HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-03-16, Page 31Hyland
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Pagf' 14A I III Advocate,,March 16 1988
I71H Nils • 1.11011 • I I JI \ I R1 111 \
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International Plowing Match,
for the event, which will be held
ty from September 20 to 24.
Harry Nesbitt,
displays the poster
on the outskirts
publicity chairman for the 1988
especially commissioned
of Stratford -in Perth Coun-
New Action in
Reduced Tillage
The Triple K Conser-Tine
by Kongskilde
The new Triple K Conser-
Tine by Kongskilde. It's
• designed to deliver
optimum trash clearance
while its unique vibrating
action prepares the test
seed bed — with a residue
integrated surface. It makes
the.Conser-Tine ideal for.
•Reduced Secondary Tillage.
At the same time it helps you
conserve topsoil and moisture. the
Conser-Tine creates a uniform seed bed
for faster. more complete germination.
And a better beginning can mean a better
See the new 'T'riple K
Conser-Tine at your dealer--
ealer—and practice Reduced .
Secondary Tillage
- at its best!. -
Now available on cultivat-
I n,Uur drn¢n allow r et. rdlrn!
nark . fraraa ..
• 4, • nn,l..rn, .red hid 1..,
`deIS 9feet to 40 feet.
C.G. Farm Supply Ltd.
22 Main St., Zurich, Ont. 236-4934
Your soil preparation specialists
4 'n+• ., rrrtanaf,rnrl .•t A •. I, if
Perth County hosting 75th IPM
By David F mslie
After three years of planning, the
organizers of the International
Plowing Match and Farm Machin-
ery Show arc ready, to celebrate their
75th anniversary. -
"Plans are going ahead rapidly,"
said the publicity chairman for the
match, Harry W. Nesbitt of Strat-
The match, which will run from
September 20 to 24, will be held -at
the southwest corner of Stratford
this year, in Downic Township.
Mr. Nesbitt pointed oat that the
first match held in Perth County
was also held in Downie Township.
He would like anyone who attended •
that show in 1930, or who was a
participant .to give hien a call at
(519) 261-6742.
Using the slogan, "Perth County
Proud", those involved in the or-
ganization.are already busy promot-
ing the match.
"Literature'is available such as ta-
bloids, brochures, stickers, pens and
magnets, etc., etc., from myself,"
Mr. Nesbitt said. •
They arc also hoping to promote
the show through placemats they
have had printed up. "We arc most
anxious to giveplaccmats out to
any church group or organization
for lunches or dinners," he stated.
As well, silver 75th anniversary.
medallions have been produced, and
according to:Mr. Nesbitt, they arc
being bought by coin collectors.
"We arc having some bronzed,
and we have a large number of nick-
el plated (coins). They arc very suit- •
able for gifts," he added.
As they have already received 900 -
applications from people interested
in having an exhibit at the show,•
they arc expecting to host a most
successful outing.
"We usually get 500, so right off
you know there is tremendous inter-
est," Mr. Nesbitt explained. "We
could have 150,000 plus visitors. I
think it could be a record crowd. I
think it (high interest) is because
the'show is in the great heartland of
Stating, "The plowing match is
quote, 'a place to have fun,' Mr.
Nesbitt noted there will be all sorts
of exhibits connected to agriculture
in this arca.
One event he thought might in-
terest people from the city will be
the plowing matches involving
horses. Matches will also be held
with tractors.
He explained: "People participat-
ing in thc horse matches will have
had some experience in local
matches to participate. No green-
horn can come in off the street and
think they can take horses there."
The plowing arca will be very
close to the 100 -acre tented village.
Eight' streets and possibly seven
avenues will run through the vil-
lage which will house the exhibi-
tors and entertainers.
Aside from the displays of farm
equipment within the village, Mr.
Nesbitt noted there will also be a
considerable display of smaller
items used by both rural and urban
.people. For example, he said, these
items might include three-wheelers
and spraying cquiprrient.
"We'll have lots of entertain-
ment. , Musical groups will be
playing throughout the days in dif•
ferent areas;" Mr. Nesbitt said of
another attraction.
Another event. that might take
place this year could be skateboard
and bicycle stunt demonstrations.
"It was a tremendous crowd pleaser
(last year). It's not related to agri-
culture, but it draws people."
A further draw will be the food
available at the match. "The food
booths arc something marvelous. I
always think of it as a place to get
tremendous food," Mr. Nesbitt
REVIEW at Ridgetown
to run March 25, 26
"More Than Just Farming". That
is the theme for the 1988 Ridge -
town College of Agricultural Tech-
nology REVIEW scheduled to run
Friday, March 25 and Saturday,
March 27, 1988. -
The two day event allows the
students, parents and the general
public, to view the events and thc
many displays set-up throughout
thc campus facilities.
Friday's events commence at 9
a.m. and continue.Oroughout•the
day and evening until approximate-
ly 10 p.m. The . visitors on the
R.C.A.T.- grounds will have the
opportunity to view the student's
livestock show, a variety of static
and major displays and a play put
on by some of our"own R.C.A.T.
students. -
Friday evening, awards will be
handed out for the liv tock show,
and for thc major .11.., static dis-
plays. At 7:45 follov\ tug awards
presentation the visitors will be
treated to an Agri -Theatre presenta-
tion of "MOOSE COUNTY'.
Saturday's programme fcaturcs a
Kevin Scott
Order By April 8th for Pick up Mid May
Day Jid chicks available now at
Co y q• Book your
t'c 't orders today!
• Layers • Roasters
• Geese • Ducks
• Turkeys • Pheasants
See Co-op for quality feeds for free-range
oe housed poultry flocks.... large or small.
Available in bulk, 25 kg. bags
or handy 5 kg. bags.
Exeter 235-2081
or Ailsa Craig 293-3282
panel discussion with Ontario Fed-
eration -of Agriculture president
Brigid Pykc commencing at 11:00
° a.rn. Mrs. Pykc will spcak for ap-
proximately one half hour on a va-
riety of agricultural issues and will
then spend a half hour fielding
questions from a student panel.
Also on Saturday a 4-1-1 invita-
tional livestock show and quiz will
be held. A repeat performance of
'MOOSE COUNTY' is also on the
•satu, auuing mat food sellers return
year after year to the shows.
Aside from plowing, entertain
ment and food, a special family fair
display will be in place, and it will
centre on 75 years of clothing.
The chairman of this display is
• Helen Anderson, and Mr. Nesbitt
explained that anyone interested in
thc ladies' exhibit or quilt show
should contact her at: OMAF Of -
lice, 413 Hibernia Street, Stratford,
N5A 5W2.
In conclusion, Mr. Nesbitt spoke
about the arts and crafts which will
be on display at the show, with the
works of local artists 'being fea-
tared. .
"There will be a place for them
(artists) to sell commercially, but
we do have a section specifically
for Perth people.
Hyland Quality Feed Barley
In 1988 plant Hyland Certified Seed for quality feed
barley production, For Straight Barley or Mixed
Grain, choose the proven performers.
BIRKA Rodeo mrno
A plump two -rowed
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Short stiff straw
and high yields are.
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high T.D.N. Feed Barley
An early maturing
two -rowed variety
with outstanding
yield and high tesi
You can expect .
excellent_ protein
and T.D.N. levels
with Rodeo.
The dependable
high yielding six -
rowed variety. Year
after ydar reliable
Mingo produces
quality feed in both
Barley and Mixed
Grain programs.
Seaforth 345-2545 Hensall 262-2527 Mitchell 343-8433
Pt. Albert 529-7901 Ailsa Craig 293-3223 Granton 225.2360
Don't MISS our big Chick Days.
Heavy Meat Birds
Roosters 600 ea.
With Purchase of
Purina Chick Starter
450 ea.
500 ea.
White or Brown Layers, Turkeys, Ducks & Geese
Also Available!
1) March 22/88 for pick up on April 22/88
2) April 27/88 for pick up on May 27/88
Cook's Division of Gerbro 1987, Inc.,
Ailsa Craig
Wright's Feed Service
Nicholson Garden Centre, Liman
Ralston Purina
Canada Inc.