. His territo-
ry will include the counties of Hu-
ron and Perth and small portions of
the counties of Oxford and Well-
ington. '
His new duties will include in-
spection of establishments apply-
ing for liquor licences along with
premises already licenced to assure
they follow Ministry policies.
Johnston told -the T -A Monday
night,„ I will certainly miss work-
ing with council and the residents
of Exeter. I will assist council in
an advisory capacity to assure a
smooth transition with a new
building official.”
He continued,.. I am looking for-
ward to this new challenge and the
new horizons it brings. I will be
guiding licences and the general
public m proper application of the
Area resident killed
in weekend accident
Terry John Knowles, 18, of
299 George St. llderton, died in
a traffic accident on Saturday
night. The vehicle he was driv-
ing collided with another car on
Middlesex County Road 16 at
Adelaide North.
Knowles was a valued mem-
ber of the Lucan Irish juniors
when they won the OHA Junior
'D' championship in the 1986-
87 season.
The other driver, George
Smith, 67, London, received
minor injuries.
Walter Love, 52, Zurich, was
seriously injured Saturday -night -
when a car southbound on High-
way 81 about one and one-half
kilometres north of Parkhill
veered into the northbound lane
and collided with his pickup
truck. Love, who was alone in
his vehicle, was taken to St. Jo-
seph's Hospital in London.
The two women in the other
car, Karen Leslie Day, 23 and
neighbour Rebecca Barreu, both
of Lynhurst Drive, St. Thomas,
were killed in the accident.
They were on their way home
from Bayfield when the acc' '
building regulations of the board."
Johnston will remain living in
Exeter and will establish an office
for his new employers, the LLBO
in his residence on Waterloo street
after completing training courses
in Toronto.
Council officially accepted John-
ston's resignation with regret Mon-
day afternoon and named Mike
Clark as a temporary replacement.
Clark who worked in the build-
ing official's department last sum-
mer will continue until the perma-
nent position is filled.
Donna Glanville of the town of-
fice staff was named permanent
secretary of the committee of ad-
justment and planning advisory
FUN WITH WATER - This week's summer-like weather was ideal for area
youngsters to get out and play with water. Above, Adam Snell of Huron
Park tries to fill a toy swan with water.
Lots of nicknames
to identify
page 5
l lensall girl worlting
in Arab hospital
page 6
Exeter Inn-dians sponsor
slo-pitch tourney
page 3A
Celebrate 25 years of
Community Centre
page 5A
Young performers preview
at Huron Country Playhouse
page 1EJA