Times-Advocate, 1988-03-30, Page 1� mes
Serving South Huron, North Middlesex
One Hundred and Seventeenth Year
& North Lambton Since 1873
EXETER, ONTARIO, March 30, 1988
Price Per Copy 60 Cents
FINALLY HERE -- Once the money wasin the bank it didn't take long for the South Huron
Rec Centre to pick up the new Olympia ice resurfacer. Donation representatives gathered
for this shot Monday night. From left to right are Jack Fuller( Lions), Gus Gregus (Gregus
Construction), Frank Kints EMinor Hockey), Gabby Mol (Mohawks), Glen Robinson (Legion),
Phillis Johnson (Beta Theta). Mavis- Atthill (Rebekahs), Bev Delbridge (Alpha Tau), Tom
green ito nevibudget
ston, Colborne Reeve Russell It was decided 10 take S25,000
Kcrnighan, \Vinghain Reeve Bruce from the administration working
Machan, Turn'.)erry Reeve Brian funds to (ring the Huronvicw bud -
McBurney, 1lensall Reeve Jim Ro- get back to the S150,000 total. -.
binson, East Wawanosh Reeve Ern-
est Snell, Blyth Reeve Albert \Vas -
son, Brussels Reeve Gordon
Workman, Godcrich Reeve Harry
Voting for the cut were Ilowick
Reeve Gerald D'Arcey, Exeter Dep-
uty Reeve Lossy Fuller, Stephen
Deputy. Reeve .Ken McCann, Us -
borne Reeve Gerry Prout, Stanley.
.Reeve Clarence- Rau, Godcrich
Township Reeve Grant Stirling and
Stephen Recvc Tom Tonics.
Councillors agreed that the clay
care proposal would be discussed in
greater detail at the April meeting
and, while money has been budget-
ed, ttie program still may or may
riot proceed.
Social services budgeting also in-
cludes the 1Iuronvicw capital re-
r.-.rvc fund.
Councillors discussed at length
the preliminary budget which pro-
posed a cut of S25,000 from the
11uronview capital frond. The move
would take the S1.50,000 fund, as
set in 1987, and reduce it to
S 125,000.
McCann (Big 0), Jim Beckett (Times -Advocate), Keith Ahrens•(Molting Hawks),'Elaine Pinder (Li-
oness), Mark Heimrich (Optimists), Torn Bowen (Optimists). Front, left; Lynne Farquhar (Rec Cen-
• tre), Joan Heywood (Exeter Figure Skating -Club), Sharon Lynn (Xi Gamma Nu). Missing are.repre-
sentatives from Ellison Travel, Dashwood Industries and Exeter Roofing.
Huron County Council has ap-
proved a $22,054,824 budget which
includes financing for a waste man-
agement study, a day care program
and several capital works projects.
At a March 24 mccting, council
gave the green light to the budget.
The 26 municipalities in Huron
will share in raising $5,231,926 of
the budget. The county apportion-
ment of the budget is up 6.7 per-
cent, or $334,379 over the 1987
figure of $4,879,547.
The dollars and cents effect of the
1988 budget on the municipalities
is uncertain' as assessment figures
have not been determined. A coun-
tywide tax reassessment under Sec-
tion 70 of the Ontario Assessment
Act awaits approval from the gov-
The proposed reassessment will
sec mill rates for county and
school taxes changed to alleviate in-
equities in the current county appor-
tionnlcnt system. Ratepayers in dif-
ferent parts of Ilurgn County have
riot been paying the scone county
and school tax for property of equal
value. The new assessments." may
mean an increase in taxes for some
and, a decrease for others.
. Huron County municipalities
must wait indefinitely for -govern -
or' overn-ment approval of Section 70 before
they may pass their local budgets.
Day Care under fire
llovr ick
-Reeve Gerald D'Arccy
suggested that while the proposed
day care program is budgeted for 25
spaces this year, this could double
and triple in, subsequent years.
"Let the private people look after
this," he suggested.
Stanley Reeve Clarence Rau ques-
tioned whether the county should
get into the day etre business.
Usbornc Reeve Gerry Prout sug-
gested that the governnlcrit is
spending too much mmrtcy on day .
, • ^!.1.4•740.; .44301041101011111115.0.11110111.111111.M
care. Ile said, "I'm sure the children
that arc raised at horse will grow up
to be better citizens then those that
are chucked into a little room. The
province should pay women who
stay at home."
John MacKinnon, social services
administrator, .noted'that Bruce,
Grey and Perth Counties ail have
some forst of privately owned day
care. He further noted, "We're one
of the few, counties in Ontario that
doesn't have some form of subsi-
dized day care."
A recorded vote was called. Those
xvho voted against the deletion of
the day care budget were Grey
Reeve Leona Arritfitrong, Warden
Bob Bell, Seaforth Reeve William
.Bennett, Clinton Reeve Bee Cooke,
Godcrich Township Deputy Reeve
Laurie Cox, West Wawanosh Reeve
Cecil Cranston, Hallett Reeve Tom
Lunningham, Hay Deputy Reeve
Claire Deichert, Godcrich Deputy
Reeve John Doherty., Zurich Reeve
Robert Fisher, Morris Reeve Doug
Fraser, Ashfield Reeve Allan Gib-
son, McKillop Reeve Marie flick-
nell, Bayfield Reeve David John -
Five areadrivers- hit with
12 hour driving suspensions
Officers of the Exeter detachment
of the Ontario Provincial Police
laid two impaired driving charges
this week and issued driving li-
cence suspensions of 12 hours"cach
to live area drivers.
During the same time period, 54
charges %%ere laid under the Iligh-
wav Traffic Act, six Li(luor Li-.
cense Act charges and six Criminal
Code. charees.
The l irst of three rotor vehicle
accidents occurred Monday, March
21 when a snowmobile operated by
Kenneth .Elder, RR 2, Hensall
struck a ditch on sidcroad 5-6 in
1 -lay township. Elder sustained mi-
nor injuries and vehicle damage was
listed as light.
Friday, a vehicle owned by
Douglas Masse, RR 2, Zurich .re-
ceived minor damage when .it was
struck by a vehicle which diel not rc-
main at ilio scene on the Tender
Spot parking lot in Zurich.
A vehicle driven by Gary 111.rv.y.
Ilium Park collided -with a Parked
vehicle owned by Robert Quick at
124 St. Lawrence AVCrnle, Huron
Park on Saturday. Damage vas mi-
(:rant cuts defeated
The cutting of grants to the
Women's Institutc"(\Vi), the Blyth
Festival, the Huron County Play-
house and the Mid Western -Ontario
Rotary Music Festival wcrc also de-
In defense of the S15 )*rants that
Please turn to page 3
Lions helping
Quest Skills
The Exeter Lions ('lub is donat-
in.! S2,000 and joining with other
Clubs ori the county in placing the
Lions -Quest Skills for Adolescents
program in all elementary schools
in ifuror].
The 1 lima) County Board of Edu-
cation has committed S8.100 to es-
tablish this training session for ap-
pruxunately 364eachers.
'I Ile Ouc st program has been re-
,ei\ed positively by educators and
parents in the United States over
the. past several years aiul 110 V that
• In opposing the cut Deputy ;( Canadian sersitn- is available it
Reeve I.rnsy Duller of Exeter re- is e\pected hundreds ohtliousands
.minded council, '•111 the next few of youngsters xvill benefit across
years money.. will have. 10 h. put the county.
into -1 luronvicw." The loeal hoard has asked Lions
sold Lioness clubs to pay for the
costs of the consumable materials,
student reader and h;uldlxx►k and the
parent handbook for 36 classes of
the program that will be initiated
in the fan.
Exeter Lion Niall Straw said
these materials for a••class of 25
students will cost S44) per class,
or S1.60 Iter the county system.
Stephen council gets progress update on
hydro transmission line construction
con\en►n►n Clerks and
Treasurers of -Ontario- in Toronto in
June and road superintendent Eric
Finkhc incr will attend an upcoming
\Neste ril Ontario Waterworks confer-
I inkhcitier VIS x150 instoretcd 10
` winter.
` ' order trees for roadside planting this
55,000 to the South Huron Rec
Council approved a grant of sprint from the Ausahlc Bzivlicld
Centre. This is the same amount as
"a year ago. •
Ontario l Iydro's community rela-
tions manager David Grant attended
the Mlarch 22 meeting of Stephen
township council to update infor-
mation on the hydro transmission
Inciwhich will run through the
Grant said 12 milcs.of lines have
already.lke n started out of Douglas
Point. in Stcphcn township, soil
testing and tower staking will he
!coin' leted this summer with con-
struction beginning in 1989 and
i stringing of lines in 1990.
The proposed line will enter Stc-
phcn township at highway 83,
just cast of Sarepta and continue
along' the Mud Crock Iinc between
Concessions 9 and 10 to the south
(Anna of revision cin the Mount
Carmelnlunicipaf drain resulted in
no appeals being heard. The lowest
of three tenders for construction
' was received and accepted front Ro-
Ibinson Farm Ural nagc. for
N1ade:line Dcsjardine has been
CHICKENS - Three-year-old Emily Ratcliff :, AR.1 Zurich, ad- hirndi as the landfill site operator on
mires some of the newly -hatched chickens from McKinley Hale/ones. Her Concession 14 at S6.10 per hour.
grandfather is Anson McKinley.
Spring means hew life
page 2
Zurich skating club
presents carnival
page 9
She replaces Percy Warden who
passed away a few weeks ago.
The landfill site will he open each
Tuesday and Friday and the last Sat-
urday in cele( 11101101 from 8 a.m. to
5 p.m. during the summer months
and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. during
Ih • t r
The Stephen township arena bud-
get for 19$8 was received and ac-
cepted by council. it calls for expen-
ditures of $145,050 and receipts of
S128,764 leaving a deficit of
Council also received%hudget rec-
ommendations from the Stephen
community centres and 11101or
sports. Amounts will depend on the
number of teams and participants. •
Approval was given to the Credi-
ton lire department to operate their
annual fireworks display at the C're-
clilon Coniniunity Park on May 21
Approval was given to clerk -
treasurer Wilniar Wein to attend a
Conservation Authority.
The proposal' from 13. NI. Ross en-
gineer -Mg firm of -Godcrich to corii-
lile to the. townships road managc-
rnent studv. was accepted at S4,000.
Assessments on the Wilson mu-
nicipal drain have hccn changed and
amcn(icd as the result of a decision
from the Ontario -Drainage 'Tribu-
The 1088 garbage contract for the
residential arca of Huron Park was
let to 680089 Ontario inc-, formerly
C'.II. Lewis Limited of L.ucan for
-59,500. The contract calls for pick-
ups twice a .week.
Chief building official Milton
Dietrich will be attending a farm
builders seminar and one sponsored
by the. Mini ;try of !lousing.
Spring ahead
Spring- is and ante ai .nn in
switch 10 1).nii. hl Saving Trn►e.
:\re;l're.idle-Ills ale reminded to
move their clo,ks ahead by one
hour before retiring Saturday night,
Ai ril 2. -
r).3 1�
Daylight Saving Time officially
ph.: into cffcct'at 2 a.m., Sunday
and all arca church services will Ix;
starling on the new link schc(1111C.
Dashwood Industries
celebrate 60 years
page 15.
All ypu ever need to know
about Lanark Flyers
page 1A
George Shaw remembers the
old days
page 4A