HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-03-30, Page 27Page 10A Times -Advocate, March 30, 1988 AUTOGRAPH TIME - Fred Penner and Leri' Udow took the time to meet with some of the children and parents after Thursday's shows. Many got the chance to get the autographs of their favorite TV entertainers. Lodge card party atVarn fly Joan Beierting The Varna Orange Lodge Card Party was' held Friday March 25 with :0 tables in play. Men's high went to Mel Webster and Noreen Flaytcr won the prize for ladies high. Mabel McClinchey won the ladies low and man's low went to Al Burnett. • Door prizes, went to Ray McClin- chcy,..Mary Broadfoot, Rachel John- ston, Mrs. Bill Caldwell, Jean Hen- derson and Rob Murray. Next Card Party will be in four weeks on April 22 at 8 p.m Every- one welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. Varna U.C.W: ishaving their an- nual dessert euchre and bake sale, Wednesday April 6 at 12:30 p.m. at the Stanley Township Complex, Varna. Everyone welcome, men in- cluded. Pe rso n a Is Bob and Cwyne Roberts and chil- dren, Jessica and Jamie of Simcoe, former residents of Varna, visited with Bill and Mary Chesscll on Saturday, also with Ross and Nancy Whittaker of the Brucefield area. Dorothy Ostrom had her grand- son, Greg Ostrom from Newbury, visit her- for the week of March break. David and Sandy Ostrom, Dorothy's son and daughtcr-in-law from Virginia, were also visiting with Dorothy for a couple of days last week. Dorothy's grandson, D.J. (David and Sandy's son) was also visiting. D.J. is living in Hamilton and is the manager of Allegheny Airlines in Hamilton. Wilfred Chuter's grandson, Kevin .Brubacker, has just returned from touring Europe with just a back- pack. Kevin took a year's leave of absence from school to tour u- . rope. He left with a group of seven. boys and was the last one to come back home. He toured Greece and used London, England as his head- quarters. He was gone seven months in all. 'A' champions The Hensall Pee Wee House League Hockey Team won the Hu- ron -Perth House League A Champi- onship over the weekend. Four lo- cal boys from Stanley Township representing this team are. Dennis Mount, Kevin Mount, Michael Hayter and Michael Jones. The Hensall Atoms House League team also won the A Cham- pionship in their league, and had three local boys representing ,Stan- ley Township on this team. They are Neil Atchinson, Chris Taylor and Raymond Bcierling. Thcsc two teams will be travell- ing to Durham on Easter Monday to play Hockey for the House League Grand Championship. Good Luck and Congratulations boys! Thursday March 31 there will be Maundy Thursday Upper Room Communion in Goshen at 8 p.m. The Good Friday Service will be in Varna at 11 a.m. Friday morning. Popular kids show Fred Penner packs them in time. The lads are fed, y ' they're usu- tion this year because of faltering all a little more subdued." Penner ticket sales, Pcnncr assured this was adapts his shows to the mood of the not really considered. Constant audience, changing sons or roe checks on ticket sales were all part tines ata moment's notice. of keeping track of his poptrlanty "When you do hundreds of shows and avoiding conflicts with other in a year, you get the sense of the major events in the community. difference in every audience. You "1 would much prefer to play to a have to present your material in a full house than a half house," said little different manner," he said. "That's part of the challenge of a performer, to maintain a balanceof material so that you keep your audi- ence interested." Penner states flatly that he never out. has a problem getting his audience Penner also commented on differ- enthused. encs he has noticed in his audienc- "Thcy wouldn't be here if they es, depending on the scheduled weren't ready for it." tic says it has times of the shows. "A 4:30 show, which we're about to do in 18 minutes from now, is usually quite hyper. Attention spans will be a little bit shorter be- cause it's dinner time." "I'm aware of those things. 1 try and incorporate that sometimes. I ask the kids 'are you hungry?" said Penner. "Okay let's sing a song professional career. about food then." "I implement some of my paren "The seven o'clock show is the tal understanding in guiding other wey_.a_r_ound.-lts-just-pre-bed---ttriags; said Pcnncr, laughing. Fred Penners concerts went ahead as planned to the delight of hun- dreds of area children. The CBC's morning children's entertainer stopped in Exeter for two shows en route to performances in London, Toronto and Ottawa. "This community is very lucky to have him here," said Gilles Pa- quin, Penner's manager. "In the world, Canadian kids' performers are the top," he added, placing Penner within the three most popular in Canada. Paquin also spoke highly of Pen- ner's music, saying it was more family-oriented than just "kiddie music". Penner has released his fifth record album and has created his own record label, called Oakstreet, for distribution by A&M records. This tour is part of the promotion of the latest album, and Paquin said that Exeter would not have been considered for an appearance if it had not been for the persistence of Cass Bayley with the Hensall Co - Op nursery school, and the fact that Exeter was between other stops on the tour. _- Whenasked-how he enjoyed his popularity, Penner responded enthu- siastically. "It's exciting: It's very exciting to know that you make a real con- nection with so many important human beings," he said. Penner has been entertaining chil- dren for 10 years. The last four have been witness to the success of his television show, which draws up to 2.5 million viewers every week. The two Exeter concerts were smaller shows on the tour schedule. Most of the other concerts ranged from 1,000 to 2,500 people. "Eight hundred people is a nice size too," said Pcnncr. "Regardless of the size of the audience it is very t► ". .E gratifying to know that 800 people in any town are coming out to share in a musical experience with me." An earlier attempt to bring Pen- ner to Exeter last year failed because Penner, "so if we're not getting any kind of audience response then that means I'm not known here." How- ever, he pointed out this was not the case because both shows scld become easier to reach his audience since his television show became popular.. The children are now -pre- pared for the show. They know what to expect and know the songs. Penner is a father of two: a six year-old boy and a two year-old girl. A third child is on the way. Fa- therhood has come in handy for his Court Valentine lodge helps, Bunny Bundle a performance by the North Mid- dlesex elementary school choir. A lunch was serval after the program. By MRS. E. SUMMERS At St. Thomas Anglican Church, Rcv. Beverley Anne Whaler was in charge of the morning. prayer scr- Cancer meeting vice. Marlene French was organist Thursday March 24, the Lucan and the two lessons were read by Biddulph branch of the Canadian Kenneth Beatson. Palin branches Cancer Society had an education were distributed to an present. In the children's focus, the mini- night at the Lucan United Church. Videos were shown dealing with the stcr explained the meaning of the annual cancer canvass and cancer ed - Triumphal Entry and the happiness ucation. of seeing Jesus by waving the palm The speaker was Dave McClurg. branches. Rcv. Wheeler preached Don't forget "to wear a daffodil on her sermon from Mark 15. Jesus Sunday April 10. before Pilate and the Crucifixion Court Valentine L 1861 of Cana- . and burial of Christ. dian Forester held their March meet - Rev. Bruce Picrcc was in charge ing in the Lions club hall with .of the morning worship and entitled Edith Youngson presiding. - his message "A man passing A donation was sent to CFPL through the Crowd." bunny bundle and titans were made On Sunday evening a program for the annual "April Night Out" was presented with gospel music and also for catering to the south - provided by the Granton choir. A western Ontario Rabbit Breeders number of gospel hymns were pre- banquet. screed lw Michael and Anne Picrcc Court Valentine expects to send a from Toronto who were visiting delegate to the Foresters High their parents, Rev. and_Mrs. Pierce Comb Convention which will be in Granton. held in Saskatoon in July. The highlight of the evening was Crime Stoppers Police arc looking for thieves who broke into a cottage on Lake Road West Concession Hay Township sometime .between March 13 and March 20, r988. They smashed a window to gain cntry and then proceeded to search the cottage for -valuables. The stolen property included jewellery and soma housewares amounting to over 5500. If you have any information about this or any other serion crime call CRIME STOPPERS OF HCOUNTY t, ' at 1-800-265-1777. You could earn a cash reward of up to $1,000 if thc information leads to an ar- rest. Callers will notbc required to. reveal their identity nor testify in court. Crediton by Mrs. Stan Preszcator The sermon topic at Zion United Church was taken from Jeremiah 16.1-5 and Mark 15:21-32 titled "1'l... .Third of The 1 -Jammer". Choir practice will be Wednesday ening at 8 p.m. in the Sunday .chool rooms. Easter . services Good Friday April 1, 10:30 a.m. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be offered at the Easter Sunday service. In hospital at University, Lon- don arc Mrs. Marion Mollard and Alien Pfaff and at St. Michael in Toronto Steve Pcrtschy. Crediton and District Social Club held their St. Patrick's and Easter dance on Saturday evening. A good crowd attended. Happy, birthday was sung to Ken Glavin and Sandy Martin. A delicious lunch of beef stew was served and music was by The Tennessee.Gentlemen. Next dance is April 16. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Grummett in Cambridge. Thcsc wcrc people we met while camping. We had a good weekend and tourcd Cambridge. Preston and Hesocler and also vis - of conflicting commitments with a concert in the maritimes. Even though organizers feared a cancella- PENNER IN CONCERT - The Hensall and District Co -Op Nursery School's bid to bring children's entertainer Fred Penner to Exeter went without a hitch. Nearly‘ 1,600 saw the school's fund-raising shows in the South Huron High School gymnasium. - Tiger Times... from Stephen Central Our trip to the sugar bush On March 10, we went on a bus trip to the Brownlee's sugar bush from 10:00 to 11:00. When we got there we went down the lancway in single file. When we looked into the buckets there was a bit of sap in the pails. Then we tasted some sap in a big green tub. Then we went to the sugar house and saw the sap boiling. We each got a cup full of tai •k syrup. Whcr: .:r)ort, was done we got some cal..') from Mrs. Brownlee. She said it was called hard syrup. She gave me some to take to my family. Them Mr. Brownlee drilled a hole into a tree. It was dripping good. We got to look inside -the hole. Tlicn we went on a foot bridge. Everyone got a turn going on it. • Then we got .on the bus and carne back to school. We are writ- ing about our trip at the Brown- lcc's bush. It was fun because that was my first time at a sugar bush. I liked it very much. Shannon. Wuerth Onc of my favourite March ac- tivities is to go to our bush to col-• lect sap. We go in the afternoon bccausc the buckets will be almost full. If we didn't empty them the sap might freeze in.thc cold night. The bucket could split. We empty the pails into buckets and carry it to the barrel behind thc tractor. The sap all goes into the tank bchi.id the sugar shanty. The pipes carry it into the evaporating pans. The pans are kept hot so the syrup will boil down. I like to see -ited St. Jacob's and Elmira and went through the shops there. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum, RR 1 Walton wcrc Sunday supper and evening guests with Stan and I. . the sap turn into maple syrup. students wilt be reading parts of the Peggy Brownlee. novel "Charlotte's Web". Author's Day in March and April students in Huron County start writing stories for Author's Day. Author's.Day is when students from grades 4-6 get an opportunity to be authors. School classrooms are turned into publishing companies. First each student creates a story and illustrates it on a good copy. A cover is made by decorating two flat pieces of cardboard. (cereal boxes work well). We bind the books by sewing thorn down the centre. of the adjoin- ing pages and gluing the first and last page. to our cardboard covers. The covers arc bound -on the out- side, down the centre, by the use of green, blue, or black book binding tape. Out Of all the= books our li- brarian, I`•liss Rath, chooses the stu- dent with the best stories to go to head office in Clinton for the Re- gional Author's .Day. Lorna Miller, Tammy Durward lllarch weather report I think that March cane in like a Iamb and will go out like -a lion. The weather in )\•larch has bccn very good. It has bccn sunny with a little bit of cloud. The snow- banks arc melting really; really fast. More.and more birds are com- ing back from the south. I saw• some geese coming back from the south too. I haven't seen my first robin yet but I'll see one soon.. Greg saw his first robin on February 27. Julie flicks Fun with Independent Reading Moth says I'm a bookworm..1 guess she is right. I -do like to read and I do read quite a -few books. In- dependent reading at school is one of my favourite things to do: I like it best bccausc we have a good se- lection of books and 1 -get to choose what i want to read, l recom- mend that you read the book called Hockey Showdown. I liked it be- cause the kid - Demingo met Ken Dryden. 1 wish 1 could have more tune to read. Judd Desjardine. - Spiders'- The grade 4s in room 6 arc pres- ently working on the topic spiders, in Language Arts. After reading and discussing a couple of stories in their readers, the pupils did research on their own. The group practiced using the card catalogue in the li- brary. Each student wrote 10 things they learned about spiders. Onc of the most interesting was that spi- ders were once used in medicine to cure whooping cough. Spiders. build different kinds of webs such as tri- angu)ar and funnel shaped. Soon the BUNNY BUNDLE CHAMPS -- Sporting a new skip and lead, this team won the Bank of Nova Scotia Bunny Bundles Bonspiel recently. Bottom to top are Janet Heaman (skip), Jeanette McBride (vice), Janis Richardson (second) and Mary Hodgins (lead). All proceeds from the event go to Eas ter Seals. SECOND DRAW WINNERS -- This rink won the second ladies draw recently. left; Ede Boyle, Cathy Pfaff. Helen Burton, Grace Farquhar. Science Fair It's another blowing -up adventure as grades five to eight get ready to enter the science fair. Grades 7 and 8 will dazzle the science world on March 29 and 30. Fives and 6s will influence youngsters to- show off their science knowledge. The projects will be shown during education week, April 18 to 22. Two people can enter together. There will be trophies awarded to the best three projects. The best l- and 8 projects will be entered in the Exeter science fair. Steve Hendrick, Dwayne Glanville Going away ?.. . Don't forget to be a 0 Blood Donor before you go ! 104010KEN IAIANSMITH NEW SHOWROOM 100 Main St., Seaforth (Across from Lyon's Foodmarket) 527-0411 Opening Soon!