HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-03-30, Page 26NIGERIAN KNOWLEDGE - Former CUSO volunteer Susan Bell spent a day with the grade six class at Os- borne School telling about the customs and culture of Nigeria. This was in conjunction with the students studies on Africa. Palm Sunday at GB churches United Church news The Sacrament of Holy Com- munion was observed on Palm Sunday at Grand Bend United Church. new members received by transfer to Grand Bend United last Sunday were Mrs. Ruth Bailey, from Calvary U.C. London, Mr. Ellwyn Gowing from .First --QC. Waterloo, Mr. Robert Illman, tram Trinity U.C. Cookstown, Mr. Hen- ry Ovcrduin from Robinson memo- rial U.C. London, Miss Pamela Pierce from Fairview U.C. . Brant- ford, Ontario. Rev. R. Peebles sermon topic was "Decision for Christ", with scripture readings from Deuterono- my and Mark 10. He said we live in a society where life is filled with demands and we have to make decisions. Our deci- sions are either for or against Jesus. In the childrcns time Rev. Pee- bles explained the meaning of Psalm Sunday, and the congrega- tion and children sang, "For God so loved .the world he gave his only son", before they went to their classrooms. Choir anthem today was, "This do in remembrance of me", and while the offering was being taken they sang "Hosanna". Fred and Hazel Willert were door greeters. - Banks, for the Bible project in Brazil are being asked to be brought in next Sunday. Be sure your name, address or church envelope No. is inside -bank. The money in the banks will be used to buy Bibles for Brazil, an Outreach Mission of this congregation. Anyone interested in placing a lily in church for Easter Sunday, please contact Marg Love or Norma Walper. A combined Good Friday service will be held at Grand Bend United, with Anglicans and Church of God participating. Rev. Vipperman will be leading, Rev. S. Desjardine will be speaking, assisted by Rev. Pee- bles, at 2:30 p.m. An Easter Sunrise service and breakfast will be held at Grand Bend Jet ski U.C.-on Sunday morning April 3. to remember Jeanne Crocker and Cy Service 7:30 a.m. Breakfast follow- Couckuyt in their prayers this ing. Adults $3.50, childrenand un- week, as bdth are in University der $2.50, pre-schoolers free. Tick- Hospital in London, cls available from Couples Club. .. Church of God ' Catholic News The Sunday morning service be - Holy. Week began at Immaculate ' gan at the Church of God with the Heart of Mary Church -with the song "Majesty, Worship His Ma - Palm Sunday celebration. Palms jesty", led by Millie Desjardine. were blest, and distributed to the Joy Mason --and Phyllis Desjardine congregation. John and Gary Peters sang a duet "The Old Rugged joined Father Beck in reading the Cross". The .Pastor's sermon was Passion of Christ. Dolores Tighe taken from Matthew 21, the story was the cantor and Paul Dietrich of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem as a was organist. The choir sang "See King, who would bring redemption Us Lord About Your Altar" during and peace to His people. He chose Communion. to ride a lowly donkey, to allow In his sermon, Father Beck re- people to get near to Him. This re- minded everyoneof the importance minds us that Jesus, our Saviour, is of attending the _1-loly Week servic- es, beginning with Holy Thursday at 7:15 p.m. when Fr. Beck will portray Jesus as he washes the feet of 12 parishioners. The Good Fri- day'service begins at 3 p.m., with veneration of the Cross and Com- munion. Confessions will be heard on Friday evening at 7:15 p.m. The Easter Vigil begins at 7:15 p.m. for all parishioners, the most important event of the Liturgical - Year for Catholics. At this mass, Mrs. Dorothy Boyd and Mrs. Syl- via Jane Struyf, who have been tak- ing instructions, will be officially received into the church as new Catholics. -Mrs. Kim MacLachlan, Dinah Michielsen and Donna Pat- terson will all receive the sacrament of Confirmation, making,it a very special and joyous celebration for Easter this year. The choir will also be singing on Easter Sunday, at the 11 a.m. Mass. Please take part in the Easter liturgy this year. After the 9 and 11 a.m. Masses still calling people to come near to Him today. The evening song service was led by Beth Desjardine and the pastor's sermon was about "Jesus' Seven Last Sayings from the Cross." Easter Sunday night there will be a film shown "I Beheld His Glory", the story of one who witnessed the Bible news There were fourteen ladies present for the Bible Class at Sauble Court last Tuesday morning. Janet Desjar- dine gave the opening prayer and Pat Desjardine led the hymn sing. From the "Women's Workshop of-. David's Psalms", Vera Brown fin- ished Chapter 11, "Docs Confes- sion have Healing Power?" taken from Psalm 12. - Pat Desjardine was discussion leader for the beginning of Chapter 12 "Where is God whcn my world caves in?" In this chapter, they found David's 'world beginning to crumble. David's own son Absglam was conspiring against him, so Da - on Palm Sunday. (March 27) the vid and his followers left the city of Catholic Womcn's League served Jerusalem. • pancakes, sausages, muffins, juice Pat closed with a. prayer, remem- and coffee to over 200 parishioners, bering the sick and the shut-ins. at the Alhambra Hall. CWL Presi- All ladies are welcome to attend dent Rose Vanbruane would like to . these Bible studies each Tuesday thank all of her kitchen staff, panic- morning at Sauble Court. ularly the two head chefs, her hus- Crucifixion. The Beaconnaires will band Jerry, and Larry Luther, for all meet on Monday, April 4, at 6:30 their hard work. • p.m. with Mr. Eugene Fox of-Zu- Father Beck reminded parishioners rich as guest speaker. regatta an 'incredible promotional device' Jim Stevenson, president of the rio. regatta, noting that if a business - Grand Bend Chamber of Com- Using a small portion of the man "wanted to use a chunk" of merce, told Grand Bend council a beach, approximately 150 yards Grand Bend to sell a product, coun- proposed jet ski regatta could serve from the end of the wharf extending cil would have to say no. as an "incredible promotional de- north, -and a small section of the Stevenson assured Lennon that. jet vice" for the village when they met parking lot in that arca, the regatta skis will not be sold at the regatta. last Monday. will feature a variety of jet ski Deputy Reeve Dennis Snider add - Council approved in principal events, a baby contest and the Miss cd that Molson's and Labatt's make the regatta which is being orga- Grand Bend pageant. use of Grand Bend on a regular ba- nized by Executive Advertising and • Stevenson said Johnson and John- sis. Promotion of Toronto, noting that son baby products, in conjunction Reeve Harold Green questioned their approval is subject to final with Scars Canada, would like to the amount of room needed in the co-operation and insurance details. sponsor the baby.contest -- a factor parking lot but Stevenson said Stevenson explained 100,000 "which, being family oriented, takes room was needed for a promotional copies of a promotional poster a way from the raucous stigma of vehicleand a small stage for the naming Grand Bend will be distrib- Burgerfest". various contests. used throughout Ontario, giving Stevenson met with resistance The event, slated for June 25 -26, the village "vital exposure". from some - members of council. should attract people to the village The regatta will be one of ten in Marsha Lcmon expressed concerns in what has previously been a quiet various communities across Onta- about the commercial aspects of the weekend for business. Kippen club holds reunion By Margaret Hoggarth The Energetic Eight held a reun- ion on Friday March 25 at the home of Bev and Doris Hamilton: Bob and Franccs Kinsman were there from London. Phyllis .and Harold Parsons and Al and Margaret Hoggarth were also present. A hap- py birthday was sung to Bob Kins- man who was celebrating that day. kel far V CLOTHES FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY - Grade six, students at Usborne School try on some outfits from Nigeria, brought to the class by former CUSO volunteer Susan Bell. Amy Johns (left) wears a western ad- aptation of a Nigerian dress, Alvin McNicol and Paul Mizzi sport shirts from the Fulani tribe, and Aaron Hibbert models a dashiki. Dinner guests with the Hoggarth family on Sunday March 27 were Al's mother Ruby Hoggarth from Zurich, Judy Dunn from London, Annette Losercit from Auburn, and Dave Hook from Scaforth. The thunderstorms that were around in the arca Saturday after- noon of March 26 struck a trans- former at the home of Vcrn and Mona Aldcrdicc. A new transformcf had to be installed by the hydro company. Ruby Aldcrdicc of Mcaford was able to spend a; few days in the area this past week visiting with her son Vcrn and his -wife Mona. Kippen United Church Barbara Cooper on the organ and Tricia Cooper at the piano provided the music for Sunday March 27 at St. Andrews. The choir sang "Here Comes Jesus". - Rev. Keays sermon for Palm Sunday was fittingly called "The Kingship of Jesus". Good Friday rervicc at 7:30 p.m. Friday April 1 to be held in Bruce - field Church. Sacrament of Holy Communion to take place. Times -Advocate, March 30, 1988 Page 9A Crowds flock to see swans Bob Tremain, curator of Lambton Heritage Museum, reports a count of over 8000 swans on the bog this spring, one of biggest groups in the last ci h years.- There are also other varieties of waterfowl out there, including Canada geese and different species of ducks. . More than a thousand people have paid at the museum, to take advan- tage of the tour and background in- formation, and there were severrbus tours from Michigan! !t Ross Snider, of the Tamrack Rap-' for Rehabilitation Foundation, brought an exhibition of raptors to show a crowd of about 400. They got a chance to see and learn first- hand about a sawwhet owl, great horned owl, a pair of Ketrel hawks and other magnificent birds of prey. Bob Tremain has been checking the crowds at the bog over the last two weeks, and finds from seven to 25 cars parked there to view the birds, on any weekday, reflecting a high level of public interest. It's a magnificent sight, flocks of thou- sands of water fowl as a harbinger of spring, the end of another winter. The waterfowl exhibit will be on display at the museum until April 13, so if you haven't seen it yet, take advantage of the opportunity while the flocks of birds are still Dashwood lady celebrates 80th By Bernice Boyle The community congratulates Mrs.. Alice Tiernan who celebrated her 80th. birthday Sunday with an Open house in her own home. her daughters Nancy Stormcs and Linda Cornelious welcomed approximate- ly 90 guests. Mrs. Maud Hoffman poured tea at a tastefully decorated table and So- nia Stormes poured punch. Mary. Weber helped in the kitchen. Following the afternoon tca the family took Alice to the 3A's for dinner. -. Sunday afternoon the new Zion Lutheran parsonage was open for the members to view before the Pastor moves in. An Open house will be held at a later date. -- Personals This Easter Season finds some of our residents in hospital. Let us re- member them` with a shower of cards. Mrs. Donna Restemeycr under- went surgery last Thursday in St. Joseph's hospital, London. - Mrs. Gloria Hayter had 'Surgery last Thursday- in Victoria Westmi- nistcr Campus, London. Shipka by Mrs. Filigh Morenz Mrs. Willis (Ella) Desjardine, at- tended a special gathering, Sunday March 13, for her mother, Mrs. Pearl Wood, held at Ella's sister's home, Shirley Broom, in Exeter. Other family members attending were Grace and Ron Caldwell, Port Franks, Nocl and Walter Westlake and daughter, Hcnsall, Myrtle and Mcrt Dcsjardinc, Tiverton, Cecil and Radina Wood and family, Grand Bend, Alice and Herb Broom and family, Exeter, Debbie and Bill Clark and family, London. Onc daughter, unable to attend, Linda and Harvey Craig, phoned from Winnipeg. The family made a presentation of .a family ring to their mother. They all enjoyed visiting acid reminiscing and had a smorgasbord supper. Mrs. Wood is grandma to 40 grandchil- dren and 44 great grandchildren. "Congratulations" Mrs. Wood. This community was saddened to learn of the death of Mrs. Art (Nora) Wcbb, last Thursday March 24, at Strathmore Lodge, Strathroy. Survived by her husband Art Webb, two sons, Rev. and Mrs. Paul Wcbb, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Wcbb, RR 3 Cottam, tight grandchildren and five great grand- children. Thc funeral was held Sat- urday March 26, at M. Box and Son Funeral Home, Parkhill, with inter- ment in Parkhill cemetery. Mrs, Webb was in her 88th year. Thc Wcbbs lived in this arca in- the late 30's and 40's, and were operators of the Shipka General store. They called on local people once a week with what we called a "travelling store" on wheels, and saved many of us a trip to town. Pallbearers were six of her grand- children. Attending the funeral from this area were Dorothy and Lorne Fenner and Mabel and Don Fraser. Recent visitors with John,, Bever- ley, Sherri -Lynn and Stephen Kel- ler, were Beverley's sister and broth- er-in-law, Barbara and Gerald Higdon, of Rothsay, and their rela- tives Lori and Frank Higdon, from New Harbour, Newfoundland. Corporal Cindy, and daughter Mi- cah Anne, of Trenton, have been vi- siting the baby's grandparents, Wil- lis and Ella Desjardine. They will shortly be moving to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, where theg4 have been posted. Lorne and Loran Devine, of Blue Water Apts., Zurich, visited Hugh and I Saturday afternoon and we en- joyed several solo games and had supper together. There will be another euchre party here tonight March 30, at Shipka Community Centre. there. Trees are beginning to bud, and tulips and hyacinths are poking up in the flower buds to_announce-ihe coming -of Tpring. All but a few patches of snow have melted away, and everyone is glad to see the rob- ins arc back too. Have a happy Eas- ter! Thc Grand Bend Golden Agers will meet on April 6 at 1:30 p.m., at St. John's parish hall. They wel- comc both visitors and new mem- bers to attend meetings, where there arc always a variety of games, guest speakers, lunch, fun, and friends, both old and new. The; sympathy of the community is expressed to Mr. Art Wcbb, his family and grandchildren, and arca relatives, in the death last Thursday of Mrs. Nora Webb. at the Strath - mere Lodge, Strathroy. The Webbs were former residents of Green Acres in raid -Bend: — -- -Dates to remember: The Youth and Music Concert, Quatre Foix Sax, a saxophone quartet, will be held on Wednesday, April 6, at the United Church, at 8 p.m. The Easter Ecumenical service will be April 7, Thursday, at Im- maculate Heart of Mary Church, at 8 p.m. Refreshments will be served afterward at the Alhambra Hall. All ladies arc welcome to attend. Welcome back to Rev. Stan and Pat Desjardine and family, who spent two weeks in Florida, and a welcome to Jimmy and Marg Pat- terson, who were also down south. May their tans last until the sun shines brightly enough to re -brown. Lioness club has visitor Thc Grand Bend Lioness hosted Dr. and Mrs. Englcrt to their rcgu-. tar meeting on March 24 at Oak- wood Inn, wheret the .Lioness also . staged an Easter Bonnet Parade. Af- ter dinner Dr. Engler' gave a brief rundbwn on the needs of the Grand Bend Medical Centre, which treats a population ofscvcral hundred in the winter and several thousand in the . summer. He secs a need for upgrading-med Teal equipment after the proposed expansion of the Medical Ccntrc this summer, such as an X-ray ma- chine, an ultrasound, and.a resusci- tator down to_to simpler items such as a stretcher table and specific lamps. None of these items are available through regular Government fund - iii . Perhaps with the help of the whole community, this equipment can be obtained liar the benefit of all.• Since Good Friday, April 1 is a holiday, the. trip draw will be changed. to April 8. "Tickets are still available, for $5 each, on a draw for a $500 wardrobe from Merry Rags, from any Lioness -member. The draw will take place at the fashion show on April 23, with all.pro- cecds to go to Canine Vision. Tick- ets arc -now on sale for the Second Annual Purr -Feet Fashion. Show '88 by Merry Rags'id Rags'be held Sat- urday, April 23, at 1:30 p.m. in Oakwood Inn, for S8'cach: Don't miss the opportunity to see the new Spring Fashions and win a doorhxirc!. HELPING HAND - First Grand Bend Brownies leader Kathy Hayter gives a little assistance to Kim Keller in preparing molded chocolate candies. The Brownies visited Ferguson Apiaries Monday to learn the skills of mold- ing chocolate. Open Tuesday, April 5 GRAND OPENING IN MAY 1-711THIGHLANDS H ..HAIR DESIGN Total Service Salon and Specialty Gifts (6 Days Year 'Round) Evenings by Appointment Proprietor: Sharon Bullock Custom Floral Designs by: Barbara Gallant Skinsational SKIN & BODY STUDIO Lori Kaempf Certified Electrologist Esthetician Nail Technician Electrolysis (Permanent Hair Removal) European Facials (waxing) Manicures -Pedicures Eyebrow -Eyelash Tinting Passive Muscle Toning Extensive Cellulite Treatments Acrylic Nail Ektensions Have you ever wondered what season you are? Talk to our consultant Gift Certificates available Wednesday - 7-9 Men's Nite (lay Appointment only) 238-8829 Visa and Mastercard 1