HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-12-30, Page 19KITTENS FOR CHRISTMAS - Mrs. O'Toole's grade one class presented its version of Christmas through the eyes of kittens at the St. Boniface School Christmas pageant. VISA Times -Advocate, December 30. 1987 Page 7A Special program at library There will be a special treat for all the children at the library on Thurs- day December 31 (tomorrow after- noon) from 2-3:00 p.m., given by our librarian, Helene Ducharme. It will be a "fun -hour" and all ages are welcome.. There will be games, songs and a cookie exchange so everyone is to bring along a wrapped cookie. Christmas Draw The lucky winner from the Christmas draw at the Tasty -Nu Bake Shop in Zurich was Shannon Regier for a $25.00 gift basket. Personals A lovely day was enjoyed by the family of Dolly Jeffrey on Sunday December 20 when about 60 mem- bers of her family, children, spous- es, grand and great -grand children, all enjoyed being,fogether at St. Pe- ter's hall where they exchanged gifts and ate a delicious turkey dinner. Dolly received several nice Christ- mas presents and was especially sur- prised by the gift of a dishwasher (for which she would like to thank everyone). She was happy to announce -the arrival.of her 33rd grandchild on De - All items are subject to prior sale and prices effective ONLY while quantities last.' HOW ON! OUTSTANDING VALUES ON SELECTED FAMILY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR ro 36% OFF DIES' JEANS popular looks! Chambrays ns.: in 5 -pocket, Western front styles. Slim or regu- tic 27-34. :;$ 5E99 40% OFF MEN'S FASHION FLEECE TOPS.. Contrasting colors and puff prihts highlight these comfy, polyester/ cotton tops! Sizes: S, M, L, XL. REG. $21.99 Si21199 UP TO 25% OFF LADIES' PYJAMAS Sleepwear that's so comfortable! - Choose from a variety of styles and fabrics in sizes: S, M, L. REG. $15.99 to $29.99 $11' 99 $00.99 t0 Abel SET b37% OFF L1SH SKIRTS • rdrobe! Choose cotton and poly-ester/cotton es, mock twists shades in sizes: IS, 1■99 . 20% OFF BOYS' FLEECE PANTS Kids will love to play In these poly- pants with elastic waist, legsInfants; and 2 handy front pockets! Assorted colors.and Chlletltlrin'sBoys' sizes:4-6X sluts: S, M, L. . REG. $9.99 REG. $11.99 $79 .99 $.49 50% OFF GIRLS' SPORTSWEAR Attractive choices!' Adorable dresses for beautiful dresses, skirts, skirt sets co-ordinates for girls! Sizes: 12-24 months and 7-14 collectively. ' REG. $12.99 to $29.99 $5.99t0 $1499 1 O. Irk OFF 'MEN'S MEIN SHIRTS 'a' Winter! Heavy cotton Isln assorted colors and ■99e99 4 ii...— 20% OFF MEN'S STRETCH ' DENIM JEANS They move the way you move and look great, too! 5 -pocket styling in sizes: 28- 38. - REG. $24.99 UP TO 50% OFF ELEGANT EARRINGS Choose from a wide variety of shapes and sizes and add some style and color to your Winter war- drobe! $3.00 REG. UP TO $3.00 PAIR 2 PAIR 0% OFF • 'WINTER BOOTSLADIES' ill buys for the entire Xs from men's, ladies', !I$' footwear and save! 21.99 to $69'99 0: $39'99 tO PAIR 25% TO 50% OFF PULLOVERS AND CARDIGANS Choose from our entire selec- tion of long sleeve pullovers and cardigans in fashionable styles and colors. Assorted sizes! UP TO 50% OFF GIRLS' AND BOYS' 2 -PIECE PANT SETS Team up colorful jacquard knit tops with either corduroy or polyester pants! Assorted colors and patterns. Sizes: 2.12 collectively. REG. $16.99 to $19.99 $7•99 $ 4.99 SET 1 NUNDREDS OF SPECIALS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS! cember 17th. John and Bridget Groot Sr. treated their family to dinner at the Pine - ridge Chalet on Sunday, December 20 (with approximately 38 in all) which was catered to by Jerry Ra- der. Also Ted and Jean Geoffrey and their family enjoyed spending the day and evening together for Christ- mas this year at the Pineridge Cha- let on Saturday, December 19 with a delicious dinner prepared by Jerry Rader and his staff. Welcome to town the family of Kevin and Jennifer flunking. and two children, Becky and Joshua for- merly of Stoney Creek (near Hamil- ton). Kevin is also the nephew of Lois Thiel. Golden Agers Thirty five Zurich Golden Agers eqjoyed their Christmas party at the *minion Tavern Dining Room. 'A prelude of Christmas music was played by pianist Gertie Fleis- chauer. Christmas carols were sung during the dinner. Readings were given by Margaret Kalbfleisch and Annie Finkbeincr. Eileen Consitt read a poem. Ina Neeb won the Christmas contest. During January, February, and March, meetings will be held at the Town Hall the second Monday after- noon of each month at 2 p.m. All Seniors are invited to attend. Christmas travels By MARGARET HOGGARTH and her husband Dave from Mon- Kippen treal, Brenda from London and Christmas has come and gone for Diane from Oakville where she is another year. The weather, although attending college. unseasonable, was great for anyone her family return over the Christ- mas holidays. Visiting with Noni were sons Harry, John and his wife June, Bryce and his wife Barbara, also Noni's grandchildren, Jennifer, Jacqui and Rob and his friend Linda and Lisa and Chris Jacobi. Gesa Wisch travelled from Water- loo and Kai Wisch returned from Lindsay to spend Christmas with their parents Thea and Uwe. Christmas guests with Mrs. Emers n Kyle were son Jim and friend from Kitchener. Granddaugh- ter Debbie Jane Kyle from Halifax, and Mrs. Wilmer McClinchey from Varna. Jennifer and Brad Oulton along with their son Nigel and daughter Hayley spent their first Christmas in Canada after emigrating from Wales earlier in the year. It was to be expected that they were a little homesick. Jennifer mentioned being disappointed that it was not a white Christmas. Relatives from Wales phoned them on Christmas day to keep in who had to travel afar to be with family and friends. Al and I were glad to have our family with us for the holidays, Greg, Janet and Paul. On Christmas day afternoon the five of us went back to the Blue Water Rest Home to visit with Al's mother Ruby Hoggarth. My sister Janet and mother from England called real early on Christmas Day to exchange greetings. England en- joyed a mild green Christmas as well. . You'll probably be pleased to know that Mary Broadfoot, a former Kippen .resident, was able to return from the hospital in time to spend Christmas with her family. On Sunday, December 27 she spent the evening with Murray and Allison Connolly and their daughter Aman- da- Mattie McGregor, who is spend- ing the winter in Maplewood Manor in Seaforth, spent Saturday, Decem- ber 26 -with her son John and his wife Mary. Also present were John and Mary's daughter Carol and her husband Kevin Scott, and Dave and Terry McGregor and their friends. Bob and Frances Kinsman of Lon- don were in the Kippen area over the Christmas holidays for several days visiting with their family, Lyle and Julie Kinsman, Dwight and Fayc Kinsrrian and their sons Jacob, Luke and Daniel, and John and Karen Kinsman and their famly Michelle, Richard, Jeff and Andrew. Noni Jacobi was happy to have touch. It was a mild and green Christmas in Wales too. Visitors with them over the holidays were cousins Ruth and Ron Howard from Kippen. Friends Stu,and Betty Tay- lor from Kippen and an aunt Alice Rogers from. Godcrich. Three daughters of Simonne and Marcel Vanneste returned home to spend Christmas in Kippen. Linda Comp -Account Computerized Accounting For small & medium sized businesses Private corporations, manufacturers • Financial statements and projections • Accounts receivable/payable • Payroll • Management reports • Complete management accounting and bookkeeping services Don't fly by the Seat of Your Pants' Let up help you manage your business better with accurate. timely management reports. . CaII Now - 262-3431 Highway 4 - Hensall Hair House 84 Queen St., Hensall 262-3016 ,ft Season's Greetings Thank you to all my patrons and 2 future patrons for a great year Happy Holidays glitx , intnin,owln,lr,c ntn.r.,c1mc: Closed Dec. 25, 26, 27, 28, Jan. 1, 2, 3, 4 JANUARY SALE NOW ON We Service What We Sell DRYSOALE Hensall 262-2728 MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD Ontario. CLOSED MONDAYS CLOSED FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL APRIL "THE PLACE TO BUY APPLIANCES" REVISION OF WATER RATES FOR THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL Due to the higher costs of supplying services, the Hensal Public Utilities Commission has found it necessary to increase the Water Rates on and after January 1, 1988 and the new rates will be on the February 1, 1988 Billing Residential 8.50 per month Small Commercial 11.00 per month Commercial 28.00 per month Industrial 69.00 per month Water supplied out side of the Municipality, the Rates will be double the above rates listed.