HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-03-30, Page 9Times -Advocate, March 30, 1988
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ON FORM - Paula Watson gets it right for her solo routine as band lead- THEME FROM ANNIE - Elyshia Denomme completed a solo which in-
er eluded the favorite "Tomorrow".
EASY DOES IT - The elementary and basic girls try their hand at some big band music. Paula Watson led the
routine for Sarah -Rae Lovie, Miranda Case, Jessica Verhoog, Pam Love and Katherine Miller.
in Zurich
Drainage projects begin in summer.
Hay Township council acccptcd
and approved tcndcrs for two major
drainage projects to begin in the
township this summer.
The extension to the Becker -
Bender drain will begin sometime
in July. The lowest tender of
119,890 for the project was received
from Robinson Farm Drainage
Limited. The highest of the five
tenders was S23,573.86.
Tendering for the West Branch of
the Black Creek Drain ranged from
$73,150 to the accepted tender of
$57,282 received from Hodgins and
Hayter. A separate tender for work
on culverts was acccptcd from 1lori-
zontal Earth Boring in the amount
of $13,600.
The entire Black Creek project is
expected to cost 5140,460.
In other business, council ap-
proved an. Official Plan amendment
application from Tony Laporte who
wishes to develop lots on land cur-
rently zoned for agricultural use.
The application will now go to
the county planning department for
further discussion whether the land
east of St. Joseph can be redesignat-
ed as urban. One factor in the deci-
sion may be the availability of oth-
er lots -presently vacant in urban
Stanley reeve Clarence - Rau,
clerk -treasurer Mel Graham and con-
sulting engineer Steve Burns ap-
peared before Hay council to discuss
future plans for extending the High-.
way 21 water main' into Stanley
Discussed at the meeting were al-
ternatives available to the town-
ships for determining the size of the
line and location of pumping sta-
tions to boost the water pressure.
No timetable for the projects has
.yet been set.
Hay council's consulting engineer
Bruce Potter of B.M. Ross and As-
sociates met with council concern-
ing distribution of water scrviccs
within Hay township.
The idea of servicing the subdivi-
sions of Green Acres and Greystonc
Beach along with the'property. of
Harvey Denomme was presented.
After reviewing letters of objec-
tion from property owners regarding
the distribution of water scrviccs,
council agreed to exempt a property
owned by Lorne Klcinstivcr from
waterworks assessment because it
was determined to be an unbuildablc
Council also endorsed the City of
Ottawa's resolution to the Associa-
tion of Municipalities of Ontario to
allow a property owner appealing
his assessment access to copies of
the assessor's working papers.
March 30, 1988 has been declared
by Hay council Tornado Awareness
Day as recommended by the mini-
stry ofthe solicitor general.
The Ausablc-Bayficld Conserva-
tion Authority. has determined its
1988 Levey assessment at a total of
$230,049. Hay Township's share
of this sum is S15,222.
Mystery -comedy play next week
Eleven ladies of the St. Boniface
C.W.L. are busy practicing for their
three -act mystery -comedy play
Women In White that will be held
on Sunday April 10 and Monday
April 11. Both are at 7:30 p.m. in
the St. Boniface school•gym. Eve-
ryone in the community is wel-
come to attend. Tickets will be
available at the door - only $3 for
adults and children SI. (Refresh-
ments will be served aftcrwards.)'Be
sure not to miss this evening of en-
Upcoming events of the St. Boni-
face C.W.L. include the installation
of officers for the next two-year
term on Tuesday April 1.9 begin-
ning with Mass at 6:00 p.m. Guest
speaker vfill be Father.Mckenna,
C.W.L. spiritual director of the
London Diocese.
A few tickets for the dinner are
still available - if interested phone
Bridget Groot at 236-4743.
St. Boniface .
Thirty-one pupils of Mrs. Fran
Craig along with four mothers en-
joyed spending the day in Godcrich
last Friday as part of their V.I.P.
school program. An interesting tour
of the court house and a mock trial
with the students and Judge Carter
was a highlight of the day.
After lunch at McDonalds they
proceeded to the police station
where two officers explained their
duties and gave a tour of the build-
ing. All the kids had their finger
prints taken and saw the inside of a
jail cell.
Women's Institute •
The Zurich .Women's Institute
meeting has been changed from
April 4 to April 25 at the town
hall. Tickets for the 85th anniver-
sary dinner to be held in Scaforth
on April 19 should be ordered from
Eileen Consitt before April 4. Call
Congratulations to George and
Mary -Ann McCormick of London
on the arrival of a baby boy, Bran-
don Michael who was born March
24. Ile is a new grandson for Clem
and Theresa kegler.
Also congratulations to Dan and
Julie Turkhcim on the arrival of
thcir baby girl Amy born on Mon-
day March 28.
Marg and Glen Nccb recently
spent a nice restful weeks holiday
in the Dominican Republic at Porta
Plata. While away daughtcr Bonnie
Schenk and family attended to the
family chores.. .
On Saturday March 26 -a 90th
birthday party was held in honor of
Eugenie Bedard, daughtcr of Louis
and Rachelle Denomme formerly of
St. Joseph.
This surprise party was given by
her step -son Bruno Bedard in Tilbu-
ry. EiTgenic also lived at St. Joseph
many years prior to her marriage to
Philip Bedard, and she is still a very
active member of the society, play-
ing bridge three times a week. Nap
and Val Cantin were among several
friends and relatives who attended
this lovely celebration.
Welcome home to Karmen Bed-
ard. He is recuperating from surgery
and arrived home last Friday just in
time to celebrate his 21st birthday.
Several friends and relatives dropped
in to visit him with their best
Earl and Doreen Ocsch recently
returned home from .a nice three
week vacation where they visited
with friends in Phoenix, Arizona,
and their daughter Wendy Oesch
whd works with the Youth with A
Mission group in Los Angeles.
Wendy spent a week here in Zurich
with her parents and visiting rela-
tives, and returned to California last
A group of friends spent the
school holiday in sunny Acapulco.
From town were Mary -Ann Regier
and Dawn McAdams along with
friends from Grand Bend and Mt.
Welcome back home to Ken and
Dorothy Breakey who spent the
past six months in Wickcnburg.
. Returning home last Thursday
from Phocnix, Arizona were Mac
and Jean Klopp after a restful six-
week holiday.
Ron and Sally Dcsjardine and two
boys arrived home on the weekend
after spending the past two wccks
in Yuma, Arizona visiting with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Dcsjar-
Little Kevin Joseph Ducharme
was baptized on Sunday March 20
at St. Boniface church by Fr. Moo-
ney. God -parents were Lori and
Murray Armstrong of Exeter. Kevin
is the son of Gerard and Rosemary
Paper drive
The monthly paper drive will take
place again this Thursday March 31
starting at.6:30 p.m. Please don't
forget to put them out.
Gorden Cimpses
Surely with the end of March,
day light saving time and Easter all
in one package deal for the week-
end, spring will come in earnest
and the winter clothing can be
packed away.
The movies shown on Monday
evening were "Hard Oil and Ukraini-
an Easter Egg".
Cookie baking day is Tuesday af-
ternoon and anyone within smelling
distance makes a point of sampling
The monthly birthdayparty was
hosted by the Grand Bend Women's
Institute. A very enjoyable program
was presented and gifts, courtesy of
the Ladies' Auxiliary were presented
to the following residents celebrat-
ing birthdays during the month of
March. Mr. Jahn Soldan, Mr. Mil-
ton Oesch, Mrs. Elizabeth Ginge-
rich and Mr. Richard Creces.
Bingo was played on Friday even-
ing followed by refreshments.
The Sunday evening chipel ser-
vice was conducted by Rev. Sam
Parker of Goshen and Varna United
Churchds. Mr. John Warner presided
at the organ during the worship ser-
THE ENTERTAINER - Krista Schi!be's routine• included music from the
movie The Stin..
SPECIAL GUESTS - Kathy Merner. and Paul Arms were guest skaters at
the Zurich Figure Skating Club's 1988 skating carnival, emceed by Gary
Parsons from CJBK.
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