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LOTS OF. PIES AND CAKES - Shown with some of the many pies and
cakes available at the Blue Water Rest Home bake and•craft sale orga-
nized by the staff, with donations from both staff and Home and Maple
Woods apartment residents, are Dorothy Dietrich (left), convener Valerie
Lavery and Laurene Corriveau.
1 41
s, \ Mrs. Carmel Sweeney 236-4702
FIGURE SKATING WINNERS -'The Zurich Figure Skating Club sent a
full complement of skaters -to the Glencoe Sweetheart competition on Sun-
day, February 14 and many came back with medals. Kristin Mclntyrecap-
tured the Canskate gold (front left), Marsha Dennomme and Krista Shilbe
also hold gold medals. Julie Semple (middle left) came back with a silver,
Jule Hume -bronze, Joey Forrester -bronze, Alicia Dennomme (back left)
has a silver, Shelly Miller came in fifth, Tracy Jeffrey -5th, and Michelle Du-
charme came in 4th.
Fenwick. resigns. his
Zurich council seat
Zurich councillors accepted with
regret the resignation of Ken Fen-
wick, effective February 10, when
they met for their regular: February
session on February 18. (The
meeting had been delayed for a week
because of a snowstorm.) -- -
The vacancy will be advertised in
thc local newspapers, and Fenwick's
successor will be chosen at the
March meeting.
Cpuncillor Herb Turkheim, coun-
cil's representative on the economic
development committee, reported
stirrings of interest from a number
of developers. He said people repre-
senting one subdivision area want
to meet with thc committee on
February 22. Turkheim said "It
sounds sort of encouraging."
An agent acting for the Sirotec
holdings will talk to councillors in
March, after being brought up to
date on past action.
Turkheim said developer Gord
Philips confirmed he now has the
money to start developing his sub-
As there have been several ap-
peals about assessments on the pro-
posed cleanout and construction on
the Zurich drain, the matter will be
decided before the provincial drain-
age tribunal.
Reeve Bob Fisher asked council-
lors to amend a motion from last
October, and add Henry Hcndrik's
name to the. list of Hay township
property owners whose net assess-
ments the village of Zurich had of-
fered to pay. Fisher said he had
given the matter a great deal of
thought, and concluded "I think we
were wrong and unfair. We should
treat everyone the same".
Turkheim objected, saying he
understood council had agreed to
withdraw its offer of help to any-
one who appealed to the tribunal.
Fisher compared that to holding a
baseball bat over someone. Coun-
cillor -Paul Morrison recalled that
the original policy was changed
last fall. Turkheim noted that)the
proposal would go against the ad-
vice given to the village by a law-
yer. The amendment was passed
without a recorded vote.
The municipality has been con-
tacted by the OPP, who want to
know if Zurich would like to have
a service office set up in the vil-
lage. These part-time offices are
offered to municipalities that are
more than 10 miles from the near-
est detatchment.
Turkheim reported that Bayfield
now has a service office, and is
very pleased with the arrangement.
An OPP officer is in the resort for
a couple of hours each day.
Fisher said he had no objection
to supplying space in the munici-
pal building, provided there were
no additional costs.
An OPP representative will be
asked to attend the next meeting to
provide more details.
Turkheim reported that members
of the Zurich PUC had met with
Dashwood representatives, and
were working on an agreement be-
tween the two municipalities. The
sewage billing rate for Dashwood.
is unchanged, and will be left at
65¢ per bill.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00
p.m. so councillors could meet
with Huron County planner Scott
Times -Advocate, February 24, 1988
Page 11
PUBLIC SPEAKER Jodie McGee of Zurich Public School captured
second place for the junior division of the public speaking contest held at
the Hensall Legion -Hall on Tuesday, February 16.
Fire budget to -cost Hay around $11,000
At the second regular meeting for
the month of February, Hay Town-
ship council voted to accept the
1988 budget of the Dashwood and
Arca Fire Department as presented.
The $29,350 budget will cost Hay
Township taxpayers around $11,000
because the township is committed
to covering 39 percent of the fire de-
partment's costs.
A request from Stephen Township
for Hay to contribute $500 towards
the maintenance of Dashwood roads
met with no resistance from coun-
The Huron County Farm Home
and Safety Association and the Hu.:
ron Plowmen's Association also re-
ceived grants from council of $150
and $100 respectively.
Diabetes canvassing to begin today
The weck of February 24 to
March 2 will be for "Diabetes
Month" and door to door volunteer
canvassers will be calling on you.
For more information contact team
captain, Eleanor Riley at 236-4573.
Paper Drive
The monthly paper drive will also
be held this Thursday February 25
at 6:30 p.m. so its a good chance to
get rid of all those papers that are
piling 'up.
Lucky bingo winners: the mys-
tery prize was split two ways be-
tween Sandy Fields, Zurich, and
Ron Smith, Rayfield ($113 each);
the jack -pot was split two ways
also between Patsy Meidingcr, Zu-
rich and Heather Hart of Clinton
(each getting $500).
Thc Buckeyes hockey team arc
having a Buck and Doc. Dance at the
arena on Friday March 11. Tickets
can be purchased at the door for
$2.00 or contact Pat Bedard or Kc -
vin Geoffrey.
Story hour
The story hour for pre-school
children (along with. their moms)
will be held this Thursday afternoon
Fcbruary 25 from 2-3. The theme is
"Pockets Day" so the kids are to
wear clothes that have pockets..
All C.W.L. members arc invited
to a day of recollection held at St.
Boniface school gym on Tuesday
March t5 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Fr.
David Przcdwiccki from the Francis-
can Friars will be our guest speaker
for the day, and will celebrate Mass
along with Fr. Mooney.
The day of Reflection and Prayer
is hosted by the C.W.L. leagues of
St. Boniface and St. Peter's parish,
St. Joseph.
Our parish is also planning to
have a -St. Patrick's Dance on Satur-
day March 19 at the arena. Only $8
a couple. Group leaders arc askcd to
sell tickets.
DELICIOUS PIES AND CAKES - Displaying some of the. Targe array of goodies for sale at the Blue Water
Rest Home staff's craft and bake sale (back left) Patti Geoffrey,. Michele Haberer, Martha Overholt, Marlene
Gingerich and (front) Rebecca Geoffrey and Lindsay Haberer.
Can your;, oup benefits
pwgram be more easily
administered? Ask
Joe Sgotto,
or your agent.
•.rl 1)ulferin emit:, London. Ontario NKR IZ5i5I91439-0136
- The World Day of Prayer will be
held at the Mennonite Church on
Friday March -4 at 2:00 p.m.
The next CWL meeting, will be
held on March 22 and will'be elec-
tion night.
Another stormy weekend!
Saturday night Shelley Erb and
myself (Carmel Sweeney) got
stranded overnight where we work at
Hcssenland Restaurant (which is
only at St. Joseph). But we weren't.
alone; as the place was full of peo-
ple from Kitchener who couldn't get
home from a hockey tournament in
Congratulations to. Rick and Shel-
ley Hoffman on the arrival of a
baby girl who was born on Friday
Fcbruary 19 at South Huron Hospi-
tal in Exeter.
In spite of the snowy weather
again on Saturday the tea and bake
sale went ahead at the Rest Home
Thcy raised enough money to buy
:heirmicrowave oven (for the staff)
and will send $662.00 to the Cleft
Lip and Palate Association Lon-
Jerome and Carmel Sweeney and
family spent Sunday in Kitchener at
the home of their daughter, Carrie
and Dan Eybcrgen and girls.
Those attending the 1988 Ontario
Association of Agricultural Socie-
ties convention that was held in To-
ronto at the Royal York Hotel last
Wednesday and Thursday were Leo
and Irene Hoffman, Clare and Mar-
garct Dcichcrt and Irene Stcinback
from Zurich. Bonnie Schcnk and
Heather Klopp attended the sessions
on Wednesday.
The 1987 Fair Queens from Hen-
sall, Zurich and Exeter attended as
Nap and Velma Cantin returned
home recently from a lovely two-
week vacation in Hawaii where they
celebrated their 45th wedding anni-
versary that was -in December.
The Lions Club Montc Carlo
night will not be held on Friday
February 26 as it was cancelled.
Phil and Vonnie Overholt and
Dick and Barb Rau returned home
Iasi Wednesday after a lovely two-
weck holiday travelling by motor
home to. Florida. Thcy en'oycd.see-
ing interesting places like Disney
World, Bush Gardens and The Poly-
nesian Village.
The lucky couple to spend a night
in the "Tower Suite" at Hessenland
(won from the costume dance on
Valentines Weekend) was Ron and
Sharen Schroeder, Zurich. The other
twoom prizes w, ere won by .couples
Mr. and Mrs. Clem Jeffrey and
Blanche . Bechard of the Maple
Woods Apt.'s attended the funeralof
their brother Lloyd Jeffrey in Wind-
sor last weck. .
The contract for the spreading of
19,000 tons of gravel on township
roads and the storage of another
1,000 tons was awarded to Doug
Jennison Contracting of Grand Bend
after tenders were opened. The con-
tract, is worth $71,500. _
Reeve Lionel Wilder was appoint-
ed to represent Hay township on the
board of directors for the Ausable-
Bayfield Conservation Authority.
The appointment is for the entire
year, after which the ABCA is ex-
amining the idea of reducing the
numbcr of arca representatives on
the board.
A public meeting was opened for
the proposed rezoning of the Doris
Gore property in the Highlands sub-
division-, but no objections were
raised opposing the reduction in
minimum setback. The bylaw al-
lowing for a special RC -1 zoning
was given three readings and ap-
Hay Township has applied to the
Ministry of Agriculture for a 1988
grant to maintain its municipal
drains. If approved, thc grant would
bring 539,000 into Hay's drainage
Councillors Gerald Shantz and
Donald Weigand will attend the
Lake Huron Zone OMRA confer-
ence in St. Mars on April 9.
Gorden Cimpses
If you missed our column last
week, it was because of Heritage
Day being observed by the staff.
On Monday evening, the movie
shown was "The Hound That
Thought He was a Raccoon". Thc
February birthday party was cele-
brated on Wednesday, February 10,
sponsored by the Zurich Women's
Institute. Following their program,
birthday gifts were presented to resi-
dents having February birthdays
who were: Mrs. Margaret Adams,
Joe Ferguson, Miss Ethel Hess,
Doc Horn, Mrs. Hazel Stebbins,
Frederic Teeter, Mrs. Hilda Turnbull
and Mrs. Ruth Warner.
Mrs. Margaret Jones and Mrs. So-
phie MacGregor have returned from
South Huron Hospital, Exeter.
We extend a thank you to Huron
District Oddfellows and Rebekahs
for their donation of a reading lamp
with adjustable magnifying attach-
ment, also Mr. Harvey Hohncr for
the two humidifers.
The staff wish to thank all who
attended their craft, bake and tca sale
on Saturday in spite of the weather
and those who so generously donat-
ed baked items from the Maple -
woods and Blue Water Apartments,
the Auxiliary Ladies and some of
thc families of the residents, which
is part of the reason for thc great
success of thc event. The cake,
made and donated by Kathy Steckle
was won by Audry Smith, Zurich,
the baby afghan set, made and do-
nated by Ann Klungel was won by
Wilma Harvey, Exeter, the ham, do-
nated by the Tender Spot was won
by Violet McQuarric, Kippen, the
hand -made wall picture was donated
by Martha Overholt and won by
Gladys Martin, Bayfield. We arc
planning a generous donation to the
Cleft Palate and Lip Association.
A valentine party was held for the
residents on Thursday evening by
the ladies of the Zurich Mennonite
The Sunday evening chapel ser-
vice was conducted by Rev. Stephen
Allcs of Si. Peter's Lutheran
Church, Zt:,.ch.
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