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Page 2 Times -Advocate, December 30, 1987
Looking back at the year that was
January 28 said councilor Gaylen Josephson. Centenaries. following a massive police drug raid
Sandra Strang was, officially Rate increases ranging from one A spectacular fire causing in Huron County in the summer of.
named clerk treasurer by Usborne to 122 percent were approved by the $250,000 in damages destroyed a 1986.
township council. South Huron Rec Board. breeder barn on the McKinley After being poised on the verge of
Earl Deters of Dashwood, driverExeter's social services committee Hatcheries farm, north of Zurich. a Senior B championship, Exeter
fer Agriculture Minister Jack Rid- along with the local ministerial as-• March 11 Mohawks lost three straight games
dell, died of natural causes in his sociation and two county social Huron County Council • to Tavistock Royals. The final
hotel room in Orillia. agencies set about to "develop a "dismissed" the highly controversial game of the best -of -seven series was
Bail was refused for Lloyd routine" that can be used in emer- London Free Press article of Febru- lost 4-3 in a second overtime peri -
Brooks, charged with the attempted gcncy requests for shelter.
murder of Sgt Kevin Short. The 17th annual Kirkton-
The Victorian Order of Nurses cel- Woodham Winter Carnival drew a
ebrated 90 years of in-home service crowd of nearly 500 people.
in Canada. Cy Strange, who was born in
Exeter Mohawks moved into a McGillivray Township and hosted
comfortable first place lead in the • the CBC radio show Fresh Air for
Central Senior B league, nine 17 years, died of cancer in Toronto.
points ahead of Tavistock Royals.
February 4
Twenty students from SHDHS
left fora nine day tour of Fiance and'
Faced with the prospect of "a very
difficult financial situation" Rec
Board members asked Exeter council
to reconsider their funding for 1987.
11 was announced that Boundary -
talks between Grand Bend and Bo-
sanquet township would be closed
to the public.
, Exeter PUC -declared the past year
to be a good one after it was re-
vealed that a $20,000 profit had
been made in the water department.
The Seaforth-Tuckersmith landfill
cora,mittee put the Koostra property
landfill site on hold.
February 11
The Huron County Library Board
reached a settlement with Bill Par-
tridge, chief librarian, accepting a
proposal that'called for his immedi-
ate resignation and salary payments
extending to September 30.
A building boom in Hensall got
under way after three major develop-
ers submitted development propo-
sals to council.
ary 16 which criticized both council, . 04.
and county administrators. Exeter Hawks. also brought their
Cooks division of Gerbo Limited season to a close after losing 4-0 to
of Hensall were awarded a $917,000 Brussels which gave Bulls the divi-
government contract to supply sion title in five games of the best-
beans to Botswana. of -seven series.
Two Exeter youths were appre- It was announced that students
hended by Exeter Police and charged from six elementary schools in the
February 25 with break, entcr.and mischief in area would be taking Family Stud -
After 132 days of hearings, a new connection with the vandalism incl- ics and Industrial Arts at J.A.
power corridor running through Hu- dent at SHDHS one week earlier. McCurdy school in the fall.
ron- and Middlesex county- was ap- Exeter Mohawks bounced back to awaxammagaimmovommationtes
tic their best -of -seven, series against
proved. The power line carries ener-
gyNew from the Bruce Nuclear Power Tavistock Royals at one game each.
Development to a new transmission The two teams were battling to de-
station southwest of London. cidc the OHA Senior B. league
Three Grand Bend arca men were championship. at local OPP
charged with 60 counts of break, en -
Perth t
was revealed ,that the Huron -
ter and thfft after a police investiga- crPerth County Roman Catholic Sep- Corporal Wayne Burke is the new -
tion ended a rash of thefts from cot ate School Board .finished 1986 est member of the Exeter detachment
rages, with a deficit of $338,000 as a re- of the Ontario Provincial Police
nsult of start-up expenses for two A native of Hanover, he comes to
A report was released stating that
92 cases of animal rabies had been new schools.Exeter with two years of service
reported in Huron County in 1986. March 18 with the police department in Hano-
That figure was up substantially - Exeter .council asked solicitor ver and seven years with OPP de -
from the 35 reported .cases in the Mike Mitchell of Stratford to advise
previous year.. county council that the town will
.no longer require the services Of the
Exeter Bears won the A champi-
onship titlo-of the Exeter B Midget county planning department.
tourney with three consecutive Though the Foodland Hydro
wins. Committee decided to appeal to the
It was announced that SHAPE Ontario cabinet over did recent deci-
(South Huron Alternative Program sion allowing Ontario Hydro to
in Education) would be put into op- build a major new transmission line
eration in Exeter by April, 1987 to from the Bruce nuclear plant to
battle illiteracy in Huron County. London, it .was notcd that the appeal
wouldn't go through unless Ontario IC.'," ''_.
March 4 Hydro made it.
Vandals caused nearly $10,000 in Exeter council did not receive any
damage at South Huron District direct increase in salary because of
High School, smashing telephones, the adoption of an executive com-
mittee recommendation.
Exeter council accepted a recom-
mendation from the public works
committee that Huron -Middlesex
Engineering Ltd. design and call
tenders for an interceptor sewer
along Pryde Boulevard.
Jim Workman was re-elected as
Chairman of the South Huron Rec . tachments in Rainy River and Vir-
Board after a three month delay. giniatown.
March 25 • Burke replaces Corporal Dave
Huron County council approved Woodward who is retiring.
its 1987 budget totaling The new corporal has specialized
$21,125,184, with the county's ap- as a breathalizer technician and has
portionment being $4,897,547 -- a worked in search and rescue during
The possibility for a Catholic computers and recorders and spray -
high school for Grade nine students painting messages on the walls Bur-
in Huron County was discussed-- it ing a professional development day.
was to be opened in Stptembcrin a Tenders were called for the con -
vacant wing of Clinton Public High struction of the Hay Township wa-
School. ter line which would bring water
Close to 500 people attended thc along Highway 21 from the Grand
14th annual Exeter Lion's Club Bend Power plant to Drysdale.
Sportsmen's Dinner. Rural landowners in Bruce, Huron
Grand Bend residents went 12 and Middlesex Counties decided to
hours without electricity after they mect in Exeter to discuss appealing
were struck by. a winter storm a provincial board decision giving
.which left those without alternate Ontario Hydro the right to build a
heating systems out in the cold. major transmission corridor from
February 18 ' the Bruce Nuclear Power Plant to an
April 1
• Jack Malone retired from the On-
tario development Corporation, end-
' ing a 47 -year career *ith in govern-
ment work.
The Huron County Board of Edu-
tration approved a 1987 budget"of
$44.5 million.
• The report on the Zurich drain
was presented and accepted by coun-
cil. The cost of the project was es-
timated at $171,330.
Burns Ross and Associates pre-
sented five plans for a future subdi-
vision development in Hensall.
Two Exeter ringette teams won
• their divisions at the Huron -Perth
April 8
Exeter council vowed to fight Hay
township all the way to the OMB
over the rezoning of the Huron
Farms industrial park.
The provincial govcmment agreed
to pay 100 percent of the cost of
oversizing the the Highway 21 wa-
ter line for the purpose of extending
the line into Stanley township.
Many attended the funeral of Lu -
can United Church minister Rever-
end Darrell Shaule's wife Jewell.
Grand Bend and Bosanquet Town-
ship opened negotiations to discuss
the village's intentions to annex
township lands.
April 15
Zurich parents Anne Borritt and
Rosemary SCptt organized and be-
gan a Block Parents'group for the
The first proposals to expand the
Huron -Bruce federal riding were pre-
sented to the House of Commons.
The Exeter Agricultural Society
convinced the South Huron Rec
Board to. reduce their rental rate of
facilities at the fall fair.
Huron -Bruce MP Murray Cardiff
joined other MP's in a call for re-
turn to capital punishment through
the method of lethal injection.
Hay reeve Lionel Wilder promised
to proceed with the rezoning of the
the proposed Huron Farms agri-
industrial park.
April 22
Nico Peters was acclaimed as the
Conservative candidate to run
against Jack Riddell in the provin-
cial election.
The Huron -Perth Separate School
Board shelved plans for a catholic
high school in Huron County until
at (cast 1990.
An expose of Huron County gov- area south of London. ,six percent increase over 1986. his two postings in northwestern
Premier David Peterson met with
ernment printed in the London Free Exeter Hawks took a commanding Eugene Kin and Rowena S h Ontv'io the mayors of Exeter, Clinton,
Goderich and Seaforth.
Press, drew some questions from 3-0 lead in . their best of seven fler were ordered to stand trial on He has taken up residence in Exel - $24,000 was raised at a benefit
Exeter councilors. "Huron County playoff series against defending charges laid under the Narcotics cr along with his wife Tracey and auction for injured Ilderton farmer
as a whole got a slap in the face, OHA Junior D champions, Seaforth Control Act. The two were charged daughters Megan and Leslie. Paul Grose.
Thousands participate
Thousands of coupons were re-
ceived at the T -A this year for our
annual Christmas Draw Contest
sponsored by many Exeter mer-
• The following winners will be re-
ceiving a letter soon from the T -A
notifying them of their prizes. All
winners are asked to claim Their
gifts as soon as possible.
Winners are as follows:
Lynn Dawe, Exeter, $20 merchan-
dise certificate,'Marlin Travel; G. J.
Nagel, Exeter, 4 litre pail of Shaw's
Ice Cream, Shaw's, Exeter; Elaine
Deters, RR 1 Dashwood, S25 mer-
chandise certificate, Oscars Video
and Records; Gordon Price, Exeter,
Louise Wein, Crediton, Bev. Cun-
ningham, Exeter, John Oke, RR 3,
Exeter, S20 merchandise certificate,-
Dinney's; Fine Furniture; D. Mac-
Ncill,Exeter, 4 litre pail of Shaw's
Ice Cream, Shaw's, Exeter; '
Melvin Restemayer, Dashwood,
Mrs. Alvin Moir, Exeter, Kathy
Coo!man, Exeter, Bev Cunning-
ham, Exeter, Jane Hoonaard, RR 1
Centralia, $10 merchandise certifi-
cate', Hasty Market; Howard Johns,
Woddharn, $20 merchandise certifi-
cate, Dinncy's Fine Furniture; Harry
Dougall, RR 3 Exeter, $25 mer-
chandise certificate, Exeter District
•Co-op; Hazel •Scott, RR 2 Dash-
wood, $50 merchandise certificate,
Country Flowers;
June Glavin, RR 1 Centralia,
Frye Dinner for Two, Golden City
Canadian 'and Chinese Food; Kim
Murray, Exeter, $25 merchandise
certificate, Earl Campbell Jeweller;
Marg Truemner; Exeter, Free Din-
ner for Two, Good Times; Helen
Hodgcrt, RR 1 Kirkton, $25 mer-
chandise certificate, Flower Pedlar;
Carol A. Fisher, Zurich, $25 mer-
chandise certificate, The Beat;
Mrs. H. Weston, RR 1 Wood-
ham, gift certificate, Rumors Uni-
sex Hair Design; Karen Neevel, Ex-
eter, Free Dinner for Two, Three
AAA See Restaurant; Leita Fergu-
son, RR 1 Hensall, $25 merchan-
dise certificate, Earl Campbell Jew-
ellers; Barbara Caner, RR 2 Lucan,
$25 merchandise certificate, Smyths
Shoe Store Ltd.;
Muriel Parsons, RR 3 Exeter,
525 merchandise certificate, Fisher
Pro Hardware; J. Horton, Exeter,
Free Dinner for Two, The Burkley
Restaurant; Gretta Richard, RR 1
Centralia, 525 merchandise certifi-
cate, Jacqueline's Specialty Fash-
ions; Gib Dowe Jr. Exeter, Cut and
Blow Dry, Rumor's Unisex Hair s
DJud Glavin, Crediton, $35 mer- t
chandise certificate, Stedmans; Dor-
is Hackney, Exctcr, Olive Essay, e
RR 1 Centralia, $25 cleaning certif-
icate, Image Cleaners; Russell
Brown, Exeter, $25 merchandise
certificate; Darlings IGA; Mrs. Ed-
win Morley, Exeter, Adeline Ford,
Exeter, one year subscription, The
Times -Advocate;
Marlene Mathers, Exeter, $25
merchandise certificate, Russell
Electric; Karen Snow, Exeter, $30
merchandise certificate, G and G
Discount; Christina Shaw, Exeter,
$25 merchandise certificate, Valu-
mart;,Rosemary Stewart, Crediton,
$25 merchandise certificate, Crea-
tive Lady; Ruby Stanlake, Grand
Bend, $25 merchandise certificate,
The Feather Tick;
Thos. Yellow, Exeter, Mary Rc-
gier, Dashwood, $10 merchandise
certificate, Sclah Family Books; O.
Jaques, Exeter, $25 merchandise ccr-.
tificate, Exeter Decor Centre; Steve
Gingerich, Zurich, $50 merchandise
ccnificate, Stephens Furniture; He-
lene Regier, RR 3, Dashwood, John.
Sharpe; Exeter, 510 merchandise
ccnificate, The Purple Turtle;
Ruby Finlayson, RR 3 Kippen,
$25 merchandise certificate, Exeter
Glass and Mirror; Elva Lamport,
Crediton,. $25 merchandise certifi-
cate, Big V Drug Store; Toni Den
Otter, RR 1 Kirkton, $25 merchan-
dise certificate, SAAN Stores Ltd.;
Gertrude Hamilton, Exeter, 525
merchandise certificate, • SAAN
Stores Ltd.; Marie Kenney, Huron
Park,.525 merchandise ccnificate,
Color Your World, Exeter; C. Wil -
hem, Exeter, $25 merchandise cer-
tificate, Wuerth Shoes;
Diane Andrews, Centralia, gift
certificate for med. pizza of your
choice, White Squirrel Fast Food
Restaurant; Chris Hogan, RR 8
Parkhill, 525 merchandise ccrtifi-
Briefs fro
A letter was received from the Ca-
nadian Transport Commission not-
ing Exeter's opposition to the pro-
posed closing of the Canadian
National Railways line between I1-
derton and Centralia.
Permission was given to the Ca-
nadian National Institute for the
Blind to establish a Nevada ticket
outlet at the Ettcter Inn.
The letter from CNIB said, " In
1988 we are already anticipating a
ubstantial deficit in our cost of ser •
vices. Establishment of a Nevada
icket location will allow us to help
alleviate this deficit and hopefully
xpand our program of services to
in draw
cate, Something Special; June Es-
sery, RR 1 Centralia, LeRoy Harri-
son, Centralia, $10 merchandise
certificate, Donut Delite; H. Rob-
erts, RR 2 Kippen, $25 merchan-
dise certificate, RSD Sports Den
Inc.; Mrs. B. Crowe, Exeter, $25
gift certificate, Little People; Edna
Snider, Exeter, Lorraine Warwick,
Exeter, $50 gift certificate, Ellison
John Stewart, Crediton, $25 mer;
chandise certificate, Whiting -Miller
Carpet and Drapery; Robert. J.
Simpson, Exeter, $25 merchandise
certificate, Decorators Touch Plus;
Iva Latta, -Grand Bend, $25 mer-
chandise certificate, Gerrard's Shop-
ping Centre; Vera Shantz, RR 3
Zurich, $25 merchandise certificate,
MacLean's; Ile' D. Snell, Exeter,
$20 merchandise certificate, Marlin
Travel; John Thomson, Exeter, gift
certificate for medium pizza of your
choice, White Squirrel Fast Food
Restaurant; Marlene Moore, Exeter,
525• merchandise certificate, A and
Fatal accident
A London man was killed in a
single -vehicle accident at Whalcns
Corners early Sunday morning
when' the car he was driving hit a
tree. Kevin Tozer, 27, of 10
Childers St. London dicd after bcing
thrown from the vehicle. The de-
ceased was taken by ambulance to
St. Marys Hospital. The attending
coroner was Dr. Peter Johnston.
Passenger Michael Stead, 27, of
Apt. 305, 232 Oakland Ave., Lon-
don, received minor injuries in the
2:15 a.m. accident.
m Council
include employment services for the
blind -available from our London of-
A bylaw was passed to impose as-
sessments on the now completed
Beaver municipal drain with total
costs of $50,669.52.
The 1988 budget of the Exeter and
arca fire board has been referred to
the four arca councils.
It calls for total expenditures of
$137,400. The breakdown of costs
would be Exeter $76,944; Usborne
$46,7716; Stephen 56.870 and Hay
April 29
Hay council passed its 1987.bud-
get of $1,480,371, up 6.2 percent
from 1986.
Area blood donors contributed 259
• pints of blood ata Red Cross clinic
held at SHDHS.
Exeter bought 10 acres of indus-
trial land from Len Veri for
The boat of two missing area
fishermen, Bill Deters and Doug
McKay was found floating in the
lake eight kilometers south of Bay-
May 6
The extension to the Trivitt Me='
moria! Anglican Church hall was
The Lucan Irish won thc Junior D
title with an 8-2 win over the Ta-
vistock Braves.
Dinney Furniture celebrated its
100th anniversary as Exeter's oldest
Main Street business.
A memorial service was held at
Exeter United Church for Bill Dat-
ers who was lost on Lake Huron
while fishing.
May 13
SHDHS sold out three perfor-
mances of their version of "A:Chor-
us Line". •
The Exeter Lions and the ABCA.
held their third annual fishing. derby.
The SHDHS senior girls track
team won the division titles at the
Huron -Perth meet.
A Wintario draw was held in the
Hensall Community Centre, draw-
ing a crowd of 1,300.
May 20,
Mayor Bruce Shaw was arrested
for being unfit and released under
promise of participation in the Fit-
ness Challenge.
A funeral service was held for
Hensall youth Rodney Foley who
drowned near Goderich.
Members of the South Huron rec.
board were scolded over the raising
of shuffleboard fees by 2000 per-
A Zurich arca man was fined $300
for possession of a set of brass
knuckles with a blade. He said his
girlfriend used them for cutting
meat and vegetables.
May 27
The body of Kippen area farmer
Douglas McKay, missing since
April 25, was found washed up in
the Port Albert area.
The ARCA asked municipalities
about a possible reduction by one
half in the board of directors. •
Scott Murray of Hensall was pre-
sented with the Queen's Venturer
Please turn to page 3 A
PHONE: 519-235-1220
Irvine. Armstrong Robert Fletcher
In April- 1960 Ebert Fletcher and Irvine Ylrnbtrong pur-
chased shares in the 9 -Copper -Hockey Ltd. Funeral Home from
the late Russell E. Hopper. In 1963 we took,over full ownership
of the Funeral' 5 -Come and Furniture Store.
Prior to that time, Ryden Fletcher was employed by the A. Mir-
irlard George Funeral ?-Come in London.
In 1944 I (Irvine Armstrong) started my apprenticeship with
Russell Topper and received my Embalmers license in 1947.
After serving the families of Exeter and Area for the past 44
years, I have decided to sell my interest of the Copper -Hockey
Funeral Home to Ryden Fletcher as of May 1st 1988.
For the past 28 years Bob and I have had an excellent partner-
ship and we "flfian&You' for entrusting us with your Funeral Ar-
rangements. I am sure Bob .Fletcher wiffgive you first if'ex-
ceflent service as we have done in the past. -
I wilt be retaining my Funeral. Directors License so I wilt ve
able to assist Bob at any time if it is required
If you have ansa (Mations in regards to the above matter please .
feel, flew .'r ' ' t 11.,.
Irvine Armstrong
ji,, ��i7