HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-12-22, Page 12Page 12 Times -Advocate, December 22, 1987 Capacity crowd at Osborne Concert By MRS. WILLIAM ROIIDE !homes Road The postponed Usbornc Central Public School Christmas Concert was acted before a capacity crowd in the gymnasium on Thursday even- ing at the school. Principal Bill Stevenson wel- comed everyone. The pianist for the evening was Mrs. Jean liedgert. ENROLLMENT - These young ladies were enrolled in the First Exeter Brownies Wednesday night. Back -row, left: Melanie Seip, Sarah McAllister, AManda Chambers. Front dra Steele. row, left: Melissa Hunter, Alicia Lawrence, San - At Shipka Visitors from Holland By MRS. HUGH MORENZ Relatives arriving to visit with Mrs. Annie Zielman and family, on Monday December 14 for a two week visit were Mrs. Joanna Ziel- man, sister-in-law, Fcmmy Ziclman and Mrs. Gcke Buieter, nieces and cousins, and great-nephew Michel Buieter, from Dalsfen, Holland. Lori Vincent, who is attending college in U.S. near Orlando, Flori- da, arrived home on the weekend for holidays with her parents, Harold .and Lucille, sister Michelle and brother Mike. Ken and Ortha Baker visited last Monday with Ken's sister. Loraine and Roland Neil, of Ailsa Craig, and were supper guests on the occa- sion of Ortha's birthday. Congratulations to Mike and Brenga Brannon, on the birth, re- cently, of their first son, Corey James. Recent visitors with Ken and Or- tha Baker were Ortha's mother, Mrs. Emma Schilbe, Zurich, also two sisters, Marg and Bob Reid, Varna, and Elsie and Jake Redcr, Bayfield. Lorne and Loreen Devine visited Hugh and me last Monday after- noon. We enjoyed four games of solo, and had supper together. "Merry Christmas" everyone. kumoN 3 UNISEX HAIR DESIGN The Primary Choir sang "An Old Fashioned Christmas", "Christmas" and "Little Donkey". Kindergarten A put on a dialogue "A Barnyard Christmas". Grade one/two put on "Gather Round The Crib". Kindergarten B did some Christmas Songs. Grade two/three put on a dialogue "A Flea on Santa's Tree". Another dialogue done by Grade 3 was "Santa's X - Arctic Adventure". The Senior Choir sang "We need a Little Christmas", "Mary's Little Boy Child" and "Little Drummer Boy". Scott Skinner played a num- ber on the piano. It was a very well done concert and enjoyed by every- one. Church News On this fourth Sunday in Advent the children were able to light all four candles of the Advent Wreath, and they filled the manger with all missing figurines, Joseph, Mary and the little child Jesus last. In his children's story the Rev. K. Teddy Smits spoke abo_ Ut a Roman prince who had heard the story of Jesus from a missionary but he did not want to give his heart to Jesus. On Christmas Eve he sat in his fine dining room, at a well-filled table. Just as he was starting to eat he heard a tap at the window, and as he looked up he saw the face of a beautiful child and a sweet voice said.. The Christ Child Is Hungry! The prince was very angry and told his sclldiers to chase the child away. The soldiers carried out his command, then as the prince looked up the food turned to ashes. Again he heard a rap and saw the child's once mbre. This time the child said, "The Christ Child is cold." This time the prince was outraged and ordered his soldiers to chase the child away. Almost at once the prince began to shiver and he or- dered his servants to pile many logs on the fireplace, but it did not do any good. He became colder and colder. Then the prince realized he had made a mistake, and he went out into the darkness to search for the child. He wandered about the streets and found, in a small dark house a mother with five,, children. They were crying, they had no food, no fuel, and very few clothes. The prince took them to his palace and - he fed them, clothed them and warmed them. Then there was a tap- ping at the window and the face of the child was back again. The Christ Child said In as much as you have done it to the least of my brothers, you have done it unto me! The heart of the prince was filled with joy and he gave it to Je- sus. Christmas can only start in our. hearts when we begin to help others who are less fortunate than we are. In his sermon Rev. K. Teddy Smits spoke about the shepherds who went to visit the young child Jesus. As his text he had chosen St. Luke 2:15b: Let us go over to Beth- lehem and see the thing that has. happened! The shepherds were the first con- gregation and the angel preached to them and formed a choir. When the service was over they responded and went to Bethlehem to search for this child and his parents. The mistake which so many people make is that they are glad to celebrate Christmas The Christmas Eve Worship Ser- vice will be held on December 8 p.m..Communion will be served to Elimville and Thames Road peo- ple. Everyone welcome. Personals Mr. and Mrs. r .ve Passmore, Tom and Jon attended the Passmore Christmas Sunday at the 4 Way Inn, Exeter, and then to the home of Mrs. Barb Passmore and girls. Man made of snow by Cathy Wagner Stephen Central, Grade 5 Thcre was a man made of snow And over the fields he would go Ile would go in the night Silent as a little light In the morning he would be back The children would make a stack Of snowballs to throw at each other And he did not mind But when the time came to die Ile would weep and he would sigh It happened very quickly and he felt no pain Because it had to rain. Santa Claus McCurdy, Grade 5 S - anta slides down the chimney A - 11 is quiet on Christmas day N - ick is Santa's name too T - he kids are sleeping and are waiting for Santa A - nd Santa has come when the kids awake. Jinfki341s1 -1`r'g(e8e(Cs1 "Visions of sugar plums danced in their heads." May the wonder of Christmas always delight. Thank you for your patronage. • Brenna Prance, Dorcas Wein, Pauline Ingram and Julie Regier 397 Main St. C - andy stuffed in stockings L - oves lots of kids all over the world. A 11 kids have to be good for Santa U - nder the Christmas tree there are lots of gifts S - ays everyone around, Merry Christmas. Advent poem By Julie aak Mt. Carmel, Grade 8 Advent Nativity, scene quickly, peacefully, riding Mary, has Christ Jesus 3 3 235-1113 Ake Oak Coat waaC as as as w, ISA as as nei wo o.a.w.o. Ital. gaCum w. *Ai O.Ii.. .0.0.1. Every Snowflake is a falling Star to wish upon Q 1 1 1 i 1 11 1 1 i ( 1 ... r I -That each one may come +rue i lS my Christmas Wish for you r COUMTPT FLOWERS t 1 ,),,,mai.dstreet • exe,ter • 2'• 2 o i 1 c And the Angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great ;oy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in rhe city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2: 1-20) s:. "t from the staff -at Rumor's Janet, Sandy Cheryl Open 6 days a week Thursday and Friday till 9:00 Centre Mall 235-0202 STEPHEN STUDENT COUNCIL - The Student Council at Stephen Central School for the 1987-88 term is shown here. From the let are presi- dent Sarah Patterson, vice-president Erin O'Rourke, secretary Robbie Wagner and treasurer Dwayne Finkbeiner. 7 Season j reetin / i are extended to you for a warm, happy holiday with friends and family you hold near and dear... Many thanks for your loyal patronage MaryJane, Liz , Sandy, Wendy and Donna 7 t Centre Mall 420 Main Street, Exotor 2331232 Riikelie-MialleiBeeeekeememeemeemallasikisekleaNATIleiteeeleatweauealetee/MO Reply on free trade Dear Editor. In response to Mark Bisset's arti- cle titled "Free trade with U.S. is no deal", Exeter T.A. Dec. 16. 1987, I would like to point out a few things that Mr. Bisset has chosen not to include in his article. First of all, the United Statcs has nearly a five billion dollar trade defi- cit with Canada; that means that Canada exports more products to the U.S. than the U.S. exports to Cana- da by five billion dollars worth per year. The U.S. also has an enor- mous trade deficit with Japan. Canada has a 3.4 billion dollar an- nual trade deficit with Japan. Both Canada and U.S. versus Japan trade deficits have been caused mainly by intense Japanese protectionism. In an effort to cojTect this problem an omnibus trade bill has been intro- duced in the United States Con- gress. This trade bill will caable the U.S. to restrict imports from all countries including Canada. The idea of the Canada -US. free trade agreement is to exempt Canada from the effects of this legislation. Approximately 80 percent of Ca- nadian exports go to the United States. There is no other major mar- ket in the world to replace the Unit- ed States. The Canadian government tried to expan)d'ollt4r_Lnarkets under the Tru- ant] regime. TThhee.result- ,as dismal failure. So far as Canada finding more trade abroad, there arc the so called third world countries; these coun- tries for the most part are willing to buy products from Canada but are unwilling and/or unable to pay for them. In regards to culture, the United Kingdom has free trade with several European countrics and I have not seen any evidence that those people have lost their cultural identity. Until such time as those Canadi- ans who oppose free trade come up with a better alternative, their credi- bility will remain in serious doubt. Yours truly, Hugh Connon. J _ r '4 -Exeter Villa 155 John E., Exeter 235-1581 Merry Christmas from the Staff at -ANSTETT MEMBER AMERICA AA OEM SOCIETY 284 Main St., Exeter • • • JE WE 1.1 1