HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-03-09, Page 9Health Topics
Sheryl Feagan
Health Education Consultant,
Huron County Health Unit
Fitness can be fun
Your body is built for action! Participating in regular physical activi-
ty can be the most important thing you do for yourself. Being fit
means ... increased energy and productivity, reduced stress, improved
sleep patterns; more self-confidence, effective weight control, healthy
bones, possible protection against coronary heart disease and an overall
feeling of well-being! Fitness can be fun... if you just give it a try!
You should participate regularly in two main types of exercise: (a)
flexibility or stretching exercises which involve gently bending, ex-
tending, or rotating your neck, shoulders, back, hips, knees, and an-
kles, and (b) aerobic activities which arc repeated, rhythmical move-
ments such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming: Participating
regularly: in aerobic activities will improve the efficiency and strength
of your heart, lungs and muscles.
For maximum benefits, do an aerobic activity at least three times a
week, for a minimum of 30 to 40 minutes each time, keeping your
heart rate in your target heart rate zone (200 minus your age for the up-
per limit and 170 minus your age for the lower limit. For example, a
40 year old should exercise at.a rate that keeps his one minute heart
rate between 160 (200 - 40) and 130 (170 - 40). Choose a variety of ac-
tivities to suit your lifestyle and preferences... a brisk walk at lunch, a
jog - walk with your dog. some evenings, and cross-country skiing on
the weekends! -
The Fitness Quiz
Decide whether you think the following statements arc true or false
and then check below to see if your choice is correct.
1. Fitness takes a lot of time: Much more than working people who
must care for a house and family have to spare. True or False -
2. Muscle size is a good indicator of fitness? Truc or False
3. Everybody knows you should practice the rule, "No Pain, No
Gain" when exercising. True or False
4. The best kind of exercises for flexibility are those that involve -
bouncing. Truc or False.
5. If you're thin, you're automatically fit. True or False. -
Here arc the answers! Check to sec how you did...
1. False. If finding time for fitncss is a problem, consider this:. 20
minutes per session 4 -times per week = 80 minutes. By exercising just
80 minutes a week you can get into relatively good she and maintain
it. You probably spend more time than that -watching TV in one day!
So how about substituting some TV time for a little activity.
2. False. Muscle size and strength is only cue component of fit-
ness. You must also develop a strong heart and lung system through
regular cardiovascular exercise and keep your body flexible by doing
slow stretches. It's not -enough to just "pump weights". You should
aim for a balance among the.three important components of fitness.
3. False. Wrong! Physical activity docs not have to be painful or
exhausting to be doing.you"somc good. Anything more than mild stiff-
ness and soreness in muscles unaccustomed to activity means.ycu are
overdoing it. So if you experience pain while exercising stop and rest
your muscles - continuing could cause a serious injury.
4. False. If you bounce during exercisessuch as .touching your
toes, you can do more harm than good by pulling muscles or tearing
tendons and ligaments. Instead, hold your stretch steady for 10-15 sec-
onds in one.positionand repeat until you feel tired. You'll get to those
toes eventually.
5. False. Fitness has. to do. with the shape of your muscles and car-
dio -vascular system, not just what you look like on the outside. It's
what's underneath that really counts. Fitness can only be achieved
through participation in regular exercise -and not through dieting. So if
you want to be thin and fit - get moving! Exercise can do it for you.
Lisa Rundle - a winner
Lisa Rundle, a 1987 graduate -of
thc Design - Graphic and Advertis-
ing program at the Doon Campus
of Conestoga College, has had one
of her designs become thewinning
entry in the one -colour catcgory of
an annual printing competition.
Rundle, a native of Exeter, de-
signed an employment promotion
package, featuring the -resumes of
Design - Graphic and Advertising
students, as part of a third -year
class assignment to aid 1987 grad-
uates. Twin City Printing Co. of
Kitchener produced the project in
finished form and submitted thc
package in the 1.itho Awards 1987
Sponsored by Barber -Ellis Finc
Papers, the •southwestern Ontario
competition is open to company
clients with submissions prcxfuccd
on company stock.
Dave Potje, General Manager of
Twin City Printing, visited the
Doon campus of Conestoga Col -
Over 80 Club
Mrs. Ilugo (Marion)
Schenk, will be 82 on March 14,
lege to ccongratulate Matt Miller,
faculty member of the Design
Graphic and Advertising program,
and notify him of the award. In rec-
ognition of the winning design,
the College received an Award. of
Excellence plaque. Also in atten-
, ance at the presentation was Myr-
na Nicholas, Chair of the Awards
Committee at thc Doon campus.
Rebekahs watch
New Zealand pics
Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge
met Wednesday evening for thcir
Friendship meeting with a good at-
tendance. N.G. Sistcr Mavis Atthill
presidedassisted byV.G.SisterElainc
There will be a C.P. and T. euch-
re in the Lodge Hall on March 9
and March 16 a banquet will be held
in Exeter United Church at 6:30 in
honor of D.D.P. Sister Bev. Broad -
Birthday honours were sung for
Sister Norma Hooper and Cathy
Ross and Irene Haugh showed
slides and told about their trip to
new Zealand which was cnjoycd by
Lunch followed and a time of fel-
Sizes 38-44
Thursday, Friday & Saturday
March 10-12
20% oft regular price
Specialty .fashions Sizes 4,' 2 4 44
383 Main St. Exeter, Ont.
Also London, Kitchener, Sarnia
Times -Advocate, March 9, 1988
Page 9
EXETER WORLD DAYOF PRAYER - Taking part in the Exeter and
area World Day of Prayer held at Thames Road church are (back left) Helen
Toornstra, Bethel Reformed; Henny Poortinya, Christian Reformed; Gerry
Gregus, Precious Blood; Sharon Lynn, Elimville United; speaker Rev. Ted-
dy Smits; June Stewart, Thames Road; Jean Triebner, Exeter Pentecostal
and (front) Alma Godboft, Exeter United; Catharine Elston, Trivitt Memorial
and Edna Simmons, Cavendish.
Lioness and sweethearts enjoy Chinese meal
The Exeter Lioness Club met at
the -Exeter Masonic Hall at 7:00
p.m. on Monday, February 22,
1988 with all their sweethearts
present, to enjoy a lovely Chinese.
meal prepared by the Eastern Star
The theme was a Chinese even-
ing for everyone to enjoy and par-
ticipate in and thus the sweethearts
were given a real treat. The whole
evening was great. The Chinese
meal was original, superb and
many fortunes were coming true.
Lion John and Lioness Liz Ste-
phens gave a slide/talk presentation
on their trip to China/Taipei for the
Lions i987 International Conven-
tion. Liz and John wanted to sec
more than just tourist tours, so
they spent many hours working
with Ellison Travel to obtain tours,
trips, facilities and hotels that suit-
ed themselves and what they wished
to sec and experience. They based
themselves in. Taipei and had air
and train trips to destinations such
as Singapore, Hong Kong and
Shanghai. -
! Many temples and statues were
seen, along with a train ride the
Stephens had requested though Chi-
na to see the grass roots. The Great
Wall was just a wonder to them, re-
alizing the amount of hard labour
completed without any resistance.
Their children .arranged a most
memorable dinner ata famous
floating restaurant, an evening not
to be forgotten. Liz stated that they_
felt safe while they toured and con-
tinucd to have good health. They
discovered they had lost 10 pounds
each after their return home.
Thank You Liz and John for your
strong participation and interest in
After the presentation the Lioness
and sweethearts were treated to the
culture by being able to view three
tables of mementos donatedby lo-
cal residents Sou Chong, Bonnie
. Sitter, Dr. Ming Lam, Lioness.Liz
Bell and Lioness Lauretta Sicgncr,
as well as, -many unique souvenirs
brought back by Liz and John.
We appreciated all . the .items,
from sets of dishes, cups and pieces
of ceramics, lovely -wall hangings.
Ncw Years' cards, individual Chi-
nese wax seals, silks, clothing
oriental fans, photos, brochures, ta-
blecloth- and much more, along -
with an Oriental flower arrangc-
ment from Country Flowers. Sin-
cere thanks to these persons for
their generosity and making our
evening so real.
A Chinese Auction then occurred
which was both fun and original -
two booby prizes - two good prizes.
The Lioness to date have collected
$2,693.79 from the March of
Dimes Canvass for January and are,
at present selling Lions Solid Choc-
olate Easter Bunnies for $3.00 each
for Easter. Get your supply now,
from any Lioness member, while
quantities last. Next regular meeting
will be March 28, 1988.
TALK ON CHINA - Liz and John Stephens with mementos of a trip to China
at a recent Exeter Lioness meeting.
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1 •