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. ; aiwre
LONG SERVICE AWARDS - Crediton Social Club president Ted Wales
presents two plaques to club member Jack Jesney for many years of faith-
ful service.
Institute sponsors
euchres in Crediton
Winners at two recent euchre par •
ties at the Crediton (:'oniniunity
Centre sponsored by the Crediton
Women's Institute follow:
March 1 - Ladies liigli - Leila
Hill; Low - Charlotte Barker; Lone
Hands - Marjorie Steeper; Men's.
High - Lloyd Durr; Low - Frank
Hicks; Lone Hands - Sam King;
Skunks - Andy Thompson; Score
of 85 - Janet Hicks.
March 16 - Men's 1{igh - Oliver
Jacques; Low playing a man's card
- Laura Finkbeincr; Lone hands -
Playing as a man Annie Finkbcin-
er ; Ladies High - Leila Hill; Low
- Mary Meikle; Lone elands - Al-
winna Galloway. Wearing the
most green - Lulu Culbert and
Dorothy Bullock. -
On Monday March 14, Crediton
and. District Social Club members
held their meeting with their wives
as guests. -
After the meeting progressive
euchre was played and prizes went
to High Scores - Marion Hodgins,
Jim Allen,.Low scores - Marilyn
Thompson, Joc Ondrejicka, Lone
Hands - Sandy Martin, Harold
Good music
.Entertainment was enjoyed by a
goal crowd Friday March 18 at Lar-
.ry's Town and Country restaurant.
Those supplying the music were
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Leroy and Marg Walker, Ean Ha-
milton,Geraldine Schenk and Doug
Lewis and Jack Jcsncy on the
Zion United Church
The sermon topic at Zion United
• was taken from Matthew 27: 15-26
titled "'Ilio Splash of Water".
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farr, St.
Thomas spent the weekend with
Nir. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator and
Karen Floran and Dennis Eng-
land, Huron Park, returned home
from holidays with the Farr's.
by Mrs. Robert Laing
Debbie Hoekstra, Staffa, spoke
on thc country of Brazil at the joint
Staffa-Cromarty World Day of
Prayer service in Cromarty Presby-
terian Church. She stated that Bra-
zil has 135 million people, of
whom 30 million live below the
poverty line. It is the largest Cath-
olic country in the -world,. having
106 million Catholics as well as
several other denominations. Over
60 million of their population are
Bruder 16 years old.
Brazil is a beautiful country with
lush green forests, abundant plant
and animal life, and magnificent
peaches. Brazil could become the
bread basket of the world but only
nine percent of the arable land is
.cultivated. Their main problems in-
clude the contamination of their
food supplies with pesticides, and
poor transportation and food storage
Hazel Harburn and Margaret
Christie presided for the programme
with Mary F. Dow at the piano. A
musical number was provided by
Gwen and Margaret Christie, Joan
and Margaret Da ynard, Dorothy
Dow and Debbie Hoekstra of Hib-
bert United Church.
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don't make it. that is in itself a choice.
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Times -Advocate, March 23, 1988
Page 11
Saintsbury ACW bake sale a success
Holy Communion service was
heli at St. Patrick's Church, 8:30
Sundzy morning with Rev. Beverly
Wheeler in charge.
Stuart Peei was server and also
preachedthesermon raking the text
from gospel St. J..leu 12:20-33.
Sheryl Carroll provided music.
There were several.annoce-
ments. Another Dessert
rt Euchre is
planned for_Tuesday, April 5 at 1
p.m., a Cheque has bee forwarded to
Brinsley Anglican Church for the
starving in Mozambique. The board
of management of St. Patrick's are
trusting that the members will do-
nate money to the church treasury
and service next Sunday is planned
for eleven o'clock.
The dessert euchre and bake sale
sponsored by the A.C.W. Was a
great success with 14 tables playing
cards. The hall was decorated with
emblems of Saint Patrick and Irish
green. Everyone enjoyed the deli-
cious desserts, tea and coffee.
The winner of the St. Patrick an-
gel food cake was Dorothy Dietrich
Hear of Palm Sunday customs
Th7. fifth Sanday in Leni church
service was led by Rev. Ted Smits.
The responsive reading was The
Canticle of Blessing.
In his children's story Rev.
Smits spoke about the meaning
and customs of Palm Sunday.
Jesus came ridift into Jerusalem
seated on a colt. It was the way all
new Kings would come in. in that
time all the people at once under-
stood that Jesus was a King, and
they waved palm branches and sang
In some parts of Holland the
children have a little dough rooster
made by the baker. They fasten it
to a long stick, put oranges at the
end, and go in procession through
the streets, singing: "Palm Eastcr,
Palin Eastcr".
Young cubs and scouts, brown-
ies and guides, parade to hospitals
and bring the patients fruit and
gifts. We all rejoice that day, for
Jesus becaune our King.
We sang the' children's hymn
"The Glory of Our King was
seen The Scripture Lessons were
read by Mrs. Rick Parker. Psalm 62
and St. Luke 23:24-31.
in his sermon Rev. Smits spoke
about Simon of Cyrenc who was
ordered by a Roman officer to carry
the cross of Jesus.
At the time of the Passover, thou-
sands of visitors came to be at this
Jewish Festival, and a tent city.
grew outside Jerusalem. Simon of
Cyrenc, a negro, had come with his
sons Alexander and Rufus.
No Jew could be ordered to carry
the cross of Jesus, for it would
make him unc;can. But a negro did
not receive any consideration. The
negro has always had to carry the
burdens of the white man. It was
that way in the_U.S.A. and it still
is in South Africa. But the contact
with Jesus transformed Simon and
his two sons and they became early
In serving others we come closer
to Jesus.
• Ncxt Sunday, March 27 is Palm
Sunday and new members will be
received at both Elimvillc and
Thames Road churches, followed by
Holy Communion Service at 11:15
a.m. to be held ups:airs.
On Palin Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at
Centralia United Church Coleman
Bowman will show slides of the
Holy Land. Afterwards there will be
lunch and fellowship.
Good Friday Service wall be held
on Friday, April 1 at 8:00 p.in. and
also then some new members will
be received. This service will be
held at Elimvillc Church.
Eastcr Sunday Sunrise Service at
7:00 a.m. Daylight Savings Time
at Thames Road followed by break-
fast by all.
The Tyros will meet Thursday,
March 24 at Usborne Central
School at 7 p.m.
The new members that arc joining
the church here at Thames Road are
asked to meet in our church Thurs-
day, March 24 at 7 p.m.
The representatives of Usborne
Minor Baseball will be at Usborne
Central School for registration on
Thursday, March 24 12:15 to 1
p.m. noon.
Elimvillc visited Friday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rohde.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Passmorc,
Tom and Jon were Sunday supper
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordo.)
Pengelly of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert ar-
rived home recently aftcr holiday-
ing in the south.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dawson
spent a weekend recently with the
latter's sister Jean in Oshawa.
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Stewart of
London, were gucsts recently' with
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rohde.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dunlop and
Jimmy of London, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Bray, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Bray, Vanessa, Kristy and Jessica
attended the baptism of Peggy
Annc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hulley. The service took
place a week ago Sunday in Lon-
desboro United Church. The above
mentioned and Mrs. Jennie Bray
and Agnes of Exeter were all dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs: Robert Hulley and Peggy
Miss Rebecca Miller accompa-
nied her grandmother Mrs. Ross
Veal to Florida fob a week and a
half. -
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dawson
had brunch on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Cleve Brophcy of Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Johns oe
CentY1 y�
a is by Mrs. Tom Kooy
At the Centralia United Church
as we approach Easter there are ser-
vices during Holy Week to prepare
for the central event of the church's
life. The death and resurrection of
Jesus Christ and this is your invi-
tation to attend as all good Chris-
tians should especially at Easter
On Palm Sunday, March 27 after
the morning service the confirma-
tion class host a simple luncheon
of hot dogs and drink. A meal in
which all will cat simply so that
others might simply cat. -
Everyone is welcome to come
and arc asked to donate up to the
cost of a family meal out with pro-
ceeds going to Bushels For Bread
For Ethiopia.
On Palm Sunday evening Cole
Bowman will be at Centralia Unit-
ed Church at 7:30 p.m. to show
slides of the Holy Land with lunch
BIG HELP FOR BIG BROTHERS- Officials of the South Huron Big
Brothers and Big Sisters were pleasantly surprised to receive a donation
of $916 from the Huron Park ladies bowling league as part of the recent
Bowl for Millions. Above, Marie Jaques presents the money to Jim Chap -
.r man..
11.7 Bus. 21;1298 9:00 ;:Oil
R/'t. 21;-09-19 After business hours
Church news
from Kirkton
The Anglican Church Women
mct at the home of Mrs. Wm.
Schaefer Thursday evening. Presi-
dent Mrs. Garth Blackler opened the
meeting. Mrs. Gerald Paul read the
scripture and Meditation. Roll call
was answered by wearing some-
thing green.
A tape.was shown on CPR it be-
ing Heart and Stroke Foundation
Month. The remainder of the even-
ing took the form of a work meet-
Reverend Beverley Wheeler closed
with prayer and all repeating thc
Benediction. Lunch was served by
the hostess.
Mrs. Philip Blackler and daughter
Jessica and Alca haveteturned home
from a visit to British Columbia.
The problems welace today are often
the ones we didn't face last week:
t:.a;.d fcllowsnip I.o tallow.
A large crowd gathered at Hey -
woods Restaurant on March 14
wi.h prizes going to high scere -
Mzrian Noels, Harry Noels, lone
ha -ids - Mary Kooy, 1-lelen MacDo-
nakd, low score - Lily Dobbs Irene
Thcander followed by a lovely
chicken dinner.
Neil Schoolhouse euchre on
March 14 had prizes going to high
score -. Marion Thompson, Earl
Morgan, lone hands - Jessie Lewis,
Frank Hicks, low score - Voyle Jor-
ordon, Charlie Coughlin. Special
prizes went to Betty Coughlin, Joc
Next party on March 28 will be
convened by Jack and Ann Gilmour
and Earl and Mary Lou Morgan.
Congratulations to the Marauders
hockey team who won the 'A' tro-
phy in South Huron Rcc League.
Many of the players are from Ccn-
of Dashwood. The lucky ticket was
drawn by John Herbert, Granton.
Winners were high score ladies -
Marjorie Steeper, men's - Murray
Carter, 1„ne Land:, w.,erecrt - Kay
Lankin, lone hands men - - Voyle
Jordan playing a man's card, low
score women - Mrs. Chris Hesse!,
low score men's - Harry Shepherd,
closest birthday - Harry Carroll. The
ladies wish to thank everyone who
helped to make such a successful
Mrs. Mcrna O'Neil, Greta Gib-
son, Mabel Needham, Muriel Co-
bleigh, Voyle Jordan and I enjoyed a
birthday dinner at a local restaurant
Friday. We were observing Mends
birthday. Later the ladies had cake
and ice cream at my apartment.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker were
Sunday dinner guests with Mary
Mrs. Joyce Sovereign and Lee
Ann, Mrs. Howard MacDonald and
Mrs. Helen MacDonald visited Mr.
and Mrs. Bob MacGillivray, Court-
ney, Katie, Scarlett, Cabcb and Cor-
bin Thursday evening.
Intended for last week
Rev. Beverly Wheeler conducted
Holy Communion service at St.
Patrick's Sunday. Rose Cunning-
ham was server and Cheryl Carroll
provided music.
Rev. Wheeler spoke to the chil-
dren on God's love for each person,
and.how He knows how many hairs
is on our head.
Shc took her text from the Gos-
pel of St. John. "For God so loved
the World That He gave His Only
Son, that whoever believes in Him
should not perish but have eternal
She announced that Brinslcy An-
glican Church invited our congrega-
tion to assist with thc shipment of
corn that is being sent to rhe hun-
gry in Ethiopia.
Mrs. Voylc Jordan entertained
Gote Wcnncrstrom, Gordan James
and I to dinner Sunday evening.
Mrs. Voylc Jordan and I were
Thursday evening guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins,, Lu -
Ian Carroll and Roger Blanc arc
holidaying in Florida.,
Miss Marylou Tindall, Nlissis
sauga is spending the March break •
with her parents Bob and Alexia
Tindall .ad Voylc Jordan and I were •
dinner guests with the Tindalls Fri-
day night.
Mrs. Janney Maillct, Godcrich,
Mr. and Mrs: Rosi McFalls, Cen-
tralia, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Sirhpson and Darren, London visit -
cd Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis during -
this past week.
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