HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-12-22, Page 431 NATIVITY - Sister Maureen's grade two and three class presented a musical version of the nativity scene at Tuesday's Christmas pageant at St. BonifaCb School. KIDDIE CORNER NURSERY - Santa came to visit the nursery school students in Huron Park on Thursday and Friday. With Santa is Dawn Quick. Seated are Annette Grotentraast (left), Brent Tatara, Ian MacPherson, Jeff Kharkheck, Matthew Grotentraast and Sarah Walker. STORE OF THE YEAR -- The, Exeter Liquor store won the 1987 award for being the best of 29 stores in their district. From left to right are, Phil Overholt (manager), Ben Dietrich (assistant manager), Chuck Ford, Cathy Bat- ten, (Denise Meidinger and Barbara Soldan. The stores are judged on customer relations and service, store clean- liness and maintenance, team spirit and morale, special occasion decorations and store and personnel appear- ance. The little angel Icy Jeff (Navin Mt. Carmel, Grade 4 I am a drum that has been beaten on for two years. Every ycar my owner goes through out the woods. Every year I sec the same thing, the trees bare, snow flakes falling, the wind blowing, not a thing stirring. As I wcnt out to the forest this year, the leaves wcrc on trees, no snowflakes only a light gentle Wind. Everything was peaceful. But Adroply my owner, stopped beating, he heard a scream. Ile ran deeper in the wools and then, the trees went bare, snowflakes came down, and a heavy wind started to pickup. Thcn my owner stopped running and he saw a little angel tied to a tree. She was in a white cloth just like the snow with a Halo over her head. My owner was Speechless. The swirly grass was pointing • NOTICE TOWN OF EXETER APPLICATIONS FOR COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEES Exeter Council will be setting ' up the following Ad Hoc Com- mittees and request interest- ed persons apply, in writing, , before December 28, 1987, to the undersigned: 1. Cooperative Family Hous- . ing , 2. Impost or Development Fee Study ame Elizabeth Bell Clerk -Treasurer P.O. Box 759 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 • one way. Same with the branches. My owner walked closer and closer. When he was about two steps away, thc little angel disappeared . My owner touched -the tree. He felt something, it was the angel . She re -appeared on the tree. It was shy. My owner untied the ropes on thc tree. and the angel flew in one direc- tion, the way the grass and thc branches wcrc parting. Then my owner went to follow the angel. Then the angel stopped so did my owner. And right there was the DEVIL! My owner got onc of my sticks he heats on me with, and threw it at the devil. The devil was hurt. Ile went back to (opposite I leaven). Then the angel said to the boy "God bless you". As my owner was beating on mc we went home .And coming from my owner's house was a scream. My owner ran into his house and I saw that their farmily won 50 million dollars. My owner looked in the sky and said "Thank You". HENSALL SENIORS The Three Links senior citizens of flensall assembled for their ('hrist- mas meeting at Carmel Presbyterian Church where they enjoyed a turkey dinner. Afterwards all went to the club rooms whcrc the meeting was pre- sided over by president- Evelyn Flynn anrt cards wcrc played. Christmas Trees by Chris Iojzer Biddulph-Lucan Gr. 5 Tree angel standing tall decoration beautiful tinsel tree Times -Advocate, December 22, 1987 • Page 23A A miracle of Christmas By Sarah Tickner It was December 19th and the Greenwood forest animals were get- ting all the Christmas decorations up. Each animal had a job to do, they had a chart that had all the ani- mals names that kept track of all the jobs being done. Jobs: Christmas trees, Sparrows, Browny Bear, Bouncy Bunny, Wilma Weasel. Dec- orations: Bobby Bear:, Foxy Fox, Timmy Turtle. Games: Elky Elk, Wilma Wilabce, Skinky Skunk. In charge: Owly Owl. All thc animals signed up. But where's Baby Bunny and her family? Owly Owl the president calls a meeting to the Great Oak where the cart is placed. "We are gathered here to find out where Baby Bunny and her family arc "I know where they are" said someone, "Who said that" asked Wilma Weasel. It was such a weak sound that only the animals with sharp hearing could hear it. "I said it" cried the little voice. "I did the reason why you can't hardly see or hear me is because I'm so small. My name is Mrs. Mouse and Baby Bunny is very sick so sick he might, she might. "Don't say such bad things cried Baby Bear. "She's my friend in fact she's my best friend and I don't believe it" and a little tear fell from his little brown eyes, "Come and sec" said Mrs. Mouse "Follow me", so all the ani- mals followed Mrs. Mouse deep into the woods to a burrow at the bottom of a big oak tree. "Baby Bunny is in there in bed, poor little thing, she looks so sick" said Mrs. Mouse walking into the burrow with a sad look on her face telling three small animals to follow her. Cccily Squirrel, Chippy Chip- munk and Wilma Wilabec were the animals that went into see Baby Bunny, she was lying on the bed sleeping with a wet cloth on her forehead. Cecily Squirrel suddenly runs over to the side of the bed fol- lowed by the others. "Shhh" said Chippy "You're going to wake her up. "Poor little thing and it's only six days until Christmas, if she doesn't get better she might have to go to Greenwood Hospital and miss Christmas" says Mrs. Mouse. "That would be the most terrible thing that has ever happened in Greenwood Forest, one of the baby animals missing onc of the hest holidays" "You know what we need?" says Wilma Wilabce "What- "A mira- cle". - It was two days until Christmas and Baby Bunny still wasn't any better. All the decoctions were up but it wasn't any fun for anyone without, Baby. The animals stopped by every day to bring her lot's of things that she likes car- rots, lettuce and lot's more. But she still wasn't any better. The next day the animals stopped by and it was Dec. 24. "Oh no" shouted Chippy Chipmunk when he looked at the calendar "It's Christmas tomorrow!" "Oh no" groaned everybody what if she still isn't bcttcr: "Well, we'll just have to wait until tomorrow" said Mrs. Mouse with a very sad look on her face. The next day was Christmas and every little baby ani- mal woke up with happy grins. Ex- cept for Mrs. Mouse, Wilma Wila- bee, Baby Bunnies, parents and all the other older animals. But when 646064164 6e:1164 C161 oG 60 60 MD 6,0 6060 606, Merry Christmas and A g Happy New Year gMay the Blessings of this season be with you and yours throughout the New Year. Councillor g Tom Humphreys they came out of. their houses they saw Baby Bunny under the Green- wood forest square Christmas tree 'gazing at a huge, gigantic star, the biggest, star the animals had ever seen. The biggest surprise was seeing Baby Bunny standing there under the tree. They all ran, over to Baby Bunny but she didn't move it seemed to be the star was holding him under a trance. "Baby Sunny" cried Mr. and Mrs. Bunny and they ran up to her and hugged and kissed her when a tear dropped onto her little bunny car when she suddenly sprang into her father's arms. "Oh Baby Bunny we're so glad to sec you walking around again" shouted r all the animals. "But how did you get better all of a sudden and what are your doing out here"! "Well" said baby Bunny "I don't know how I got sick but all of a sudden I was under complete control by that star and the next thing I knew was that I came out here and was standing next to this tree,but the good news is we're all happy and we'll be to- gether this Christmas after that and forever. " "That's right Baby Bun- ny" and they all walked to forest Hall to celebrate Christmas. And all lived happily ever after! But we still don't know if that star had to do with recovering Batty Bunny or do we? What do you think? The End and JOYOUS NEW YEAR , from the staff at G:L. Slaght Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal. We appreciated your patron- age in 1987 and look forward to serving you in 1988. Call 234-6381 'b?0.040, eikr,m9otAoxo', :o3s0.v46ie co46t•oiot�eeo4s George Marr May you and your loved ones have a sate and joyous Holiday Season, a healthy and prosperous New Year, 23 Huron St. W., Exeter (in the Medical Building) 235-0434 L e a good negitor State Farrv.s there STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Canadian Head Offices Scarborough. 0n1ar o -•b0"a0a•- glisaVt3' IOC". ''',04'00 STORE WIDE su W11\TER SALE UP TO 50%OFF Roes641od6460o4ors: osoe9oho 6a64Cup Cup cup Cup c).43 tagsoo.. GOOD TIDING May those who seek, find the way to that peace, Love and understanding that only He 11'' can give. IDCONTRATINQr 235-0941 Harold DeVries +m, a+rA.. •Qya(ity Workmanship at a Weasona6(e Trice' CLOTHING - GIFTS JEWELLERY Starts Mon. Dec. 28th ittS1674 GRAND BEND 28 Ontario St. 238-51-12 %%'ed. -Sun. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. .506 Ott =Ns vU c7tl c90 oil zvcs 0c3 - , '1 v'U = n vO vtl JCS t7V yV0ca .^U c'b >tl 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 Season's Greetings CLARKE SELF SERVE Exeter 235-0119 We're Open Christmas Day 9 - 6 Boxing Day 9 - 11 New Year's, Day 9-11 Regtilar Hours 7. - 11 other days Thank you for your patronage 211' 4 L.,,„.,,,,, qv er(1 esyo WC> WM Wtti WM WM WM WM WPM W'tl+re Oft ire Oft Oft *ft ens wva ire •