HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-05-11, Page 12(s) (Ai Page 12 Times -Advocate, May 11, 1988 Butler tenders under budget t.ULAty - '!'enders were opened at the May Lucan council meeting to begin reconstruction of Butler Street. The first contract .for replacing the curbs and sidewalks was award- ed to Joe Franze Concrete Limited for their bid of $24,509. Village engineer Don Plctch noted that this was well under the S40,000 esti- mated contract price established by his company. The second contract for surfacing the road with asphalt went to TCG Consuuction Limited with a bid of S22,882. Again this was below the engineer's estimate of $35,000. Construction will begin early this summer. Brian Hasket( of Haskett- Hodgins Engineering Inc. attended the meeting to discuss his compa-. ny's future project on the Sunoco car wash property at the south end of Lucan. -The project is to con - yen the car wash into a small pla- za. The property is in Biddulph township and must be rezoned be- fore construction begins.._ Howev- er, Biddulph will not approve re- zoning unless an adequate supply- of upplyof water is .assured from Lucan, The car wash is presently run from the Lucan municipal system. Council agreed to continue sup- plying water to the property, but sought a contract whereby the vil- lage could reject tenant applica- tions if they wcrc high-water users, such as car washes or laundromats. Haskett did not have exact esti- mates of how much water the property would use, but guessed at around 60-70,000 gallons per mOrith. Riverview Institute By DOUG I cNAIR AILSA CRAIG` At thc May meeting the Riverview !nstitute member enjoyed a small fashion show when the 4-1-1 girls modelled the clothing they made in a recent 4-H club. The 4-11 leaders, Bea Lec, Thelma Marshall, Beth MacGregor, Vicky Crawford, the 4-H girls and some mothers wcrc guests at the In- stitute meeting in the Masonic Hall. Members of the executive also provided some of -the program. Lor- raine Neil gave a humorous reading entitled "My Get ULanJi o_flas. --Got-Up-arfd-Wcnt". Lorna Priestley read "You Tell on Yourself" and Evelyn McNaughton gave a reading about "eating" and a "Fanners Love Letter. We sang a "Song of Sisterhood" for the WI member sang "i'm Look- ing Over a 4-11 Clover" for the girls. Evelyn McNvughton opened the meeting with a funny story, and some household hints. A scrapbook received from Hob's Moat WI in England was circulated during the meeting. The meeting closed with a social time. Leona Hughes and Mary Su- therland and their committees serv_cd_- -lunch:-Instead of3rcgular meeting in June there will be a bus trip on June 20 to Elmira, St. Jacob's and the surrounding countryside. Lucan Villa news 'LUCAN - Well here we are again with news from thc Lucan Villa Re- tirement Home. With spring having just arrived we have been as busy as bccs; trying to get our flower beds back into tip top shape. Thanks to the efforts of .Lillian Brown our gardens arc looking bet- ter every day. Our weekly Friday night Bingo winners arc as follows: Dill Kim- merly, Shirley Middleton, Alex Young, Marie Branton, Lillian Brown and Pat Caddock. The Villa introduced a new craft programme to the residents this week and nine res- idents participated in the activities, which proved to be quite enjoyable. This weeks activities involved making magnetic frig door orna- ments out of walnut shells. What arc they? Well you will have to join us for our upcoming craft and bake safe, date and time to be announced in the near future, or if your curiosi- ty gets the better of you, stop by • and view our handy work: The Villa would like to take this opportunity to welcome two new staff members, Shelly Daymcn and Anne Speed. Welcome - iris. Haskett's solicitor, Paul Stacey, was concerned about how an agree- ment .with Lucan could affect the plaza's ability to attract tenants. "You want an absolute right of re- fusing tenants?" asked Stacey. "Yes," replied reeve Norm Steep- er, suggesting that the agreement could•bc lifted once a lake pipeline is in place. Stacey said he would like a clause in the agreement to automatically remove the refusal of tenants once water is assured, but councillor Bob Hodge said it would have to be dis- cussed with the village's solicitor first because he wasn't sure the. present council should make prom- ises on a water system that has yet to be built. Councillor Harry Wraith was wor- ried a decision to grant water to a .property outside the village would not be well-received during a period of water restrictions. Hodge pointed out that Lucan has little choice; i,ecause the plaza pro- ject would be ;ander construction for at least a year. If it fell through, the car wash could 'reopen immedi- ately, using 114,000 gallons a. month to wash cars Lucan citizens. cannot wash at home. "It's an existing use," said Hodge, stating that the car wash cannot be denied access to water. "It would be nice to cut that consumption," he . said. Council also dealt with inquiries from Haskctt`s and the O.P.P. de- tachment about the washing of their vehicles in the village. After_ a short discussion, council decided to_ recommend -that -these vehic a be taken elsewhere for wasting. A WIND AT BIDDULPH - Mark Hickson is shown with his project on wind generation at the recent Science Fair at Biddulph Central School. GENERAL INSTRUMENT Complete Satellite Systems WO� III INSTALLATION - 10' Mesh - Full Remote - Programmable GENERAL INSTRUMENT SATELLITE RECEIVER 2400R .111 II II IIdui, T Vi/..,1pAp 'eetemmo( am o. a= ®tom .iLu, 11111., j111111.11119 r'! "'' I*1 r1 Special and Complete System $2995 or $81.00 per montn Alien Stabia. Audio x Video. 301 Main St., Exeter 235-1520 LUCAN OPTIMISTS BIKE RODEO - Hundreds of Luan and area boys and girls participated in Saturday's bike rodeo sponsored by the Lucan Optimists. OPP Constable Jim MacDonald and Optimists Tom McLaughlin and Bruce Reed check bikes owned by Marty McLaughlin and Brandon Reed. Present spring concert HYDE PARK - Middlesex Coun- ty's public schools present their. popular spring concert this year on May 19. That's when students and teachers assemble at the University of Western Ontario Alumni Hall for their sixteenth annual presentation. Students from 22 elementary schools will form a massed choir of 1,100 singers. Alsg.laking part -will be -bands from Strathroy District Collegiate Institute, Lord Dorches- ter Secondary School and Medway High School. The Medway High School Choir and the Middlesex County Children's Choir will sing. Stage bands from Medway • and Lord Dorchester will entertain be- fore the concert starts at 8:00 p.m. The concert program, with a variety of choral and instrumental selec- tions, will conclude with an excit- ing medic fro motiort= turc,-" izard of Oz". Tickets arc available from schools and, if space is available, at Alumni Hall on the evening of May 19. MacLachlan Insurance Brokers Ltd. Serving area for over 20 years Home - Auto - Commercial - Farm - Boats - Mobile Homes 42 Ontari t. (Hwy.21) Grand Bend 238-2692 The new T -A phone book coming soon. See ad on page 6 FASHION... VISA 193 Main St., Exeter Mon. Tues. Wed. & Sat. 9-6 OPEN 9-9 Thurs. & Fri. VALUE EXPLOSION LADIES' 3 -PAIR PACK SPORT SOCKS Comfy, cotton/nylon$ socks in White with REG. " 2 packs assorted color trims! 54.99 for Sizes: 9-11. PACK SAVE 40010 ON OUR ENTIRE SELECTION OF LADIES' ACID WASH JACKETS IN 100% COTTON! LADIES' ACID WASH JEANS Hurry in for this exception- al fashion value on these 5 -pocket Acid Wash jeans! Choose from Black or Navy in sizes: 27-34. $37. REG99�19.99 STYLE AND COMFORT! MEN'S COTTON CASUAL PANTS Just the right, lightweight pant for Summer's good times!' With - fashionable pleats. Sizes: 28-36. REG.$ X99 $24.99 MEN'S BLACK ACID WASH JEANS 5 -pocket denims in to- 6." day's hottest look! 100% REG. 2 cotton in sizes: 28-38. $36.99 ENTIRE SELECTION OF KIDS' ACID WASH JEANS 5 -pocket denims In boys' sizes: 7-16; girls' sites: 7-14 and children's sizes: 4-6X. LADIES' BASKETBALL BOOTS Feature -packed aerobic style boot with padded REG. 7t.99 collar and tongue and vetcro strap! Sizes: 6-10. $26.99 PAIR ►rle...K.eMr+ w,M May 11, 1•SS. Memo .v.IIMd.only whll. qu.ntfM. I..t. • GREAT LOOKS COST LESS AT SAAN! k