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Times-Advocate, 1987-12-16, Page 27
16 For Sale ELECTRIC (4FICE TYPEWRITER, Olivetti ball type, 5150. Phone 235-1055,235-1058. - LOG HOUSE 20 ft. x 28 ft. plus outbuildings To be removed from property Proof of liability insurance and workman's compensation coverage required. APPLY TO: Doug O'Brien Hensall District Co-operative Zurich Branch 236-4391 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 40% off Royal Doultons, 35% off Hummels, 10-60% off Collector's Plates, Beswick Horses 25% off. Jewellery 20-25%. Dolls 10-50% off. Prints 15-20% off. Colonial Plates, 7 Water St. St. Marys, Ont. Open Mon. -Sat. 10:30 to 5 p.m. Friday evenings 7-9 p.m. Sunday 2-4 p.m. Phone 1-800-265-4392. 1+ Farm Credd Soc e:e du cred.t Corporation - agncae Canada Canada . FARM FOR SALE Approximately 5 miles south of Parkhill, 1 mile east of High- way 81 Lot 4, Concession 14, Township of East Williams. 100 acres with 93 acres work- able Huron clay Loam, some tile, 2 storey brick home, large bank barn, stave silo, 1750 bu. grain bin. Offers should be made on forms obtainable on request from any office of the Cor- poration and must be re- ceived by January 4th, 1988 at the Field Office listed be- low. Cash offers are preferred,A certified deposit of $5,000.00 must accompany the offer. All offers to purchase and in- quiries should be addressed to: FARM CREDIT CORPORATION CANADA ATTENTION: H. Hollingshead 5 Talbot Road South, Box 668 Lambeth, Ontario NOL 1S0 Telephone: (519) 652-3259 Please refer to File No. 40926-537 Canada 16 For Sale TYPEWRITER IBM ex, ' •5, condition, carbon ribbon. Snow' - Rupp, Yanhi 40, 1973, electric low mileage, double 'rd. (Bombardi). Phone 238-2442. STEEL BUILDING Year-end factory clearance. Straight wall or Quonset styles, odd sizes and types of steel at tremendous savings, spring delivery possible, save thousands. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-387-6896. 24 hours. MIRACLE SPAN YEAR END clearance on all steel buildings. Huge inventory, immediate or spring delivery. Call toll free 1-800-387-4910. SATELLITE DISH - 10' fiberglass ' dish, Chaparral feedhom, ENA, adjustable stand, Toki LED digital receiver with stereo, audio memory, electronic fine tune, wide and narrow bands, auto scan, full function remote control (includes remote dish positioning), matching -Toki LED digital satellite tracker arm. Includes all hardware, connectors and 150' of coaxial cable. O.M. included. Excellent condition.. 1986 model. 51695.00 guaranteed. Phone 238-5501. FRENCH PROVINCIAL DINING ROOM SUITE, mink trimmed beaver coat and matching hat, size 10-12. Reasonably priced for quick sale. Phone 284-371$. LADY'S BOOTS, size IOB, brown, 6 crn. heel, almost new: Tri -chem -liquid embroidery paint, 20 tubes, 3/4 full, variety of colours. Phone 461-0781. WELL WATER PROBLEMS? New advanced technology for efficient treatment of problem water, offering protection throughout entire water system. Rusty... smelly... bad tasting... water, hardness, staining, bacteria, and more. No salt or messy chemicals ...maintenance free. See the results for yourself with our six month trial offer. Call toll-free 1-800-387-3423 or write Aztec Purification Systems. 6380 No. 5 Tomken Rd., Mississauga, Ont. L5T 1K2.(416)672-2300. WASHER, SPIN DRYER late model Hoover. Apartment size used one year by single person. Excellent condition. 235-2656. OAK DINING ROOM SUITE 6 pc. in mint condition. 5625.00. Tiffany swag light S65.00. Contact 235-1647. 32" SNOWBLOWER ATTACH-MENT for 8 h.p. garden tractor with tire chains S150 or offer, 12" gas chain saw 550, 1/4 h.p. motor and piston water pump 520. 236-4661 evenings. FRANKLIN FIREPLACE plus 6 ft. black pipe. 5100.00 or best offer. Phone 236-7256 weekends, 672-3244 weekdays. . • DOWNDRAFT STOVE, heavy duty 24"x44". Phone 237-3404 and 228-6447. WOOD COOK STOVE 540.00, TV antenna, brand new, 550.00, 2 -treadle sewing machines, leather roller skates, lady's size 5, $40.00. Phone 284-3118. &kite eezi Aff-/62/ "FOR OLD FASHIONED SERVICE" 2c .t.. ©Ci R..Ilor NEW LISTINGS; 25 ACRES with 14 yr. old frame bungalow. Three bed- rooms, full high basement. 80 x 32 concrete block barn plus Implement shed and Com crib. 589,900. 50 ACRES farmland with 8 acres bush. Ideal for tourist camp with concrete building and 12 x 60 trailer. 579,900. , ONLY $24,000 will buy this three bedroom 12' x 68' Bendix mobile home in excellent condition. Situated In country set- ting or could be moved. 431 Main St. S., Exeter Phyllis Johnson Heather Rogers Dwight Monck 235-1805 235-1732 236-7117 t'>tF Lir' a.. .4 �t• . -, - we • J?i 4* e :a'1.i' - GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK Exeter 235-2420 Hensall , 262-2119 Grand Bend 298-8484 Clinton 482-9747 ZOO IIlAItOR OK 'Reality & Insurance Inc EXETER NEW 2 STOREY BRICK 3 bedrooms. oak kitchen, 1 1/2 baths, double garage. 5120,000. ER 57. RETIREMENT/STARTER HOME 3 bedrooms, new kitchen.R2ec room, fenced yard, paved drive. 569,900. ER. 60 COZY 1 BEDROOM COTTAGE full basement, patio doors from living room to privacy area. Gas heat. $39,900._ER. 58. • REDUCED 2 storey, 3 bedroom brick. Newer eat -In kitchen. Patio doors to deck. Garage/workshop. $74,500. ER 52. HENSALL IMMACULATE FAMILY HOME 2 storey brick on 117' x 300' lot. 4 bedrooms. 1 1/2 baths. New modern kitchen. Redecorated. High eff. gas heat. Garage. 21' x 30' barn. 596,900. ER. 6e. CLOSE TO SCHOOL 1 3/4 storey sided frame on large treed lot. 3 bedrooms, gas heat. Central vac. Garage . 552,500. ER. 55. AREA LISTINGS HAY TWP. FARM 100 acre cash crop land. 96 acres tillable. good bank barn. Rock well. Good 1 1/2 storey 5 bedroom Insu- lated home. ER. 39. ST. MARYS COMMERCIAL completely renovated. 1776 sq. ft. rented retail area on rnain level. 1 bachelor, 1 ngle bedroom, 4nd one-two bedroom apt. on second level. EI. 54. BUILDING LOTS J PRYDE BLVD. SO. 79.17' x 193.08' residential rt.Serviced. S32,900,' ER. 62. PRYDE AT HURON 130' x 99.5' residential lot. Unserviced. S12.()0. ER. 63. DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL 40' x 66' C-1 vacant commercial lot In defined area. 549,900. ER. 64. FOR RENT OR LEASE BACHELOR APTS. 2 - 5000 sq. ft. soon to be completed (new) apts. Incl. stove, fridge and microwave. Rent now and plck your own colours. S425.00 month. RETAIL SPACE 1000 sq. ft. Main St. core commercial space In new building. High exposure location. Call for more details. Dwayn. Tinny Murray Keys sill Fuss 235.1408 235.2898 262.2946 16 For Sale SUMP PUMP SYSTEM Sears (Piece of Mind). Automatically takes over if power goes off or regular sump pump malfunctions. Bland new, never been used 5150.00. Also 2 speed humidifier $50.00. Photic 235-0645. INSULATED WIRED BUILDING 5500. firm; 3 snowmobile helmets, small, med. large, like new 512 each; Brothers sewing machine with cabinet 530. Phone 284-3751. SKI BOOTS, one pair S lady's, leather, 5 buckles 530; 1 pr. downhill skis, Pischer 195 cm with marker bindings 5100. 1 F. XC skis 160 cm. with bindings, 525., 1 dishwasher - - best offer. Call -284-•1218 anytime. COMPLETE LINE of single items. Large late model automatic sawmill. Total Electrics, double cutband with Resaw Grade and/or circular packaged - Mill Line, with all related machinery - Debarkers, - carriages with drive, filing room, edgers, decks, transfers. To: Steel Chip Bin. Evenings and weekends (705) 472-1474; days FAX (705) 474-4808. 1976 MONTE CARLO - good winter car, excellent running condition and Mechanics tools. Phone 236-7386. FRANKLIN GLASS DOORS, stove base, pipes and insulated chimney. Hot water heater. Dryer. Phone 235-1348 or235-2834. OVEN READY DUCKS and GEESE. Phone 237-3721. CHRISTMAS PUPPIES, Cocker Spaniel. All shots, male, female, red and blonde. S200.00. Large frost free refrigerator 5175.00. Phone 229-6129. WOOD - Birch and White Ash. Phone 237-3207. UNIVERSALLY KNOWN & USED Helsinki Method Personal Care Products by Images. 100 percent moneyback guarantee. One week delivery. Cards accepted. Distributors needed. 1-800-663-6882. 1-(604) 584-6651. UTILITY TRAILER 4x6. Phone 235-1462. MICROFURNACE - 1500 W, portable, - high efficiency, compact heater, has 5 yr. warranty, help save on heating bill. Only 5.125.00. Phone 284-2347 or 681-9224. HAY AND STRAW. Phone 229-6736. CAPTAIN BED 5180.00, Kelvinator dryer $100.00. Phone 229-6166 . or 229-6136. LOVE SEAT AND CHAIR, new condition, predominate color navy. Calla fter 6:30 p.m. 235-1245. 17 Wanted To Buy OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED - Men's only - old Rolex and Patek Phillip wristwatches wanted - Also wanted Eatons "Quarter Century" Rectangular wristwatches (25 years service) will pay 51,000 and up for this watch. Phone (416) 365-7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. East, " Toronto, Ontario M5A 1S2. CASH FOR USED cars and trucks for wrecking. 228-6700. John Brock Auto Wreckers, RR 1 Crediton. I 17 Wanted To Buy SCRAP CARS OR TRUCKS. Highest prices paid. Phone 228-6214. YEAR OLD BROWN LAYING HENS. Phone Darrel 234-6227 LOADER BACKHOE (prefer extendable with float trailer) and small construction tools. Phone Forest 786-2631. 6' CAST IRON CLAW FOOT BATHTUB in good condition - original taps in working condition preferred but not essential. Offer depends upon condition. 293-3460 after 5:30. NEW AND OLD FURNTIRE, Antiques, clean or in rough, dressers, tables, toys, decoys and tools. Phone Dewitte Angiques, Grand Bend. Phone 238-5121. 18 Wanted TRANSPORTATION needed from Exeter to Clinton. Monday to Friday starting Jan. 4, 1988. Call 235-267-2 or 237-3201 after 4:30. 19 Property For Sale TWO LOTS ON VICTORIA ST. Exeter, serviced. Size 62.7x100. Ideal multiple unit site. Phone 235-1329. HIGHWAY FARM with 95 acres, 78 workable, systematically tiled, 40'x120' Metal clad storage building with workshop and new hydro service. 30 minutes north of London. Phone 293-3581. 20 Property For Rent ELIZABETH COURT HENSALL 1 & 2 bedroom features appliances and carpets ASK ABOUT OUR BONUS Call 262-3403 PRIME RETAIL OR OFFICE space available. Call 235-0141. SHOW ROOM AND OFFICE, Main St., S. Exeter. Reasonable rent 235-1462. LUXURY TWO apartments, available Inquire Laraugh 235-0141. BEDROOM immediately. Corporation Lamination Will protect your fishing and hunting, small game and FAC licenses `2.00 each WE DO IT! 6••••••6 s....,.,,on. o . 6.616••••• imes- Advocate Times -Advocate, December 16, 1987 20 Property For Rent SPACE FOR DOUBLE -WIDE mobile home, Dashwood area. Farmer Bill's Greenhouses. Phone 238-8638. HENSALL TWO BEDROOM apartment, available December 1. Stove, fridge and heat, carpeted. Call 262-3146 after 5 p.m. STORAGE SPACE 5 to 7000 sq. ft. available immediately in Hensen. Building all cement floor, natural gas heat. 262-3443 or 262-3227. INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSING also office space with ample parking facilities. 262-2028 or 235-2302. THREE BEDROOM DUPLEX available immediately, fenced yard, close to downtown. 544230. Call 235-0690 after 6 p.m. THE MAPLES in Hensall. 1 bedroom townhouse heated, parking, laundry facilities. Available now. Close to arena. 262-2014 or 262-3448. 3 BEDROOM HOME on Andrew St. Exeter. Available Jan. 1. 237-3739. 21 For Rent PORTABLE "OFFICE - we have a 30x10 portable office for sale or rent. Unit is divided into3 ofices, 2 exterior doors, insulated with baseboard hear and fluorescent lighting, only one year old. 262-3104. Pa ae 11A 21 For Rent TWO CHAINS SAWS AND SHARPENER for rent. Phone 237-3207. NOW RENTING Queen Mary Apartments 111 Queen St., Hensall 1 & 2 Bedroom 10 FREE TV Channels 1 Handicapped unit 262-2401 or 264.3529 Bo be 8.1.Boa•• mN•EII.B•8• mg 1 DIRK M (519) 235-1055 __. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 •rJ'Y s*.• ,, INVEST IN EXETEF' AREA FOR Dirk Coolman - 235-1950 Joan Hunking - 235-1848 Marlene Parsons - 235-1304 Glenn Robinson - 235-2307 Bill Gilfillan - 482-5824 collect Paul Hohner 235-0302 GROWTH AND OUALITY OF LIFE 147 Main Street, Exeter Ontario (519) 235-1055 (Across from Liquor Store) PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP . JUST LISTED, this terrific 3 bed- , room ranch with separate din- ingroom, patio doors, attached 1 garage is located In a choice location. Features include built in, dishwasher, large privacy deck,l paved double drive and much more. Priced to sell at 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 592.500.00. Call now. 12 STOREY BRICK HOME three 1 bedroom home with sitting - room, detached garage, four 1 piece bath, large bedrooms, 1 new kitchen cupboards, dish- washer included. 1/2 block from 1 hospital. 575.500.00. 1 Many more listings; call office for details. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1= IN •1 •Iii•Ira•m•-ow •I�1 INTRODUCING National Realty Inc. 8 Huron Street, P.O. Box 1060. Clinton 519-482-3981 Bruce Rathwell REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE (519) 233-3120 Our company is new but our representatives bring with them. years of experience in the Real Estate field. Pat Norman BROKER (519) 233-9911 Albert Vlsscher SALES REPRESENTATIVE (519) 294.6443 Serving your needs in resid en tial, commercial, industrial and specializing in agricultural real estate. Bert Roger SALES REPRESENTATIVE (519) 482-7944 Us Roger • EUROPEAN REPRESENTATIVE (519) 482-7944 . Call today for more information on how we can serve you. Dawn Rathwell SALES REPRESENTATIVE (519) 233.3120