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plan pot luck
At the United Church on Sunday
the special speaker was Mrs. Betty
Rennison who chose as, her topic
"Our place in God".
Next Sunday January 24 a pot
luck lunch followed by the annual
meeting will be held after the morn-
ing service.
Confirmation classes will be held
Church and on January 26 adult
- Bible study
will be held -at the
Jodi's 21st birthday. Congratula-
tions Jodi.
I entertained friends Saturday
evening at dinner to celebrate Tom's
birthday. The highlight of his day
was telephone calls from four of his
sisters in Holland. We were guests
of Jerry and .Carol Mills in Exeter
Sunday evening.
George Bcckberger of . Cargill
The euchre in Centralia Commu:
nity Centre Januaryl l had 13 tables
playing with prizes going to high
score - Jean Noels, Earl Morgan;
lone hands - Leita Hill, Charlie
Rollings; low score.- Pearl Taylor,
Violet Hendy (playinga man's card)
special score prizes went to Alwin-
na Galloway, Allan Pfaff.
Next party January 25 will be
convened by Allen and Doris Pfaff,
Charles and Frieda Rollings and Joe
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mills enter-
tained their family on Sunday after-
noon in honour of their .daughter
News from
Thames Road
Rev. K. Teddy Smits conducted
the church service on Sunday morn-
ing. Rev. Smits told the children's
story about the Trojan horse.
In real life we must watch careful-
ly, for the devil could easily find us
asleep and take us.
In his sermon, the Rev. Teddy
Smits used as a text St. John 2:4b
"My hour has not yet come".
When personal disaster strikes, we
are inclined to pray to God that He
may send a quick delivery from all
our troubles.
God does help, but in His way,
and in His time.
The Explorer meeting will be held
on Wednesday, January 20 at 7 p.m.
at Thames Road Church.
Coming events
The annual meetings are ;scheduled
for Elimville on January 31 and
Thames Road in February. After the
worship service a pot luck will be
served before the meeting. Arc you
planning to attend?
Due to high school exams, the
Membership Classes will again be,
gin on February 1.
The February meeting of the
United Church Women will be held
ori Monday, February I at 8 p.m. -
Our film committee has decided
our Film Night is to be held on
Thursday February 25 at Elimville
United Church.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Bray on the birth of their
first grandson, a son for Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Dunlop, on Sunday.
A former resident of the boundary,
John McDougall, passed away sud-
denly last Wednesday. Sympathy is
extended to his brother Lloyd.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray, Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold Cann, and Mr. and
mrs. Bill Rohde were Saturday
evening supper guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Smith, Jenni-
fer and Stever. of St. Thomas spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Cann and Mrs. Reg Hodgert of Ex-
Mr. alai Mrs. Bill Rohde were
Sunday supper guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Rohde, Danny and
Dashwood UCW
names new slate
By Bernice Boyle
The Calvary United Church
Women held their Ncw Year's meet-
ing Tuesday, January 12. The theme
I.New Year; A New Beginning"
was presented by the new executive:
President Karen Tiernan, Vice Presi-
dent Charlene Edwards, Secretary •
Jane Newman and Treasurer Mary
'Ann Bender. Each officer explained
their new duties and lit a candle
pledging their oath to their respec-
tive office.
Other officers for program com-
mittees are: Church in Society
Elizabeth Hendrick; Stewardship,
Finance and Leadership - Martha
Weigand; Christian Development -
Elcanor Weigand and World Out-
reach - Bernice Boyle.
The meeting closed with the
Lord's Prayer followed by fingerfood
and Ica.
Youth invitation
The bashwood United Church
Youth are invited to join the Zurich
Mennonite Church youth to view
the movie "Distant Thunder". It is
based on the "end.times".,Adults are
invited. (I aro personally interested .
in seeing this movie as my son,.
Fraser helped film this on location
in Vancouver.)
Lutheran Ladies Guild
The Lutheran Ladies Guild meet-
ing held January 12 was in the form
of a microwave demonstration by
Charlotte Empringham of Exeter.
She made a crustless quichc, pop-
corn, cake and caulifowcr and broc-
coli and served this for lunch to 50
Marguerite 3reen1ee gave her
home Tuesday evening for the Janu-
ary A.C.W. meeting with 10 mem-
bers present. We opened the meet-
ing .with the members prayer and
the general thanksgiving in unison.
President Rose Cunningham read
the Scripture and Mary Jefferies read
the Meditation. Plans were made for
new projects for the new year. It
was moved and carried that we in-
crease our monthly dues. Nadine Be-
dell conducted a biblical contest
which was won by Mary Davis.
Rev. Beverly Wheeler closed with
prayer and the blessing. Marguerite
served refreshments and all enjoyed
a social hour.
Holy Eucharist service was held
with Rev. Wheeler celebrant. Julie
and Sheryl Carroll read the lessons.
lunch for Centralia UC annual
spent a few days the past week with
his daughter Mrs. Brent Caslick.
Mrs. Beckberger is a patient in hos-
pital in London following surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brandon and
family spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Powe.
U.C.W. meets
The U.C.W. met at the United
Church on Thursday evening Janu-
ary 7 with a good attendtrnce. The well and Mrs. Lois Wilson.
meeting was conveeped by Dorothy Special speaker was Mrs. Sherrie
Rollings, Frieda Hollings and Janet Hicks who spoke on her trip to In -
Hicks. Two new presidents were dia last year. This was greatly en -
elected for 1988 Mrs. Gladys Bus joye1 by all present. A lovely lunch
'was served by Donna Smith and
June Essery.
Mrs. Betty Sutherland of Ilderton
was a noon luncheon guest with
Tom and I Monday.
Sheryl provided music and Rev.
Wheeler took her text from the third
chapter of Samuel. Service next
Sunday is planned for 11 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels, Mrs.
Helen MacDonald, Lucan, Jack
Dickins, Exeter and Howard Dolan,
Watford and Voyle Jordan were Fri-
day dinner guests with Mary Davis.
Voyle Jordan, Mary Davis and
Hugh and Hazel Davis were Sunday
dinner guests with Mr. and Mr
Bob MacGillivray, Courtney,
Scarlett, Caleb and.Corben.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis were
Saturday dinner guests with her sis-
ter Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson,
Nancy and Darren in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Nobel Ward had
Voyle Jordan and Mary Davis for
dinner Wednesday.
SCOUTING BOTTLE DRIVE - Gathering up bottles a recent drive for the
groups are Ryan Heywood, Tim Mayer, Katie Armstron. and Janice Sanders.
Exeter Guide and Scouting
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