HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-12-22, Page 25sports spotlight
b\lark Bisset
In keeping with the Christmas spirit
Peace on the ice rinks of On-
Good will toward left wing. .
That's the message being
sent out from the Hockey De-
velopment Centre for Ontario
this month and what better
time to do it.
The HDCO, sponsored by
ESSO and supported by the
Ministry of Touristjt and Paul
Henderson, has developed the
Esso Penalty Free Sweepstakes
which runs from January 9 to
23, 1988. They're hoping to
discourage the barbarian brand
of hockey across Ontario by
offering rewards for penalty -
free games.
Under the contest rules,
teams playing penalty..free
games during the sweepstakes
period will be eligible to win
prizes. Every player on a team
which sends in an eligible en-
try will receive a certificate of
achievement and an Esso win-
ner's crest.
Teams who play a penalty
free game have to pick up an
entry form from their local mi-
nor hockey association and
send it to the HDCO office.
along with a copy of the game -
They'll draw winners Febru-
ary 6 at the HDCO office.
It is hoped that the program
will emphasize skills, safety
and good sportsmanship.
Judging from what I've seen
so far this winter, I'd say there
are a few teams in the area that
wouldn't have any trouble find-
ing their way into this contest.
They've got some competi-
tion though.
In Ontario there are 70,000
players and 4,000 teams regis-
tered with the Canadian Ama-
teur Hockey Association, ac-
cording to a recent HDCO
press release. There are also
well over 200,000 affiliated
players on 12,000 teams -- all
of them eligible for the sweep-
The program sounds like a
good idea and it may be the
only way to get the point
across to young players in a
hockey world where certain
"adults" get paid to beat the
hell out of certain other adults.
What the sweepstakes is ef-
fectively saying is: "Hey, we'll
give you all kinds of loot if
you play a clean game of hock-
If it works in Ontario, maybe
the NHL should try it.
Atom tourney
Teams from Brussells, Till-
sonburg, Port Stanley, New
Hamburg, Elora, Chatham and
Thorndale will be travelling to
Exeter January 2 to participate
in an Atom CC hockey tourna-
Exeter Broncos are hosting
the event. The action begins at
8 a.m. when Broncos take on
Quarter and semi-finals will
be decided between 1 and 5
The B championship final
will be held at 6 p.m. followed
by the A championship at
A little trivia
Here's a little trivia, provided
by the HDCO. Some of these
facts surprised me so I thought
I'd pass them along.
• More than 43 percent of all
amateur hockey players in Can-
ada are residents of the province
of Ontario.
• By 1983, 35.5 percent of
players in the NHL came out of
the Ontario Hockey League,
most of them originating from
minor hockey leagues and asso-
ciations in Ontario. That's the
largest single talent source for
the NHL.
• There are approximately
5,000 NRCP certified referees
in Ontario.
• More than one million Ca-
nadians participate actively in
hockey as players, officials vol-
unteer coaches, managers and
• Organized skating in Onta-
rio (ice hockey, figure skating,
ringette, speed skating) creates
direct public and private expen-
ditures of $540 million each
• In the 1983-84 season, 86
percent of the players from the
Ontario Hockey League were
enrolled in school whereas the
provincial average for 16-20
year old males was only 61 per-
• According to 1983 statistics
from the Hospital for Sick
Children in Toronto, sports in-
juries due to ice hockeY de-
creased by 35 percent over
1982. Hockey stick injuries in
particular, dropped by more
than 50 percent.
Merry Christmas!
An Olde Fashioned Christmas
May the true spirit of
the season warm your
hearts and minds.
Thank you for your
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weight boxing champ. ,
Tickets available from any Lion or at
several Exeter stores. " w;
Hawks lose
eight points
All dings points and indivi
al statisties., produced in gam s
against Clinton _Mustangs ha e
been deleted from the estern J -
ior D records. That was e ver ict
at a Junior D league meetin on the
' weekend.
Exeter Hawks, who have played
and beaten Clinton four times this
season, will be most affected by the
decision. Hawks will lose eight
league points and several Exeter
players stand to lose a large chunk
of their personal season goal tally.
Hawks are still in first place in their
division, seven points ahead of
Wellesley. Brussels currently holds
down third spot.
There has also been a change in
the playoff format. Teams which
finish in fourth and fifth spot will
play a best of five series which will
be completed by March 1.
The first place team at the end of
the schedule will pick their opposi-
tion for a best of seven series. The
remaining two teams will also de-
cide a winner in a best of seven
Clinton Mustangs folded Decem-
ber 11 due to a general lack of
playa interest.
.Legion Peewees
The Exeter Legion pee wees were
on the short end of a 3-1 score to Il-
derton in a recent Shamrock pee wee
hockey game.
The only Exeter goal was
notched by Jeremy Brock on a pass
from Fred Godbolt.
All local players turned in solid
efforts and should be happy with
their performances.
Times -Advocate, December22, 1987
Page 5A
TYKES CELEBRATE -- The Exeter Little Hawks celebrated the festive season Saturday afternoon at the AAA
Restaurant sporting new sweaters donated by -Angelo Fragiskatos and George Kantzas, owners of the restaurant.
Back row, left; Larry Hamilton, Ron Ferguson, Angelo Fragiskatos, Danny Overholt, Gerard Grenier. Second row,
left; Casey O'Brien, Mark Shepley, David Overholt, Kaled Johns, Tyler Taylor, Peter Fragiskatos, Justin Miners,
Craig Overholt, Andrew Mayers, Ryan Auge, Ryan Sullivan. Third row, left; Chad Monteith, Joel Evans, Kian Mac-
Dougall, Andrew Freiter, Jason Grenier, Wayne Cole, Bob Hamilton. Front, left; Scott Keys, Daniel Snell, Timothy
Mauer. Absent: Michael Wilhelm and Steven Rasenburg.
Waxers place well at Silver Stick tourney
and lost 2-1.
• After a scoreless first period, Sca-
forth jumped out into a two goal
Sararas scored Waxers only goal
of the carne in the third after he
connected with Hann and Eric Clay,
but there was less than one minute
left to play in the game.
Waxers were shut oat until the
third period in a game against St.
Marys Saturday. They lost 6-3 after.
trailing 4-0 at the end of the second.
Sararas scored two of the Waxer
goals while Ryan Soldan pumped in
one of his .own unassisted. Gilfillan
drew two assists in the effort. Da-
lyrmple assisted on one goal.
Despite losing two of the three goals by Bryce Hann, Chad Dalrym-
games they played at the Silver plc and Ryan Beckett, Exeter in -
Blick tourney at Parkhill on the creased their lead by three more in
weekend, Exeter Waxers accumulat- the second.
ed 13 points. Though it is not yet Middle period goals were scored
clear, that total may be good by Hann, Chad Gilfillan and Dave
enough to place them in the top Farquhar.
four teams of their classification Forest managed their only goal of
which would allow them to advance the game in the third.
to the next Silver Stick round. Jeff Sararas picked up three assists
The points system is based on in the game while Gilfillan, Farqu-
two points for each period won, one har, Beckett and Hann each assisted
point for each period tied, four once.
points for a win and two points for Jason Lindenficld was in net for
a tic. the win.
Waxers began the tourney Friday Waxers were unable to turn game
with a 6-1 win over Forest. two into a point -gaining situation
Leading 3-0 after the first on when they came up against Seaforth
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THE SERVE -- A Precious Blood student makes a serve in good form
during a Christmas student -teacher volleyball game Friday. The teacher's
team won the game.
Hensall Tykes
On Saturday, December 19 both
Hensall Tykes and Novice teams de-
feated their opponents. Hensall
Tykes put Bayfield down by a score
of 7-3. Goal scorers were: Ryan
Munn two, Jeff Campbell two, Jeff
Solway one, Jonathon Campbell
one, and Paul Cooper one.-
ne.Hensel! Novice defeated Blyth 6-3.
Points were put on the scoreboard
by: Mark Bell four, Greg Keyes one
and Brock Wiess one.
Beatrice Richardson played
through six game's Wednesday
and came out on top with a
score of 476 in mixed shuffle-
board action.
Harold Davis was close be-
hind with 410 while Wilma
Davis came in third with 382.
Delmar Skinner claimed fourth
position with 244.
It was Olive Essery who
took top honours in five games
with 453. She was followed by
Leona Hern with 378 and
Lloyd Lovell with 357. Joe
Gasar and Ray Cottle tied for
fourth with 356 each.
Thursday, Albert Hummel
took high score with 510 in
five games. Ray Cottle cap-
tured second place with almost
100 less, turning in a 412.
John Pepper slid into third spot
with 404 and Olga Davis
placed fourth with 396.
Alva Heywood came in first
in four games with a score of
415 Thursday, beating out
Charles Tindall who scored
365. Ross Richardson with
299 and Marion Dearing with
297 rounded out the top four.
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