HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-03-16, Page 13LIFE DAY -- From left to right, Bernice Lockyer, Jean Hodgins and Mabel Froats -- all members of the co ordinating committee for the coming St. Patrick's Day Blood Donor Clinic -- discuss plans for the event which wi' be held from 5-9 p.m. at the Lucan Arena March 17. The Clinic is sponsored by the Women's Institute of Cland- boy and Lucan, of which the ladies are members. BIDDULPH CHESS CHAMPS - The chess teams from Biddulph-Lucan schools turned in an excellent perfor- mance at a recent Delaware invitational tournament. The trio of Greg Boshart, Larry Hitchcock and Daryl Boshait went undefeated and won a chess clock. Other team members won medallions. Back, left with coach Brian Lewi' are Jesse Waters, Aaron Shilson, Daryl Boshart, Robert Stotesbury-Leeson, Doug Hockey, Don Earhart, Neal Froats and Brent Mills. Front, Greg Boshart, Joey Hitchcock, Darcy Maguire, Larry Hitchcock, Doug Hotson and Kurt Mills. Missing was Rob Waters. Cancer Society to sell daffodils The Lucan Branch of the Canadi- an Cancer Society will be selling live daffodils on April 8 and 9 at the two hanks in the village as well as Darling's IGA. This year the newly, formed Jun - Three accidents for OPP force During the wcck Ontario Provin- cial Police officers in Lucan inves- tigated three motor vehicle acci- dents. Two of the accidents involved property damages only and the third involved personal injuries. None of the accidents appeared to be weather related. Tuesday March 8 a vehicle oper- ated by Robert Frascr, RR 3 Ilder- ton was west bound on Concession 9 of London Twp. while a second vehicle operated by Grace Murray of London was north bound on Clark Side Road. "Fhe two collided at the intersection sending both par- ties to Si..Joseph's Hospital in London. Fraser rcccivcd major inju- ries while Murray rcccivcd minor ones. Officers investigated 37 general occurrences during the past wcck. Of major concern again this week arc the high number of break. enter and thefts to residences. Lucan an- swered three calls in a five day peri- od. for Optimist Club has volunteered to assist in the sale as a public ser- vice project according to Daffodil Sale chairman Len Maslen of the Lucan Branch. The live daffodil sale is a very popular event in the month Canadian Cancer Society fund rai\ ing campaign. Thc Lucan branch is well organized to handle the demand for daffodils as well as the door-to- door campaign throughout the month of April. Team captains for thc campaign arc already organized and are cur- rently recruiting and training indi- vidual canvassers according to Seniors meet Lucan Seniors and Busy Buddies met in the Scout Hall opening with 0 Canada with Mary Kooy at the piano. The minutes of the previous Meeting were read and approved. Happy Birthday was sung to Flor- ence Hodgins. Next wcck is our pot luck dinner to be held at 12:30 p.m. It was moved by Mary Davis and Helen McDonald that we buy five df5zen knives. Elsie Gibson spoke about a bus trip to St. Thomas Arena for a three hour musical programme which is for Seniors. Florence Hodgins con- ducted a contest which was enjoyed. ChanndMa,sier® Antennas, Rotors, Boosters UHF/VHF/FM 0. ANTENNA ROTATORS 1..7 '� ,)•nes ��^ ,i•,.e.,,,a We service TV all makes . "warn. Rn! i'',s A"JTf NNA MOI INTrf) \MPriFIERS of Antennas No Job too Big or too Small WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL n Stilb6a Audio- & Vid& 301 Main St., Exeter 235-1520 Campaign Co -Chair Phyllis Brady. A combination education night and campaign kick-off is arranged for the cvcning of March 24 at Lu - can United Church, starting at 7:30 p.m. reports Education Chairperson Jane Forster. Guest speaker will be Mr. David McLurg, Chairman of public Relations for the London Middlesex Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society. The general public is invited and urged to attend this interc.s;ing and informative event at no charge. The Canadian Cancer Society cel- ebrates 50 years of service in 1988. Come to the Education Night to help celebrate and share a piece of the 50th anniversary cake. Times -Advocate, March 16, 1988 Page 13 WI members at Lenten lunch A few members attended the Lenten Lunch with speaker Rev. Lovcday at Lucan Revival Centre. Later, all met at the home of Mabel Froats for her program on Family and the Consumer. The St. Patrick Day Blood Donor plans under conveners Mabel Floats and Jean Hodgins are com- plete for March 17, 5 to 9 p.m. at the arena. We had a true or false quiz on "aging" and a St. Patrick's "green" contest. Our bus trip is to be Juni 10 to Harbour Front in Toronto for Revival Centre The annual business meeting for Lucan Revival Centre was held Tuesday evening. Pieter Schinkle- shock led in worship singing and read Psalm 1. Rev. Roger Mason talked about how the church can keep growing. To continue to grow a church must meet people's needs for Christian fellowship, spiritual services, Bible teaching, and to be visited. Thc Daily 'Vacation Bible School helps reach the children of the community. Ecclesiastes 4: 9- 12 shows teamwork builds strength and support. In a harmonious whole the gifted members can work together to reach the goals Jesus set for us. Church members need a mind to work in the various gifts God has given them. There must be a great- er Find to pray for the services, the Sunday School, and the other church functions. Rev. Mason officially called the business meeting to order. Each de- partment gave their annual report. The position of deacon was filled by Mr. David Ross for the coming year. Rev. Mason proposed that Pieter Schinklcshock come on staff as as- sistant pastor for one year, starting in May. After a majority vote -by ballot, it was decided to ask him to decide on this. Bruce Henry closed the meeting in prayer. March 13 - Sunday Tim Kritzer led the Sunday mom- ing song service. Rev. Roger Ma- son ministered from Mark 14:3-9. Sunday evening Rev. Roger Ma- son conducted the service. Rev. Ray Moore, ex pastor of Church of God in London, accompanied himself on the piano as he sang I Don't Know About Tomorrow. Rev. Moore, guest speaker, spoke from Joshua 24:15, stating it takes stubborn determination to be persu- aded that nothing will separate one from the iove of God. Upcoming events: March 20 - Sunday cvcning at 7:00 p.m. Rev. David Ellyatt, pathology expert at University Hospital, will be speak- ing on the AIDS question. All wel- come. March 16 - at 9:45 a.m. Women's Aglow will feature testimony of Marti Butler. All women -and teens arc welcome. Thcrc will be a special program for children. Meeting will be held at Craigwicl Gardens, in Ailsa Craig. Centralia by Mrs. Tom Kooy Correction of last weeks news which should of read: Mrs. Von Overholt. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hay- ter and boys of Dashwood visited Saturday with Pauline and Brad Tait of St. Thomas. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. William Graham and family in the death of Bill's mother of Clinton. The funer- al took place on Friday from the Tasker Funeral Home in Blyth. Prize winners at the Centralia' euchre in thc community centre were: High score Helen MacDonald, Ilarry Noels; Lone Hands Grace Dixon, Charlie Hendy,; Low, score Alwinna Galloway, Toni Kooy. Special score prizes went to Eileen Westlake and Charlie Rollings. Ncxt party on March 21 will be convened by Helen MacDonald and I larry and Marion Noels. Township at Biddulph public Notice Proposed Change In Renulatory Flood Standard Recent changes in provincial floodplain management policies provide an option to allow municipalities and the local Conserva- tion Authority to reduce the level of the regulatory flood stan- dard. The Upper Thames River Conservation Authority and the Township of Biddulph are considering, along with other munici- palities in the Upper Thames River Watershed, a reduction of the regulatory flood standard to one based on the historical 1937 Flood, in this region. The use of this standard on the Upper Thames River and its tributaries will result in some variation, re- duction, in the definition of the floodplain in some areas. This proposed variation in some floodplain areas provides a more realistic flood protection standard but continues to restrict devel- opment in the most hazardous region of the floodplain, nearest the river or creek. To effect this change the Township of Biddulph, and the Con- servation Authority must consider the views and opinions of the local residents. Interested persons are asked to express their opinions or concerns verbally or in writing, on or before March 31, 1988 to the: Upper Thames River Conservation Authority P.O. Box 6278, Station "D" London, Onjario N5W 5S1 (519) 451-2800 For additional information please contact: Bill J. Diver, Land Use co-ordinator or Rick Goldt, Water Management Supervisor, at the above noted location. shopping, browsing and a boat trip around the harbour. Other institutes are to be invited, then the public. Guest speaker was 4-11 leader Mrs. Phyllis O'Neil, the Middlesex representative for 4-11 to the Onta- rio Leaders Committee who attend- ed a three-day conference January 20 at Halifax, N.S. She flew first to P.E.1. and visit- ed with a 4-11 family who were dairy farmers. Phyllis had many snapshots of farm and district as well as the many pins she ex- changed. As the motto of 4-11 is "Learn by Doing", several work- shops made for fun, fellowship and learning. The theme "Building foundations for the future" was spoken to by Dr. Ellen McLean. Next meeting will he April 13 at Optimist Hall at 2 p.m. Bring read- ings or poems on Grandmothers and something baked to sell. Recycle and bring a useful article made from something you usually would throw away. Ladies of community are in- vited to join our group. Lucan Susan Cook 227-4911 Blood donor clinic set for Thursday - Don't forget the Blood Clinic on Thursday, March 17 at the Lucan Community Centre at 5 to 9 p.m. The Red Cross has informed us this week that there is a real short- age of A Positive Blood at the present time and a special plea for donors of A Positive Blood arc asked to donate at the LucaO Blood Clinic. We welcome all other type donors as well but special mention to the A Positive donors at this time of shortage. and also a need to build the blood bank for the upcoming Easter season. That's Thursday, March 17 from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Lucan Commu- nity Centre. PHOTO- GRAPHIC REFLECTIONS PORTRAIT STUDIO, WEDDINGS • Man & Wife team - photographers • We attend your rehearsal at no extra charge. • We meet with you & help plan photog raphy for your wedding • We provide top quality photography at low competitive prices & personal service to make you feel more at ease on your 'special' day. • You choose the enlargement pack- age to suit your budget • Proofs & proof album included at no extra charge. • Special effects available • No mileage charge • Call for an appointment 138 DuchLss St, Lucan, Ont. By Appointment 519-227-4220 que!rneelo „T_TrzciR ACCOUNTANT -PUBLIC NORRIS, HOMt I'I-I, 'TAYLOR PINI)ER & McNEILI.Y Chartered AccountaTlt' Main St f5191 235-0101 Exeter. Ontario NOM 150 r5191 235-0120 519-235-0345 KIME, C)ITC_)--IF IE t D MILL5 L. [_JIJNLor CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS GERALD W. MILLS, C.A. Manag,•iq JOSEPH F. 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