HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-02-24, Page 3Stephen has good financial
Stephen township has just com-
pleted a successful year financially
according to a -report from the mu-
nicipality's auditor which was re-
ceived at the February i6 meeting.
Although the report was only an
interim one to the final audit, an of-
fice employee commented, " It
looked kind of bright."
Clerk -treasurer Wilmar Wcin was
instructed by council to send thc
list of 1987 tax arrears to the coun-
ty of l furan for collection.
.This report is also encouraging.
_The -tax arrears. arc listed at
'S13-4,428.13 for the year I987.
That's a decrease of more than
S9,000 from 'the previous year.
Thcsc tax arrears are for residen-
tial properties only and do not in-
-chide business taxes or Huron Park
Council approved tWo resolutions
concerning new tax assessment pro-
grams.They will he. advising the
county of Huron that they are in fa-
vour of county -wide reassessment
and would like to adopt Section 70
of the Assessment Act.
Under _Section 70, assessment
will be based on full market value
of properties regardless of where
they arc located.* property with
the same sale value anywhere in the
Continued from front page
Deputy reeve Lossy Fuller'sug-
gested all members of council sep-
arate eicir garbage for two weeks.
McEwen said the blue box con-
cept is. coming Where there is -a
landfill problem. It's hot if,. but
when. He added, "Composting is
the next step and that will take care
of a lot of kitchen refuse."
He concluded, " I must present
the logic of recycling. Why wait
until your landfill site is filled in
20.years. Then you would have -in-
stant increased costs. But, I would
recommend recycling only if it -is
feasible. We need to work _on public
awareness through the sc:tools and
'Dinner Rolisdoz. 990
• Delicious
Raisin Bread loaf 1:29
IPuff Pastry
▪ Turnovers • 3/1.29_
Grandmas Molasses
Cookies 1.49 doz.
I We have a wide
'variety of
county will pay the same amount
of taxes for county and school pur-
poses only,
Stephen officials feel in most in-.
stances there should be very little
change in the actual amount of tax
dollars paid towards the county and
school systems. -
"co give an example of the new
assessment system, a house in a
larger town would be assessed high-
er than a similar structure in a
smaller arca because it would have
higher markct value.
Thc new system will still be
coming up with the sanie number
Times -Advocate, February 24, 1988
Page 3
year, accepts reassessment
of tax dollars, but they will -be di-
vided up in a fairer manner.
Two changes have been made in
fire protection regulations. Heads of
the three fire departments in the
township will now be known as
fire chiefs instead of district chiefs. •
They are Crediton fire chief
Charles Browning Jr., Centralia
chief Dave McDonald and chief Jim
Hoffman in Dashwood.
Thc three departments will also
be participating in the county. mu-
tual fire aid program.
Ray Thomson of Granton sum=
bitted the highest bid of S3,300 and
purchased a 1983 Ford Ranger truck
from the township.
Wayne's Roofing of Hensall sub-
mitted the lowest of five tenders
for the re -roofing contract at the
Crediton Community Centre. The
successful bid was for 86,5.40.37.
Tenders arc being accepted and
will be opened March 14 for the
Huron Park residential garbage col-
lection contract.
No objection was voiced against
a zoning bylaw amendment appli-
cation from Dawson Hayter at part
Lot 3, Concession 1. The change
is from restricted agriculture to ag-
• ricultural small holdings to allow
construction of a residence.
Trustees from the police village..
of Dashwood attended the latest
council meeting to discuss busi-
usiness of the village and were told of .
the new assessment regulations.
Membership in the Iluron Mu-
nicipal Officers- Association was
renewed and seven persons from
Stephen will be attending the an-
nual meeting March 30 in Ifensall.
Tasty Nu Bread
Always fresh,
finest quality
1 Delicious
Donuts -
Fresh Hot Coffee to go
NOT THE OLYMPICS - Precious Blood grade 5 to 8 students may be Going West, but not to Calgary. Their
annual musical will be performed this Friday at the school under the direction of Glena Tripp and Margaret Medve.
Three traffic offenders
J.P. Doug Wedlaks dealt with
only three offences, all under the
Highway Traffic Act, during the
February 16 Exeter court session.
John Timothy Lee, 133- Wood-
;ide, Carnbridge, was found guilty
of speeding 108 kph,in an 80 kph
zone on October 14 on Highway
83 in Usbornc township. -
Lee based his "not guilty" plea
on the fact his driver's licence
number -and birth date on the ticket
were incorrect. Wcdlakc said sex,
birthdate, and other information on
tickets is for statistical purposes,
and can be amended if the en -ors -do
not prejudice the person or cause a
miscarriage of justice. The date,
the place and the speed Were'cor-
rect, and Lee was convicted. He
was. fined S45.75 and given 15
days to pay.
Manuel Barbosa,tondon, plead-
ed guilty to speeding 95 kph in an
80 kph zone on September 2.8 -on
Highway 81 in Stephen township.
The vehicle entered the radar at a
In t•.. iON 14
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1111•1111111111110110 INN M MN NM to Mao s
higher speed, but was locked in at
97 kph. . Barbosa was given 15
days to pay his fine of $18.75.
Daniel R. McKeil, London, was
found guilty of making a turn not
in safety on October 28 in Hay
township at Highway 21 and Side-
- road 10-11, Lake Road West. Ber-
nardcy Durven, Watford, testified he
was driving along Highway 21 and
slowed when he saw a large tractor -
trailer making a right turn out of a
gas station.
Thc•truck took both lanes to turn,
ice machine
Continued from front page
81,000 toward thc project.
The S1,000 donation, toward the
ice resurfacer was a surprise to the
league according to one team repre-
The spokesman told the T -A the
opposite decision was made at the
last Rec League meeting. He said
the organization feels no obligation'
to the South Huron Rec Centre be-
cause they play two thirds of their
games at Huron Park.
" Rumors circulating around Exctcr
that the Rcc League has withdrawn
their donation because they lost last
Thursday's ice -time to Exeter Mo-
hawks are totally wrong.
"The Mohawks asked for the ice
time and we gave it to them," the
spokesman said.
Rec Director Lynne Farquhar
blamed the misunderstanding on a
lack of communication:
"The donation was confirmed by a
member of the Men's Rec League
executive," Farquhar said, "But
maybe the proper channels hadn't
been taken."
Thc demand for prime ice time
over the past few years has placed
the Rcc Board and Men's Rec
League on opposite sides on several
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1 Budding I)nr led toutiun
in court
and then straightened out. Durvcn
had begun to pass when the tractor -
trailer's left turn signal came on and
the truck began to turn left. Durven
braked, skidded and hit the truck's
front tires on the back tandem axle.
Damage to his car was $4,000.
McKeil and a passenger in the 68 -
foot tractor trailer said neither had
seen the Durven vzhicle before be-
ginning the right turn. Ilalfway
through, McKeil heard tires squeal
and saw a vehicle skidding toward
his truck's wheels.
Noting that the evidence showed
the Durven vehicle was there, Wed -
lake handed "down a conviction and
accompanying fine of $53.75 with
3.0 days to pay.
Building off
to slow start
After a record year in 1987, build-
ing in Exeter was off to a slow start
in Janurary.
Chief building official Brian John-
ohnston in presenting his January re-
port to council February 15 said
only two permits were issued for a
total value of $10,650. Four per-
mits valued at $20,500 were issued
in January of 1987.
One permanent sign permit .was
also issued, the same amount as in
January of a year ago.
TEMPORARiLY' BLiND - Jeanette Walker helps blindfolded Kevin
Bromley identify objects by feel during a handicap awareness workshop at .
JAD McCurdy School for primary students.
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