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MORE MONEY FOR ETHIOPIA - Three more cheques were presented Sunday to the Brinsley Anglican
Churt.h committee in charge of the Bushels for Bread for Ethiopia campaign. From the left are Rev. Anne Beattie
and Wilma McIntosh of the Ailsa Craig United Church with $2,024; Jim Pederson, Carlisle United Chruch $1,210,
Mary Lou Howard, Brinsley United Church $345 and committee members Charles Corbett and Ray Campbell.
Donations continuing to pour
in for Ethiopia relief fund
Arca churches are responding
cncrousl to the Bushels for Bread,
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for Ethiopia appeal.
Recent donations from St. Pa-
trick's. Anglican Church in Saints-
- bury and United Churches in Ailsa
Craig, Brinsley and Carlisle have
increased the total to just over
S 10,000.
The original objective was to
send 125 metric tonnes of com val-
ued at S12,500 to Ethiopia to coin-
cide with the,125th anniversary of
the Brinsley An ,lican Church, the
sponsoring organization.
A number of churches arc hold-
ing special collections this coming
Sunday and the objective is expect-
ed to be passed by the deadline of
March 30.
Contributions may still bc made
through local participating church-
es or by sending cheques to the
Brinsley Anglican Church at Box
250, Ailsa Craig. Receipts will bc
issued for income tax purposes.
OPTIMISTS AID ICE MACHINE - Exeter Optimist Mark Heimrich
presents a $1,000 cheque to rec director Lynne Farquhar to aid the Roc
Centre's ice surfacing machine project.
At St. Thomas Anglican Church
Rev. Beverley Anne Wheeler was in
charge of the Holy Eucharist service
assisted by Rev. Stan Pike who re-
cently graduated from Huron Col-
lege, London.
Rev. _ Pike_ also read the .gospel
and preached his -sermon from John
Chapter 12 on the Life, .Death and
Resurrection of Jesus. Marlene
French was organist.
Sylvia Beatson read the two les-
sons. A time of fellowship and cof-
fee hour was spent with Ethel
Crouch in charge. Service next
Sunday will be at 8:30 a.m.
At Granton United Church, Rev.
Bruce Pierce was in charge of the
morning worship and entitled his
sermon "The Face of Fortune: - the
story of Barabbas, the prisoner who
was set free at the time of Jesus'
crucifixion. The childrcns hymn
was "Fairest Lord Jesus" followed
by a story and prayer.
4-11 meeting
The first meeting of the Granton
4-H club was held on February 18
at the home of leader Deanna Beat -
After opening with the pledge,
the election of officers was as fol-
lows: President Lisa Mardlin, vice-
president Colleen Rollings, Secre-
tary Sylvia Beatson, press reporter
The aim of this project is Sewing
Plus and to construct a shirt wit„ a
collar and interfacing using a cotton
or cotton blend fabric. Types of fab-
rics, interfacing ;fid notions wcrc
The mcmbcrs also reviewed rear-
ing a pattern envelope. This wcck
the mcmbcrs will purchase all
equipment for making the shirt.
The second meeting of the Gran-
ton 4-H club was held on February
25 at Beatson's home. Following
the pledge the members showed the
pattern and fabric which they had
purchased then read about the prop-
erties of cotton from the manual.
Colleen Rollings led an exercise
which taught mcmbcrs the correct
way to make pattern alterations. Fi-
nally we started pinning and cutting
our pattern and fabric. Finishing of
marking and cutting to be done at
The fifth meeting of Granton 4-H
club "The Frayed Edges" was held
on March 17 at the home of Deanna
and Sylvia Beatson. Our roll call
wa's to tell of the progress and prob-
lems so far with our garments.
Leader Deanna showed how to make
button holey and how to sew hut -
tons on properly.
Each member completed a sample
button hole at the meeting. Our
youth leader Colleen Rollings led
us in identifying -"care of garment"
labels and symbols. Our meeting
closed with the 4-H motto.
Press reporter Pam Waters.
Womens Institute
Granton Womens Institute met at
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Times -Advocate, March 23, 1988 Page 15
4-H club meets
the home of Mrs. Melba St. Denis
on Tuesday afternoon March 15.
The meeting opened with a dessert
lunch followed by the business con-
ducted by the president, Mrs. Clar-
ence Lewis. A highlight was a
browse through the shop where
Melba hther handwork.
Flowers were placed in Granton
United Church in memory of the
late Morley Wass and the late Bill
Mc Robert.
Shipka by Mrs. Hugh Morenz
Another progressive euchre was
held at Shipka Community Centre
last Wednesday night. Eight tables
were in play- with 13 games
Winners were: ladies high - Ruth
Sheppard, Parkhill; ladies low
Dorothy Fenner, Shipka; men's
high - Harry, Sheppard, Parkhill;
men's low Andy Volk, Shipka.
Ladies most lone hands - Irene
Ward, Grand Bend arca. Men's
most lone hands - Cleve Pullman,
A special prize for a lady with a
birthday closest to St. Patrick's
Day was won by Ruth Sheppard.
The north group wcrc in charge
of lunch refreshments. There will
bc one more et'chrc party here in
two weeks on March 30.
The Snyder family gathered for
an early Easter dinner on the week
Plan yard sale
for Dashwood
By Bernice Boyle
Dashwood Business Association
held the meeting March 15 at the
community centre. a non-profit
housing project is available and
they are investigating the program.
The Dashwood Community Yard
Sale will be Sat. June 11. During
spring clean-up, save for this yard
sale organized by the Association.
Church service
Pastor Bob and Doris Sinasac vac-
ationed in Vancouver last wcck. Al-
lan and Rosemary Scott of Zurich
took chargeof the •:hurch service
Sunday. The Scott family have
signed up with a Teen Mission to
take charge of 30 teenagers for 10
weeks as a Mission Project in Po-
Former resident dies -
Mr. Ted Luft, former Dashwood
resident passed away Saturn y,
March 17 in Kitchener. He had been
ill for so:netimc. • AA
Weekend guests with Hubert and
Vesta.Millcr were Dianne and Bob
Biggam, Vickie and Lisa MiHcr,
and Frank Giffin, Toronto. Also
Sunday lunch guests in honor of
Mrs. Emilie Miller's 90th birthday
were Loma and Harold Mair of Han-
over, Janet and Mike Grecnbrough
and Becky of Kitchener, Martha,
Colin, and Brian Hindley of London
and Lynne and Amy Pringle of St.
end of March 12 at Kim, Judy and
Nicholas Snyder s home. Attending
were Ferman and Leota Snyder, Es-
ther, Ric and Scott Storey, Lon-
don, Suzanne, Otto, Christopher
and Melissa Plcin of Elmira, Ed,
Gail and Corey Snyder, Strathroy
and Keith and Nancy Snyder,
Greenway. During this special
family trine together they took
Connie Russell, daughter of
Doug and Ann, and her friend Wan-
da Turnbull spent the March break
holiday in Flo' ida with Connic's
grandparents, Cliff and Velma Rus-
sell. Connie worked last summer
at household jobs to pay her air
fare for the trip.
Lorne and Dorothy Fenner re-
cently • spent a couple of days in
Peterborough visiting Dorothy's
ci. cc arid her_husbapd, Cheryl and
Allan roach and their little daugh-
ter, Elizabeth.
Genie and Melvin Stade visited
an evening last week with Hugh'
end 1. We enjoyed a chit-chat and
several games of cards.
Les and Beatrice Locke, of Tren-
ton and Mrs. Emma Schilbe of Zu-
rich visited one evening last week
with Ken and Ortha Baker.
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Joseph Uniac, Mitchell 348-9012
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A refund from surplus was declared for all
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