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Times -Advocate, March 23, 1988
IT WILL BEA BLAST -Dorothy Peat of the Grand Bend Lioness Club was
at South Huron District High School Monday morning to present a Ghetto
Blaster to handicapped student Joe Fahey.
Grand Bend
Lynne Desjardine 238-8768
Roberta Walker . 238-2471
Students home from Spain
Thc rain in Spain stayed mainly
off theplain for a group of local
students, as 12 Exctcr high school
Spanish students joincd others from
Brantford and Scaforth schools to
enjoy an eight-day trip to Spain.
They left Toronto Airport on March
12, to Montreal, and on to Madrid,
on an overnight flight. In Madrid
they enjoyed a Pastoo "flea market",
a visit to the Royal Palace, and a
day tour to Salamanca and Avila,
among many other experiences. -
Thc fifth day the group visited
Toledo, en route to Cordoba, once
the capital of Moorish Spain. Tole-
do houses the art treasures of El
Greco, and many students brought
home fine examples of Spanish
steel in swords and daggers.
Another favorite for tourists is
Spanish leather, world-renowned for
beautiful workmanship. Many stu-
dents now have gloves, shoes, belts
and even jackets of leather (very ex-
pensive). From Cordoba, whcrc
thcy visited an 8th century Mosque,
they left for a tour of Sevilla, and
its incomparable cathedral, the Alca-
zar, and an exciting Flamenco dance
exhibition in the evening.
The morning of the seventh day,
thc group piled into the bus again
for a trip to Grenada, and a tour of.
the world-famous Alhambra, once
the Palace of the Caliphs in Moor-
ish Spain. The last day was spent at
Costa Del Sol, on the Mediterrane-
an, whcrc some students picked up
sura -burns, but thc water was still a
bit cool for swimming. it was also
Novices win 'AA'
Thc Parkhill Novice Panthers
won thc silver in the AA tourna-
ment in Plattsvillc during thc
March break. After winning against
Chatham and Stratford, the team
lost game three to St. Thomas ma-
jor novices
In the Chatham match, Parkhill
tied it up 2-2, to force an overtime
period in which neither team scored.
Judges counted shots on net, with
Parkhill winning by one extra shot.
Great goal -tending by Shane Ma-
guire and Chatham's Derek Twig.
With a 5-4 score, Parkhill edged
Stratford in their second game.
Players gaining points in the tour-
ncy wcrc Jay Trcumncr, Kyle Vcr-
mculen, tan MacGregor, Simon
Desjardine, Jimmy Watson and
Matthew Dejong.
Against a St. Thomas major no-
vice team, Parkhill stood up very
well, with a comfortable 4-2 loss
before St. Thomas scored on thc
empty net. Vcrmculen notched
Parkhill's first goal from center S.
Desjardine, then Dcsjardinc.scoret,,
their second from Tniemncr. Con-
gratulations to super dcfenseman
Jimmy Watson, who played excel-
lent especially against St—Thomas,.
and goalie Shane Maguire who
missed out on Thc Toroltto Maple-
apleLeafs game.
Volleyball ending
Only one week left to play ladies
volleyball at the Grand Bend Public
School, next Tuesday March 29.
Before the March Break, the Bump-
ers defeated thc "Elbowcrs", win-
ning '.'our out of seven games. Save
your best for slo-pitch girls.
Flear's Bakery
51 Main St.
Grand Bend
Opening Fri., March 25
Every. Friday,
Saturday and ..Sunday
their last day to shop for memen-
toes of a wonderful trip, something
to remember alt their lives, as they
bearded thc.plahe in Malaga for the-
flight hone. -
Car pools of anxious parents were
in Toronto to greet their sons and
daughters on Sunday evening, but
we'll have to wait for their jet lag to
wear off before too many details can
be heard of all their experiences.
The trip was arranged through.Elli-
son Travel and Tours of Exeter,
whose 'net with an
advised . parents on. passports and
preparations for the entire undertak-
ing. The three teachers who accom-
panied and chaperoned the students
were Mrs: Dianne Hcatherington of
Exeter S.H.D.II.S., Mrs. Wendy
Steward of Brantford and Miss Ja-
nice Rose of Scaforth. Ellison Trav-
els and the schools cooperated close-
ly to provide a comprehensive,
cxciting,ovcrvicw of Spain for 23
lucky Spanish students.
Thc S.H.D.H.S. students arc:
Christine Eastcrbrook, Christine
Thibcault, Tammy Haist, Cherry'
Clarke, Geraldine Brooks, Trudi
Bornath, Stephanie Woods, Joanne
Marquardt, Liz Mol, Brenda Hearn,
Tim bullock and Mamie Walker.
General observations from stu-
dents thus far include: "Weather -
Great, Sunny, Dry and Beautiful;
Continental Breakfasts - Boo! Thcy
never want to sec another hard roll
again! Some of thcm really missed
drinking milk. Thc palaces and ca-
thedrals wcrc awesome, and thc peo-
ple very friendly."
Allowing for culture shock, it
seems that they had a good time,.
and learned something in the pro-
cess, and that's what these trips arc
all about. A big thank you to the
organizers who have given our chil-
dren such a marvelous opportunity,
a pat on the back for parents who
paid thc bills, and a "thank you,
Gal" for bringing them home safe
and sound.
CWL will host pancake breakfast
The ladies of the Catholic Wom-
en's League of Immaculate Heart of
Mary Council met on March 7, at
the Alhambra Hall, with 23 mem-
bers answering 'the roll call. Presi-
dent Rose Van Bruancne presided,
and Father Beck was in attendance
as spiritual advisor. Several invita-
tions wcrc recciycd. •
March 10 was the annual CWL
Penny Sale at the Sacred Heart
School in Parkhill, beginning with
Mass at 7 p.(1n. There was, -a guest
speaker on organ donations. On
March 15 was a Day of Recollec-
tion at St. Bonifacc, Zurich, with
guest speaker, Father David, of the
Thcrc is also a Day of Recollec-
tion being 'planned for April 13,
through the Huron -Perth Deanery.
The President of the National CWL
is urging all members to write let-
-tors to their federal MPs, the justice
and health ministers, and to the
Prime Minister, asking for protec-
tion for the fetus in the new anti-
abortion laws. March -25, Friday, is
to be considered a day of prayer and
fasting'. for the .C.WL: for the Pro-
Lifc movement:
President Rose Vanbruanc
thanked all the CWL tgenthers for
their great attendancd (19) at the
World Day of Prayer on March 4,
in which Rose; Carol Luther and
Roberts -Walker took part in the
program. •
Thc lunch served by the Anglican
and CWL ladies at the Winter Car-
nival didn't provide too much in
come, due to poor turnout, but Rita
Smits and Theo Stakkcrmans earned
5125.00 for serving at a Chemical
Information mccting. The CWL got
5200 for- serving at the Growers
Dance, and Father Beck thanked the
ladies for serving 14. priests at a De-
anery mccting in the Southcott
Pines Clubhouse in late February.
Two CWL signs have beer' pur-
chased and installed on the Grand
Bend town signs at t-lighway 21
south and l lighway 81, for $50.(()
each. The S340 canted from grocery,
,tapes will be sent to Pro-Lifc to-
ward the National Telethon to be
held on*Globat TV channel 6 on
March 26; from 10-11 p.m. Our
CWL- is responsible for assisting
with. Meals on Wheels during the
month of March.
It was decided to. plan the Easter
Ecumcr;:al for Thursday, April 7 -at
8 p.m., at Immaculate Heart of
Mai Church, with. refreshments to
be served at the Alhambra hall. Fa-
ther Paul Beck has agreed to be
guest speaker and Paul Dietrich will
be organist for the occasion. Some
of the CWL choir from the church
will provide special music for the
. Plans wcrc also madc for the,
CWL to host a pancake breakfast at
the.Alhamb"ra Hall on Palin Sun-
day, for all parishioners. Thc break-
fast will be served, free of charge,
after the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Mass-
Father Beck requested the ladies to
make Easter decorations for the
whole church this year, and
$150.00 was voted for the project.
Ile also thanked the ladies for cross-.
es donated for those new converts
who will be making thcir profes-
sion of faith at Easter. $150 was
donated 'for April Cancer Month,
and 5250 for Development and
Pcacc. Thc $6.00 CWL member-
ship fees are now due, to be paid to
Rita Smits. Tickets wcrc ordcre,d for
the Quilt Raffle, to be held again
this summer.
Three CWL members have volun-
teered to attend the Diocesan Con-
vention on May 3 and 4, to be held
in Sarnia at the Canterbury Inn. If
anyone else- is- interested, _please _
contact Rose at 238-8396. Mem-
bers are also encouraged to write to
their MP, Justice Minister and
Prime Minister about Bill C-54,
the Act to Amend the Criminal
Code on Pornography. The next
meeting will be April 11, Monday,
at 8 p.m., Lunch.Group D.
Catholic News
This was the Fifth Sunday of
Lent at Immaculate Heart of Mary
Church at Grand Bend, with pastor
Father Paul Beck as celebrant at all
weekend Masses. Rose VanBruane
was reader and Delores Tighe was
cantor at the Sunday 11 a.ne Mass,
with Paul Dietrich as organist.
In his scrmon, Father Beck talked
about the importance of the Easter
Vigil, which was restored to its
present level as rite of celebration
in 1951, by Pope Pius XII. Today
we realize that all the practices of
Lent, all the preparation, lead up to
the consummation of the Easter
Vigil. In the Resurrection of Christ
lies the future of all mankind,
Christ's final accomplishment.. Let
us alt use this opportunity to exper-
ience thc Resurrection of Christ
this Easter.
Thcrc was a communal celebra-
tion of the Sacranlent of Penance
on Sunday evening at 7:15 p.m.,
and in Parkhill, Sacred Heart, on
Monday, March 21 at 7:30 p.m.
Communal penaace services will
also be available at Mount Carmel
on Thursday March 24, at 7:30
p.m. and at St: Christopher's in
Forest on March 29 at 7:30 p.m., -
next Tuesday. .
Father Paul Beck will be availa-
ble for any confessions before alt
Masses in the time remaining "bc-
fore Easter. Stations of thc Cross
and Benediction will be held next
Friday, march 25, at -7:15 p.m.
Thc sympathy of the parish com-
munity is extended to the entire
Schottroff Family, on the death of
Lorenz Schottroff, father of Erwin,
and beloved grandfather to their
The ladies of the Catholic Wom-
en's`Lcaguc will be providing a
pancakc.and sausage .breakfast for
the parishioners next Sunday,
March 27, Palm Sunday, after the 9
a.m. and 11 a.m. Masses. Thc
breakfast will be served at the 'Alca-
zar, the- Alhambra Hall, and is free
to alt those in thc parish, so come •
out after Mass for food and fellow-
ship -_.greet your fellow parishion-
ers. - The special Development and -
Peace Collection (Share Lent). will
be collected on April 1 during the
Good Friday service at 3 p.m. This
Canada -wide collection helps the
poor of the Third World in Africa,
Asia and South America. -
Cookies and coffee were served after
as goodbyes were said to Rev. Gra-
ham who supplied here while Rev.
R. Peebles and Doris were away on
Daffodils on sale
Live daffodils will be on sale in
the village on April 8 and 9, spon-
sored by the Lambton Cancer Unit.
For orders please phone Lynne 238-
8768 or Molly 238-5899. "
51st anniversary
Best wishes are extended to Bob
and Mary (Pat) Young, of Grand
Cove, who will be celebrating their
51st wedding anniversary next Sun-
day, March 27.
Lent continues at UC
On the fifth sunday in Lcnt, Haz-
el and Fred Willcrt welcomed the
congregation at the Grand Bend
United Church last Sunday.
Guest speaker Rev. Chas. Gra-
ham, London, brought the message
"Contending Earnestly for the
Faith." He said --that people of the
United Church must remain to-
gether (united) against alt sins, es-
' pccially now with the Cencrt.l
Council's decision ahead this sum-
Don Kobe read the lessons from
Joel 2:15-17, and Jude 1-13; and he
also led everyone in the service.
About 'Town --
Winter returned for the Spring
Break, but those who went far
enough south didn't mind. It was •
still snowing in Toledo, Ohio,
-whcrc the Phil Walker family was
visiting relatives, and cold in To-
ronto, when they toured the Royal
Ontario Museum, the Planetarium,
and Casa Lonna. They had -fun any-
way, and hope that everyone else
on vacation did too.
The ladies of lnunaculatc Heart of
Mary Catholic Women's League
will be hosting the Faster Fcuritcn-
lea! So n.•icc this year, on April 7,
Thurday evening at 8 p:ni. Ladies
The next concert of the Youth
and Music Canada s� ries is coming
• up on Wednesday', April 6 at 8.
pain. in the United Church. The
Quatro Fois a saxophone Quer.-.
!et, was formed in 1981 by four
graduates of the Laval University's
Schoc l of Music. They present a
varied repertoire of music from
c' 'ssical to popular, Ragtime to
jazz, always a witty, fast -paced
show. Come out on April 6 - for an
of all denominations tare welcome
to attend. Refreshments will be
served after the service at the Al;
hambra Hall. Pastor, Father Paul
Beck will be the guest speaker.
evening of music and fun!
Lisa Jennison, daughter of Brenda
and Doug , has recovered from her
tonsilitis operation and is now back
in school.
Welcome home from Florida to
Bill and Janice Peckitt, Justin and
LccAnn."What a great golden tan
you bare! Peter and Brenda Haist
have also returned from vacations in
the sunny south. Time to think
about boating again!
A huge fire -on Saublc Rd. last
Friday was not serious enough to
summon the Grand Bend and arca
fire dept. Contractors were burning
thc remains of the historical home
of Phyllis Desjardine (Mrs. Ever-
ett), where a condo complex is go-
ing to be constructed in the near fu-
WI Anniversary in April
The 85th anniversary of the
South Iiuron District W.I..isto be
held in the Scaforth Community
Centre on April 19. This was- a re-
minder to members at the last
meeting of thc•Grand Bend Wom-
en's Institute.
On March 17 an interesting
meeting was enjoyed by members
and guests. Donna Lovic gave the
minutes of the fast meeting and the
treasurer's report. Several ladies
Volunteered to prepare desserts and
deliver Meals -on -Wheels on April
7,14,21 and 28.
"It was decided that for the March
birthday party for* the residents of
the Blue Water Rest Home, mem-
bers would providettcrtaunment
and lunch. 'i'he date of the May
mccting will prohabiy be changed
- as -it conflicts with that of the Dis-
trict Annual. .
Brenda Love. and Ann Russell,
using a question. and answer for-
mat, related many -interesting, per-
sonal, and sometimes humorous
incidents relating to Ann's work as
a Lifc Skills Counsellor, at Ruth
Home. This 'is a home for Mental-
ly Retarded Adults near Poplar Hill
in Lobo Township.
. Ann is responsible for thc care of
four elderly adults. She takes them
bowling, swimming, shopping,
. gardening, and supervises house-
hold chores such as cleaning the
two refrigerators each week. Most
of the yotinger residents work, in
sheltered workshops such as ARC
Industries as well as looking after
their personal and entertainment
needs. Ann reports that everyone at
this home•feels happy and secure.
1';;w fortunate for them that such a
home with loving care, is availa-
Thc mccting ended with a deli-
cious lunch served by 'hostesses
Ruth McIntosh and Jeanne Kading.
A LAST CHANCE Danielle and Jeremie
nal days in the snow of the season Sunday
Lachance enjoy one of the fi
afternoon in Dashwood.
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