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Page 6 Times -Advocate, May 11, 1988
Six baptized at Crediton U
cter are Ted and Hannah Lamport. Mrs. Norman Hubley and Mrs. Earl
Steele, Seaforth. The five us went
out for supper and returned to the
home of Mrs. Steele for dessert
In last weeks issue the "Gore
Sisters" should have been Geraldine
Ross and Gloria Lakow.
CREDITON - The sermon topic
at -Zion Untied Church, taken from
Matthew 1:18-25,. was titled
"What's In A Name?"
5A solo "A Mother's Love" was
sung by Harry Schroedcr..Harry
wrote this song and the music was
composed by Mr. and Mrs. Doug-
las Gill.
Six children were baptized on
this special day honouring moth-
ers. They were: Kyle Benjamin
Dennis MacDonald; Steven Robert
McVecney; Kenneth Robert Bruce
Nutt; Chad Gordon Smith; Tracy
Marie Smith and Jolene Louise
Choir practice will be held Wed-
nesday evening at 8 p.m. in the
church sanctuary.
Sunday May 15 the Gideons will
be in charge of the service at the
regular time of 10 a.m.
The World Outreach Committee
-of Huron -Perth Presbytery arc
looking for a three or four bedroom
house to renrfor a refugee family
they are sponsoring. If you have a
home available, please contact
Rev. Deb Carter at 228-6974. -
Flowers of hope canvass
May is "Flowers of Hope"
month in our arca. As a. volunteer
canvasser calls on you, plcasc
make this your local mission.
Thank you from the South l-luron
and District Association of the
Mcntnlly Handicapped.
In hospital
In hospital at South Huron,' Ex -
Crediton UCW
Crediton United Church Women
met on Thursday May 5 at Larry's
Restaurant with about 40 members
and guests to a 6:30 supper.
Supper was followed by the
meeting. Doreen Lightfoot and
Laurent Wcin had a short worship
service on the Mother's Day
theme. Eleanor Rocszler sang a
June Taylor from the Survival
Through Friendship House of
Goderich gave a very interesting
speech. She told of their work with
battered women and children who
have been abused in the county of
Huron, Everyone -who heard her
really enjoyed her speech. Thanks
Roll call was answered by nam-
ing something your grandmother
did that you don't do. The U.C.W.
arc invited to Dashwood U.C.W.
on Tuesday evening May 17.
Mr. Ross Wcin of, Edmonton
spent the past wcck with his par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wcin.
Mrs. Wcin also celebrated her birth-
day in May.
Mrs. Lorna Barnes and Jcnna and
Ken Wcrnham, Thedford, were
lunch guests Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Stan Preszcator and after lunch
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Isaac and Tasha,
Exeter, visited with us.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator vis-
ited Friday evening with Mr. and
Dashwood by Bernice Boyle
DASHWOOD - The Huron
County Community Child Abuse
Co-ordinating Committee arc
presenting a child abuse prevention
program. The trained puppeteers
Gerry Rene and Charlene Newton
of the Child Abuse Council of
Windsor and Essex County use
puppets to present "Kids on the
BLOCK" to teach children what to
Elimville 4-H
ELIMVILLE - Meeting five of
the Elimville one 4-H club was
held at the home of Linda Johns.
The meeting started off with the
girls outside having a partner pre-
tending to make a fire.
One group did the tepee fire. Sec-
ond group made a log cabin fire.
Third group made a'criss-cross fire.
Fourth group made an Indian fire.
Then we went inside discussing
meeting five. We talked about our
camp -out which we are going to
have at Linda Johns on Friday, May
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Jayne Rowe on Wed-
ncsday, May 11 at 7 p.m.
Tammy Rohde, press reporter.
do to prevent physical and sexual
The whole family is invited to
attend this presentation at the Clin-
ton Town Hall auditorium. There
is no charge for this event - May
19, 1988 - Time 2-3:30 p.m.'
Personals •
Mrs. Karen Pedersen arrived
home from South Huron Hospital
and is convalescing at her daughter
Sigrid and Bud Durdin's home. Her
daughter Karen arrived from Cali-
fornia in time for Mother's Day.
Mrs. Mary Rader had an enjoya-
ble vacation with her daughter
Sharon and Bill Bennett, Nathan,
Sarah, Bcn in Coaldale, Alberta.
Calvary U.C. Pastor Bob Sina-
sac's sermon titled "Beautiful
Women" gave the mothers of the
congregation food for thought. The
scripture from Proverbs 31:10-31
tells us Charm and grace are decep-
tive and beauty is vain (because it
is not lasting), but a woman who
reverently and worshipfully fears
(loves) the Lord, she shall be
A woman finds "identity and ful-
fillment by carrying out the pur-
poses for which God made her."
Only in Christ can the wife's will-
ing submission and the husband's
loving leadership be restored.
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Send letter
GRAND BEND - A letter to the
Editor of the London Free Press,
written by councillor Marsha Lem-
on was praised by members of
Grand Bend council when they held
their regular meeting Tuesday
The letter was in regard to an arti-
cle published in the April 9 edition
of the Ftcc Press written by David
Scott entitled "Is there a lesson for
Ontario in Fort Lauderdale's spring
In the article, Scott implied that
the OPP at Grand Bend, in zealous-
ly handing out tickets to those not
wearing seatbelts, driving drunk and
driving with open liquor in the car,
may turn young people away from
the favourite summer spot.
"We are protecting our tourist
trade by making sure that these
,ng folks stay healthy enough to
oming back year after
yea. ..emon wrote. "We do not
want to lose any of them on a dark
stretch of highway after someone
ha: had one too many in a bar."
Lemon went on to invite Scott to
visit Grand. Bend to sec "how many
beautiful young people manage to
have a fun time without breaking
any laws .
"But plcasc, Mr. Scott," Lemon
wrote, "for your sake and ours, on
the drive here wear your seatbelt
and leave your open bottle of liquor
at home."
The letter was endorsed by coun-
cil after some minor changes. '
Wardrobe opens
GRAND BEND - Saturday, May
7 marked the grand opening of a
new shop in Grand Bend "The War-
drobe". Owner -proprietor Randi
Ivey was on hand to welcome po-
tential customers to her new. bou-
tique, located at 47 Ontario Street,
near the IGA. This is the third
store she has opened, the other two
located in Bayfield and Stratford, so
Mrs. Ivey brings plenty of exper-
tise to her new business venture.
She is a resident of Beach O'Pincs.
The boutique is in a former resi-
dence, beautifully renovated with
polished wood floors, and white
walls, accented with plants. Interi
or walls were removed to create a
spacious area, with plenty of light
from large windows and a french
The Wardrobe offers a full range
of clothing, from casual T-shirts
and shorts to jumpsuits, skirts and
slacks up to ,dresses. The basic
fabric here is cotton, in madras
plaid shorts, bright prints and crisp
whites. Each outfit can be acces-
sorized with matching belts,
scarves and jewelry, for one stop
GODERICH - The HuronGenea-
logical Branch Workshop meeting
was held on May 4 with a very
good turnout. A short meeting was
held first, then we all stopped for
coffee and a lovely lunch, put on by
Mrs. Marie Dignan.
Mrs. Allison Lobb gave a very
interesting talk on many ways to
help people understand the right
way to start in Genealogical Histo-
ry. A mystery prize draw was held
afterwards, a box of everyday cards
were won by a new member Mrs.
The next meeting on June 1 we
will be enjoying slides and a talk
about Ireland by Mrs. Jean Lobb at
7:30 p.m. in the board room at the
Godetich Assessment Building.
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TODDLERS TREAT MOMS - Students of the Toddlers
Day tea last week. From the left are Andrew Prout with
Inn nursery school treated their mothers lo a Mothers
his mother Kathy and Laura Jesperson with her mom
Hensall man seriously hurt
EXETER- James Sangster of
Hensall suffered serious injuries in
one of the five accidents investigat-
ed this week by officers of the Ex-
eter detachment of the Ontario Pro-
vincial Police.
The vehicle driven by Sangster
was in collision with one operated
by Donald Stebbins, also of Hen -
sail at 7.30 p.m., Wednesday ,
May 4 on the Usborne-
Tuckersmith township line.
Two days earlier on May 2, vehi-
cles operated by Hendrikus Hen-
driks, RR 3, Zurich and Rainford
Jackson, London collided on Huron
road 2 at sidcroad 15-16 in Hay
township. The Jackson vehicle was
heavily damaged and the driver sus-
tained minor injuries.
On Sunday May 1, a vchicic
driven by Leonard Dumbrona, RR
4, Thcdford struck a fence post in a
ditch on Highway 23 in Usborne
township causing minimal dam-
Vehicles driven by Douglas John-
ston, RR 2, Kent Bridge and Rus-
sell Hutchings, Chatham collided
Thursday at 4.30 p.m. on Highway
4, south of Hensall. No injuries
were sustained and both vehicles
suffered light damage.
S:;::.rday at 11.20 a.m., vehicles
driven by George Mathonia, RR 2,
Zurich and Meda O'Brien, RR 2,
Zurich were in collision on High-
way 84 at the westerly limits of Zu-
rich. No injuries were reported.
During the week local OPP offi-
cers laid 53 Highway Traffic Act
charges and two charges each under
the Liquor Licence Act, the Narcotic
Control Act and Criminal Ccdc. In
addition two drivers received licence
suspensions of 12 hours each. -
Officers of the Exeter OPP detach-
ment will continue to be operating
the RRI.D.E. program on arca roads
this week. • -
Lucan OPP
LUCAN - Durittia, the week of
May 1 to 7, Ontario Provincial Po-
lice officers in Lucan investigated
five motor vehicle accidents. Two
of eight people involved received
minor injuries. -
On Monday May 2 a vehicle op-
erated by Brian Earhart, RR2 Lucan
left Concession 2-3 in Biddulph
Township and struck a tree. Both
the driver and Peter Earhart, the pas-
senger of the same address received
minor injuries. • -
O.P.P. Officers investigated 57
general occurrences over this period
of time including intrusion' alarms,
stolen vehicles, complaints of theft
under S 1,000 and numerous liquor
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