HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-02-24, Page 8Page 8 Times -Advocate, February 24, 1988 PUBLIC SPEAKING WINNERS - Three Hensall Public School students came out -On top at the public speak - ng contest held at the Hensall Legion Hall on Tuesday, February 16. Victoria Bisback (left) cane in third in the in- termediate division, Lisa -Campbell captured first place for the juniors, and Thomas Scotchmer was,first among the ''ntermediates. Institute discusses P By MARGARET HOGGARTH Kippen A public relations meeting was held in the Hensall Presbyterian Church on Wednesday February 17. The church basement was decorated for Valentine's Day. President Grace Drummond welcomed 11 members and guest speaker, Yvonne Re- ynolds. Members answered the, roll call -by telling how Kippen East W.I. could promote good public re- lations. There were no pin fines this month. as everyone remembered to wear their institute pin. Margaret Hoggarth, public rcla - tions office for Kippen East read a poem "Friendly Towns" then intro- duced the guest speaker from the Times Advocate - Yvonne Re- ynolds. Yvonne spoke on promot- ing good public relations for Kip - pen East, she mentioned thc bus tours which had been organized in bygone years as a goott way to let the public be aware of the fun we do have as a group. Members them- selves can be a.talking book pro- moting Women's institute. Of course one of the best nicdi- • ums of all is rho newspaper. Mrs. Reynolds reminded us that the local newspapers were here to scr:e the CHINESE NEW YEAR - Hensall Public School students Jamie Campbell ,'act), Christine Bengough, Melvin Hubert, and Wayne Ingram show off some of their classes' work for their observation of Chinese New Year last Wednesday. The students brought in items from China and constructed a bulletin board detailing the different animals assodiated with Chinese years. Queensway Hello! Welcome to Quecnsway news! Monday afternoon residents played bingo with the assistance of the Kippcn Unitcd Church ladies. We have really appreciated the la- , dies this month and wish we had more than one more Monday after- noon to look forward to with them. Monday evening was very busy. Bev oir, Lola Nixon and Marilyn C fnpbcll of the Hensall Presbyteri n Church visited resi- dents and istributed delicious, dec- orated v cntine cupcakes. We wcrc also the proud recipients of a com- bination reading lamp and magni- fying glass donated by Huron Dis- trict iOOF and Rebckahs. Waync Live, Cecil Pepper and Eric Mans- field made thc presentation: Resi- dents enjoyed sharing coffee and a visit with these dedicated people af- terward in the Aetivity Room. The magnifying glass and lamp has been placed on our library table and already several residents have made use of it. Tuesday morning we 'all worked out at fun and fitness. This was es - necessary after all those valentine cupcakes Monday even- ing. We'wckomcd Reverend Stojo- kovic and his wife in the afternoon as he led our H ur.,1r:N service, 1 community. Y vonnc was thanked and presented with a gift of appreci- ation by Margaret Hoggarth. Mary Broad1oot played the piano while we sang several songs •suita blc for Valentine's. Day. Phyllis Parsons conducted• an interesting contest %von_ by Dorothy Bell who also won a prim for the 'nay cup. Rena Caldwell gave courtesy r.• - marks. The president reported that the Unity?d Church in 1 lcnsall had been booked for \tonday, October 3, When the 1V.1: Rally would be. 'held. Hilda Payne announced the. 85th anniversary celebrations to be held on Tuesday, April 19 at Sea - forth Arena,. tickets are SI O for the banquet and -the • evening. -Each branch is to present an exhibit for this occasion: I\licna Aldcrdice, Thea 1Visch and Margaret 1loggarth vol- unteered to prepare an exhibit for Kippcn East. A Valentine lunch was served by \lonty Alderdicc,.l!il- da Payne and Nlargar» t Personals - The sympathy of the COInr11tl1ll1v is extended to -Rosemary McGrec,or on the death of her grandmother Dorothy Kcyuk, who passed away on Tuesday, February 16 at Aylmer, Quebec. • Sophia McGregor returned to -Blue Water Rest, Horne in Zurich on Wednesday, February 17 after spend- ing several weeks in hospital. Kippen United Church: The annual congregational meet= ing was _held at St. Andrews on Sunday, February 21 following a potluck lunch after the regular ser- vice. New elders elected for a five year term were Brenda Wright and Keith Love, The incoming stewards -are:- Bob rcBob Cooper, John Kinsman, Tony Workman and Keith Lovell The World Day of Prayer will be held on Friday, March 4 at 2 -p.m. in Brucefield Church. Everybody welcome. Wednesday, Joyce Pepper was our volunteer pianist at choir prac- tice. We enjoyed singing all our old favourites plus we are going to learn a few new songs. Later in the afternoon we relaxed at library time. Thursday afternoon • we stirred up some very good diabetic cookies and peanut butter squares at Baking Club. In the cvcning most resi- dents attended our movie presenta- tion "Coal Miner's Daughter". Lo- retta Lynn's life story. Thank you to Lloyd 'McDougall for choosing this movie. Everyone felt he made an excellent choice. • Friday, Drawing Club kept 'us ' occupied as we drew anything we could think of relating to winter. We had lots of snowmen, trees with bare branches and even a snowplow. Quccnsway coming events - we arc anticipating February 26 from 2-4, international Day featuring France, March 17 from 2 to 4, SL Patrick's Day party with the Huron Strings entertaining, March 16 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the af- ternoon- and 7 to 9 p.m. in the evening a Tupperware Party - Stop -n -Shop, refreshments provid- cd. • Awards this.Friday The Celebration '88 Awards for Hensall and District will be present - cd on Friday evening at 8 p.m. at the Town Hall. Come out and sup- port these local volunteers who work hard to improve our commu- nity. MP Murray Cardiff will be on hand to present the awards. United Church - Rev. Douglas Wright returned to the pulpit on Sunday after three weeks away. Rev.. Wright lit the Lenten candles and called the con- gregation to worship by speaking of Jacob and God's presence in our lives. • Rev. Wright explained to the chil- dren.about the meaning of the Lent- en candles and what Lent means to each of us. The Gospel Lesson was given by 'Rob Gackstetter and the Sr. Choir sang "Just a Closer Walk With Thee". Everyone is invited to a congrega- tional skating party next Sunday at 5:15 at the arena. A Pot Luck Sup- per will follow at 6:15 at the Church. A petition in opposition to the further expansion of Sunday shop- ping and to protect Sunday as a tra- ditional day for rest, worship and fancily activity is available for any- one to sign at the front and side doors of the church. Hockey The Hensall Novice Hockey Team -travelled to Bayfield early on Satur- day morning before the storm. Our Hensall boys defeated the home .team 5-0 with a shut -out by goalie Eric Groot. - IIPS The' grades 4 and 5 students cele- brated Chinese New Year with the help of two parent volunteers last- Wedncsday. Ruth Imanse and Jayne Hensall Arena Events Wed. Feb. 24 2 30=330 p.m Moms and Tots 5:15 p m Hensall Minor Hockey Thdrs. Feb. 25 5.30 p.m Ringette 8.15 p m Rec Hockey Fri. Feb. 26 100-300 p m Public Skating 4:15 p m Hensall Figure Skating 710 p m. Open Ice Sat. Feb. 27 7:30 a.m. Seaforth Junior. Farmers • Broomball Tournament 6:30 p.m Open Ice • . Sun. Feb..28- 1:00-3:00 p m. PubliC Skating 3:15-4:45 p.m Midget 5:15 p.m H-ensall United Church_ Skating • 630 p.m Ringette 7•45.p m . Open Ice Mon. Feb. 29 5.15 p.m Hensall Minor Hockey Tues. Mar. -1 . 4:15 p.m. Hensall Figure Skating 8:00- p.m Broomball 10:00 p.m. Open Ice This advertisement sponsored by 73 Mill Street. Hensall Hensall Civic Corner i1 I Ai �+ .t. tht ri, it lr i. 1 fat ,,,,. ; Caiiada T:,' ii Celebration SS WC' Friday, February 26 Hensall Town lommimismv 8:00 P M Hall, 108 King Street Fri. 9-6 HAYTER TURKEY FARMS Hwy. 83 just west of Dashwood . 237-3561 Winter Hours Sat. 9-5, Featuring: • Breast Roast • Patties • Filet Schnitzel • Cutlets • Ground Turkey • Wings • Drumsticks SPECIAL BURGERS ib.$1.59 white quantities last also FROZEN TURKEYS available Consist helped the children com- plete an authentic Chinese meal of chicken shop sucy, stir -fried vegeta- bles, egg drop soup and chicken chow mein. The 24 students and. the school staff rang in the new year at noon. Hensall Cubs along with their leaders journeyed to East Williams School in Nairn on Saturday to at- tend the annual Kub Kar Rally. Al- though a large number of parents turned out to cheerthe boys on, no one from our pack was -able to reach the semi-finals. The boys had a great time though and learned a lot about sportsmanship and fun. • Hensall IOOF On Monday, February 15-100F District Deputy Grand Master Eric Mansfield, Noble Grand Wayne Love and Brother Cecil Pepper of the Hensall IOOF Lodge presented a reading light with magnifying lens to the residents of the Queensway Nursing Home. An identical lamp was presented to the residents of the Blue Water Rest Home in Zurich. -- On Thursday .February 18 the Brothers of the Hensall Independent Order of Odd Fellows welcomed District Deputy Grand Master Eric Mansfield on his official visit. Brother Mansfield presented 25 year Jewels to Brothers Ross Corbett and Bob Parsons. A 40 year Jewel was presented as- well to Brother Harold Parker. . Shuffleboard On Tuesday February 16 some of the -Ifensall Happy Pushers played six games. The winners among these energetic folks were Howard Johns 317 and George Dowson 290. Regular 5 game Winners wcrc: Ladies .high Eileen -Dowson 320, Lorna Spencer 304, Emma Camp- bell 256. Men's high Dave Kyle, John Pepper 273, Bruce Watson 232. Hensall Susan Hartman 262-2449 [-9 Ria[n1000 70© OT' ACCOUNTANT -PUBLIC NORRIS; IIOmUTII. 'F Y LOB TINDER & :\li N EI I,I,\- Chartered Accountants Main St . ,,5191 235-0101 Exeter. Ontario NOM ISO - 1519) 235-0120 519-235-0345 E L)ITCHFIEL_D r\.1ILL!.3 L,. C)UNLC)rl CHARTERED ACCOUNTAN1S - GERALD W. MILLS. C.A. Managing Partner JOSEPH F DARLING, C.G.A. ':+F t ' AC TtU.. •. Investors Group We offer: •Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Charitable Annuities • Investment Funds • R.R.S.P.s • Company Pension Plans • Group R.R.S.P.s, • Registered Retirement Income Funds - Tax Exempt Trusts • Charitable Foundation Trusts • Individu- al and Group Life and Disability Insurance • Life and Term Certain Annuities. 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