HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-05-11, Page 13PROJECT ON ACID RAIN - One of the top projects in the recent
Scienco Fair at Biddulph Central School was the one on acid rain entared
by Elizabeth French.
Hear Scott family
LUCAN - Tuesday evening youth Teams. The boots arc for safety.
director Doug Butler conducted the Ladies and girls must wear dresses
.service and introduced Allan Scott or skirts.for Sundays. Mrs. Scott
who, with his wifc and sons, Dar- showed a brochure listing all the
cy, Justin; and Andrew, are going places the:Teen Teams arc going to.
to Poland.on a Team Mission pro- Each family gives three choices,
jcct. and they drew the 3rd, Poland.
They have to raise -their own fi- To raise some of their finances
notices to go. Their sons have al- they held a dinner where they fed
most all their money raised. Tcam 152 people.. Their financial necd is
Mission was organized in 1970 for S9000.00. for the trip. The Teen
teenagers to do work projects, with Teams take all their food with them
• - cvangcli :Iic work. They use puppet as food is so scarce in many places.
shows, and musical presentations in 32 pounds of personal luggage is
the I.ariguagc_ of_ llt� ro�nrr__zr tolleweci l✓ach mttst i�tingi�ew
spread the gospel. Iq India teams tools. and medical supplies.. but no •
travel as teams using bicycles: religious books, only their Bibles.
The Scott family leave June 5 to Mr. Scott presented The Lord's
•go to Florida to ttte Lord's Boot Boot Camp for Teen. Missions in a
Camp for intensive training. They video filin. It showed the work the
will live- in tents near swamps, Tccn Teams do all over the world.
with -no facilities. They letup con- - At Boot Camp they are taught to
sanction techniques. Also they sing at least one song in the lan-
-tearn how to study and use their guagc of the country where they arc
Bibles. This is a non denomination- going. Puppetry with a taped pro-
al organisation of fellow Christians gram in the country's language is
After the training, they fly out of teamed. Evenings.at Boot Camp all -
Ncw York to New hamburg, West Teens gather for worship service.
Germany. From there they travel by The day that started at 5:30 a.m. is
bus to Poland. In Zwice they will over after the service. •
be working on- renovating a church -
complex for youth; seniors, and the The Scott family passed out liter -
church. There. will be 24 Teens un- aturc of the work of Tccn Mission,
der their guidance working,•sharing and their work- in Poland. Tccn
-their work projects. Work is 5 1/2 N'.fissions groups .work on projects
days a week. Sundays they tra«l to for established Missionary work,
local churches presenting the gospel
in Polish tapes and puppets. The Upcoming events - May 13 - Fri -
will be six weeks in Poland. day at 7:00 p.m., at the Lucan Inn,
From Poland they travel to West -.will be Couples Night for the Full
Gospel Business Mcn's Fellowship.
Reservations, call 227-.1032:
May 15 - Sunday- both services -
Mr. Grant Jeffrey writer of Bible
prophecy, will be speaking..
May 25 - Wednesday - 7:30 p.m.
- Lucan Revival Centre Women's
Ministries will hold their 10th An-
nual Blossom Tea. All ladies wel-
come - Speaker Marilyn Jenken.
May 28.- Saturday, from 9:00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Yard Sale - 101
Germany, then to a place on - the
Baltic Sea, for a week to share with
other Tccn Nlission groups. From
there they return to airport:at Ncw
York to return home.
Mrs. Rosemary Scott showed her
8" construction boots all women
and girls, and men, will be wearing
.during the trip. The dress code is
very strict. The Tccn Missions will
be sending 56 Teams around the
world this summer. The dress code
is uniform for all the Tccn Mission
Times -Advocate, May 11, 1988 Page 13
Water restrictions, how will you cope?
LUCAN - Lucan has a water
Everyone knows it, but this
year, the problem hits home like
never before. Village council has
been forced to impose harsher,
More strictly enforced, water -use
restrictions for the summer
months. .
Villagers will no longer be able''
to use municipal water outdoors.
That means no sprinklers for lawns
or gardens, no washing of cars, and
no hosts for children to play with.
Any infraction is enforceable with
a S250 fine.
The goal is to preserve village
water supplies for fire protection
needs. Lucan's taps ran dry five
times last summer and three times
this winter. If a lack of water were
to coincide with a major fire, the
village's only recourse would be to
rely on the reservoirs in the 28 pri-
vete pools in Lucan.
Council is desperately negotiat-
ing with provincial government
agencies to get a Lake Huron pipe-
line project under way while the
village's wells in a Biddulph town-
ship aquifer are slowly running
dry. Until the Huron -Middlesex
line is in place, the 'water restric-
tions will become a part of daily
Lucan life. .
A survey on Lucan's main street
shows that some citizens blame
the past dry summers, some blame
council for iheir'.bylaw, others
blame the province for not hurry-
ing the project, but all are upset.
Whatever the reason, the T -A
found some interesting responses
to how Lucan's citizens will adapt
their lifestyles to their water sup-
TOM EMERY - 1 blame the coun-
cil. They built too many houses in a
short period of time." Emery hopes
to keep his vegetable garden alive
this summer. 1 put a coupleof bar-
rels under the eavestroughs.
They'll let us do that."
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even fill up our swimming pool with-
out getting a fine. I understand
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DARCY REID, She knows that it
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SUSAN SONIEH - "I guess the
hardest part is not having a vegeta-
ble garden, We had one for the first
time last year and it was nice...I
guess we'll have to manage."
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