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Times-Advocate, 1988-03-23, Page 28
t Page 12A Times -Advocate, March 23, 1988 11 Cars, Trucks 1982 CHEV CAPRICE. 4 door, loaded, great condition. 55995.00. Phone 235-1523. 1985 CUTLASS SUPREME BROUGHAM. 2 door, brown, loaded with extras. Phone Harry DeVries 235-0555 after six. 1978 FORD ZEPHYR, silver grey, 6 cyl. automatic, p.b., p.s., excellent condition $1900. ccrrif:.;d. Phone 284-3118.(6SA) 1985 OLDSMOBILE CALAIS SUPREME, fully loaded,- like new, asking 510,200 or best offer. Certified. Phone 262-2614. (1 ISA) 1978 FORD 1/2 ton pickup, 302, V8 auto, fair condition. S1500. Phone 228-6129.(11:12c) 1977 COUGAR XR7. Best offer as is. Call 235-2090. (11:12c) 1984 VOYAGEUR SE, air, cruise, new tires. excellent condition, 7 passenger. $10,000. Phone 284-2255 after5 p.m. 1979 DODGE VAN 300, 15 passenger, cloth seats, p.b., p.s., air, cruise, rear heater, new. tires. 55200. certified. Phone 235-0573. (12:13c) 1979 OLDSMOBILE 88 Royale completcljr loaded, excellent condition, rally wheels, will certify. 531.00 or best offer.Phone 229-6185. (12:13*) 1983 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1/2 ton truck, 6.2 L diesel. air, heavy duty suspension and c*ling. Fibrabcc topper, excellent condition S7400 certified. Call 229-6548 evenings. 1975 DATSUN PICKUP. A good little work truck 4 cyl. mag rims, 2 new fibreglass front fenders. Phone 234-6272.(12c) 12 Pets JAMS, SCIENCE DIET, Technical and other name brands available from Elginfieid Feeds 227-1157. (i0 -12c) ESKIMO MALAMUTE, male for sale for S125.00. Phone 234-6424.(11.,13c) Oud's • Warehousing Warehousing plus modern unloading facilities on Hwy. 83 Phone 235-2302, 262-2928 (AL•mAR) a�unsys�ms �Tp1 Quality Grain Storage Drying & Handling Products DESIGN • SALES • SERVICE AL•MAR GRAIN SYSTEMS LTO 0,- 263 MAIN SI N P O BOX 550 Bos (5, •.:.; • • • . EXETER ONTARIO NOM ISO Res 45- • ,,_ - I I NI (tel 11r 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 111 1 1 11 1 1 A SHORT WALK TO. THE LAKE , 1 When you purchase this 11 year old ranch -style home. Immacu-1 or late condition with Targe finished family room. Angel and flag, stone exterior. Located on Highway 21. Priced at 1 ▪ $129,900.00. Call Joan Hunking to view this one. TRY YOUR HAND AT BEING A LANDLORD •Make sure you get your call in on this one. Two -two bedroom 1 apartments. Immaculate condition. Call Joan Hunking for ,further I information. LOOKING FOR EXTRA INCOME? Try your hand at this, two storey brick home with room to con- 1 vert store into apartments. Ask me about convert to rent loan: 1 Call Joan Hunkingfor more information. 'GT READY FOR SUMMER 1 Three bedroom brick bungalow on a deep lot. includes a rou- ble garage) above grofind pool with deck. Asking only, $110,000.od. Call Marlene for assistance. I ONE OF HENSALL'S FINEST This home has to be seen to be appreciated. Call Marlene Par- 1 ,sons to view. Asking on $89,900.00.1.1 • PRIME RETAIL LOCATION 1l Approximately 4,200 sq. f t. on main floor. Upper level could be 1 ▪ converted into apartments. Government ban may be available."' for conversion. Call Marlene. SIMI gui EN gm In IS IN MN In NI NI Pni1,•.unnsi R,'e% Liar, i,•r.0 ,• INVEST IN EXETEP AREA FOR GROWTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE 147 Main Street, Exeter Ontario 12 Pets CAT, female, less than one year old, grey and white, to give away. Phone 262-3239.(11:12c_ , EASTER BUNNIES for sale. Phone 237-3478. (11:12c) ALASKAN MALAMUTE 2 112 years old male. Write to: Snowybear Sled Team, RR 2 Grand Bend. Ont. NOM 1TO.(12-15c) 13 Musical Instruments CONN ELECTRIC ORGAN for _ home or small church. 2 manuals, 32 foot pedals, ?pod condition. 53000.00. or best offer.Phone 461-1368. 14 Appliances, Television ELECTROLUX used vacuum cleaner in good condition with all attachments. 5195.00.228-6531. (6SA) ZENITH FRIDGE, 5200.00 or best offer. Phone 284-3083. 30' ADMIRAL RANGE, almond, 8 yr. old, 5175.00; 30" Danby range," white, 5100.00; Kirby vacuum 5250.00. All Al working condition. Phone 262-2384. (12c) FREEZER - 30 cu. ft: Westinghouse. Excellent running condiion. $125.00 or best offer. Phone 229-6185. (12:13*) EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER with attachments, power hose, power nozzle, brand new motor with warranty. Call Centralia -228-653I. 15 Personal IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit_ .that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-0294 or 345-2536. (481fn) SEE BRITAIN in the Springtime! Join our specialized Tour to Britain and the National Pig Fair, April 24 to May 1st: Call Clare Burt Tours (416) 451-4944 or 1-800-268-3090. CLARE BURT TOURS '88 Preview. United Church Hall, Addison; April 8th - Red Carpet Inn, Lindsay; April 1lth - Legion, Dresden; April 12th - Hartley House, Walkerton; April 13th - Rockmosa Community Centre, Rockwood. Presentations at 8 p.m. Learn . about world-wide agricultural tours. Door prizes. Travel discounts. For further details, call (416) 451-4944 or 1-800-268-3090. 16 For Sale YARN - Discount Priccs, Beehive Brands, Ron's Health Centre, Hcnsall. (33tfn) ELEC''RONIC TYPEWRITER. Inquire at the T -A 235-1331 USED CAR and truck . parts. Phone 228-6214. McStephen Auto Wreckers. (1-26*) $SLiQUIDATIONSS Buildings priced for immediate disposal. All items in stock. 30x40x l4 53,800; 40x60x14 55,990; 50x80 $11,260; 70x120 527,900. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery call toll free 1-800-387-2115 or 1(416) 858-2446. MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Work shirts 52.75, work pants $3.50, work boots 515. Send 53 for catalogue (Reimbursement first order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothce, Que. JOS 1 XO. (519) 235-1055 Dirk Coolman - 235-1950 Joan Hunking - 235-1848 Marlene Parsons - 235-1304 Bill Gllfillan - 235-0116 Paul Hohner 235-0302 WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT? There's value to be found in this beautiful 2 storey home. New- er, heated inground pool; built-in oven, counter top stove,, beautiful fireplace with insert and much, much more. Priced to sell at $119,000.00. CaII Joan Hunking for your personal view- 1 ing. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 16 For Sale GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic equipment, supplies. Everything you need. Best quality super low prices. Greenhouses 5175, Halides 5115. Over 3,000 products in stock! Send S2 for info pack and free magazine to Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St.. Vancouver, B.C. V68 31f9 1-(604)-682-6636. WELL WATER PROBLEMS? New advanced technology for efficient treatment of problem water, offering proteletion throughout entire water system. Rusty... smelly... bad tasting... water, hardness, staining, bacteria, and more. - No salt or messy chemicals ...maintenance free. See the results for yourself with our six month trial offer. Call toll-free 1-800-387-3423 or write Aztec Purification Systems. 6380 No. 5 Tomken Rd., Mississauga, Ont. LSC 1K2.(416)672-2300 NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old fashioned Apples, Pears, Apricot, Nut trees; shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue 51. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ontario KOK ' 2L0. KEROSENE HEATER, Toyaset portable with tank on side. Excellent condition. Phone 235-1823. (4SA) APPLES, Belgium Endive, Macs, Spartans, Red Delicious, Ida Reds 510.00 bushel. Fresh apple cider, 53.00 gallon.-Visschcr Farms Country Market, .3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83. Open 9-5 daily, closed Sundays. (5tfn) FLUORESCENT FIXTURES, 4' - 2 lamp fluorescent fixtures, excellent for garage,workshop, driving shed, etc. S15.00 complete with tubes while they last. Call 237-3275. (8-13c) ELECTRIC FURNACE, Westinghouse, 68,300 BTUH including fan and control. 5200.00. Phone 235-2420. (9tfn) STEEL BUILDINGS - 1/2 price sale - Buy one building at regular price ‘and get double length for 50% more - stock 'clear- out - limited steel. Pioncer/Econospan 1-800-387-6896 24 hours. FIREWOOD - dump truck load of maple,- beech, ash, oak, slabwood and edgings. Call R.J. Dungey and Sons 1-348-8477. (10-13c) DEWITTE ANTIQUES, Hwy. 21, Grand Bend, Ontario. Antiques and collectible pre -season specials: picnic tables, swing sets, wooden utility sheds, chairs and round tables, all pressure treated lumber. Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday or by chance. Phone 238-5121. (10-13c) TROPICAL FISH - Reasonably. priced. Swords, Fancy Guppies, Black Mollies, Grouramies, Paradise fish, Kribensis and Black Convicts. Phone 234-6201. USED 18.4-34 univerth bolt on duals; 2 used 11.2x24 tires and rims; new ratchet jack. Phone 234-6270 by 9 a.m. Claire Schwartz, Crediton, Ontario. (10-12*) CUPBOARDS - ideal for cottage or workshop. Downhill skis, Fischer, 195 cm with bindings and poles; lady's downhill ski boots, size 8; XC skis 160 cm with bindings. All best offer. Call St. Marys 284-1218. SINK - double stainless steel, drain and plastic elbows $40; single Crain gold enamel sink, small chip 515.00. Phone 225-2242 Mon. -Fri. after 4 p.m. TRAILER - Early model Pyramid, excellent condition, sleeps 6, gas fridge and stove, stereo asking 52000. Also boy's 10 speed bicycle, good condition, best offer. Call 225-2279 Granton. WINTER CLEARANCE on all steel buildings. Example 32x44 $4,589; 46x80 59,795; 50x100 512,742; 60x 150 525,751. Call tollfree 1-800-668-5111 Miracle Span. HIGH CHAIR, antique press back, o $130.00. Phone 262-5452. (11:12c) WHITE SEED BEANS, foundation and certified. Excellent quality. Contact Phil Durand. Phone 236-4749. (11-16c) STRAW - square bales. Phone 262-2821.(11*) TOW HITCH, ideal for pulling car behind motor home or truck. Phone 262-3337.(11-13') WATER SOFTENER, used Meyers M120, good condition, reasonable price., Phone 238-2301 after 5 p.m. . 236-4061.(11:12c) STRAW FOR SALE - at bar. Contact Frank Vanneste, Lucan 227-4285.(11:12c) FIREWOOD - delivered by cord or by larger truck loads. Phone 236-4457 or 235-1678. (11 tfn) 180 ACRES WHEAT STRAW, 175 acres hay to sell off field for 1988 season. Phone 235-0141.(11-13c) BUS SEATS for sale. Very good shape. Call 235-1623. (11:12*) RADiO-CONTROLLED CAR with battery and remote, excellent condition, GM baby car seat. Phone 284-3474. WATERBED, King 'size. Walnut finish. 65% motionless mattress. Includes headboard, siderail caps and heater with electronic temperature control. 5275 00 or best offer. Call 461-0709. HAY - excellent quality, alfalfa grass mix, second cut, no rain 51.90 bale. Call 229-6344 after 6 p.m. ) • 16 For Sale STAINED GLASS & Supplies by mail order! Shop by mail and save. 65 page illustrated supply catalogue available. Call toll free 1-800-363-6633 The Glass Place. BARRELS - Whisky, fresh. Wholesale prices on large quantities. Free delivery. Phone (416) 936-4560. SWIMMING POOL Sale: Top quality in -grounds, above ongrounds. Professional installation or do it yourself kits. Book early and save. Free solar blanket with pool purchase. (519)747-4399. • HAY - 100 -bales. Phone 238=2783. (11*) PATIO STONE FORMS approx. 300 of various sizes. Pallet lift; steel bander; vibrating table with motor. After 6 call 238-8296. (12-14') RIDING LAWN MOWER, 11 h.p. MTD, Lawn Flite, 38" cut. Like new condition. Phone 527-0744. (12c) STRAW - 100 bales also 3 drum land roller. Phone Harold Davis 235-0615. (12x) TRACTOR 8 N Ford plus plow, blade, • discs, harrows. Askinig 51500.00. Adult's 3 wheel gear bike with carrier asking $400.00; Roto -tiller Briggs and Stratton, 5 horse power asking 5250.00. Phone after 4:00 - 453-6046.(12c) RED CLOVER SEED, double cut. Bob Hayter, Varna 262-2421. (12E60 RED CLOVER SEED, double cut. Wayne Carroll 227-4079. (12:13c) TWO LAWN ROLLERS and 2 trailers ready to go. interested parties call 2274846 after 5 p.m. (12:13c) STRAW - 500 square bales, clean, bright oat straw. Phone 237-3652. (12c) . FAIRLANE TRUCK CAMPER, propane furnace, stove and gas barbecue, ice box, sleeps 5 S800. Phone 225-2726 ask for Pat. AIR CONDITIONER, Hot Point 6000 BTU slider S80; Hitachi microwave x375; two Craftmatic beds 30x80 5600; Sundowncr kerosene heater 5160; golf club, bag S80; folding cot. $50; pole lamp 575; table lamp (green) 560; wrought iron bench blue/green cushions S50. Phone 284-1493. TRAVEL TRAILER, 1969 Rocket, 15 foot, sleeps 6, fridge, stove, roll out 'awning. PHone 228-6559 after 5 p.m. or weekends. (12:13c) ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art,Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 17 Wanted To Buy CASH FOR USED cars and trucks for wrecking. 228-6700. John Brock Auto Wreckers, RR I Crediton. (3tfn) SCRAP CARS .OR TRUCKS. Highest prices paid. Phone 228-6214. (1-26*) OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED - Men's only - old Rolex and Patck Phillip wristwatches wanted - Also wanted Eatons "Quarter Century Rectangular wristwatches (25 years service) will pay 51,000 and up for this watch. Phone (416) 365-7240 or write B. Walsh, .173 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario M5A 1 S2. PIANOS WANTED: Not necessarily in good condition. We buy, sell, restore, refinish, tune and repair. Small or large jobs. Village Piano Shop, Elmira (519) 669-2280. • 18 Wanted FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today. Appointment times available to process '87 tax returns in your home. Farm Business Consultants 2109 Oxford St., E., London N5V 2Z9. Call toll free 1-800-265-1002. In business, year-round for 36 years. 19 Property For Sale VEGETABLE FARM - 72 acres, excellent buildings, RR 2 Grand Bend. Phone 238-2797. (9-12c) TORONTO TIMESHARE, Be first, own a fantastic timeshare condominium in downtown Toronto, sleeps six, all weeks same price. Write Timeshare, 42 Erindale Crescent, Brampton, L6W 1B5. 20 Property For Rent PRiME RETAIL OR OFFICE space available: Call 235-0141. (17'tfn) SHOW ROOM AND OFFICE. Main St.. S. Exeter. Reasonable rent 235-1462. (20tfn) INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSING also office space with ample parking facilities. 262-2928 or 235-2302. (6tfn) ELIZABETH COURT HENSALL 1 & 2 bedroom features appliances and carpets ASK ABOUT OUR BONUS Call 262-3403 HENSALL MOTORS LTD. - "Car and Truck Rentals" Leasing - New, ail makes Sales - Used Cars and Trucks 198 Main St. N. (Corner Hwy. #83 & #4) Ed Hearn Exeter 235-2070 20 Property For Rent LUXURY TWO BEDROOM apartments, available ir:unediately. Inquire Laraugh Corporation 23$-0141. (39tfn) SPACE FOR DOUBLE -WIDE mobile home. Dashwood area. Farmer Bill's Greenhouses. Phone 238-8638. (43tfn) TWO BACHELOR APARTMENTS, Main St. Exeter, new air conditioned, stove and fridge supplied. 5410.00 all inclusive. Call Doug Coleman, collect 667-2102. (8tgn) OFFICE SPACE_. in Honsall. Individual offices or office suite. Share Xerox, typing services, and telephone. Also warehousing available. For information call Adrien Bayley 262-3000. (8tfn) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT available immediately. 5250 per month, heat included. Phone 235-0219. (10tfn) SPACIOUS 3 bedroom apartment in Hensall. Private entrance. Available April 1. Close to downtown. Phone 262-2349 after 3 p.m. (11:12c) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in Crediton. Available Apr. 1st. Phone 234-6310.(12c) WAREHOUSE , or shop space avialable, 960 sq. ft., rear street access, • as is or owner will renovate to suit. Phone262-3334. (12:13c) ONE BEDROOM basement apartment, fridge, stove, washer, dryer and water bed includexd in rent. Call 527-1001.(12c) -SPACIOUS newly renovated one bedroom apartment, ground floor in older Exeter house. Private entrance, large back_ yard. central. No pets. Preferably non smoker. References 527-1938.(12:13*) - THREE NEW OFFICE SPACES. 244 Wellington St.. W. Exeter. Phone 235-1242 or 228-6386. (12tfn) 21 For Rent THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals, including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions; films etc. Kitchen facilities available. phone 235-2365 or 235-1020. (10tfn) 23 Wanted To Rent GOOD CASH 1988. Parsons (12:13*) LAND for crop 229-8841. (10tfn) CROP LAND for Farms. 262-2821. season 1988. Phone 25 Notices ANYONE WHO SAW the collision between a black New Yorker and an older model cream and brown station wagon on Sanders Street at the iGA parking lot at noon on Saturday, March 12th is asked to phone 235-2853. (12*) r PINERY 1 At Pinery Auction Barn, Hwy. 21, 4 miles south of Grand Bend 1 Sunday, March 27 at 1 p.m. IWe will be selling household furnishings removed from a Strathroy home plus additions. Also a liquidation of pre -finished wood that can be used in the production of stereo, cabinets, shelving units, (etc. Viewing noon day of sale. Auctioneers Pat and Phyllis Lyon Phone 243-2713 fl.. 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ethel Mary Gabel deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Ethel Mary dsbel, late of the Village of Zurich, County of Huron, who died on or about the' 22nd day of Febntary _1988 are re- quired to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitors, Exet- er, Ontario by the 26th day of March 1988 after which date the estate- will be distributed having re- gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL Solicitor for the administratrix Exeter, Ontario - NOM ISO (10-13c) it's All in the Mint 235-1331 • TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario will • be held at ate VALHALLA iNN. KING & 13ENTON STREETS. KITCHENER. ON- TARIO on TUESDAY APRIL 5th- 1988 at the hour of 9 30 o'clock in the fore- noon. at which time the Board will hear an application in accordance with the Liquor Licence Act and Regulations thereunder The following establishment has applied for a licence of the class indicated. and the application will be entertained at.the aforementioned location and time Application For New Licence The White House R.R. #1, Grand Bend (Stephen Township) Dining Lounge Licence and a Patio Licence Applicant: Ronald William Miller AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is resident n the municipal- ity and.who wishes to make representa- tion -relative .to the application. shall make their submission to the Board in _ writing prior to the date of the hearing. or in person at the time and place of the hearing (Copies of written submissions will be forwarded to the applicant) Liquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO Ontario. MSE 1A4 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS_ • THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT AUCTION 1 Auction. Sale Furniture, glassware, riding lawn mower etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton for the Estate of Ross Leeming phis sev- �r eral good additions. Saturday, March 26 at 10 a.m. International. Cadet 75 riding lawn mower, 2 gas push lav : %ers. Poulan chainsaw, small battery charger, Thor wringer washy - vacu- um cleaners, 2 small china cabinets, small down draft stove, couch -and chair, oval kitchen table and 4 chairs, umbrella table, lawn chairs, new davenport couch, fold card table chairs, chrome lable and 4 chairs, Forestville wall clock w/weights, floor model stereo. cabinet sewing machine, 2 French Provincial end tables, lantern, Wicker rock- er, wicker arm chair, floor lamps, light fixture cost $175.00 new, ches- terfield and chair, buffet, dining table w/leaf, picnic t : hl„nidif;er, hall mirror, finger oil lamp, lantern, small appliances, dishes, glass- ware, garden tools, etc., flush toilet, bath tub, small vanity, plus many other items too numerous to mention. - Terms Cash. - Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 Crr !on t IO©o©Ot ICI 0 t 101 iDE Hi •3 t`D�5F RM IMPLEMENTS, AUCTION, -Q4c� P• oU Q`Vc LIVESTOCK i0/1 on Sat. March 26 at 12:00 noon' S for Mr. and Mrs. Alvin GIngertch, Con. 9; 1 1/2 miles o o north •of Hwy. 83 or 3 3/4 miles south of Hwy. 84, 1 114 miles east of Zurich. - . HOUSEHOLD: Wood dinir: room table 6 chairs, electric range, 15 cubic deep freeze heels, bookcase, chests, hooked o mats, sausage winder p many dishes, bone china cups IIIand saucers, platters, place . ')utter churns and many other kitchen items. TRACTORS: David tlrov, . ^ 'duals; M.F. 35 gas with bad- ° o er; Ford Dextra tour crilnoc; , .s: Case°600 special combine; 9 ft. N.I. cutditione- ' )r ' inti M.I-. nu. 9 balers; bale stooker; 32 ft. Case elevator 5 pto spreader; J.D. 14 ft. disc; 11 1/2 o ft. and 9 ft Kon, d cultivators; pole and 5 section harrows; 3 I pth wood splittei rcIle r '.l -I. 3 pth 4 furrow plow; 15 run drill; rack wagon; gravity vagon, , Je rakes; 200 gal. Calso sprayer; fert. spreader; 3 pu, blade; wood traders; Detson snow blower; 3 pth D rotary mower; 11-38 MTD riding mower; rototilier; 32 ft. ext. lad - I der; scat 1r)I press; stove and brooder; eluents fencer; electric grinder ane ^y other• shop tools. o 1980 1,2 tor C. pickup with topper sellin as is. LIVESTOCK- 11 crossbred Charolais; Hereford, Angus cows, bred Limousin due April/June, 9 stockers half limo. re- mander black -white face steers and heifers. o Terms cash Lurch booth FARM SOLD Owner and auctioneer not responsible for loss or accidents o Auctioneer John Finlay 236-4814 11 01 101, )or rat rot IOL -JOf Int=