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Times -Advocate, March 9, 1988
INTERMEDIATE WINNERS - The St. Boniface girls swept the interme-
diate public speaking competition at their school Monday. Joanne Regier
firstplace. placed ill advance to compete in Dublin.
Sin. and Aimee Gelinas won
They will
Shipa. by Mrs. Hugh Morenz
At the progressive euchre held
Wednesd4jnight, the• •rr .ie
tables in play with , s
Winners were ladies high - Lulu
Culbert, Exeter with a score of
126. Men's high - Cleve Pullman,
Exctcr with a score of 132. Ladies
low - Shirley Eagleson, Grand
Bend, men's low - Andy Volk,
Shipka, ladies lone hands - Char -
lou Barker, Lucan, men's lone
hands - George Cunningham, Lu -
The east group was in charge of
lunch refreshments. There will be
another euchre March 16.
The birthday club, card players
group, met at Melvin and Gertie
Stades home last Tuesday night.
Attending were Ed Turnbull, Zu-
rich, Oscar and Laura Miller, Earl
Stebbins, Dashwood and area and
Hugh and Annie Morcnz.
During the social time games of
six hand euchre and solo were
The occasion was Melvin and
Ed's birthdays. The evening was
lopped off with birthday cake with
lighted candles and ice-cream and
everyone singing 'Happy Birthday'
for them.
Ed and Earl were supper guests
with the Stades preceding the card
Ladies in this area attended the
World Day of Praycr service at
Grand Bend United and Mount Car-
mel Catholic Churches last Friday.
The service was written by ladies
of Brazil on the theme "Open
A number from this arca attended
the funeral of Mrs. Vernon (Greta)
Schatz from the T. Harry Hoffman
Funeral Home last Friday after-
A reminder - the annual school
meeting for Shipka Community
members will be held April 6 at 8
Gokien timpses
Although it might be a mistake
to be too optimistic about our
spring like weather, we can always
The Ladies Auxiliary held their
regular monthly meeting on Tues-
day evening. The program consisted
of three generations of the Gelinas
family. Little Marcel sang Puff the
Magic Dragon and Daisy, Daisy and
also recited three poems. Daddy
Martin and Grandpa Mozart Sr.,
sang and played several numbers,
and Grandma Marie gave two read-
• ings. While refreshments were be-
ing prepared, Mozart Sr., played
several old time dance tunes on the
The films shown on Monday
evening were "Breath of Spring"
and "Mounties and their Horses".
The sympathy of residents and
staff is extended to the families of
the late John Livermore also the
family of the late Charles Fowler.
We welcome Mr. Anthony Regi-
cr, formerly of RR #2, Zurich.
Spring housecleaning will soon
be on the way, and we appreciate
donations of odds and ends of new
materials that you think we might
be able to make use of in the hobby
shop. For those who have made do-
nations of a variety of materials in
the past, thank you very much.
Bingo was played on Friday even-
ing followed by refreshments.
The Sunday evening chapel ser-
vice was conducted by Rev. Robt.
Sinasac of Zurich and Dashwood
United Churches.
PUBLIC SPEAKERS - A public speaking contest held at St. Boniface
School featured other speakers from Precious Blood and Our Lady of
Mount Carmel.' The junior winners who will go on to speak at Dublin are
Jennifer Reaburn (left) 3rd place, Christy Ducharme, 1st, and second
place Adam Jean.
20% OFF
373 Main St., Exeter
Library magic show for March break
Next week during the school
break a special attraction for the
kids will be a magic show by Mar -
vette the Magician on Thursday,
March 17 at 3:30 p.m. Tickets are
available free at the library ahead of
This Thursday, March 10 is the
story hour at the Library at 2 p.m.
The theme is "Numbers".
Golden Agers
The Zurich Golden Agers will be
meeting on Monday, March 14 at
2:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. All
seniors are most welcome!
Trip of the month
The March winner from the
Chamber of Commerce, "Trip of
the Month" was Sam Keeping from
Woodstock who will be going to
Florida for a week.
St. Boniface
The kindergarten pupils at St.
Boniface School had a Mother
Goose Reunion last Thursday after-
noon and invited their moms too.
Day of Recollection
A day of Recollection will be
held on Tuesday, March 15 at St.
Boniface School gym from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. given by Father
David of the Franciscan's order. La-
dies are asked to bring a brown bag
lunch and refreshments will be
served. Everyone is invited from
all neighbouring parishes.
There will be a St. Patrick'Q
Dance at the Zurich arena on Satz,
day, March 19 at 9:00 p.m. spon-
sored by St. Boniface CWL. Only
$8 a couple, with food. Music will
be proved by Smokey Hollow. La-
dies are asked to bring sandwiches.
Come out and meet all the new
people in the Parish.
Rose -Marie Regier of RR2 Zu-
rich successfully completed a corre-
spondence French course with
Champion Language Studies of To-
ronto. Her husband Joe and family
celebrated with her last Sunday.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
are extended to Karmen Bedatd, a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital
who has to undergo a serious oper-
ation on his foot.
Get well wishes are extended to
those who are home convalescing
including Kathy Steckle, (head
cook at the Rest Home) with a
sprained ankle, and to dentist Dr.
Lee who had the misfortune of be-
ing in a bad car accident in Febru-
ary and hasn't been able to come
back to work yet but has another
A gremlin moved the decimal
point the wrong way in the report
of Zurich councillors' remunera-
tion. The expenses listed for Herb
Turkheim should have read $13.20,
not $1,320. We apologize for any
embarrassment or inconvenience
caused by this mistake.
dentist taking his place.
Also to Phyllis Deichert who
slipped on a patch of ice last week
and as a result has her arm in a
We wish you all a speedy recov-
e Rick and Marg Gingerich recent-
ly spent a nice week's holiday in
Ted and Jean Geoffrey of Zurich
along with friends, Frank and Do-
reen Regier and Earl and Faye Re-
ichert from Exeter all enjoyed
spending some time together in
Arizona, as well as meeting with
other friends there from Windsor.
The Geoffreys had nice weather
and enjoyed going to so many dif-
ferent places of interest.
The people there have as many
as five kinds of crops in a year and
as it's very dry in Arizona every-
thing has to be irrigated in order to
They also went to Hoover Dam
in the state of Nevada which sup-
plies electricity to most of Arizo-
na. While there some other local
visitors were Tony and Patsy Rau,
and Harold and Madeline De-
Joe Miller and daughter Angela
spent 10 days in the sunny south
and visited many inteiestiiig places
around Tampa, Florida.
Arriving home last Friday even-
ing from a lovely two week vaca-
tion in Florida were Larry and Deb-
bie Denomme and family. They had
a nice get-together with her parents,
Jim and Joy Hogg and a sister Les-
lie Jeffrey and two boys (who all
live at RR 2 Zurich).
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mcrncr, Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Mcrner and Mrs.
Hubert Schilbe all attended the fu-
neral of Mrs. Dorothy Kyle (Rus-
sell) in Toronto this past Tuesday
(she was a sister-in-law to Belle).
Ray and RebecL a Gcromettc from
St. Clair Shores, Michigan spent
Friday to Sunday visiting with her
mother, Mrs. Nora Corriveau at the
Spruce Villa Aparunents and with
her sister Julie Mozart Gelinas Jr.
and family. Also Sunday guests
were daughter Jean and George Ko-
chutt and granddaughter Susan
Brunk all from Kitchener.
Members of the Mennonite
Church along with some from other
places returned home on Thursday
night from a two week Florida bus
trip. They saw a lot of different
things and all had a wonderful holi-
day and came back happy, but tired.
Mrs. Carmel Sweeney 236-4702
DAY OF PRAYER - Representatives of Zurich area churches gathered
at the Zurich Mennonite Church to recognize the World Day of Prayer.
From left are Mary Jacobe, United Church, Bridget Groot, St. Boniface,
Mary Ducharme, St. Peter's at St. Joseph, Marge Schilbe, St. Peter's
Lutheran and Amy Kuepfer of the Mennonite Church. A drama program
was presented in lieu of the usual guest speaker.
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