Times-Advocate, 1988-01-20, Page 181 Page 6A
Tines -Advocate, January 20, 1988
Development surge in Grand Bend
Contractor Steve Kadlecik attend-
ed the second regular Jangary meet-
ing of Grand. Bend council to go
over with councillors some of the
regulations pertaining to the addi-
tion to the Grand Bend Medical
Centre, and to work on the former
Huron Amusements at 67 Main
The Medical Centre will be dou-
bled in size to provide additional
space and parking for the growing
number of patients, Kadlecik said.
The builder concurred with the
Lambton County planning depart-
ment's requirement for a site plan
agreement, and has already applied
for it.
Councillor Marsha Lemon spoke
up to say planners could "forget
planters" tri the area of the latter
property. Last year flowers put in
a laptcr at noon had all been brok-
en off by four.
The plans for the two properties
will be examined wain at the regu-
lar planning meeting on January
Reeve Harold Green expects five
developers at the meeting.
"That's an indication of what's
gowing on around here", Green re-
After studying the drainage prob-
lems at Sauble Road and Ontario
Street in connection with proposed
Kadlecik developments, Dillon
consulting Engineers recommended
that council prepare a master study
showing drainage' boundaries,
where dry wells can be used, and
where storm sewers should be con-
structed. This would assist council
with lot levies, and establish a pol-
icy applicable to similar situations
in the future. This, too, will be
discussed at the planning meeting.
Continuing on the subject of
planning, Deputy Reeve Dennis
Snider said -he had discussed the
proposed zoning amendment to al-
low camping at the Patio Motel
(just outside Grand Bend's bounda-
ries in Stephen township) with
planners from Lambton and Huron
Counties. The Huron County.
planner had no objections, but
Lambton County planner Malcolm
Boyd shared Snider's reservations
about the proposal.
Members of Grand Bend council
will attend the meeting on the pro-
posed amendment in the Stephen
township municipal office on Jan-
uary 19.
"If we are not satisfied with 100
percent of the answers, we will ob-
ject", Snider promised.
Lemon said that residents with
NEW GIRL GUIDES - The first Grand Bend Girl Guides welcomed three new members into their group recent-
ly. Left to right Bobbi -Jo Meunier, Grand Bend, Amanda Dunn and Trista Werrett, Dashwood. Standing in the back
are leaders Sue McKay and'Zelda Inthout. Amanda will soon be moving to Glencoe with her family. Another Guide
has moved to Australia where her father took a teaching job.
'Stewardship' theme. at UCW
The United Church Women met
on January 14 at the Grand Bend
United Church, in the Sunday
school rooms, with 24 in atten-
dance. President Loreen Gill opened
the meeting with a New Year's
prayer. Jean Cassidy gave the open-
ing worship, reading verses from
Chapter 11 of the Hebrews, plus a
few words about taking a second
glance at winter.
During business Beulah Holt re-
ported on the 1988 budget which
was accepted. She also presented
some food for thought on the mean-
ing of stewardship.
Roll call was answered with a
New Year's resolution. An execu-
tive meeting was planned to map
out the 1988 programs for the
U.C.W. Doris Peebles, acting secre-
tary for the session, read a letter
from the Holbrook family, mission-
aries in Nepal, that the UCW help
to sponsor.
It was announced that the annual
Presbyterial meeting will be held on
January 25 at the Wesley -Willis
United Church in Clinton. Sessions
open at 9:30 a.m. and those attend-
ing arc asked to bring a lunch. In
case of bad weather, the alternate
'date will be February.j.
Thcrc was discussion of thc noon
lunch to' be served in thc Sunday
School rooms on February 13 tor
those attending the Winter Carnival.
All members are asked to bring ex-
tra soup bowls to the next meeting,
to help in serving the lunch.
The annual Congregational meet -
(ng will be held on January 26,
with a pot luck supper at 6:30 p.m.
Mary Love and Norma Walper were
lunch hostesses. The new officers
will take over their duties at the
next meeting.
About people you know
The lack of snow is beginning to
cast a gloom over the Winter Carni-
val events, scheduled for February
6, 7 and 13, 14. We mentioned last
week that motorists, and particular-
ly the elderly, arc grateful for the
open winter, but it is a disaster for
those in winter recreation, and the
children miss a snowy winter. For
the Carnival committee though, one
of their last hopes may be trucking
loads of snow down from the Wiar-
ton arca and points north.
The snow sculpture competition
is the highlight of the event. Some
people may not like this, but it's
time to pray for snow, and lots of
Thcrc was a meeting of the Grand
Bcnd Concert Association executive
last Thursday to finalize details of
the upcoming concert on January
27, with concert pianist Claude
Webster. A grand piano will be
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homes near the motel had gotten
up a petition, and were also sending'
a delegation to the meeting.
Preparing for the summer tourist
season was also discussed. Lemon
asked councillors to consider hiring
a manager to supervise all summer
functions - the harbour, beach pa-
trol, parking lots, and the Busy Bee.
She also wanted to know if the
town will do its own towing away
of cars this year. Snider will check
into enclosing a municipal com-
Councillor Barb Southcott noted
that a current resident of the village
formerly had responsibility for man-
aging several parking lots in Lon-
don. Green asked her to assume
that the village will be in charge of
parking on the Heavie and south
beach properties when drawing up
her list of staff and wage rates for
approval of council. He said if a
proposal to lease the properties, run
them and pay the village a percent- ,
age was brought to council, it
would be considered.
Councillor Bruce Woodley said a
new boat should be purchased this
year for thq beach patrol. The old
one, which was recreational grade,
received good care but was not de-
signed for its current use, and is
worn out. It was purchased for
$1,800 four years ago, and Woodley
speculated that a heavy-duty boat
would cost between $3,500 and
$4,000. He will get prices on dif-
ferent sizes before a tender is called
for a new boat.
Green asked all councillors to
submit staff requirements and sug-
gested wage rates for the depart-
ments under their responsibility -
parking, harbour patrol, the Busy
bee, etc. - as soon as possible.
Lemon reminded 'councillors that
university students are looking for
work now; by April the current
term will be over and the students
rented for the occasion from Ste
phenson's Piano in London. The
firm docs all the moving and tuning
on the piano as well.
The Concert Association will sad-
ly miss their president, Carol Ann
Bonenbcrg, who was transferred up
north with her husband, Ray,
through the Parks Service. The Bo-
nenberg family contributed a great
deal to Grand Bend, and the entire
community wishes them good luck i
in their new home.
The Mount Carmel School PTA
executive met last week to plan
their annual Fun Night at the Pin-
ery Park, scheduled for February 5;
with alternate February 12, depend-
ing on the amount of snow. Trey
also planned meetings and speakers
for the remainder of the year.
(Looks like the PTA will be join-
ing the Winter Carnival Comniittee
in praying for snow!)
Bible study
•Nita Sinclair opened with prayer
at the Tuesday morning Bible
Study, held in the Sauble court
Seventeen ladies came to continue
their study "Who Plans My Life?"
They considered the prayer of David
as set out in Samual 7:18-29, in an-
swer to God's message telling him
NOT to build a temple for the Ark
of the Covenant to the Lord. David
referred to himself humbly as "your
servant", acknowledges that God is
the supreme ruler and asks for God's
blessing upon himself and his fami-
ly, whose house of David is to be
established forever.•
The ladies discussed David's rela-
tionship with God and with Israel.
They considered events in their own
lives that helped them to believe
that God's plans for us arc good; and
finished the study with Psalm 16.
Vera Brown closed the lesson wiih
prayer, remembering the sick and
Remember, meetings arc held
each Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m.
in the Sauble Court Lounge, and all
ladies are invited to attend.
Fire call
The Grand Bend and Area fire de-
partment was summoned to a fire
last Tuesday, January 12 at around
7:45 p.m. The fire' was located
south of the Bend near the Pinery
Auctions, but was just a brush fire.
No damage was reported.
Legion news
There is an update on the Zone
dart game last week held at the Co-
runna Legion. The Grand Bend Le-
gion number 498 darts team, cap-
tained by Bob Chapdeleine, came in
second at -Zone Darts Games and
will continue on to the District
Darts Games in March.
Congratulations to team members
Bob Chapdelaine, Keith and Haline
Crawford and Bob Hamilton.
Twenty-two came our for darts
last Tuesday evening, with Marg
Hedley and Bill Walker taking first
place and Joan Cook and Stan
Thompson getting second. The 50/
50 doorprize was won by "the Rab-
The Friday meat raffles are back
in full swing. This week's winners
were: Marg Hedley, Shirley Pole,
Dave Green and Archie MacGregor,
Celia Hughes and Art Chambers
won the doorprizes.
Don't forget the Sweetheart Dance
coming up on February 13. Tickets
are available from the Legion and
the Barefoot Peddlar. A live band,
"Misty River" will start the dance at
9:00 p.m. preceded by a steak barbe-
cue from 5 to 9 p.m., so get those
tickets for a memorable evening.
Town Topics
Diane and Dale Hayter, VanDon-
gen Subdiv., have returned home
from their winter vacation. They
visited with Diane's family in Van-
couver, and flew south to Hawaii
for some warmer temperatures.
The Grand Bend and District Soc-
cer Association held its annual
coach appreciation dinner at the Co-
lonial Hotel last Saturday evening.
About 23 members of the execu-
tive, coaches and wives enjoyed the
evening. Some of them continued
the celebration at the Coconut Bay
after the dinner.
The Rollics team and the Thirsty
Fox dart team ended the season with
a tie for first place. Next was the
Elbow Benders headed by Haline and
Kcith Crawford. •
WINS CRUISE - Winner of the first January Lioness draw was Dort Jen-
ennison, left. She won a Caribbean Cruise for two. Lioness secretary Sharon
Soldan, right, sold the winning ticket to Dort's daughter-in-law, Brenda.
Dort and her sister, Joan Cross, Petrolia, plan to take the trip sometime in
April, 1988.
Grand Bend
and district naves
Lynne Desjardine 238-8768
Roberta Walker 238-2471
Church activities
The congregation of the Grand
Bend United Church was informed
of a Crusade for Christ seminar to
be held in Exeter starting on Friday,
January 22 from 7:30- until 9:30
Last Sunday the Sacrament of
Holy Communion was celebrated at
the UC in Grand Bend. Rev. R.
Peebles spoke on "Christ The Mag-
net." He based his topic on John
12:20-36. He told the children about
Rcx, the dog who carried his food.
into the bush. One day they decided
to follow Rcx to see what he was
doing with the food. Rex was shar-
ing his food with another dog that
had been caught in a trap. Peebles
said that this dog was like the good
Samaritan...thus you should never
miss the opportunity to help some-
Prayers were said for a number of
Grand Benders who arc in hospital,
sick at home, and those who have
returned home from the hospital.
Don't forget choir practice tonight
at 7:00 p.m., you don't have to be
an expert, just volunteer.
The manse committee will meet
tonight at 7:00 p.m. as well.
There will be a meeting at the
Church of God on Sunday night at
7:00 p.m.
Catholic news
Father Beck celebrated all the
masses at Immaculate Heart of
Mary Church last weekend. The
reader at the 11 a.m. mass was An-
nie Bultessen, Paul Dietrich was
cantor and organist, and the choir's
communion hymn was "Pass .It
On". Jerry Backx and John Kcicfers
wcrc communion distributors.
The theme of Father Beck's ser-
mon was taken from the readings -
bcing called to serve God as Samuel
was called and as the Apostles were
called by Christ. St. Ignatius Loyo-
la, a former soldier was called by
God to fon-rrthe Jesuit Order.
We arc each called to serve Christ
too. Usually in the married state,
but some are to remain single and
others are blessed with a religious
vocation. We must live out our
,own kind of vocation faithfully, to
answer as Samuel did, -"Speak Lord,
your servant is listening."
Father Beck would like to thank
everyone for the cards and presents
at Christmas and to convey the
thanks of Father Morrissey to alt
who have written him. Father Bob
misses everyone and is very busy
with five mission parishes in Alber-
Church of God
Sunday at the Grand Bend Church
of God marked the first weekend
that worshippers had to use -the back
door of the church to enter. Con-
struction of a new front entrance has
begun, so for the next few months,
entry and exit to the building will
be by the rear door.
The serv'cc was led by George
Wincgardcn who also sang a solo "I
Must Tell Jesus". In the people of
the great privilege they have in
communicating through prayer with
God, our Creator. God promises to
answer our prayers if we call unto
In the evening service Pat Dcsjar-
dine led- in the singing of several
hymns. She also intervieweda new
young member of the congregation,
Bruce MacAlpine, so people could
get to know hire better. Pastor Des-
jardinc :spoke from 1ITimothy 1:11-
12, telling of the assurance we have
in Christ.
The Women of the Church of God
met on Thursday •night with the
new president Millie Dcsjardine
leading the meeting-. The topic was
"The Poor and Our Ministry To
This week a former pastor of the
Grand Bend Church of God, Rev.
Glenn Beach, passed away in his
75th year. He was the m)-r'fstcr her
from 1944 to 1951 and was respon-
sible for construction of the present
church building now undergoing
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