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Times-Advocate, 1988-03-09, Page 26
Page 10A Times -Advocate, March 9, 1988 6 Services WOODHAM MEAT MARKET wholesale and custom killing. S7.00 to kill, 14rt a Ib. cutting and wrapping. (9tfn) SOUTH HURON AGRI SYSTEMS PATZ Feeding and Manure Handling Equipment FARM EZE Belt conveyors and feeders MULTI CHOICE FEEDERS BSM Stabling - Hog and Dairy BERG Stable Cleaners, Mixers, Meter Mills FLEX AUGERS RR 2 Crediton 234-6403 SPRING CLEANING, Windows, eavestroughs, yards, garages, ceiling and walls, reasonable rates. Call 235-1038. (10-15c) PERSONAL INCOME TAX returns prepared. Phone Susan Dolphin 235-0431 after 6 p.m. (10tfn) FARM FOR SALE Two. km. south west of Ship- ka. S-1/2, Lot 8, Concession 18, Stephen Township, Hu- ron County. Fifty acres bareland parcel with approximately 45 worka- ble acres of Berrien sandy loam. The following Tile Drainage Loans may be taken over as part of the purchase price: 1. Approximately $3,270.10, 10% Tile Drainage Loan, with annual payments of $862.31 due in February, 1993. 2. Approximately $192.30, 6% Tile Drainage Loan due in September, 1988. ASKING PRICE: $48,000 A certified deposit of $2,000 must accompany the offer. For further information, con- tact: Farm Credit Corporation ATTN: Paul Scholten Suite 203, 21 East Street P.O. Box 155 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Z2 Telephone: 524-8381/7911 Please refer to file number 40451-528 6 Services MORRISSEY DEMOLITION * Custom bulldozing * Take down silos - no dynamite * Will move buildings of any description * All type of used building materials for sale BOB MORRISSEY RR 2 CREDITON 234-6783 LARGE SELECTION, good quality, aggressive working boars, York Land, Duroc, Hamp, Spot Hamp x Duroc, York x Hamp, Duroc x Spot. Also bred and open gilts. ROP tested. Reasonably priced, guaranteed breeders. Delivery available. Richard Stroebel, RR 2 Granton, (519) 225-2587 or 284-2628. (3tfn) DAY OLD CHICKS 12 varieties of brown -egg and meat types. Capons and ready to lay pullets. Shipment by parcel post for day -olds. Phone or write: Bonnie's Chick Hatchery, P.O. Box 154, Elmira, Ont. N3B 2Z6. (519) 669-2561. BRED GILTS hand bred, breeding dates, vaccinated, good selection available. Contact Mike Koricina (519) 293-3191.(10tfn) TWO HORSES - one four year old 3/4 Arabian gelding, one two year old purebred Arabian gelding. Phone 234-6201. (10SA) TAKING ORDERS for day old meat or layer chicks, turkey, poults and pullets. Elginfeed Feeds 227-1157. (10:11c) PUREBRED DUROC, York Boars, ROP test. ' Also bred and open gilts. Government health inspected. Also a good selection of Yorkshire Gilts bred Landrace. Ted Schendera, 225-2734. (28tfn) 8 Farm Machinery TRACTOR International 3388 2+2, 130 horse power, 1500 hours and International 230 Windrower with hay conditioner and pickup, real and batreal. Phone 565-5288. (3tfn) TIRES - two 3 rib 550x16 tires, suitable for small tractor, front end or implement, includes inner tubes. $35 for pair. Call 461-0709 after -5 p.m. For Sale 2 Storey Brick 4 bedroom, sunroom with in - ground pool, Tots of new fea- tures. Private sale by owner, William St. 235-2225 by appointment =II I•SIIli IM --M• t•- MI - til -f•t• 1 (519) 235-1055 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P..dr„wnet Real l,tate Servat•' INVEST IN EXETEP AREA FOR GROWTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE Dirk Coolman - 235-1950 Joan Hunking - 235-1848 Marlene Parsons - 235-1304 Bill GlIfillan - 235-0116 Paul . Hohner 235-0302 147 Main Street, LOOKING FOR SOME EXTRA INCOME? Try your hand at this, two sto- rey brick home with room to convert store into apart- ments. Ask me about con- vert to rent loan: Call Joan Hunking for more information. Exeter Ontario OPEN HOUSE This home has Tots of room for a growing family. This 1 home is very clean and taste- fully decorated. 1 Come and see, for yourself on: Saturday. March 12, 1 - 4 p.m. 165 Huron Street, E., t, Exeter Hostess: Joan M. Hunking .1 1 1 Call Joan to view this 1 1/2 storey three bedroom brick home. New 1 above ground pool is a must for summerlll Only $65,000.00. 1 R.R. 3 EXETER ,I This brick ranch offers two bedrooms with double closets, two baths, separate garage/workshop, and a large sundeck. Located on a beau • - , tifully landscaped one acre lot. Asking $129,000.00. Call Bill Gilfillan. I. EXCELLENT STARTER two bedroom home. Tastefully decorated. 1 ▪ Call Marlene. 1 EXETER Open for offers. Eight year old brick ranch, main floor family room, fin, 1 ished rec room, two full baths, double drive with insulated garage. Call;, ▪ Bill Gitfillan. NI PRIME RETAIL LOCATION Approx. 4,200 sq. ft. on main floor. II Upper level could be converted into apartments. Goverment loan may In be available for conversion. Call Marlene. Call Marlene to view this great starter, or retirement home. 2 + 1 bed- rooms, Targe lot, detached garage with workshop, tastefully decorat- 1 led. BRICK RANCH Double garage, 2 + 4 bedrooms, open concept living 1 area. Central vac pool, and much more. Asking $99,900.00. Call Mar- lene, • 1' FOR LEASE - DOWNTOWN 230 sq. ft. available immediately. Call Marlene. 1 CORBETT Highway lot, over 1 12 acres. ONLY $16,000.00. Call 1 Dirk. 1 12 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX Good income, good condi- 1 tion, good price. CaII Dirk. 1 LARGE 3 BEDROOM bungalow, excellent condition, .99 foot lot, newer addition, full basement over 1500 sq. ft. Priced to sell at 1 $75,900.00. CaII Dirk. NEW LISTING 1 ENGLISH TUDOR four bedroom, THREE fireplaces, DOUBLE ga- r rage, THREE sets frenchdoors, INGROUND pool, FINISHED base- ,ment, CENTRAL vacuum and the list goes on. Irreplaceable value at 1 $199,000.00. CaII Dirk. lis 1111 soumusNIt.rf.rinMIIli f>.I> MI ,I 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 32' BAYLINER Conquest Sunbridge 1982 twin Volvo's aft cabin, VHF compass, trim tubs, many extras, excellent condition. Call (519) 323-2397 or (416) 271-7674. 11 Cars, Trucks PERFORMANCE and CUSTOM EQUIPMENT For Cars, Trucks and Vans available at EXETER PRECISION MACHINE and WELDING 168 Thames Rd. W. Exeter, Ontario Phone 235-1035 1982 CHEV CAPRICE, 4 door, loaded, great condition. $5995.00. Phone 235-1523. 1986 ACADIAN SCOOTER 2 -door, 4 -speed, AM -FM radio, excellent condition, lady driven, $5000 certified. Call 284-2008. 1987 DODGE ARIES, 5 speed, air cond., AM/FM. Please call 284-3443. 1985 CUTLASS SUPREME BROUGHAM, 2 door, brown, loaded with extras. Phqne Harry DeVries 235-0555 after six. BUYING OR SELLING A VEHICLE? Get in on the action at John McKenzie's Auto Auction 1Thursday evenings, Associated Auctioneer's Inc. 1881 John St. RR 8 London. 453-7182 or 1-800-265-1906. Res.686-0471. (4tfn) 1978 FIJRD ZEPHYR, silver grey, 6 cyl. automatic, p.b., p.s., excellent condition $1900. certified. Phone 284-3118.(6SA) 1981 CHEVETTE, 4 door, automatic, oiled yearly, excellent condition -$2000.00. Certified. - Phone 235-2601. (8SA) 1979 FORD 1/2 ton pickup, 302, V8 auto, fair condition. $1500. Phone 228-6129.(10:11c) 1979 FORD THUNDERBIRD, 302, V8, auto, all power, fair condition. As is $1200. Phone 228-6129. (10:11c) 1972 MARK 1 MUSTANG, fast back, Arizona car, 98% rust free. 351 Cleveland, not running, optional dash gauges and tach. Automatic transmission, Asking $3500. Phone 229-8246. (10c) 1976 GMC 1/2 ton pickup with flat racks. Certified. Phone 229-8939. (10c) 1977 CHEV 1/2 ton, 6 cyl. 3 speed, standard runs good, new body and paint. $2495.0 or best offer. Can be seen at Erb's Garage, Zurich. 1984 GMC S15, 6 cyl, automatic with low mileage. also Honda 200cc streat bike. Call anytime 234-6310. (10c) 1984 ACADIAN, automatic, sunroof, AM/FM stereo, sport mirrors, rear defrost, bucket seats, reclining, console low mileage, $3900 certified. Phone 349-2537 or 283-6450. 12 Pets PART COLLIE PUPS - 6 weeks old. Phone 237-3397. (9:10*) IAMS, SCIENCE DIET, Technical and other name brands available from Elginfield Feeds 227-1157. (10-12c) For Sale Grand Bend, 25 acre hobby farm, ideal for the horse enthusiast. 3 bed- room 1 1/2 storey brick farm house, remodelled and rewired, 4 piece bath, _eat in kitchen, natural brick fireplace. Bankhouse. Bam remodelled and re- wired with Targe box stalls. Paddocks with cedar rail fences. 3 acres bush, fruit orchard. 5 minutes from Grand Bend. (Get this one before the sum- mer). Phone for an appointment to view. 238-2088 13 Musical Instruments CONN ELECTRIC ORGAN for home or small church. 2 manuals, 32 foot pedals, good condition. $3000.00 or best offer. Phone 461-1368. 14 Appliances, Television ELECTROLUX used vacuum cleaner in good condition with all auachments. S195.00. 228-6531. (6SA) AUTOMATIC WASHER, excellent condition S150.00. Phone 284-3683. 15 Personal IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-0294 or 345-2536. (48tfn) ADOPTION - Pregnant? A sincere married couple would be delighted to provide a warm loving home for your unborn child. Working with goverment licensed agent. Please call collect 1-(416) 489-4936 after 5:30 p.m. LOS ANGELES, San Francisco, San Diego from $259, Phoenix $195 Canadian funds includes taxes from Detroit and Buffalo. Call 1-800-265-0900 or 1-800-265-9365 T & S Tours. FLORIDA Car rentals value from $49.95 U.S. funds, unlimited mileage, does not include CDW, PAI, taxes. Call 1-800-265 -0900 or 1-800-265-9365 T & S Tours. ADOPTION - We are a secure couple in 30's wishing to adopt baby or young child/children to raise as our family in our semi -rural home. Please call Jean or leave message (416) 857-3170. (10:11c) 16 For Sale YARN - Discount Prices, Beehive Brands, Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. (33tfn) ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITER. Inquire at the T -A 235-1331 USED CAR and truck parts. Phone 228-6214. McStephen Auto Wreckers. (1-26*) $$LIQUIDATION$$ Buildings priced for immediate disposal. All items in stock. 30x40x14 $3,800; 40x60x14 55,990; 50x80 $11,260; . 70x120 S27,900. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings Priced for immediate delivery call toll free 1-800-387-2115 or 1(416) 858-2446. MIRACLE SPAN All Steel Buildings left over from International Machinery Show at superb savings. Call toll free 1-800-668-5111. WELL WATER PROBLEMS? New advanced technology for efficient , treatment of problem water, offering 1 protection throughout entire water ater,thardness, staining, babad teria, and 1 more. No salt or • messy chemicals .-.maintenance free. See the results for yourself with our six month trial offer. Call toll-free 1-800-387-3423 or write Aztec Purification Systems. 6380 No. 5 Tomken Rd., Mississauga, Ont. L5T 1 K2. (416)672-2300. METAL BUILDINGS - Winter Works Special - Help keep factory busy during slower winter months - Save thousands -avoid upcoming price increase - Limited steel Pioneer/Econspan 1-800-387-6896 24 hours. NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old fashioned Apples, Pears, Apricot, Nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ontario KOK 21.0. KEROSENE HEATER, Toyaset portable with tank on side. Excellent condition. Phone 235-1823. (4SA) EXCLUSIVE KINGSMERE Combine year round living with summer fun at the beach in this lovely three bedroom home with over 2400 square feet of living space. Call Liz for a viewing appointment, 237-3498. EXECUTIVE LIVING Set on twenty-five acres this four bedroom two storey home has all the extras you deserve. Inground pool, central vac- uum and two fireplaces are just a few of the many features of this prop- erty. Call Ruth for your appointment to view this exceptional home at 236-4712. Adams 237-3498 C2 nkliti ALL POINTS REALTY INC Ruth ZleIman 236-4712 THE LARGEST REAL ESTATE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD. Why, not let the Century 21 System work for you? imoomommillirommL 16 For Sale MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Work shirts 52.75, work pants 53.50, work boots 515. Send $3 for catalogue (Reimbursement first order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Que. JOS 1X0. GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic equipment, supplies. Everything you need. Best quality super low prices. Greenhouses 5175, Halides $115. Over 3,000 products in stock! Send 52 for info pack and free magazine to Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour SL, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9 14604)-682-6636. APPLES, Belgium Endive, Macs, Spartans, Red Delicious, Ida Reds 510.00 bushel. Fresh apple cider, $3.00 gallon. Visscher Farms Country Market, 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83. Open 9-5 daily, closed Sundays. (5tfn) BOTHERED WITH ACHING BACK? Sore feet? Arthritic pain? Stiff joints? "Beulah Oil" helps!! For information write: Beulah Land, Box 1086, Portage La Prairie, Man. R1N 3C5. FLUORESCENT FIXTURES, 4' - 2 lamp fluorescent fixtures, excellent for garage, workshop, driving shed, etc. $15.00 complete with tubes while they last. Call 237-3275. (8-13c) OCCASIONAL CHAIR $20.00; 3/4 mattress $10.00; kitchen table $15.00; ivory or white Priscilla 81"x245" $35.00; brown drapes 63x60" $10.00; tangerine curtains with valance $15.00; four blue mats $40.00; large brown round mat $25.00. Phone 229-6843. PIONEER SOUND SYSTEM. SX5 30 amp receiver, CT -5 Dolby B/C tape deck, PL255 turntable, SM -5 Mirage speakers rated at 100 watts. Excellent condition $800. Call 284-2672 after 6 p.m. (6SA) REALTY ©on BROKER F'n Se Rural cProperty"izing , O SUE THORNDALE 46112.4 461.1100 OPEN HOUSE 2 - 4 P.M. SUNDAY MARCH 13 249 Andrew St., Exeter 2 storey, 3 bedroom brick home, pine cupboards, hard- wood floors, large lot ano priced at $74,900.00. Your host Jim Bearss 229-6461 16 For Sale MAPLE SYRUP making supplies, new and used equipment, containers. etc. Write for free price list. Atkinson Maple Syrup Supplies, RR 1 Barrie, Ont. L4M 4Y8 (705) 722-3331. MOTORS - two one third h.p. $25 each. Two antique 50 year old Underwood typewriters, working condition 535 each. 200 pieces, 8 inch 2x4s for making wishing well $25. Phone238-8434. (8SA) ROWING MACHINE, oar style, tension adjustment, gently used 5200.00 new, asking 5100.00. manual included. Phone 284-3524. (8*) RENOVATION SALE at Bluewater Motel. Quantity of brown aluminum doors, doors with frame, windows. Phone 238-2014. (9:10c) ELECTRIC FURNACE, Westinghouse, 68,300 BTUH including fan and control. $200.00. Phone 235-2420. (9tfn) TEN CHAIN. BINDERS, heavy duty, 5175.00 total. Phone 237-3404 or 228-6447 evenings. (9:10*) SOYBEAN SEED. Certified KG 60 and Maple Donovan. Call Vern Alderdice, Kippen 262-5988. (9:10c) CUPBOARDS - ideal for cottage or workshop. Downhill skis, Fischer, 195 cm with bindings and poles; lady's downhill ski boots, size 8; XC skis 160 cm with bindings. All best offer. Call St. Marys 284-1218. POWELL HLAI TY t T;) , 666-1010 riZe R. R. 3, ILDERTON, RENTERS Why would you rent when you could OWN for $250./ month. 12' x 48' MOBILE HOME, 2 bedrooms, 12' x 12' Annex for storage and en- trance, deck, yard storage shed on over 1/2 acre lot, in Crediton. Asking $25,000. ALSO Required 50 to 100 acres in Hibbert Township, good pro- ductive farm land for cash crop, with or without build- ings. Contact JOHN MATHERS 659-5010 Congratulations To one of Re/Max top achievers Re/Max Creative Realty recog- nizes Dawson Hayter for out- standing sales achievements for the month of February. Buying or selling - call on experi- ence, competence and perfor- mance. Dawson Hayter RF/AWD CREATIVE REALTY Bronch Office 14 Main St., Grand Bend 238-5700 238-5891 Res. Canada Trust Realtor Celt -nada Trust Youllbe glad you called us first EXETER 20 yr. triplex in excellent condition. Three - 2 bedroom units. Situated in a good residential area. Good income. Value priced at $110,000. EXETER Four or five bedroom raised ranch, over 2400 sq. ft. of fin- ished living area, including new master bedroom with 5 pc. ensuite, huge family room , attached garage and much much more. Asking $149,900. EXETER Two storey home on huge 240' double lot. An excellent home for first time buyers or for the growing family, buy for just 10% down and take advantage of a low interest rate mortgage. Asking $69,900. EXETER Victorian bungalow, recently updated with new wiring, plumbing high efficiency gas furnace, two bedrooms on main level, at- tic completely finished with third bedroom, den, and three piece bath- room. Also four piece bathroom on main level. Many extra features. Asking $94,900, HENSALL Beautiful two storey brick home situated on a lovely dou- ble lot. Lovely new kitchen done in tongue and groove solid pine cup- boards, phone for an appointment to see this unique home. Priced at $112,000. Traditionally speaking, this is the prime time to be listing your property for sale. Why not call me now for a free market -evaluation. Ron Cottrell 235-2473 235-1449 1 The Canada Trust Company