Times-Advocate, 1988-03-16, Page 24ANOTHER CHALLENGE ACCEPTED -- Rec Receptionist Joanne
Fields accepts a cheque from Big 0 representative Ron Chanyi for $750 on
behalf of the Winter Sports Council. The money will be put toward the cost
of a new Olympia ice resurfacer.
Kippen boys win
in minor bowling
Two Kippcn boys arc proving to
be brilliant bowlers'. Ten -year-old
Robert Lostcll who plays for the
"Bantam Boys Bowling Team",
took part in the Zone Finals on
February 28 in Owen Sound. Rob-
ert's team of five boys won the
championship that day, giving
them the honour of participating in
the "All Ontario Provincial -Cham-
pionship" on March 20 in Toron-
to. Robert's weekly average score
is 130.
Thirteen -year-old brother Steven
Lostcll who is a member of the
"Junior Boys Bowling Team" par-
ticipated in the Zone Finals held at
Port Elgin on February 28. Ste-
ven's team won the championship
that day and they get to take part in
the All Ontario Provincial Cham-
pionship in Toronto on March 20.
Steven's weekly average bowling
score is 167. Robert and Steven's
proud parents arc Carol Anne and
Lloyd Lostcll.
Diane Vanncstc hosted a shower
in her home on Sunday, March 13
for bride elect Debbie Barry of Sca-
forth. Also present wcrc Dorothy
"Barry, mother of the bride-to-be,
Bonnie Bedard, mother of the
groom, Tracy Bedard, Brenda Barry,
Vanncssa Vyhnal, Sherri Lons-
bary, Annette Losercit,. Joyannc
Van Vlict, Christine Preszcator,
Simonnc Vanncstc, Cathy Van-
ncstc and Janet Hoggarth.
•Kippen United Church
Beth Cooper played the organ at
St. Andrews on Sunday March. 13.
Rev. •Lorne Keays' sermon was
. based on St. Patrick and his mes-
sage for today.
There will be a meeting of the
church. stewards on Wednesday
March 23.
Kippen East W.I.
Kippcn East Women's Institute
will. hold their cultural activities
meeting on Wednesday March 16
at 8 p.m. in the Northcrest Apart-
ment building in Hensall. Roll call
model something old in clothing
or jewellery and tell about it. He-
len MacLean has the motto and
Thea Wisch will give a demonstra-
Kippen East is on the, lookout,
for new members, anyone intcr'est-
cd -is welcome to • conic to the"
Meetings held every third Wcdnes-
day of the month. -
'Chosen One' theme
By Bernice Boyle
The March meeting of the Dash-
wood U.C.W. was opened by Mar-
tha Weigand, the chairperson of
Stewardship, Finance and Leader-
ship, reading "The Chosen One".
A moment of silence was ob-
served for Mrs. Greta Schatz fol-
lowed by singing "His Yoke is
Easy" and a prayer for all the peo-
ple on the prayer list and their fam-
Ginger Weber shared "Accepting
the Future".
Jennifer and Amanda Weigand
gave selections on the piano, Kar-
en Ticman gave a story "What we
have to share with".
A report on the World Day of
Prayer. at Grand Bend was given by
Maida Gaiscr and Alice Tiernan.
The Spring Event in Listowel
will be held April 18. A reading of
the Church Annual Report from 50
ycarago was read by Marsha Wei-
• Rev. Bob Sinasac shared through
Bible verses the true meaning of
• U.C. Church service
Sunday, March 13, Pastor Bob
Lucan bowling scores
Monday Ladies '- Glena Tripp
286-691, Lynn Smith 268-664,
Joan Scott 256-663, Janet Ankers
289-659, Deb Thompson 258-656,
Audrey Watt 230-638, Liz Dale
279-637, Sandra Dishcr 250-637,
Joan Finkbciner 245-611, Heather
Smith 256-609, Marg Young 215-
607, Pat MacDonald 251-604, Ja,
nice Vanderploeg 227-601., Diane
Williams 214-6(0, Jackie Arnold
Tuesday Y.B.C. - David Wilcox
244, Chris Smith 236, 200, Becky
VanGecl 217, Scott Smith 194, Ja-
son Wyatt 183, Jason Woytowich
181, Jeff Campbell 178.
Colleen's - Lori Hodgins 288-
745, Linda Hibbert 331-675, Sheila
Hodgins 262-626, Dcb Wonnacott
237-614, Shirley Barker 236, Cindy
Harrigan 234, Elaine McNair 220,
Judy Jaques 220, Janice Dauncey
219, Thelma Hodgins 216.
Medway - Marykc 235-614, Cor-
rie Duynisvcld 238, Jack Moir 230,
Harry Giardin 229, Russ Rush 214,
Toni Barr 202, Peter DenOtter 202.
Senior Citizens - Jim Burt 306-
787, Frank DeBlock 237, Charlie
Grieve 227, Harry Noels 221, Der-
win Beatson 208, Marion Noels
203, Ilelen McDonald 190, Flor-
ence -McRohert 178, Lillus Slat -
worthy 178.
Wednesday Y:B.C. - Wendy Hick-,
son 175, Brad Goddard 159, Sara -
Lynn Dauncey 154, Jason Daubs
144, Jeremy .Langendyk 135, Rob-
ert Densmore 132, Chris Goddard
123, Susan Bryan 122.
C.A.W. Local 1620, Wayne
Wilson 229-713, Jim Smith 242-
685, Garry Gibson 239-654, Rob
Riley 280-650, Cheryl Smith 225-
643, Mike Neil 247-615, Basil
Short 297-612, Deb Holt 243. -
Wednesday Mixed - Gary Dunlop
286-803, Larry MacGregor 260-
678, Bob Pipe 258-638. Steve
is •
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1114,1 Status of Women
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hi. dren Si•. and ur,der
As N;n,stcr Responsible
the Statin, of Women. 1
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. •,urea. _ , an bene'it
`• rhe Chid Care
Srratc y-:.
;). r. tr' In nor
Barbara McDougall,
Minister Responsible for
the Status of Women,
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0A6
Thomas 331-634, Bill Cornclissen
262-632, Pat Ryan 226-620, Pat
Jones 230, Tom Dobinson'228.
Thursday Men - Brian Ankers
335-786, Ray Bands 281-750, Pat
Holland 285-746, David Smith
269-734, Bob Smith 266-719,.
Doug Lee 261-711, Ross McRo-
berts 258-710, Barry Hcaman 269-
704, Don Watt 280-682, Carlyle
Thompson 264-678, Colin Brewer
Friday Y.B.C.. - Rob Hillis 195,
Des Rodgers 145, Brian Munro
142, Steven Smith 150, Tabatha
Smith 135, Janine Dickey 137.
Firday Mixed -AI Robichcau
322-752, Wayne Smith 285-720,
Jim Burt 263-689, Dave Smith
250-655, Harold Smith 238-655,
Winnic Robichcau 229-637, Mur-
ray Corless 251-627, Darlene Fev-
cry 257-622, Dan Rodgers 255-
609. • •
Ladics Inter -Town - Lucan #2 - 7
pts., Goderich 23 pts. - Dcb Pearce
296-686, Liz Dale 286-665, Sue -
Johnston 264-644; Lucan #1 - 15
pts., Zurich 15 pts., - Marg Young
275-630; Helen Hardy 235-620.
Men's Inter -Town - Lucan 12.1/2
pts., - Goderich 35 1/2 pts. - Don
Watt 302-1380, Wayne Smith:325-
Sunday Y.B.C. - John Miller
223, Steve Cobleigh 222, Tabatha
Perry 220, Lillie Buckareff 189,
Angela Perry 179, Shane Munro
Spnday Mixed - Glena Tripp 248-
690, Cheryl Smith 257-681, Linda
Webber 270-678, Ron Mason 253-
689, Jim Smith 241-662, Gary
Dunlop 285-655, Geo. Wilson 244-
615, Sharon Gipson 256, Lloyd
Rimmer 235.
by Mrs. Stan Preszcator
The sermon topic at Zion United
Church was taken from Matthew
27: 1-10 titled "The Clatter of
Choir practice will be Wednesday
evening at 8:00 p.m. in the Sunday
School rooms.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Regcle,
RR 1 Princeton, Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Hublcy, Scaforth, and Mrs.
and Mrs. Stan Preszcator spent
Sunday supper with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold McCallum, RR 1 Walton.
Mrs. Hubley, our mother celebrated
her birthday which will be Tuesday
March 15.
Mrs. Tammy Chalmers and Jo-
shua, Scaforth and Miss Sheila Dal-
las; Denfield, visited last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator.
Stan and I attended the wake of
my cousin and neighbour, the late
Ross Leeming, who passed away
Monday at Scaforth Hospital and
was buried Wednesday from the Ball
and Faulkner funeral home in Clin-
Crediton and District Social Club
held their fund raising dance at Hu-
ron Park rec centre on Saturday
March 13.
Don't forget the ham supper from
5 - 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday March
16 at Crediton Community Centre.
A euchre party to follow upstairs
sponsored by Crediton W.I.
Mrs. Jerry Dallier, Kitchener, and
Mrs. John Arbo, Woodham, were
Tuesday visitors with their father
Times -Advocate, March 16,1988 Page 7A
of Dashwood UCW
Sinasac titled his message "The
• Way of the Cross of Christ" with
scriptures from Romans 6:1-23,
Romans 8:36, John 14:1-5. Unfair
judgment and burdens in our Chris-
tian life are a cross we must bear.
We arc being watched by the world
to see how we live our lives, e.g.
proudly, humbly, lovingly, sin-
. free or evil, lustful. As Christians
we need to stand firm for Jesus
Christ without wavering. We must.
let our old. lifestyle die and -live
righteous lives.
Satan cannot attack us, as Chris-
tians, because "Greater is He that
livcth in me than Ilc that livcth in
the world".
Special speaker •
Mr. Keith Rowntree, secretary of
Zone eight will be guest speaker
for the Dashwood Good Compan-
ions senior citizens meeting Mon-
day, March 21 at 2 p.m. Bring a
Bill and Nancy Becker and Joe
and Nancy Becker returned from
one week vacation in Florida where
they stayed at the Contemporay
Hotel in Disneyworld.
Sunday March 13 at the Zion
Lutheran Church the ceremony of
baptism was performed on Vanessa
Lynn Van Wieren daughter of Ken
and Karcn Van Wieren, Hensall.
Godparents arc Tammy Lynn Kel=
ler and Pat Olson.
Sunday dinner guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Keller and Tammy
in honour of their granddaughter's
baptism were Pastor Larry and Jill
Stojkovic, great-grandparents; Mrs.
Frieda Keller, Dashwood, Mrs. Eve-
lyn Hinds, London, Mrs. Audrey
Van Wieren, Hcnsall, Mrs. Mary
Linstra, Strathroy, Mr. Allen
Hinds, London and grandparents Mr.
and Mrs. Klaas Van Wicrcn, Hen
sail. Other guests wcrc Mr. and
Mrs. Rob Olson and boys, Quill -
Lake, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Van Wieren and family, Strathroy,
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cornell and
girls, London., Sherry Cornell, Lon-
don and Gerry Ducharme; Zurich.
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