HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-02-03, Page 8Page 8 Times Advocate. FeDruary 3, 1988 BROWNIE ENROLLMENT - The First Zurich Brownies have added 25 new names to their ranks after the enrollment held on Tuesday January 26. Back row from left: leaders Deb Overholt and Vicki Wilder, Brownies Chantal Gelinas, Pamela Munn, Carrie Regier, KellyHoffman, Stephanie Rau, Connie Gingerich, leaders Patti Geoffrey and. Kathy Overholt. Middle row from left: Rebecca Bedour, Tabitha Overholt, Kim Geoffrey, Jennifer Erb, Becky Kirk, Julia Geiger, Anita Bedard. Seated from Tett: Janet Thief, Melanie Regier, Catty Regier, Jessica Verhoeve, Michelle Erb, Ni- cole Turkheim. Kneeling in front: Kelly Thiel (left), Laurie Hens, and Aimee Hoffman. Absent were Nicol§ Masse, Stephanie Kelly, and Laura Shep- herd. CRL to sheet S�turday in !ngersoii The annual meeting of the Catho- who bowled a 918 Triple at the lic Rural Life Conference will be Town and Country Lanes in Zurich held on Saturday February 6 at Sa- while sparing on the Thursday night cred heart hall in Ingersoll from 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thc guest • speaker will be Bishop Sherlock. • Reports will be given, and a discus- sion panel on the "Family Farm". Lunch is 55.00. Anyone wishing to • go is to let Fr. Mooney know as soon as possible. Bowling Congratulations to June Fisher mixed team. happy to announce the arrival of Personals their first great -grand child, Brittany Rudolph and Joan Corriveau arc Elizabeth who was born on January 25 to. proud parents Melissa and Joe Claessens of RR 8 London. Also congratulations to Pat and Bonnie Groot, RR 1 Zurich, on the arrival of their third son, Justin Joh- nathon. Gcrtie Flcischauer spent thc week- end in London with her family and attended a banquet at the Lamp Lighter Inn on Saturday evening in honor of five outstanding people for their work with the handicapped. Gertie's son-in-law, Bill Mills, is the regional co-ordinator for the mentally handicapped from Windsor to Owen Sound. A lovely two week vacation was enjoyed by Bernie and Annette De- nomme, Clarence and Sharon Rau and Ron and Marge Overholt in Waikiki, Hawaii. Members of the Mennonite Church enjoyed a G.M.S.A. family bowling night last Friday at the Town and Country Lanes in Zurich, while the M.Y.F. group joined youth groups from the United Church at the Lutheran Church and saw a film titled "Thc Spirit of Ad- vance" about Christianity in com- munist countries. Thc members of the Boy's Club along with their dads attended a Knights Hockey game in London on Friday evening. Ernst, Christa and Eric Ihrig rc- tumedback home last Tuesday after spending thc past three weeks in Germany visiting with their par- ents, friends and relatives. Zurich Mrs. Carmel Sweeney 236-4702 DINOSAUR GAMES - After Wednesday's trip to the Royal Ontario Museum, Jill Ramer (lest) and Jayne Wes - lake of Zurich Public School spent some time at McCurdy Public School designing their own games around their new-found knowledge of dinosaurs. St. Bonita Outdoor Education will be the theme for the Friday, January 29, 1988 System Professional Activity Day at the \ awanosh Nature Cen- tre. Our teachers will be taking part in workshops that will provide them with strategics, skills and knowl- edge to adapt games and curriculum for the outdoors during the winter months. All workshops, including .a session dealing with the purpose of Conservation Authorities and Re- sources available to schools will be presented by the staff of the Mait- land Valley Conservation Authori- ty. We believe that this day will be worthwhile in creating more ideas for teachers to implement outdoor ,activities during the winter months. Kindergarten Thc children have been exploring space. Black holes, stars, planets, the sun, day arid night,•rockets, the :moon and astronauts have bccn some of the topics the children wanted to (earn more about. Our Students of the Month for January arc Katherine Miller and Pe- ter Lansbcrgen. • Grade One Thc children in Grade one have been learning about 'many kinds of jobs, some oriented to service, oth- ers oriented toward producing a product. A visit "to the Zurich Post Office to see where Mrs. Rcgicr, a parent volunteer works, was fun. On Fcbruary 3, Doug Oesch will host a class visit to the Tasty -Nu Bakery. Grade Two -Three After months of intense story writing,: we have become confident in reading, spelling, word forms, printing and vocabulary. We have also learned a variety of story forms. This term is very important for Parents and children as we prepare for First Confession and First Holy Communion. Our congratulations go to Kristic Miller who is our Student of the Month for January. Grade Three Our Religion theme has been about Kingdom People. We have read and discussed the lives of many saints. We have also learned about $ ce Sch ool update some 1988 Kingdom People - Mother Teresa, Brother Bob, and Sister Annette. We arc taking Metric Measure- ment in Math. The class is looking forward to the Operetta, the Reading Program, • and our trip to see "Thc Wizard of Oz". We would like to congratulate Suzy Gushie, our Student of the Month. Grade Four We have been busy this first month in 1988 having started many new topics. In Science classes, we are doing several experiments to help us learn more about the three states of mat- ter. Miss Ryan and Mr. Lindcn, our librarian, have also assigned us re- search projects about the sun and the solar system. • We have managed to continue de- veloping our volleyball skills even though preparation for the school operetta is in full swing. We wish them luck and look forward to the performance. Our Student of thc Month for Jan- uary is Bradley Hartman. tirade Five -Six On Tuesday, January 12, the par- ents of Grade 5-6 came to school for an evening class. They were in- structed by Mrs. Craig and Consta- ble Marshall on the new program V.I.P. This is a course of study pre- pared by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of the Solicitor - General of Ontario. Its full title is Values, Influences and Peers. It covers a wide range of topics from values to standards, shoplifting, and youth and the law. Our Student of the Month of Jan- uary is Elizabeth Groot. Grade Six -Seven On returning to class after the holidays, we immediately began preparing our operetta "Thc Days O'Kerry Dancing". Many of the Grade 6-7 class arc in the chorus, others are preparing art work to dec- orate the gymnasium. Speech presentations at the school level will be on February 29. Our preparations arc underway and we hope to provide entertaining compe- tition. Chad Brown is our Student of the Month for January'. Grade Seven-Eig°lit Thc Grade 7-8 class has been prac- ticing for the annual operetta.to be held on February 9 at 7:30. Stage scenery has been built, the script re- written and music being practiced. Main characters have their lines well rehearsed and are concentrating on their acting skills, Thc class is also looking forward to the cross-country ski trip at the Pinery on February. 5 (if more snow arrives). Aimee Gelinas is our Student of the Month! Huron Apothecary Ltd. J T WILSON PHARMACIST PHONE 235-1982 440 MAIN ST.. EXETER, ONT. PRESCR1 PTIONS We accept most major drug plans Blue Cross, Green Shield, Drug Benefit, etc. Hours Mon. Tues., Thurs. 8 Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Wed. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. "Your independent Pharma(ist .. Operetta next week The grade 6, 7 and 8 pupils of St. Boniface School will be holding their annual Operetta on Tuesday Fcbruary 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the gym. Admission is $3 per person (phone the office for a ticket). This year's production is Days O'Kerry Dancing. Presentation On Sunday evening February 7 beginning at 7:30 p.m. everyone is invited to hear Fr. Michael Prieur from St. Peter's seminary in Lon- don, .speak and show a presentation on Sexuality and Aids, that will be held at Mt. Carmel School gym. Figure skating The Zurich and arca figure skating club are having a 50s dance this Saturday Fcbruary 6 at the Commu- nity Centre. Only $12.00 a couple, which includes dinner. Music will be supplied by T.W. Company. Library Hour Several small children (accompa- nied by their moms) enjoyed thc story hour at the Library last Thurs- day afternoon. Librarian, Helene Ducharme read some stories about bears, then played a few games before doing crafts. Everyone pasted together a pre-cut paper Care Bear! The next story hour will be held on Thursday February 11 at 2 p.m. for pre-schoolers. Personals The Masse family rented the ice at the arena for an hour Saturday night for their annual hockey game (The in-laws against the out -laws). The Masse Boys won!! Afterwards a get- together was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Masse. Lennis and Marlene Bedard of Woodstock even came up for the oc- casion and spent Saturday and Sun- day at the home of her sister, Elaine and Don Beauchamp. tr The twin daughters of Martin and Cheryl Gelinas were baptized by Fr. Mooney at St. Boniface Church on Sunday afternoon. God -parents for Jacqueline Rose and Justine Marie were Mozart and Julie Gelinas Jr. Following the ceremony a nice fam- ily get-together was held at the home of the babies. grand -parents Matthew and Mary -Lou Denomme. Jerome Sweeney has returnea to work at thc hospital in Goderich af- ter being home since Christmas due to a badly sprained ankle. 1 Current Rates RRSP 1 year 95/8% • RON KIN'S VARNA RRSP 5 year 107'8% RRSP Shopping with one phone call Rate may change without notice 262-3031 RRSP 1 year 9% 2 years 9 1/2% 3 years 10% 4 years 10 1/4% 5 years 10 1 /2% Interest Compounded Annually Rates subject to change No RRSP Fees No Withdrawal Fees Clinton Community Credit Union Limited WHERE THE RATES ARE HIGHER AND SERVICE IS #1 374 Main Street Exeter, Ontario 235-0640 70 Ontario Street Clinton, Ontario 482-3466 DOM1NION SECURITIES IS LOOKING FOR A PAR1NER. Introducing The Dominion Securities Partnership RSP. 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