HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1988-02-03, Page 6MASSAGE THERAPY Page 6 Times -Advocate, Februa 3 1968 KESTLE PUTTEN Diana Van Putten, daughter of Karl and Elizabeth Van Putten, London, and Kevin Michael Todd Kestle, son of George and Helen Cunningham of Lucan, were united in marriage on September.26, 1987, at St. John the Di- vine Church .in London with Father Dan Shea officiating. Their attendants were Christine Avery, ma.d of honour, and bridesmaids Lori Howe, Pauline Jones and Freda Van Putten: Best man ws Leo Patterson, and ushers were Larry Arnold, Dan Avery and Jim Murtland. Caroline Ferraro was solo- ist. The reception' was held in the church hall. Kevin and Diana honey- mooned in Niagara Falls and now reside in Brantford where Diana is a po- I,cewoman for the city of Brantford. Medieval Feast at Blyth Dust off your wimple and your jerkin; get out your doublet and hose! Blyth Festival is reviving the ever -popular Medieval Feast and all merry souls are welcome. The fa- mous feast will he held at the ye Oldc Blyth Memorial Hall on Satur- day, February 27 at 7 p.m. Entertainment throughout the evening will include frolicsome dancers, strolling minstrels, an ec- centric hermit, and winsome serving wenches. The King and Queen and the Court Jester will be in atten- dance, overseeing the etiquette of their subjects. The pageantry will climax with exciting duels (audience participation). Poor behaviour will most certainly result with thc perpe- trators being imprisoned in ye olde stocks. The King and Queen shall also have more pleasant tasks such as recognizing and presenting "draw- bridge" (door) prizes for the best bib, the best costume (lord and lady), the best group, and of most importance the best joke, story or song. And last, but by no means least, the Food!. It will be an authentic . Quality Care Nursing Services. Our nursing and homemaker personnel are available to comfort and care for your loved one at home or in institution • 238-8980 Grand Bend 673-3360 London" 24 hour service medievalfeast of gargantuan propor- tion, with a multitude of courses. The groaning hoard will tnily be groaning with such delicacies as: "ecl" pie, breast of "swan", haunch of "bear" and "larks" tongues (or at least something similar). Buns will be thrown. There will be succulent sweet- meats for afters, and yards of ale, and medieval.wines and beverages. Free non-alcoholic beverages will he available for designated drivers, We anticipate a hilarious and rau- cous evening will be had by all. Tickets arc S20 per person and are available from Blyth Festival board' members and through the Box Of- fice at 523-9300 or 523-9225. This gala event is a capital fundraising event for the expansion fund of the Blyth Festival. HURONIA CHOIR SINGS - The more than 70 members of the New Huronia Singers performed at Sundays Prayer for Christian Unity service at Trivitt Anglican Church in Exeter. Interdenominational service at Trivitt Sunday was a busy one for Trivitt Anglican Church, Exeter. The Morning Eucharist was joyful with a lot of children present. Annual re- ports of 1987 were distributed by Joyce Lavender. B.J. Talbot, the or- ganist of two months, played four old-time favourites on the Tracker pipe -organ. Rector, the Rev. Duke Vipperman preached on "Abortion", urging compassion. He said, "For Compas- sion to be Christian compassion it must be genuine, radical -going as deeply as possible in costly love, and all -embracing -considering every- body concerned including the un- born person." In the afternoon nearly 200 people came to a service of prayer for Christian -Unity. Rev. Richard Haw- ley of Exeter United led worship. Father Paul Beck of Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church, Grand Bend, preached an excellent message which called Christians to stick together "or how else' can we be saved?" Love for each other in Christ is the answer. Bev Robinson, Lay Associate at Exeter United, and the Revs. Vip- perman, Don Rodgers from Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle, and Clayton Keupfer from Zurich Mennonite led prayers. Christians from several other churches were present. The New Huronia Singers directed by Susan Graham sang three inspiring anthems. In the evening Trivitt held its an- nual vestry meeting. There was good news to report in that thc church-tnet its very ambitious 1987 budget and is preparing for even greater things in 1988. Said the rec- tor, "Over the last few years this congregation has seen impressive growth. People are coming to us because they find we have some- thing they need - God is present in our fellowship and life together." Among other items of business there was discussion around the abortion issue. After careful consid- eration a motion to embrace the Ca- nadian Anglican Denomination's. position was carried. As Rev. Vip- perman said in his morning sermon, "In this time of uncertainty and in- stability it is important to say what we can say clearly - our values have. not changed." PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY - An .interdenominational service of Prayer for Christian Unity was held Sunday at Trivitt Anglican Church in Exeter. Shown prior to the service are from the left New Huronia Singers di- rector Susan Graham, Rev. Walter Vipperman of Trivitt; Father Paul Beck, Grand Bend Catholic Church;. and Rev. Richard Hawley and Mrs. Bev Robinson, both of Exeter United Church. HAYTER TURKEY FARMS Hwy. 83 HAYTER'S just west of Dashwood TURKEYS 237-3561 Winter Hours Fri. 9-6 Sat. 9-5 Featuring: • Breast Roast • Sausage • Filet ;Schnitzel • Cutlets • Ground Turkey • Wings • Drumsticks SPECIAL PATTIES lb. '1.59 while quantities last also FROZEN TURKEYS available Beat the Winter Blahs! *4014,„ gp,, 4 41110 lig 1404 itt04410A •e D Sunworthy Wallpaper Books 3Ooff With these Super ` I SUNWOFfl-I v,` YES-YDU GW WAIICOVERIN6S Savings ► Instock Wallpaper up to 5Ooff lDon't Miss Our Super Super Specials in the Garage 1 Exeter Decor Centre 15 Gidley St. E., 235-1010 Just behind Bank of Nova Scotia 1 A UCW send petition At the annual meeting on January 25 of Huron -Perth Presbyterial of the United Church Women, a peti- tion was circulated and signed re- questing David Peterson to accept provincial responsibility for deci- sions regarding Sunday store open- ings, and further not to extend these beyond present limits. Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, welcomed the 249 dele- gates from the two counties. The report from Doris Miller of the World Outreach Committee showed that contributions had helped to purchase 900 pounds of vegetable seeds worth $10,000 for distribu- tion in Africa - to refugees from Angola, and to the Church -in -the - Bush. A small balance was sold at reasonable prices to local farmers. One black -skinned onion variety is known as "Black Gold" because the harvest from $1.50 worth of seed will pay a child's school costs for a full year! Other reports showed that United Church Women were involved in a wide range of Canadian concerns - practical help was offered to Opti- mism Place, Stratford, and House of Friendship in Goderich; to nurs- ing homes and shut-ins, Meals on Wheels and to the bereaved in indi- vidual congregations. Pollution, human rights, refugees, Alzheimer's Disease, and boycott of war toys were among topics studied during 1987. Muriel Coultes, a past president, will be going to Ethiopia as a Ca- nadian representative in "Adventure in Partnership" with the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Those who have heard her report of a visit to a mis- sion in Cuernavaca, Mexico, know that Muriel will bring back a vivid account of conditir `.in LL,iopia. Warm ' n1.. • „ to thc outgo- ing 1,1 r ant -d of Ex- -ter tion of al. N x r t, and a stand - i: d ovat,oI. is essor i. Helen Anderson, of • ,' i.., ,ck, who is also chairperson of Ladies' Programme for the Internati()nal Ploughing Match next September in Perth county. Mary Hearn of Clinton conducted lively and entertaining singsongs, accompanied by Earla Stewart at the piano. Maracas and rhythm sticks were used with a calypso. The clos- ing worship was led by Carolyn Hoshel and Lillian Partridge of the North Perth region, with Doris Zur- brigg as pianist. The offering for the day was divided equally between the Mission and Service Fund of the church and the Seeds for Africa pro- ject. Officers installed for 1988 includ- ed the following from this arca: Au- drey MacGregor, assistant recording secretary; Donna Paynter, corre- sponding secretary; Grace Drum- mond, treasurer; Alma Langford, past president, chairperson of nomi- nation and Marion Dearing, South Huron Regional president. Here is the motion as carried: Be it resolved that Trivitt Memo- rial Anglican Church embrace the traditional position of the Anglican Church on Abortion as affirmed by General Synod 1980: "That this General Synod, in pro- claiming a Gospel of Life and }lope and Compassion for all of • God's people, rejects the principle of 'abortion on demand' or for the rea- sons of convenience or economic or social hardship, and commits itself to strong support of: a) such educational programs in the Church and compatible secu'.ar agencies which exist or may exist in the future for family life, birth control and social responsibility; h) effective action to, provide skilled counselling for families and individuals facing unwanted preg- nancy; c) community responsibility to ensure adequate practical help in the care and nurture of children." After the meeting all sang "Happy Birthday" to the rector celebrating his "something over 29th" the next day. Antique and Oak Furniture Total Concept Fitness Centre introduces Registered Deep Muscle Therapist For appointment phone 235-2440 ,d Winter Sale Continues with 50 All Winter Merchandise % Slacks Co-ordinates Blouses, Coats Dresses Scarves and Scarf Sets off Plus a roll of the dice for an additional discount (Jacqueline's dollars do not apply to merchandise at 1/2 price) P4ereelts" fiSizes 14-44 14'// - 24'7, 383 Main St., Exeter 235.1412 Also London and Sarnia McLEOD YOUNG WEIR THE McLEOD INVESTMENT RSP Frrr people Kim demand more for their money Your RSP should be part of your plan for the future. It takes a long-term commitment, intelligent planning and sound advice to create an effective retirement savings vehicle that outpaces inflation while remaining secure. Ours Saturday morning seminar features graphic proof from our experts on several aspects of RSP investing; the difference a couple of percentage points in performance makes in the long run and how to obtain that difference, how inflation affects your retirement nest -egg and how to mini- mize these effects, the best kinds of investments for your RSP and much more. This year before you contribute to your RSP, find out more about the McLeod In- vestment RSP. Call: •Ted Velikonja or Rob Kelland 660-3225 660-3229 1-800-265-1254 c mail the coupon below. To: McLeod Young Weir Limited, 383 Richmond St., Suite 1412, London Ont. N6A 3C4 RSP W4VESTMENT GROWTH sued ow tarn ibaras of r Xlar K rd d6SVS_ D% "a Mcleod RSP as IR weal bran aa�lUstaDre - lei 1 � l � asx�Is- ,xr ---------- I would like to attend your free Saturday morning seminar in January/February. ---------- I am unable to attend the seminar, but please send me McLeod's free 12 page booklet. 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