HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-04-06, Page 16Pa•e 4A Times -Advocate, April 6, 1988
ZONE CHAMPIONS- The Parkhill Novice Panthers won the OMHA zone division Wednesday. The team defeat-
ed Glencoe in four games. Standing left to right are Coach Ken Symons, Pat Michielsen, Manager Ed Hatfield, Ke-
vin Maguire and OMHA representative .Jim Muir. Center Jay Truemner, Casey Wall, Eric Symons, Matthew De -
Jong, Jimmy Watson, Simon Desjardine, Mark Maguire, Brian Wiersma. Front, Ian MacGregor, Tristan Hatfield,
Kyle Vermeulen, Shane Maguire and Justin Michielsen.
Parkhill win
i uararxruu Peewees were also in
the OMHA finals last weekend. On
Friday night, they lost to Stirling
with a 5-3 score and then lost again
to their tough opponents on Satur-
day. Grand Bender Steve Vandcn-
bcrk scored a goal in the Saturday
match..Vandenberk is one of the
top de£encemen on the peewee
team. Parkhill travels to Stirling
this weekend for games three and
four of the five -game series. Good
In the Shamrock league finals in
Lucan on Sunday, the Parkhill no-
vice team lost out to St. Marys
with a 3-1 score. Jay Truemner
scored Parkhill's goal from Tristan
The Parkhill Novice Panthers
were all smiles last Wednesday
night when the team defeated Glen-
coe to win the zone championship.
• On Tuesday night in Glencoe,
Parkhill edged their opponents with
a 2-1 score. Simon Dcsjardine set
up Jay Truemner's tying goal, then
Dcsjardine scored the winner from
defenceman Eric Symons. Back in
Parkhill on Wednesday, Glencoe
scored first, then Parkhill's Kyle
Vermeulen notched the hat trick,
with Dcsjardine adding a single in
the 4-1 final. Ian MacGregor had
two assists and Bryan Wcirsma add-
ed a single assist.
OMHA representative Jim Muir
presented the winning plaque to
United Church
A combined service was held at
the Grand Bend United Church for
the Good Friday Service. It was
well attended by members of the
Church of God, Anglican and Unit-
ed Church. Rev. Duke Vipperman
led the service titled "The Celebra-
tion of the Lord's Passion." Rcv.
Stan Desjardine of the Church of
God gave the sermon taken from
Good friday reading, "It is Fin-
ished," assisted by Rcv. Peebles. A
combined choir sang several an-
thems "My God, My God" and
"When I Survey the Wondrous
Cross" accompanied by Idella Gable
on the organ. '
Parkhill, and each player received
the OMHA crest.
The atoms defeated Gravenhurst
on Friday night in Parkhill, with a
4-2 score. Josh Vermeulen scored
two, while Warren Haist scored a
single, and assisted the three other
goals for a four -point night. Jamie
Marmite scored the fourth goal from
Haist, giving Parkhill the assurance
they needed.
On Saturday, the team lost to
Gravcnhurst with a 6-3 score. Mi-
chael Stanlake, Jamie Chalmers,
and Nathan McCann scored Park -
hill's marks. The team travelled to
Gravenhurst for game three and four
but no report at press time on Mon-
Easter services
The Couples Club sponsored an
Easter Sunrise Service at the United
Church beginning at 7:30 a.m. with
about 70 children and adults partici-
pating. Sherwood Eddy, of the
Couples Club, chaired the service
and the parents and kids provided a
choir. Judy Dcsjardine, Karcn
MacKay and Jennifer Weigand sang
"Morning Has Broken". Jeanne
Weigand also performed a solo.
After the beautiful service, the
Couples Club served up a delicious
Easter breakfast of eggs, bacon and
ham, muffins, juice and coffee.
The United Church was packed for
the 11:15 a.m. Sunday service, with
many visitors and folks home from
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Holy Week at RC church
Holy Week celebrations began at
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
with the beautiful Mass of Moly
Thursday. The Pastor Father Paul
Beck was celebrant for all services,
assisted by Seminarian Bart van
Roycn (Roijen) from St. Peter's
Seminary in London. The reader for
Holy Thursday was Stephen Vrol-
lyk and Paul Dietrich, the organist,
was also cantor.
inuring the service, Father Paul
re-enacted the "Washing of the Feet"
with 12 young parishioners: Shel-
ley and Julie Upiac, Steve Vanden-
berk, Helen Vlemmix, Dave and
Steve Vrollyk, Gary and Kevin Pe-
ters, Brent Johnson, Paul Prender-
gast, Michael Zimmer and Jacque-
line Vandenberk.
Communion was distributed in
both bread and wine, as Shelley and
Julie Uniac assisted the Eucharistic
Minister, Case and Annie Vanden-
bygaart. The choir, under the direc-
tion of Delores Tighe, sang "Lord
Jesus of You I Will Sing" during
washing of the feet and "Gift of
Finest Wheat" at Communion.
Good Friday services began at 3
p.m. with Father Beck, Seminarian
Bart and Rose Van Bruaene reading
the Passion of Christ. Roberta
Walker was cantor, and performed a
solo "It is Finished" during venera-
tion of the Cross.
Walter and Madge Costello were
the South adding to the congrega-
tion. Easter lilies decorated the sanc-
tuary, and a floral arrangement was
placed in memory of Ken McCrae
Rev. R. Peebles' message was
titled "Found...Heard...Saw!"
In place of a children's story, the
children sang two numbers accom-
panied by Irene Kennedy on piano
before going to their Sunday school
classes. The choir anthem was "He
Is Risen" with Idella Gabel as or-
ganist. Doorgreeters were Howard
and Muriel Mayer at the door after
the service. Ushers were Sid Durie
and Don Adams.
Sunrise service
Sherwood Eddy was the leader in
this 7:30 a.m. scrvicc at the Grand
Bend United Church last Sunday
morning. Members of the Grand
Bend Couples club and their fami-
lies filled the choir loft.
Special music was provided by
Irene Kennedy at the organ, who ac-
companied her daughter Jean Wei-
gand and the trio of Karen McKay,
Jodi Dcsjardine, and Jennifer Wei-
gand. Jean's selection was "In Jo-
seph's Lovely Garden", while the
girls sang a number by Cat Stevens
"Morning Has Broken".
The story of Easter was read from
the scriptures by several members
of the Grand Bend Couples Club.
Everyone adjourned to the down-
stairs for a delicious breakfast
served up by these energetic fami-
Church of God
There was a scrvicc on Thursday
evening at the Grand Bend Church
of God, called Ordinance Service or
Maundy Thursday. This was a sim
pie ceremony where the pastor re-
lated the story of the Upper Room
and served Communion. The ccrc-
mony of foot -washing also took
place, as female members of the '
congregation washed each others
feet and men did the same, to emu-
late Christ in a spirit of humility
and service.
For Easter Sunday the sanctuary
of the Church was decorated with
beautiful Easter lilies, some donat-
ed in memory of a loved ones. The
morning worship was led by
George Winegardcn. Millie Dcsjar-
dine sang two solos - in "Because
He Lives" the congregation joined
in the chorus, and her second solo
"1 Walked Today Where Jesus
Walked". Karen Dcsjardine played a
"Medley of Praise" on the piano
during the offering.
Pastor Dcsjardine took his ser-
mon from Luke 24:1-11 which re-
lates the experience of the woman
who entered the garden to find the
empty tomb. where Jesus had lain.
In the evening scrvicc, a ladies
quartet sang "Redeeming Love" and
the film "I Behold His Glory" was
shown. This was the story of Cor-
nelius, who had been a witness to
the death and Resurrection Bi' Je-
sus, which had a life -changing im-
pact on him.
Brochure soon
Eucharistic Ministers. Father Beck's
sermon emphasized the message
that God loved us enough to send
His only Son to die for us on a
The Easter Vigil began on Holy
Saturday evening with the church in
darkness, as the Paschal Candle was
blest and carried in from the back of
the church. Everyone lit a candle
from it, as the Light of Christ, and
Father Beck intoned the solemn
Easter Proclamation. Then the
lights were -turned on as people
could see the Church all beautifully
decorated in flowers.
The readings emphasized God's re-
lationship with men, from creation
through to the new Testament, read
by Annie Baltessan, Gary Peters,
Carol Luther and Seminarian Bart
van Royen. Cantors were Delores
Tighe, Paul Dietrich the organist
and Roberta Walker. The choir per-
formed the impressive Gloria of the
Bells, sang the "Light of Christ"
during Baptism and "I Am the Bread
8f Life" at Communion, Once again
communion was offered in bread and
wine, as Gary and Kevin Peters as-
sisted Annie and Case Vandenby-
gaart as Eucharist ministers.
During this Easter Vigil, the Rite
of Christian Initiation of Adults .
(RCIA) was observed. Dorothy
Huron Country Playhouse is ex
cited to announce that their 1988
brochure will be available for mail-
ing in early May.
The brochure itself is right in the
midst of production,
Please watch for the Brochure in-
serted in the May 7 edition of The
London Free Press.
Bible class
Due to renovations taking place
in the lower lounge at Sauble
Court last Tuesday morning, the
weekly 'community Bible study
was held at the home of Vera
Brown in Southcott Pines with 17
ladies present. Mrs. Brown opened
with prayer and Millie Dcsjardine
led in a hymn sing. Millie was dis-
cussion leader for Chapter 12
"Where Is God When My World
Caves In?"
They learned from Psalm 55 that
for every hardship faced, God is
there to help and comfort, and to
keep us safe if we put our trust in
God. We can leave our troubles
with the Lord! Doris Peebles gave
the closing prayer.
Visitors are welcomed to these
meetings held each Tuesday at Sau-
ble Court.
Elizabeth Boyd was baptized, con-
firmed and made her First Commun-
ion. Mrs. Sylvia June Struyf made
her profession of faith and Confir-
mation. Mrs. Kimberley MacLach-
lan, Donald Patterson and Miss Di-
nah Michielsens were all confirmed.
Father Beck perforated the ceremo-
ny. Each person then received a cru-
cifix from CWL president Rose
Vanbruaene, and a certificate from
Father Beck, and they were warmly
applauded by the congregation.
On Easter Sunday, Walter Costel-
lo was reader at the 11 a.m. Mass,
with Paul Dittrich as cantor. Walter
and Madge Costello were Eucharis-
tic Ministers, and soloist Roberta
Walker performed "The Holy City"
during communion.
In his sermon, Father Beck
stressed that Easter is not just a
myth or fairy tale, but that the emp-
ty tomb promises that Christ lives
today, with God, for us.
During the Easter Sunday Mass,
Levi Lane, Brian Ducharme, Jeremy
Pickering and Eilis Karry all re-
ceived their first Holy Communion.
Father Beck presented the children
with a certificate and congratulated
them in being able to join their par-
ents in Communion each Sunday.
During the Easter weekend, Kait-
lyn Spencer Davis, infant daughter
of Scott Davis and Susan Lappan
Davis, received the Sacrament of
Father Beck thanked all those
who made the Easter celebrations so
beautiful - the choir, the organist
Paul Dietrich, choir director Delores
Tighe, Seminarian Bart van Royen,
all the altar boys who served, and
the decorators Margaret Schooley
and Emma Couckuyt.
Don't forget the taster Ecumeni-
cal service at church on Thursday,
April 7 at 8 p.m. All members of
the CWL are invited to host the
evening for the other churches to at-
tend. Case and Annie Stokkcrmans
will be celebrating their 40th wed-
ding anniversary on April 9, Satur-
day, with Mass at 3 p.m. Reception
will be held in the Alhambra Hall
at 8 p.m.
The St. Boniface CWL presents
"Women in White" at the school
gym on April 10 and 11 at 7:30
pm. Admission is S3.00 for adults
and 51.00 for children.
The Lambton Right to Life is
having a meeting at the Forest St.
Christopher's School on April 11 at
7:30 p.m. with the film "An Every-
day Miracle". Also, the next CWL
meeting is April 11, 8 p.rn. in the
Alhambra Hall.
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