HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-03-09, Page 23WITHOUT A HITCH - The work of the Hensall figure skaters came to
fruition Saturday evening a' their carnival, which had been postponed from
its February date becauseof snow. Here Amy Campbell gives a helpinc,
hand to Terri Regier during the act one finale.
Susan Hartman 262-2449
goes well
The young memoers of the Hen-
sall Figure Skatini Club performed
before a capacity crowd on Saturday
evening. The appreciative audience
of proud parents grandparents and
friends thorougtly enjoyed the Ice
Five members of the Clinton Pre-
cision Team pcformed a number of
intricate and daring moves to the de-
light of the auGience.
Profcssiona' Coach Jacquie Drap-
er skated a perfect solo, much to
the delight o, her students.
Chrystal Jones of Hensall, who
skates out of the Zurich Figure
Skating Clab thrilled the audience
with her guest solo.
Lisa Sykes and Jacquie Draper did
the casting, music and choreography
for the Carnival and are to be con-
gratulated on a superb effort. Thank
you as well to all of the parents
who helped, Angie Gould for play-
ing the music,Peter Groot who act-
ed as M.C. and to Cindy Taylor and
Anita Coope, who formed the cos-
tume committee. Bonnie Gould did
a fantastic jcb designing and sewing
the many gorgeous costumes.
Nellie Riley was Hostess for the
afternoon group of Hensall U.C.W.
when the! met on Thursday, March
Elva Ibrrest spoke of Rev. Niel
Lackey, Minister of St. Paul's
United Church in Milverton, Onta-
rio. Lackey is thc chairman of the
Rural Life Committee and he is try-
ing to help the urban people under-
stand the difficulties of the farmers
and fishermen. Elva presented a
Video about thc T'Bol-Tribal people
of the Philippines.
United Church
Peter Prydc greeted worshippers at
the door of Hensall United Church
on Sunday.
The Youth Choir sang Blest by
the Lord prior to a story by Rev.
Wright on fairness and honesty. An-
other portion as added to the cross
and the moneybag. Glen Hayter read
the scripture which accompanied the
Communion was served by Mona
Alderdice, Dorothy Brintnell, Doro-
thy Corbett, Murray McGregor,
Joanne Fields, and Harold Parker.
The Official Board will meet at
the Church Thursday evening; Exec-
utive at 7:30, Committees at 8:00,
Full Board at 8:30.
Scores for March 1 were: Ladies
High Eileen Rannie 358; Eileen
Dowson 295; and Pearl McKnight
High scoring men were: Bruce
Watson 364, Mark Hookey 333,
John Pepper 295, and Delmar Skin-
ner close behind with 293.
NURSERY SCHOOL TOUR - The Hensall Nursery School received a
guided tour of the Hensall Fire Hall under the guidance of works superin-
. tnndent and fireman John Baker. Here Allan Mailette and Lucas Bruxer try
their hand at a manual fire extinguisher.
Hello! Welcome to Queensway
News. Monday morning several
residents gathered in the sunroom
for tea and cookies as we discussed
current events. In the afternoon we
had our last bingo with the Kippcn
United Church ladies. We enjoyed
an extra afternoon with them due
to this year being a leap ycar.
Tuesday morning it was back to
work at fun and fitness, which we
followed with a sing song. We
welcomed Reverend Wright in thc
afternoon as he led our -church ser-
vice. Joyce Pepper was our volun-
teer pianist.
Wednesday afternoon we had a
special treat. At Baking Club wc
were entertained by Darlene Denys,
who arrived with hcr guitar and re-
pertoire of country and western
songs. We listened while wc
worked and our brownies turned
out well.
"Trip to Bountiful" was our fca-
turcd film Thursday evening. An
excellent film about an elderly
woman's desire to return to hcr
childhood home.
Games were thc order of the day
Friday morning after fun and fit-
ness. We find word games especial-
ly interesting. Everyone relaxed at
coffee hour Friday afternoon as we
discussed some of our upcoming
Wednesday March 16 is our
Stop -n -Shop Tupperware Party in
Qucensway's Activity Room.
Thursday March 17 is our St. Pa-
trick's Day party with Marie Flynn
and hcr Huron Strings from 2:30
to 4:00 p.m.
Times -Advocate, March 9, 1988 Page 7A
Hensall Agripress entering dormancy
era in my life and my brother's
sad to see the end of 20 years of
work. The Hensall Agripress agen-
cy is finished, but Agripress exper-
tise and knowledge will live on.
The end of one era doesn't mean it
is not the start of another", was all
Bayley will say at this time.
The Hensall-based agricultural ad ing with arrangements to pay off
agency known as Agripress is creditors at S0¢ on the dollar.
"going into dormancy". This was "I refuse to walk from this and
confirmed by co-founder Adrian leave a mess", Bayley remarked.
Bayley when contacted and asked to "Everything is very complicated,
dispel the rumours and speculation but under thc present circumstances
that have been swirling around the we can't continue without major
community lately. cutbacks."
The company established 20 All 22 employees have been giv-
years ago by Adrian and his brother en their notice, and a third of the
Julian was merged with Design staff has already accepted other jobs.
Associates in London in April, "I will still be involved in the agri-
1987. The business went into re- cultural advertising business but
ceivership in August and Bayley not, unfortunately, in Hensall",
moved back to Hensall in an at- Bayley said, pointing out that Hen -
tempt to salvage his original com- sall is not an ideal centre for this
pany. Financial difficulties have type of enterprise.
wrecked those hopes. Bayley does not plan to move
Bayley said Design Associates from Hensall. Although half of the
failed when a number of big -budget Agripress building has been sold, he
projects did not materialize. He said there still remains "a lot of
sees his present mandate as finish- ' square footage". He said he is nego-
ing client campaigns and continu- tiating for "another opportunity".
Librarylans special
March break week
Have your 8-13 year olds made
your travel plans for March Break
yet? If you are free next Wednesday,
March 16 at 1 p.m. come on down
to the Hensall Branch Library 'cause
we're "HEADING SOUTH." Join
special guests "Kim and Rick" for
an afternoon of fun, and southern
sunshine. Enjoy our Winter Break
Beach Party.
Parents - Please keep children un-
der 8 at home because they will be
turned away at the door.
The Hensall Library will also be
presenting Magician Michael Ross
on Friday, April 22 at 4:15. Watch
this spot for more details later.
Nursery, school
The children from Hensall Nur-
sery School visited the Fire Hall
last Thursday where they learned
about the jobs done by Firemen.
Also learning about jobs in pub-
lic service were the Hensall Brown-
ies who visited the Exeter O.P.P.
station last Thursday evening. The
girls learned all about the jail.
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol were
saddened to receive news of the
death of Mary's aunt, Mrs. H. Van
Dyke of Rotterdam, Holland. Mrs.
Van Dyke and her husband travelled
to Hensall four times to visit with
the Roobols.
Harry and Ann Klungel and
daughter Eloise returned late last
week from two wonderful weeks
vacationing in Hawaii. They really
enjoyed their stay but found the 11 -
hour trip tiring.
.Northcrest News
Bob and Betty Mole of Dungan-
non called on their mother Margaret
Mole on Thursday.
The residents at Northcrest wel-
comed Dorothy Munroe home from
Hensall Arena
Wed. Mar. 9
2:30-3:30 Moms & Tots
5:15 p.m. Hensall Minor Hockey
Thurs. Mar. 10
5:30 p.m. Ringette
8:15 p.m. Open Ice
Fri. Mar. 11
Open Ice
8:30 p.m. Hensall Old Timers
Sat. Mar. 12
8:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Hensall
Minor Hockey
1:00-3:00 p.m. Public Skating
3:30-7:30 Ringette
9:00 p.m. Open Ice
Sun. Mar. 13
1:00-3:00 p.m. Public Skating
3:15-4:45 p.m. Midget
5:00 p.m. Oldtimers
6:45 p.m. Open Ice
Mon. Mar. 14
5:15 p.m. Hensall Minor Hockey
Tues. Mar. 15
1:00-3:00 p.m. Public Skating
4:15 p.m. Open Ice
8:00 p.m. Broomball
10:00 p.m. Open Ice
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her stay in Seaforth Community
Hospital and wish her better health
in the future.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bcrdan from
Union, Ontario visited with their
brother and sister -in law Carl and
Hilda Payne on Saturday.
Last Monday evening the resi-
dents gathered inthe lounge for a
pot -luck supper and a bit of social-
The residents arc pleased to have
Jack O'Connor home from South
Huron Hospital in Exeter.
Barb Plumb is recovering nicely
from the broken arm which she suf-
fered in a fall on the ice last month.
Gwen Dalton and daughter- Dana
of Seaforth paid a visit on Saturday
to Glen and Pearl McKnight.
Mrs. Nan Britten was happy to
have her daughter Mrs. Catherine
Britten of Bancroft with hcr over the
and is very close to making an an-
nouncement about the launching of
"another product or another busi-
ness". He held out the promise of
employment in two or three
months, "if everything is done
"1 am very sad about the end of an
y V,K6 YsYr4•r;•.li/ittit
EUCHRE WINNERS - The recent Hensall Firemen's public euchre tour-
nament rewarded four team champions with trophies for their efforts.
Front left is Luanne Phair, Jeanette Turner, Alphonse Grenier (back left)
and Betty Grenier.
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