HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-04-06, Page 44Page 1613 Times -Advocate. ADM 6. 1988
tfDpt1mIst Wine £ Garden Show this we kend •
What should you do in case of emergencies
If an emergency came up and
you had to evacuate your home,
would you know what to do.
Each year, thousands of Cana-
dians find themselves in such a
predicament as they flee from
hurricanes, lire and other perils,
says the Insurance Information
Institute, and you ought to be
prepared just in case you're ever
to such a spot.
Do what you're asked 10 do.
Your public officials want you
and your fancily to be sate. •
That's why they are asking you
to leave your house.
Fleeing from a tuc or storm is
very upsettinr, :rtli children and
older lx ople %t 111 need your .tsstt-
rancc that eve' ything will be all
right. It's very important that
you stay calm.
After everyone in your house
is -accounted for, gather. up what
you will take with you. If any-
one in your family needs medica-
tion, take whatever supply of it
you have.
If you have to spend some
hours or a night in a public shel-
ter, you will very likely be pro-
vided with food and blankets, but
a prescribed medication may not
be easily attainable.
For each of your family mem-
bers, take only that clothing
which is immediately necessary.
Don't weigh yourself down with
items that you probably will not
For example, it might be sen-
., sible for every family member to
take a raincoat and boots if
you're threatened by a torrential
rainstorm and flood, but these
itcms would be useless if you're
running from a fire in the middle
of July.
Also, take whatever important
papers, such as mortgage deeds,
insurance polices and bank
books, you havej'rt your home.
A lot of peoplE keep their im-
Want to fight indoor air pollu-
tion in your home? According
to Nacional Wildlife magazine.,
thousands of people may be poi-
soned in their homes .each year
by toxic substances such as car-
bon monoxide and nitrogen di-
Luckilyf, houseplants, particu-
larly spider plants arc excellent
air cleaners.
So put some greenery in your
home and breathe more easily.
Just because you live in a
wealthy neighbourhood, it
doesn't mean you arc immune
from health problems caused by
toxic waste.
According to lnrcrn..'ional
Wildlife magazine, a study by
the Council on Economic Prior-
ities found tha middle-income
neighborhoods, not the poorest
ncighbourho<tds, have the high-
est levels of toxic waste and re-
lated cancer deaths.
portant documents in a safe de-
posit box in a bank, but there are
usually papers at home that you
haven't yet had a chance to put in
the box, or which you refer to on
a regular basis.
Even if you aren't worried
about ever having- to evacuate
your home, you should keep
thea: papers together in a folder
or metal box.
Everyone in your family will
have some prized possessions
that he or she will want to take.
Allowing a toddler to take along
favorite stuffed toy may help
the child feel better, but there's
no point in an adult's taking a
television set or other relatively
heavy object.
Before you leave, be sure you
lock all the windows and doors.
Remember that your home-
owner's insurance covers your
possessions as well as your
house and tenant's insurance
covers clothes, furniture and
other items.
Once the threat of the hurri-
cane or other peril is _owl-,
you'll be permitted to return to
your hone. At that print. you'll
be able to assess any damage
that has occurred and submit a
claim to your insurance ctmcpa-
What's important now is that
you make certain that you have
sufficient coverage on your
- home, car and other posses-
sions. This is the time to call
your insurance agent or compa-
ny representative.
However, advance planning is
always a help, so spend a few
minutes thinking about what
you would take with you, if you
had to leave your home on very
short notice.
Making a list of the items
you'd take might say you some
precious time if a hurricane or
other danger should ever threaten
your home.
R.R. #1 Bayfield
Farm Market
Garden Centre
Green Houses
Annual Open House
April 30 - May 1, 1988
See you
at the
Phone 519-482-3020
9 green houses full of growing
ideas: such as colourful
hanging baskets, bedding
plants, geraniums, tuberous
begonias, perennials
Telephone Rd.
Huron County #13
-Price or Service?
If you're shopping for a garden,
tractor, lawn mower or tiller and all
you're interested in is the price, try
somewhere else.
Rut if you want a good price — and
good service — come and see us.
Asan authorized Yard -Man dealer,
I'm committed to providing top
quality after-sales service to • my
customers. We have a fully
equipped service' department, a
stock of factory parts and trained
service staff.
So when you're shopping around,
don't just think about the price —
think about service too. Because at
Yard -Man, you'll find good service
— and a- good price.
(YaRI MMaw)
_ All new. 1987 Yartl-Man prudur Iti a arry .e I -year
luiute r1 r wesurner warranty I'I US top gu.rlrt‘
alter -sales sr. rvue• t yrn,r, auth nizr.ri l.rrel
.Man rtr•ale•r, who has a trained serve e• rl.,11.,i d
d S'or 1rr,t tar tire% part'..
C.G. Farm Supply Limiteci
22 Main St.,
Zurich 236-4934 9