HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-03-16, Page 22Page 6A . Times -Advocate, March 16, 1988 UCW meets at Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE The March meeting of the United Church Women was held on .Mon - .day evening with 27 present. The World Outreach Committee were in charge of. the meeting. The theme for the meeting was "Heed God's Call For Service Big•Or Small" and the call to worship was given by Rhoda Rohde. The Meditation "The Sons Of A Healthy Farmer" and poems "Leave Me Not and Handicapswere read by Kay Hodgert and Diane Jeffery. Elda Richt led in prayer and also read a poem "March" The offering was received by Kay - and Diane with prayer by Rhoda. Wo were favoured with several pi- ano instrumentals by Jayne and Jo- Dce Rowe. Rcv. Teddy Smits gave a veryinteresting talk on World Outreach. He was thanked and giv- en a gilt by Diane Jeffery. Rhoda closed -the Worship Service with a Prayer titled "Divine Authority". • June Stewart opened the business part of the :meeting with an Irish Poem. The roll •cal l • was answered with a verse on prayer, Minutes, Manse and Treasurer's reports were received. The Special Events night is to be held in Trinity United Church, Lis- towel, April 18. We are invited to a Tupperware Party at Qucensway Nursing Home on Wednesday march 16 from 2:30 - 5 p.m. and to a meeting at Zion United Church on March 30 at 8:15 p.m. and to a quilt show in St. Marys May 4 and 5. It was decided to visit thc.senior citizens of our community. Group W. served a delicious lunch and a social time was spent. Bridal Shower Some 80 ladies and girls gathered in the church basement on Thurs- day. evening to honor Michele Riehl, bride -elect of April. The basement was decorated with a net and ringettes, a farm and animals and pictures of pigs.. Alma Ballan- tyne played "I Love You Trury" and Margaret Miller escorted Michele to a decorated chair. - Janis Richardson was chairlady for the prograrn. 1'oro'Ily Duncan r-• o read a humorous reading "Wonder how you can tell he's a farmer".• Alma Ballantync played several numbers on the piano which -were much enjoyed. A humorous skit Funeral director speaks to Clandeboye Institute Aggic.Groenewegen was hostess for the March meeting of the Clandeboye Women's Institute. Ten members and one visitor answered - the roll call; naming a product that our Granny didn't know about. . Convener of Canadian Industry, Kay Armstrong, invited- Bill Has- keit,- of llaskett's Furniture and Fu- neral Home, to speak. Bill told about the changes in the furniture industry as wcllas the casket indus- try and the many changes in the fu- neral business over the years includ- ing pre -arranged funerals. Ile explained the Ambulance scr- vicc, of -which, he is an employee. Many questions were asked and a most informative and interesting hour was enjoyed by all the mem- bers. . A reading "The Old Wooden Tub" was given by Betty Coughlin and a reading "Traditional Cooks, Endan- gered Species" was read by Marion 1 kxlgson. Mrs. Armstrong conducted an Irish Green contest which was won ' by Velma Hardy. A delicious -lunch was served by the hostess and her committee. Euchre party St. James Church held their euch- re party on Tuesday evening with 10 tables in play. lligh scores went to Marilyn Dix- on and Harry Noels; Lone Hands - Janet Hicks and George Cunning ham; Low Scores - Audrey Hodgins: and Evan Hodgins; Skunk prizes Jean Miller and Jack Gilmour - in between scores - Helen McDonald and Frank } licks. The next party will be March 22. Holidaycrs from the Clandeboye area who have been enjoying the Florida sunshine and are home again, or enroute, include George and Olive Simpson, Joe and Joan Cunningham, Gerald and rrene Lynn, Alan and Ruth Hill, Norman and Dorothy Blake and- Mary and Wilmer Scott. - Carolyn Hardyis home from a wonderful trip to Australia. Larry and Linda Lewis, Gary and Anne Revington, Jim and Helen Hearn, Gord Hardy and Arden Shantz, all from the Clandeboye area, were in Quebec City on the weekend where the fellows played hockey with the Lucan Irish Flyers, Old Timer's team. The rest of the team were -from the Lucan arca. They brought .horns the gold medal. Congratulations! A report of thc•gamc will appear in the sports section of this paper. was much enjoyed with Doris Simpson and Margaret Miller tak- ing part. Janis Richardson read a nicely worded address. Carrie Simpson pulled in a deco- rated wagon filled with gifts. After opening the many useful and beauti- ful gifts, Michele thanked everyone. and everyone joined in singing "For Shc's A Jolly Good Fellow". A de- licious smorgasbord lunch was then partaken of which brought an enjoy- able evening to a close. Personals Mrs. Jim Dunlop and Jimmy of London spent a few days with last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Don Bray. The Usbome Guild played at Ritz Villa-, Mitchell, on Wednesday evening for the March birthdays. The Guild consists of Ray Cann, Ken Duncan, Jean Hodgert, Harry Jeffery and Bill Rf.:id- Mr. and Mrs. P:::! 'menus and Mr. . and Mrs. Bill R . ,trent Friday icvening with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elford Church news - Rev: Teddy Smits was in char, of the Fourth Sunday In Lent. Rcv. Smits told the children a story which was Very interesting. flc: Smits read the Scripture Lesson St. Luke 23: 4-.12. • Miss- Ann Slater, of St. Marys gave a very interesting talk and• • showed pictures of her recent stay in Japan. Following the church scrvicc a delicious smorgasbord pot luck dinner was partaken of which brought an enjoyable day to a close: Before the .scrvicc commenced Rcv. Smits played the piano, Mar- jorie Johns played the organ, and Bill Rohde played t!!c The Explorer girls v.•:!! meet in Thames Road Church ....: `Ncdnes- day, March 16 at 7 p.m. The Good Friday Church Service will be held in ElimvillcChurch on Friday April 1 at 8 p.m. Crediton 4-H Crediton Club IV had their first meeting on Thursday March 10. Pat Noakes and Lia Snell got the mcct- ing started at 7:00 p.m. and every- body got to know each other. The elections were then made. Tccna Lamport was voted president, De- nise Hendrick vice president, Aimee Glavin secretary and Leona Glavin press reporter. The rest of the meeting we dis- cussed about outdoors and first aid. The meeting was adjourned and the next meeting is on Saturday, March 15. SWITCH TO WHERE THE SMART MONEY IS GETTING MORE. 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Longer business hours, no commis- sions on travellers cheques. STANDARD TRUST Mtcmb r - Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 386 Main Street S,, Exeter 235-1060 BRANCHES IN: Beamsvitie • Blenheim • Brampton • Calgary • Chatham • Dundas • Essex • Exeter • Goderich • Hamilton • Listowel • Markham • Newmarket • Paris • Perth • Picton • Port Perry • Regina • Saskatoon • Toronto • Vancouver • Walkerton • Wingham • Winnipeg • Woodstock • Over S14 Biition in assets • Serving over 150 OM Canadian nation-wide At Granton UC How to recharge your batteries By MRS. E. SUMMERS At -St. Thomas Anglican Church, Rcv. Beverley Anne Wheeler was in charge of the morning prayer and Holy Eucharist service. Marlene French read the tow lessons. r Rcv. Wheeler took her text from St. John Chapter 3, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have Eternal Life". "The Albanaires" of St. Albans Anglican Church choir, London, formed St. Albans folk singers with their rector Canon Geoffrey Dibbs as conductor. The Gospel group will present their entertainment on Sunday even- ing April 1,0 from 7:30 to 9:30 at St. Thomas Anglican Church in Granton. Advance tickets available. Every worship scrvicc or concert' the group presents concludes with the singing of "Reach out and touch somctx)dy." At Granton United Church, Rcv. Bruce Pierce was in charge of the Sunday worship and entitled his ser- mon, "How to recharge your Spirit- ual batteries". In the children's story Rcv. Pierce talked to them about Prayer and also explained about the corning of caster. Granton Sunday School Awards - Juanita Kop, eleventh bar; Kelly Waters, fifth bar; Michael Johnson, first bar; Veronica Blom, diploma', Norman Riddell, first har; April Riddell, diploma and second year seal. A floral arrangement was placed in Granton United Church in loving memory by the family of the late Mrs. Flo (Evons)' Blake. The flow- ers were later placed in the Bryans- ton United Church for a memorial scrvicc. Applause! For Union Gas Home Comtort Bonuses 440 4t2 P9�f((t4'73'U#771 OCT N31 Ask a Union Gas Pro about how you can enjoy the money -saving economy of a modern natural gas furnace from Lennox, Clare, Quomatic Olsen, Roberts Gordon, or Grimsby Stove. Add central air conditioning for all -season home comfort. For an even cleaner breathing environment in your home, add a specially -discounted" Honeywell Electronic Air Cleaner. 3 Cheers For Great Bonuses! $100:$200"Mt$300:$200Extra A Honeywell Electronic A Honeywell Electronic A Honeywell Electronic Air Special Off-oil/Electric — Air Cleaner with the pur- Air Cleaner with the pur- Cleaner with the purchase Conversion Bonus till chase of a conventional chase of a high -efficiency of any modern natural March 25/88 natural gas furnace or natural gas furnace. gas furnace and central central air conditioning- air all -season home . comfort package More than ever, it's a comfort to know you can count on the Pros for great bonuses and years of dependable home. comfort with clean. economical natural gas. Call Al Clemo today. 1-800-255-41.73 cirn' n cns We bring the energy /WO riesgsvg 'Applicable to equipment purchases only by residential customers .cath aooroved credit Offer valid between Feb 29 -June 17. 1988 Installed by July 31 1988 •'Air cleaner discounts apply to our regular selling once with purchase of a furnace and ror central air J %Tara Rail Ptrae Rae Aanout Careclal Morel Bark d Niue Sock Gar, Amara ' Ba -P d Waled l' krmeteed 0pra9 Acct Ra,d Ball PAaey P.W'a Amari Rotate Dmna' Immanent Butler Ac ,; t1303 WS SWa Rae Kmart Naiad V 8 G WI Aaron Bat, d Co'lrroe ' "wars Role Ac(our t 5500-$3.000 4.75 --. --. • 4.50 --- . 4.50 4.50 •_ S3.000 -S5.000 6 . _ _ 5.8 5 5.75 4.50 S5.005.$10,000 6 5.75 5.875 5.85 5.8 6 5.75 5.75 510.000 to $25.000 7.25 5.75 6 5.85 6.01 6 5.75 5.75 • Rotes shown are from recent survey. Subject to change without notice. With the Standard Trust Prime Rate Savings Account you get higher daily interest than the banks offer on every dollar every day. Plus you get: - Special bonus rates on accounts over S3,000, and even higher bonus rates on accounts over 510,000. S50 cash bonus for account transfers of S10,000 or more. or .S25 cash bonus -for transfer of accounts of $2,000 or more from another financial institution. High Daily Interest Savings plus FREE CHEQUiNG privileges on balances over $500. Choice of Passbook or Monthly Statement. Longer business hours, no commis- sions on travellers cheques. STANDARD TRUST Mtcmb r - Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 386 Main Street S,, Exeter 235-1060 BRANCHES IN: Beamsvitie • Blenheim • Brampton • Calgary • Chatham • Dundas • Essex • Exeter • Goderich • Hamilton • Listowel • Markham • Newmarket • Paris • Perth • Picton • Port Perry • Regina • Saskatoon • Toronto • Vancouver • Walkerton • Wingham • Winnipeg • Woodstock • Over S14 Biition in assets • Serving over 150 OM Canadian nation-wide At Granton UC How to recharge your batteries By MRS. E. SUMMERS At -St. Thomas Anglican Church, Rcv. Beverley Anne Wheeler was in charge of the morning prayer and Holy Eucharist service. Marlene French read the tow lessons. r Rcv. Wheeler took her text from St. John Chapter 3, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have Eternal Life". "The Albanaires" of St. Albans Anglican Church choir, London, formed St. Albans folk singers with their rector Canon Geoffrey Dibbs as conductor. The Gospel group will present their entertainment on Sunday even- ing April 1,0 from 7:30 to 9:30 at St. Thomas Anglican Church in Granton. Advance tickets available. Every worship scrvicc or concert' the group presents concludes with the singing of "Reach out and touch somctx)dy." At Granton United Church, Rcv. Bruce Pierce was in charge of the Sunday worship and entitled his ser- mon, "How to recharge your Spirit- ual batteries". In the children's story Rcv. Pierce talked to them about Prayer and also explained about the corning of caster. Granton Sunday School Awards - Juanita Kop, eleventh bar; Kelly Waters, fifth bar; Michael Johnson, first bar; Veronica Blom, diploma', Norman Riddell, first har; April Riddell, diploma and second year seal. A floral arrangement was placed in Granton United Church in loving memory by the family of the late Mrs. Flo (Evons)' Blake. The flow- ers were later placed in the Bryans- ton United Church for a memorial scrvicc. Applause! For Union Gas Home Comtort Bonuses 440 4t2 P9�f((t4'73'U#771 OCT N31 Ask a Union Gas Pro about how you can enjoy the money -saving economy of a modern natural gas furnace from Lennox, Clare, Quomatic Olsen, Roberts Gordon, or Grimsby Stove. Add central air conditioning for all -season home comfort. For an even cleaner breathing environment in your home, add a specially -discounted" Honeywell Electronic Air Cleaner. 3 Cheers For Great Bonuses! $100:$200"Mt$300:$200Extra A Honeywell Electronic A Honeywell Electronic A Honeywell Electronic Air Special Off-oil/Electric — Air Cleaner with the pur- Air Cleaner with the pur- Cleaner with the purchase Conversion Bonus till chase of a conventional chase of a high -efficiency of any modern natural March 25/88 natural gas furnace or natural gas furnace. gas furnace and central central air conditioning- air all -season home . comfort package More than ever, it's a comfort to know you can count on the Pros for great bonuses and years of dependable home. comfort with clean. economical natural gas. Call Al Clemo today. 1-800-255-41.73 cirn' n cns We bring the energy /WO riesgsvg 'Applicable to equipment purchases only by residential customers .cath aooroved credit Offer valid between Feb 29 -June 17. 1988 Installed by July 31 1988 •'Air cleaner discounts apply to our regular selling once with purchase of a furnace and ror central air J