Times-Advocate, 1988-04-06, Page 9silt
EA$TER AT BIDDULPH - An Easter assembly was held at Biddulph Central School. Thursday morning. Partic-
ipants in one of the skits are shown here. Back, left, Erin Haskett, William Stokesbury-Leeson,.Melanie•Beatson,
Carolyn Jet ferias, Jenny Geoghegan, Daryl Boshart and Dylan England.. Front, Brad Goddard, Laura Jaques and
Sarah Culbert.
f service -at Saintsbury
Giltivray and Corkin Robert John
Davis MacGillivray, twin sons of
Mr: and Mrs. Bob MacGillivray
were receival into the household of
God by Holy Baptism Atr. and
-A1rs. Hugh Davis were godparents.
Misses Courtney MacGillivray
and Crystal Davis sang "God Sees.
TheLittle Sparrow Fall" accompa-
nied by Mrs. \VaVnc Carroll the
church organist: 11OIV c0miitunion
The Great Easter Vigil and Ser-
vice of -Baptism was held at St. Pa:
trick's Saintsbury on Saturday even-
tn1 g -:c Reverend Beverley Anne
Wheeler led in the "Scryice of
Light" with the congregation gath
ering at a bonfire lit outside the
church. The Paschal Candle was lit
from the bonfire with the rector
singing "The Light of Christ" and
the congregation responding
"Thanks Be To God".
The refrain was repeated three
times as the congregation proceeded
into the church, their tapers being
lit at the entrance. Readers for the
service were Hazel Davis, Bob Mac-
Gillivray, Mary Davis and Nadene
Caleb Robert Hugh Davis Mac-
. Flowers in the church were placed
in loving memory of licher Davis;
George -and. A'cra McFalls; Atmaric
Davis Young and Patricia Clarke by
the Davis Family. • • -
Mr. and itrs.- Bcih NlacGillivray
and family entcnained following the -
baptisni1 Guests were Mfr. and Mrs.
John AI.i,Gillivray, Lions Head;
Airs. Bru: c Clarke. 'Walton. Miss
Bowling scores
204, Jin► Burt 202. Marion Noels
189, Jack Dickens 1-88, Lillus Clat-.
worthy 187, Helen -McDonald 185,
Florence McRohcrt 182. - -
Wednesday Y.B.C. - Wendy Hick-
son 181, Sara Lynn Daunc' y 193,
Brad Goddard 153, Tyler Graham
133, Susan Bryan 129, Wesley
Rollings. 122, Greg Langendyk
119. -
C.A.W. Local 1620 - Dave Hunt
300-712, Rob Riley 305-674, Jim
Smith -255-673, Gary Dunlop 259-
653, Larry Smith 241-629, Cheryl
Smith 266-623, Gary Wurm 212-
608, Lynn Smith 228-613, Pat
O'Connor 208-607.
Wednesday Mixed - Bob Pipe
248.648, Roger Brown 225-647,
Bill Cornclissen 248-643, Tom Do-
binson 300-639, Pat Ryan 245-
630, Don Wallis 262-617, Larry
MacGregor 254-610, Steve Thomas
245; Paul Williams 231, Judy Wal-
ters 211.
Thursday Men - Bill McDonald
275-725, Dennis MacDonald 249-
694, Pete Smith 302-693, Geo.
Robbins 241-6&3, Larry Gibson
248-669, Don Watt 266-647, John
Jansen 323-637, Andy McIntyre
293-636, Tom McLellan 261-635,
Mike Ncit 289, Robt. Heckman
Friday Mixed - Dan Rodgers 387-
761, Wayne Smith 288-674, Chris
Smith 253-660, Paul Smith 288-
657. Al Robichcau 246-623, Ray
McRobert 245-602, Dave Smith
248-600, Barb Swartz 253, Marlyn
Smith 227.
Monday "Ladies - Lorraine Aiosu-
rinjohtt 255-747, Joan Finkbciner
-259-678, Joyce Sovereign 256-678,
May Murphy 243-677, Marg
Young 244-658, Janet Ankcrs 241-
632, Helen Hardy1222-628, Diane-
ianaWilliams 226-618, Beulah Storey
228-605, Beth Radcliffe 267, Pat
Hodgins 245, Marg Chapman 240,
Louisc Sutherland 238, Marg Elson
238, Pam Hodgins 235, Mary ScQtt
232, Betty . Ankcrs 231, Helen
Hearn 230.
Tuesday Y.B.C. Laura Culbert
213, Jason Wyatt 191, Stephanie
Sandison 187, Jeff Campbell 185,
Becky VanGccl 168, David Wilcox
166, Tammy Graham 159, Jona-
thon Morgan 146.
Medway - Arnie Vandcweil 266-
621, Grace Rush 255-621, Marilyn
Smith 290-611, Vera Giardin 255,
Peter DenOttcr 212, Cal Carmi-
- chael 208, -Marg Carmichael 205.
.Colleen's- - Elaine McNair --246-
652, Judy Jaques 231-603, Linda
Hibbert 269, Deb Wonnacott 244,
Cindy Harrigan 231, Jean Hickson
231, Janice Dauncey 228, :Deb
Scarborough 227.
Senior Citizens - Edie Burt 213,
Olive Simpson 204, Pat -Davi.;
Q. 1 have a full -tone job, but to earn
extra money 1 hast starteda mail -or
der.business part -tithe in my home. A
friend told nuc I could dc,luct my taxes
and hydro payments as a business es-
pense. Is this true?
A. Yes. You may deduct moat duet
expenses of Car Ili I.1\.Ittle ins onic in
your -own business or Irani commis-
sion sales. It soli use one or more
rooms of your house ex-eh/weir for
business purposes. you may deduct
that portion of your rent. pt !lilies,
and other household esponses that the
arca used for business bears i the to-
tal arca or the house.
Anne Stevenson, Toronto, Mr. and
Airs. Ralph Simpson; Nancy and
Darren, London, Mrs. Mary' Davis,
Rev. • Beverley Anne Wheeler, •Mr.
Ray Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Davis, Crystal and Harley, Mrs.
Voyle Jordan and Mr. and Mrs.
Ilugh Davis.
Mrs. Mary DSvis and Mrs. Voyle
Jordon were Sunday dinner guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson of Strat-•
ford were Sunday evening guests.
Mrs. Francis Overbo, Kinsella,
Alberta and her daughter, Mrs. Kar-.
en Golding, Toronto visited Mary
Davis on Monday. Several cbusins
joined them and visited during the
afternoon and enjoyed dinner at the
4&7 Restaurant.
Guests included Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Davis, Harry Carroll, Haz-
el and Hugh Davis, Saintsbury, Mr.
and Mrs. Elliott McRoberts and
Mrs. Alma Godbolt, Exeter and Mr.
-and Mrs. Arthur 'Abbott, Centralia
and Marguerite Greenlee and Janett
Barker; Mrs. Greta Gibson and Mrs.
Mabel Needham, Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Barker and
family entertained -the following to
Easter Day dinner, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Van Geel, Mrs. Charlotte
Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker,
Mr. and Mrs.. Bob Beaune and chil-
dren, Mrs. Tom Richardson and
Mary Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carroll and
children entertained their families to
dinner Easter Day.
Mr. and Mrs: John MacGillivray,
LionsHead and Miss Anne Steven-
son, Tbronto spent the weekend
with Mr. and. Mrs. Bob MacGilliv-
ray and children.
Dorcas Unit
The Easter meeting of the Dorcas
Unit of the Lucan United Church
was held on- l�iarc ti -22 -with 13
members and one guest answering
the roll call.
Flora Robertson conducted a very
interesting worship service, using
as her theme "Doubting Thomas
All ladies of the area who would
like to display their hand -made
quilts at a Quilt Show in Lucan
United Church on April 29 and 30
are asked to contact Bernice Locky-
er or Muriel Cobleigh.
The General U.C.W. will be held
on April 5 at 8 p.m.
The meeting closed with the
committee -serving a tasty lunch.
Times -Advocate, April 6, 1988 Page 9
Seniors purchase new knives
Lucan Seniors and Busy Buddies
met in the Scout Hall opening by
singing Oh Canada with Mary
Kooy at the piano.
Minutes of the previous meeting
were read and approved.
Treasurer Marian Noels reported
that the insurance had been paid and
thirty knives purchased for the
Harry Noels reported on the Sen-
iors Games. This will be discussed,.
Jan Capitano is
best in bowling
The sixth annual Shamrock Open
bowling tournament was held at
Lucan Bowling Lancs on Saturday,.
April 2. A total of 64 bowlers were
competing for cash and merchandise
prizes in this pins over average
Jan Capitano of Lucan was the
top bowler with a plus 374 over
five games. She won S240 with
scores of 308, 265, 257, 371 and
233 for a total of 1434. She also
.won S25 with her high single game
of 371.
For the second year in a row, Ron
Dickey of Lucan placed second with
a +156 and won S120. In third
place was RuthAnn Luther of Park-
hill who was 144 pins over her av-
Rounding out the top six money
winners were Andy McIntyre of Hu-
ron Park at +143, KathyEdwards of
Stratford +135 and Darlene Whar-
ton of London with a plus 133.
Winncrs of $25 each for high sin-
gles, besides Capitano, were Mark
Stephen and Bill McDonald, both
from Exeter, with 325 and 323 re-
spectively, and David Smith of Hu-
ron Park and Andy McIntyre with
scores of 313 and 310.
Changes in area
school principals
At its regular meeting on March
21, the Middlesex County Board of
Education approved moves for sev-
eral Df its principals and vice -
Coming to the Lucan School as
principal is Gerald Adlington, for-
merly principal of Metcalfe Central
School, and currently completing a
one year leave of absence.
Arnold Hull, currently principal
of River Heights School in Dor-
chLster, moves to Biddulph Central
School as principal in September.
He will be assisted by Mary Ann
Brown, who moves from the posi-
tion of acting vice-principalat Ade-
laide- W.G. MacDonald School.
Mrs. Eva J. Brophcy, principal of
Biddulph-Lucan School for the past
four years will assume the princi-
palship of Valleyview Public
School at Coldstream in Septem-
Also leaving is vice-principal
Steve Wanamaker, who be',comes
the newly appointed vice-principal
at Southdale Public School in
* * * *
Student evaluation reports for the
winter term are to be sent out Fri-
day, April 8. Interview sessions arc
planned for Monday, April 11.
Interviews at this time will be by
request of the teacher or parent. If
you desire an interview with your
teacher(s), please forward a
request with your child so that ar-
rangements can be made for a mu-
tually satisfactory time.
at a later meeting.
Charlotte Barker is card convener
for next week and lunch will be
Voyle Jordan, Joo.Carter and Gote
It was agreed to buy styrofoam
cups by the case.
Mary Davis read an interesting ar-
ticle on the composition of "The
Old, Rugged Cross' after which we
sang a verse of it.
We adjourned for cards and crafts. .
The winners were as follows: La-
dies High Marjorie Steeper, Men
High Marian Noels. Ladies Lone
Lil Dobbs, Mons Lone Joe Carter,
Ladies Low Mary Kooy, Men Low
Bud Gagnon, Crafts Liz Conlin.
Susan Cook 227-4911
Revival Centre news
Good Friday evening Mr.. Rod
Anderson played his guitar as he
led -the song service. Showing his
guitar had just broken a suing, Mr.
Anderson said it was out of tune
just as a Christian life without joy
is out'of tune.• Ile then led in sing-
ing Psalm 51:10-12.
Rev. Roger Mason spoke from
Mark 15:25-39. As His birth was,
so Jesus' death was surrounded
with the supernatural. Jesus' birth,
life, death and resurrection was pro-
phesied hundreds of years before.
Isaiah 51:12 prophesied the Mes-
siah would die a criminal's death
-with criminals.
Psalm 22 describes Jesus' cruci-
fixion: Isaiah 53 tells of the cruci-
fixion events. The prophecy in
Amos 8:9 foretells there would be
darkness at noon, as it was when
Jesus was crucified.
All the details of Jesus' betrayal
for death were foretold in the Old
Testament. Jesus had warned His
disciples this would happen.: ron
the disciples perspective, this was
the darkest hour in history. But
God was in control
There are times in a Christian's
life -when it looks like God has
abandoned him. But God is silent-
ly working. Jesus' life was totally
submitted to His. -Father God.
When a -Christian serves God the
Doner was the reader for Thurs-
day's Easter assembly at Biddulph
Central School.
best he can, submitted to the Lord,
God will. bring -him -through- hard -
times to be a better person. A
Christian is not immune to life's
problems. Following God will
bring hint through them.
Easter Sunday morning Pieter
Schinklcshock, _ accompanied by
guest pianist Mr. Ray Moore, led
the song service. Responsive read-
ing was Matthew 28:1-10. Mr.
Moore worshipfully sang Blessed
Rev. Roger Mason ministered
from Luke 24:1-9. Some people
look upon Jesus as being dead,
'with many explanations as to the
tomb being empty. What is your
viewpoint regarding Jesus? Even
the disciples did not believe the
_women's news of Jesus' resurrec-
The women had watched Jesus'
lifeless body placed in the tomb.
When they went to properly em-
balm His body after the Sabbath
day, they found the stone rolled
away, and Jesus' body gone. There
were angels there who asked thein •
why they looked for the living
among the dead, as Jesus was ri-
Many view Jesus whose words
and life should be studied. We
should -study Jesus' life . on earth,
but Jesus is someone who should
be met and experienced, and known
now. Some believer who only know
who Jesus is, but they need to
know them in their heart in a daily
experience. •
Some people look at Jesus as an
example to follow as in 1 Peter
.2:21. But we cannot live up to Je-
sus' example without Jesus giving
us the power to do so. Because Je-
sus is alive He wants to take up res-
idence in our lives.
Upcoming events: Sunday,
April 10 - Sunday morning graduat-
ing student from •Christianvicw
Bible College will be guest speaker,
Mr. Tony Abbott. Sunday evening,
Mr. Pieter Schinklcshock will be
April 15 - Friday evening. Chris-
tianvicw Bible College Graduation.
sewage grant
Ontario Environment Minister
Jim Bradley and Doug Rcycraft,
MPP for Middlesex, announced to-
day that grant funds totalling
$790,000 have been authorized for
the 1988/89 fiscal year for the ex-
pansion of the sewage treatment la-
goon in the village of Lucan.
The total estimated cost of the
project is S3,665,000 and it is ex-
pected that the ministry's grant con-
tribution will he about S2,918,000.
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Qualities you may see in someone you
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Now's the time to speak out on
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You. name
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