HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-02-03, Page 28Page 12A Times -Advocate, February 3, 1988 16 For Sale COMMODORE 64 KEYBOARD. Two years old. S100.00. Phone 284-3395. (3SA) $$SACR1FICESS Buildings priced for immediate Liquidation. All items in stock. 28x40x14 $4,750; 40x50x14 $6,950; 46x70x16 59,850, 60x80x20 $16,900. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery call toll free 1-800-387-2115 or 1(416) 858-2446. MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Work shirts 52.75, work pants $3.50, work boots S15. Send $3 for ,catalogue (Reimbursement first order). Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee,Que. JOS 1 XO. GREENHOUSE & Hydroponic equipment, supplies. Everything you need. Best quality super low prices. Greenhouses $175, Halides $115. Over 3,000 products in stock! Send $2 for info pack and free magazine to Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9 1-(604)-682-6636. FIREWOOD - dump truck loads of maple, beech, ash, oak, slabwood and. edgings. Priced from $76.00. Phone R.J. Dungey & Sons 1-348-8477. (3-6c) Oud's Warehousing Warehousing plus. modern unloading facilities on Hwy. 83 Phone 235-2302, 262-2928 DRYSDALE Major Appliance Centre Lid. Sales With Service The place to buy appliances NEW AND USED Hensall 262-2728 Mint Condition 1985 Cutlass Supreme Brougham Loaded! Phone 235-0555 after six p.m. Farrr Crew Soc ere it c,eda CorOora),on agr cos Canada Canada FARM FOR SALE 3 kms. North west of Zurich on hard topped road. Lot 26, Concession 12, Township of Hay, County of Huron. 100 acre farm with 95 acres of undulating Huron clay loam. Randomly tiled. 1 1/2 storey yellow brick home with frame addition. Very well maintained. L- shaped bank barn with new metal clad pole addition. Paved yard and silo capacity for approximately 250 head beef feeders. Asking price: $139,000 A certified deposit of $5,000 is required: All offers to purchase and in- quiries should be addressed - to: FARM CREDIT CORPORATION CANADA ATTN: Paul Scholten Suite 203 21 East Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Z2 Telephne: 524-8381 If no answer, telephone 524- 7911 Please refer to file number 40545-592-3 16 For Sale SKI BOOTS, sizet3 (lady's), leather, 5 buckles 530; Downhill skis, Rischer 195 cm. with market bindings 5100; XC skis 160 cm with bindings 525; dishwasher, best offer. Call St. Marys 284-1218 anytime. A FREE HUNTING, Fishing, Camping Catalog ($6 value). Send your expired hunting or fishing license (photocopy acceptable) and S.I.R, will mail a free 410 page (over 6,500 items). Annual Sportsman Catalog, S.I.R. Mail Order, Dept. 198, 1863 Burrows Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2X 2V6. Offer expires February 29, 1988. (3x) NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old fashioned Apples, Pears, Apricot, Nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalogue $1.. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ontario KOK 2L0. OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE PRODUCTS for sale. For information call 243-2786. (4,5c) KEROSENE HEATER, Toyaset portable with tank on side. Excellent condition. Phone 235-1823. (4SA) SOFA AND CHAIR, 2 piece Vilas Colonial, . 100 percent nylon. Blue, green floral fabric, excellent condition. $300 firm. Phone 235-1595. (4SA) HUMIDIFIER, drum style, used only one season. excellent condition. $60. Phone 235-0641. (4SA) OLD TIME PHONOGRAPH. Horse chime bells. Phone 237-3207. (4,5*) TWO WOOD STOVES, one down draft, one pot belly, best offer. Also Capons and ducks. Phone 225-2609. (4SA) SNOWMOBILE REGISTRATION NUMBERS. Match your machine colours 6"x2" self-adhesive. Available in all colours $9.95 C.O.D. orders FOB Eganville, Ontario Sport Trophy, 255 John St. Eganville, Ont. KOJ 1TO (613) 628-2105.(5x) GUN BARGAINS - Save up to 40% - by subscribing to "The Gunrunner". The Canadian monthly newspaper listing hundreds of new, used, modern and antique firearms for sale or trade. Subscription $20 per year to Gunrunner, Box 565T, Lethbridge, Alberta TIJ 3Z4. Sample copy $1.50. (5x) MYERS JET WATERPUMP, 1 h.p., four years old. 65 gallon water tank. Water conditioner. 236-4172. (5SA) CROSS COUNTRY SKI PACKAGE. Jarvinen skis 180 cm., poles 140 cm. shoes, lady's size 8 or a man's 6. Excellent condition. Owner has outgrown them. $75.00 cash. Call 293-3061.(5SA) HAMMOND ORGAN double keyboard, automatic rhythms, storage bench, music books, excellent condition, tuned and cleaned $850.00. Arborite and wrought iron kitchen table, 58" plus 12" leaf, 4 chairs, good condition 560. Phone 235-1358. (SSA) MASSAGE CHAIR, Niagara cycle in green vinyl, good shape. Asking 5250.00. Phone 262-5425. (5SA) WATER SOFTENER, Culligan Mark 512. Good condition. Reasonable price. Call 238-2301. (5,6c) APPLES, Belgium Endive, Macs, Spartans, Red Delicious, Ida Reds $10.00 bushel. Fresh apple cider, $3.00 gallon. Visscher Farms Country Market, 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83. Open 9-5 daily, closed Sundays. (5c) KITCHEN TABLE, smallchrome with fold down sides $10.00; 20" Philips coloured T.V. working order $75.00; Juliette eight track tape player with speakers for home with 60 assorted tapes 550.00 or best offer, 18 cu. ft. Coronado freezer $200.00 or best offer. Phone 293-3037. (5,6c) OVAL KITCHEN TABLE with wood veneer top, extendable to 84 6 chairs. $175.00.262-5025. (5,6c) SNOWBLOWER, 8 h.p., 25" auger; best offer. 238-8762 after 6p.m. (5,6c) Canada General Welding & Repairs Manufacturers of Custom Built Trailers and Truck Bodies MacGregor Welding Ltd. 235-1273 16 For Sale SATELLITE DISH, 10 ft. black mesh. All cables, wiring and stand included. Luxor dolby receiver, remote Skywalker digital rotator. 5900.00 complete. Phone 238-2180. (6*). ARM CHAIR LOUNGE, 2 yr. old white naugehyde reclining, brown naugehyde swivel stool, 12"x15" price letter board and letters 5300.00 complete. Call 284-1272 after 9 p.m. or 284-1624 and leave message on machine. (SSA) 17 Wanted To Buy CASH FOR USED cars and trucks for wrecking. 228-6700. John Brock Auto Wreckers, RR 1 Crediton. (3tfn) SCRAP CARS OR TRUCKS. Highest prices paid. Phone 228-6214. (1-26*) OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED - Men's only - old Rolex and Patek Phillip wristwatches wanted - Also wanted Eatons "Quarter Century" Rectangular wristwatches (25 years service) will pay $1,000 and•up for this watch. Phone (416) 365-7240 or write B: Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario M5A 1S2. ATTENTION ALL LOGGERS. Top prices paid for White Ash Logs. Special pricing on clear, longer lengths; also interested in Hard Maple. Cash on delivery. Call Elgin Handles Ltd., 21 Kains St., St. Thomas for more information (519) 631-0330. (2-4c) WANTED; Wall clocks and Grandfather clocks manufactured by The Arthur Peguegnat Clock Company in Berlin or Kitchener, Ont. Also wanted other antique wall and mantle clocks. Write Box A, 309 Mutual St., Toronto, Ont. M4Y 1X6 or call 1-416-365-9411.(3x) PIANO in good working condition for Grand Bend Legion. Phone 238-2120. (4,5c) NEED RIDE from Dashwood to London and return. Mon. to Fri. Flexible hours, share expenses. 237-3557 or 237-3759 after 5 p.m. (5,6c) 19 Property For Sale HENSALL HOME - Four bedrooms, two baths, main floor family room and laundry, attached garage, immaculate condition on double lot. 262-2617. (5*) 20 Property For Rent PRIME RETAIL OR OFFICE space available.Cali 235-0141. (17tfn) SHOW ROOM AND OFFICE, Main St., S. Exeter. Reasonable rent 235-1462. (20tfn) INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSING also office space with ample parking facilities. 262-2928 or 235-2302. (6tfn) ELIZABETH COURT HENSALL 1 & 2 bedroom features appliances and carpets ASK ABOUT OUR BONUS Call 262-3403 CRLmAnl Rplt1 SYSTEMS LT Quality'Grain Storage Drying & Handling Products DESIGN • SALES • SERVICE Al -MAR GRAIN SYSTEMS LTD 263 VAIN ST N PO Box 550 r,r 1ER ONtAINO Nog 1 So Pure Bus (5191135-1919 Res (519) 345 2284 HENSALL MOTORS LTD. "Car and Truck Rentals" Sales - Leasing (New and Used) 198 Main St. N. (Corner Hwy. #83 & #4) Ed Hearn Exeter 235-2070 4 LUXURY TWO BEDROOM apartments, available immediately. Inquire Laraugh Corporation 235-0141.(39tfn) SPACE FOR DOUBLE -WIDE mobile home, Dashwood area. Farmer Bill's Greenhouses. Phone 238-8638. (43tfn) EXETER -three bedroom townhouse,' Simcoe St., available immediately. Phone 236-4230. 1 1/2 STOREY HOUSE, 3 bedroom, main floor laundry, detached garage, appliances and utilities not included Two references required. $475.00 per month. Exeter. Phone 235-1304. (5,6c) 2 BEDROOM HOUSE with garage in Exeter. Available Feb. 1. $475.00 per month plus utilities. 238-2742 after 6 p.m. (3tfn) GRAND BEND - three bedroom home in Green Acres. $450.00 per month. Phone 235-2961. (4tfn) APARTMENTS one or two bedrooms for rent. Phone 227-4624. (5,6c) HALF A HOUSE - 2 bedrooms, living area and full bathroom. Share kitchen and common entrance. Call Wayne 235-0358 after 6 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. (5*) Woodham UCW hear reports By MISS JEAN COPELAND A pot luck supper. was enjoyed at the January meeting of the U.C.W. Beth Williams, U.C.W. delegate to Toc Alpha in Toronto, gave a very interesting and informative report. She stressed how each participant was made to feel extremely wel- come and that Outreach played an important part throughout the whole event. Ms. Williams was thanked by Butsy Parkinson who then read a poem called 'Hugs'. Games and read- ings by Florence Johnson, Lucille McCurdy, gutsy Parkinson and Syl- via Wheelep were enjoyed by all. The -incoming president, Orrie,, Hartwick, welcomed everyone and extened a thank you to Jean Cope- land for her three years as president. Mrs. Hartwick opened the busi- ness part of the meeting with a poem "Let.Us Seek God's Guidance Through The Year'. The 1987 re- ports were given and the recommen- dations for 1988 were discussed. Verla Copeland played quiet mu- sic and Florence Johnson opened the worship service with a poem "I Am The New Year". Readings were giv- en by Lucille McCurdy and Flor- ence Johnson and the meeting closed with prayer. Personals Mrs. George Wheeler was hon- oured on Sunday on the occasion of her birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Copeland. Present for the occasion were Mrs. John Butters, Wildwood Nursing Home, St. Mar- ys, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Shute, Kirk - ton, Cynthia Copeland, St. Marys, Pamela Rodd and Deanna Copeland of London, Kathy Eghoetz of Strat- ford, Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd and Calvin, Jean Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. David Wheeler, Stephen, Bob and Craig. 21 For Rent CENTRALIA - Rooni and Board, or Rooms, kitchen privileges. 228-6867. (5*) 22 For Sale or Rent FOR RENT OR RENT TO OWN to responsible persons. One 10 year old 3 bedroom ranch style angel brick home in Hensall. Call 262-3208 or 1-434-1408. (4-6*) 23 Wanted To Rent GOOD CASH CROP LAND for 1988. Parsons Farms. 262-2821. (5-8*) CASH CROP LAND in Crediton arca for spring of '88. Advance payment possible for good land plus good price. Box 11P, Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter NOM ISO. (3-5c) GOOD CASH CROP LAND for 1988 season. Phone Prance Farms 229-8856 or229-8771. (5-8c) HOUSE. IN DASHWOOD, Hensall, Exeter arca wanted by reliable couple for end of February. Phone 235-2948 aftcr4 p.m. (5tfn) 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ADA ARMSTRONG deceased All persons having claims against the cstatc of Ada Armstrong, late of the Town of Exeter, County of Hu- ron, who died on or about the 15th day of December 1986 are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario by the 13th day of February 1988 after which date the estate will he distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. ELMER D. BELL Solicitor for the administratrix Exeter, Ontario NOM ISO 4-6c H.D. MARINE CONTRACTORS LAKEFRONT EROSION CONTROL •Steal Groyne Walls and Pilings; Dredging •Farm Ponds •Armor Stone Protection and Rip Rep aysllsble SERVING GRAND BEND, BAYFIEID, GODERICH a ARBA (519) 565-2157 r GAYS A WEEK Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The 113th Annual Meeting of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutu- al Fire Insurance Company will be held in the township Hall, Zu- rich, on Wednesday the 24th day of February, 1988 at 2 p.m., for the presentation of the Annual Report, to elect three direc- tors to replace those whose terms expire, and to transact all business as may be done at a general meeting of the policy- holders. The Directors whose term of office expire are Herb Beierling, Zurich; Cecil Desjardine, Grand Bend; and Arnold McCann, Dashwood. Mr. Desjardine and Mr. McCann are eligi- ble for re-election; Mr. Beierlirjg is not eligible for re-election due to paragraph No. 21 of the By-laws Qualifications of Direc- tors (b). Notice is hereby given, that a motion amending the By- laws of the Company will be presented at our annual meeting. Please note: Paragraph No. 21 of the By -Laws Qualifications of Directors (d) "Any person wishing to seek election or re- election as a Director must file his intention to stand for election. in writing with the Secretary of the Corporation at least ten days in advance of an Annual Meeting or Special General Meeting called for the purpose of electing Directors." President, Carl Turnbull Secretary -Manager, John R. Consitt CHEQUE PRESENTATION - Jack Riddell, Ontario minister of agricul- ture, stopped by the Hensall Co-op recently to present manager Earl Wagner with a $10,000 cheque, the ministry of energy's contribution to- ward the cost of adding a fully automatic control system to the Co-op grain -drying operation in Huron County. Exeter Vitra Hello from the residents of the Villa. February is here and we'll soon know if the groundhog sees his shadow. Celebrating a birthday this week is Cora Wein. Many happy wishes Cora! January birthdays were cele- brated on Friday night. Those with birthdays in January were Olive Baker, Valeria Arm- strong, Eileen Carroll, Florence Routson and Elizabeth Peat. Mac Ducharme, on the fiddle, and Ed Lesperance, on the guitar, enter- tained Lodge residents. Thanks to Max and Ed for the toe -tapping mu- sic. We finished off the evening with birthday cake. The Senior Citizens hosted their monthly bingo, last Monday aftcr- noon. Residents Ludt Lodge and Nursing Home enjoy these monthly visits. The Pioneer Club of the Pentecostal Church visited us on Wednesday evening. The children missed iheir visit in December due to stormy weather. It was a delight to hear the children sing some of their favourite songs. We shall en- joy the banner that the children made for us. Rev. Deborah Carterconducted our weekly worship service in the nursing home. Following that, Rev. Carter offered communion in the Lodge. We would like to welcome Mrs. Lena Kirkland to the Villa. Lena has recently moved into the Lodge and we hope that she will be very. happy. • Estate Auction Bob Heywood, Auctioneer 235-0874 Saturday February 20 at 11 a.m. We have been favoured by the executors to offer by public auction, the property and contents of the estate of the late Mr. Birtle M. Fran- cis of Exeter. The property will be offered on location at 44 John St. E. at 11 a.m. thence to South Huron Rec Centre for dispersal of the furnishings and collectables at 12 noon.(full listing of contents in lat- er issue). DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: An excellent location - situat- ed on pts. of lots 51 and 52, according to Plan 376 of the town of Ex- eter consisting of 75' frontage and 101' depth known as 44 John St. E. An attractive single storey home (with full basement) plus a large detached garage and workshop . Located 1 block from the post of- fice and downtown. Selling subject to reasonable reserve bid, 10%. down sale day with the balance owing in 30 days. For viewing contact the auctioneer at 235-0874 or 235-1278. LARGE AUCTION SALE Antique furniture, modern dining suite, appliances from the Estate of Frank Clark of Goderich plus good additions to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn Clinton Ont. Sat., February 6 at 10 a.m. Modern dining suite w/oval table, 4 chairs and beautiful hutch like new, antique mahogany ornate wooden framed chester- field, hesterfield, antique chesterfield, ornate antique cameo back love seat w/carved nuts (extra nice). Antique high back wooden bed w/fancy carved panels matching dresser and washstand, five piece Irwin bedroom suite from Kentucky, antique ladies' or gents' rocker, matching coffee table and carved pedestal table w/leather inlaid tops, library table, smokers table, fancy small tables, chesterfield w/pullout bed, 3 old rockers, desk, Office chair, small love seat upholstered chairs, small bar fridge, older clothes dryer and electric stove, wringer washer, old table, antique hand painted oil lamp, blanket box, picture of Queen Victoria, several pictures, round table w/4 matching high back ladder style chairs, Indian prayer rug, 2 maple chests of drawers, old poker chip set w/cards, 12 place setting of dishes w/bowls etc. dresser w/mirror, lawn chairs plus our usu- al offering of small appliances, dishes, glassware, cups and saucers, 2 old dolls, etc. and more. TERMS CASH Auctioneer Richard Lobb, Clinton 482.7898 Usborne & Hibbert I Mutual Fire Insurance Company Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Policyholders of the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire, Insurance Company will be held inlhe Kirk - ton -Woodham Community Centre at 2:00 p.m. on Monday February 15, 1988 to receive and dispose of the Financial and Auditor's reports; to elect Directors and to transact any busi- ness that may rightly come before the meeting. Nominations will be received for the election of two Directors fora three year term. The Directors whose term of office ex- pires are John Hodgert and Robert Gardiner, both of whom are eligible for re-election. Nominations will be received for the election of a Director for a two year term, necessary because of the resignation of Robert Chaffe. LORNE FEENEY E.J. CAERS President Secretary -Manager Article 21 - QUALIFICATIONS OF DIRECTORS Any person wishing to seek election or re-election as a Direc- tor must file his intention to stand for election in writing with the secretary of the Corporation at least ten days in advance of an Annual Meeting or Special General Meeting 'called for the pur- pose of electing Directors.