HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-03-09, Page 14Page 14 Times -Advocate, March 9, 1988
FIRST FUNDS FOR ETHIOPIA AID - Members of the Ailsa Craig Presbyterian Church have collected $739
in two Sundays for the Bread for Ethopia campaign which is being sponsored by the Brinsley Anglican Church.
Above, Rev. Jean Morris, treasurer Adele McCallum and Richard Robinson present the cheque to Allan Rowe 'f
the campaign committee.
Plan dessert euchre at Saintsbury
Rcv. Wheeler was in charge of
morning prayer at St. Patricks at
8:30 a.m. Sunday. Nadine Bedell
read the lessons, and I provided mu-
sic for the Hymns.
Rcv. Wheeler took her text from
St. John "You Shall Not Make My
Father's house A House of Trade"
asking the question "when is it the
proper time to be angry?"
She mentioned many problems of
today's generation, and asked if we
don't do something about it who
Service next Sunday is planned
for 11 a.m.
Mrs. Sheryl Carroll gave her
home on Thursday evening for the
ACW meeting and the World's Day
of Prayer service. The service was
entitled "Open Doors".
1 :csident Rose Cunningham led
in the service assisted by several la-
dies. Mrs. Carroll provided music
for the hymns.
TORCH RUNNERS - McCurdy Public School's mini winter olympic 1
games included the carrying of a torch around the school property. The
runners for the last leg were Adam Wilson and Crystal Knee. Behind is
Harold Sissons who designed and built the torch the runners are carrying.
Hwy. 83
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Winter Hours
Fri. 9-6 Sat. 9-5
• Breast Roast
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while quantities last
also FROZEN TURKEYS available
Water Rate Revision for Customers• of the
Exeter Public Utilities Commission
The Exeter Public Utilities Commission has found that a rate revi-
sion will be necessary in 1988.
The Commission will be required to overhaul a municipal well and
in addition will continue its program to replace undersized older
water mains with larger main that will provide more adequate pres-
sure and reliability for residential and commercial customers and in
addition more adequate fire protection.
The last rate revision was in February 1986 and since that time all
costs have continued to increase..
To provide the necessary funds to upgrade the water system, a
4% increase in rates will be implimented with all cornmercial and
domestic bills rendered on or after March 31, 1988.
The following rate will apply to domestic customers and water at
31¢ per day Will still give customers excellent value with a daily in-
crease of slightly more than one cent. . .
Comparison of Domestic Rate for a Customer •
with Tao. Toilet & Bath
Cost per day 30.12e 31.30¢ 1.18¢
Cost per month $9.16 $3.52 $0.36
xeter Public Utilities Commission
H.L. Dvis, Manager
The offering goes to the World's
Day of Prayer committee in Toron-
to. At the close of the service the
president asked secretary Mary Jef-
feries for the report of the February
Nadine Bedell gave the treasurer's
Plans were made for the St. Pa-
trick's dessert euchre and bake table,
to be held on Tuesday March 15 at
1 p.m. in the Parish hall. Everyone
is welcome. The president closed
with prayer and the ladies enjoyed a'
social hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davis ob-
served their February 19th anniver-
sary. They and Crystal and Harley
enjoyed dinner Sunday with Mrs.
Dorothy Dietrich, Dashwood, Mon-
day evening dinner with Mr. and
Mrs: Hugh Davis and Tuesday din-
ner with me. We were joined by
Rev. Beverly Wheeler.
Mrs. Voyle Jordan spent Saturday
with relatives in London.
Saturday evening Mrs. Mabel
Needham entertained Mr. and Mrs.
Elliott McRoberts, Exeter, Mrs.
Greta Gibson, Gote Wennerstrom,
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins
and me to an evening of crokinole •
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker, Mr. and
Mrs. GaryBarkcr and children, Lu -
can, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Richardson,
London, Mrs. Charlotte Barker, Lu -
can and Mary Davis were at a birth-
day party for little Miss Kelly -
Beaune at her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Messengers to meet
Prayer Day at Thames Road
The third Sunday in Lent church
service was in charge of the mini-
ster, Rev. Teddy Smits. We read
Psalm 89 responsively.
In his children's story the Rev.
Teddy Smits told about a nice shoe
store which was owned by a hard
working man, Mr. Anderson. One
fine day a few boys started throw-
ing stones aimed at the shop win-
dow. The window was broken,
with many cracks showing all over
the window.
Mr. Anderson wrote a big note
and pasted it over the broken win-
dow. The note read "The window
may be damaged but the shoes be-
hind the window are of excellent
Sometimes we get hurt in life,
behind the cracks is an honest char-
acter and a golden heart. -
Robert Bray read the scripture
lessons fro Isaiah 49:9-18 and St.
Matthew 27:1-26.
In his sermon, Mr. Smits spoke
on the text: "When Pilate saw that
he was getting nowhere, he took
water and washed his hands in front
of the crowd (St. Matthew
Pontius Pilate, the Roman proc-
urator for Judea, had made many
political mistakes, which compro-
mised him. One of the most crip-
pling mistakes was to have bor-
rowed money from the family
business of Amnias and Caiaphas.
When this small but powerful
clique wanted the quick death of Je-
sus, they needed the signature and
approval of Pilate.
The procurator could not find any
guilt in Jesus, but Caiaphas put a
lot of pressure on Pilate. Fearing
the end of his job and being sent to
Romc in disgrace. Pilate gives in.
He asks for a basin of water and
washes his hands, saying: I am in-
nocent! Pilate was used as a tool,
and never stood firm. Can you
stand firm under pressure?
Next Sunday March 13, we will
all be going to Elimville Church
to be at the service at 11 a.m.
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Miss Joan Slater of St. Marys is
deputizing for Don Langford who
had to be in Ethiopia. Her talk will
be illustrated with slides on Japan,
where she spent one year. Alter
this service we will all join in a
potluck luncheon. Everyone is
Messengers will hold their meet-
ing on Monday, March 14 at 7
p.m. in Thames Road Church.
World Day of Prayer
Many people from all the
churches in Exeter and Elimville at-
tended the World Day of Prayer Ser-
vice held at Thames Road Church
on Friday. Before the service com-
menced Mrs. Marjorie Johns, Rev.
Teddy Smits and Bill Rohde provid-
ed music.
Mrs. June Stewart was in charge
of service. Mrs. Beth Cooper sang
two beautiful numbers. Rev: Teddy
Smits spoke on "Open Doors' .
Lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan and
Floyd, Erin and Lori Richardson
were Friday supper guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Rob Baxter, Jeremy and
Lesley of Mitchell. Happy second
birthday, Lcotey.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan, Mr.
and Mrs. Reg Hodgert, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Jeffery and Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Rohde were Saturday brunch
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Mrs. Rick Potter returned home
on Wednesday to Thunder Bay after
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Stewart.
A bridal shower was held on Sat-
urday, February 27 in Usborne Cen-
tral School for Michele Riehl, April
bride -elect. Guests attended front
Toronto, Kitchener, Stratford, Lon-
don, Seaforth and the community. It
was hosted by Jean Hodgert, Brenda
Hern, Marion Cann, Jane Cann and
Judith Parker. Games and contests
were enjoyed. Michele received
many gifts and replied appropriate-
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rohde were
Saturday supper guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Pepper of Exeter.
Quite a number of people from
this community called at the R.C.
Dinney Funeral Home, Exeter, on
Sunday to pay their respect to the
late Emma Passmore. Sympathy is
extended to the family and relatives.
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