HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-12-16, Page 15SHDHS PERFORMERS - Lions Club president Jack Fuller at the right congratulates the SHDHS grade 12 dra-
ma class following their performance Thursday night at the club's annual Christmas party for children. The play
entitled "Friends Among the Stars" was written and performed by the class and kept the audience involved by in-
viting them to participate at times. From the left are, Kelly Kirk, Susan Flynn, Cathy Hartman, Chris Ingram, Jay
Caers,Laurie Forrester, Chris Swartman, Karen Hoffman and class teacher Glenda Burrell.
Christmas '
31 Mrs. TOM KOOY
At the United Church Sunday,
Rev. Deborah Carter chose as her
topic "In the Wilderness, Prepare".
Next Sunday December 20 will be
the Christmas Sunday service at
11:15 a.m. with special music by
Junior and Senior choirs.
On Monday December 21 the
Sunday School Christmas concert
will be held at 7:30 p.m. followed
by a pot luck lunch. Everyone wel-
come and on Thursday December 24
a joint Christmas eve scrvicc will
be held at 8 o'clock at Centralia at
Faith Tabernacle.
The Faith Tabernacle Sunday
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School Christmas concert was pre-
sented to a full church and was en-
joyed by all present, all parts being
well presented. Next weekend a
Christmas Musical "Leave Christ in
Christmas" will be presented on De-
cember 19 and 20 at 7 p.m. in the
At Neil's Schoolhouse euchre on
December 7 there were seven tables
playing with prize winners being:
High score Mary Kooy, Earl Mor-
gan, Lone Hands Carolyn Hardy,
Charlie Rollings, Low score Ann
Gilmour, Elmer Walker. Special
score prizes went to Hazel Cunning-
ham, Ab. Gilmour.
Next euchre will be January 4,
1988 at 8 p.m. convened by Caro-
lyn Hardy and Hazel Cunningham.
Euchre prize winners December 7
when the Seniors met at Keegans
Inn were Jessie Lewis, Jean Millar,
Eliz, Conlin, Murray Carter, Tom
Kooy and Ed Armstrong. Therc will
be no more cuchres there until the
New Year when place and date will
be announced.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simmons
of Woodstock spent the weekend
with their daughter Mr. and Mrs.
Rick Walker and family and attended
services at St. Patricks Church,
Saintsbury followed by Sunday
school Christmas entertainment in
which their grandchildren took part.
This was followed by lunch.
Christmas parties are the order of
the day. Mr. and Mrs. Brent Caslick
attended a banquet at Hensall put on
by Hensall Co-op Friday evening
and Tom and I were guests of the
Union of Nabisco at a dinner and
dance at Exeter Legion.
Friday evening visitors with Tom
and I were Gerald and Helen Thomp-
son, John and Mary Horn of McGil-
livray Township and.Terry and Judy
Morgan of town.
The Brownies held their Christ-
mas party Thursday with 29 attend-
ing with their leaders. Their meal
was pizza from Thco's Landing.
During the evening the girls made
Christmas decorations.
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Times -Advocate. December 16. 1987 Paae 15
ACW meets at Saintsbury
A short morning prayer service
was held in St. Patrick's Church,
Sunday. Rev. Beverly Wheeler was
in charge.
Mrs. Wayne Carroll provided mu-
sic and Mrs. Ron Carroll read the
lessons and Rev. Shelly Fletcher
preached the sermon taking her text
from the Gospel of the day, St.
John first chapter, Who Are You.
The flowers were placed in the
church, in loving memory of Ho-
ward Jordan by Voyle Jordan. The
service was followed by a Christ-
mas programme by the Sunday
School pupils with Mrs. Hugh Da-
vis, Mrs. Mary Walker and Mrs.
Suzanne Davis as teachers. There
were carols, reading and plays and
all enjoyed the party, followed by
refreshments. We were all pleased to
have Mrs. Harry Carroll with us for
the occasion.
ACW meet
Tuesday evening Mrs. Carol
Greenlee was hostess for the Christ-
mas A.C.W. meeting. There were
11 members present. President Mrs.
Rose Cunningham- was in charge.
There were prayers and scripture
readings. All enjoyed the reading of
the Christmas Meditation. Mary
Jeffries read the minutes of the No-
vember meeting. Nadine Bedell gave
the treasurer's report.
Plans were made for the Christ-
mas party in the Parish Hall, Sun-
day and for the refreshments to be
served. Four ladies volunteered to
serve the mid -month dinner to the
Huron Park Lion's club Thursday
Elect H -P head
Ernest Vanderschot of RR 7 St.
Marys, was acclaimed chairman of
the Huron -Perth County Roman
Catholic Separate School Board at
the inaugural meeting in Dublin
Monday night.
The 53 -year oid farmer represents
the Towns of St. Marys and Mitch-
ell, and the Townships of Blanshard
and Fullarton. He has been a trustee
-for seven years, the last one as vice
president of the board.
Acclaimed as vice president was
Vincent McInnes, 45, of RR 2
Ben Brown of RR 1 Sebringvillc
was elected chairman of the Person-
nel and Teachers negotiating Com-
mittee. Bernard Murray of RR 3
Embro is the new chairman of the
Building, Property and Transporta-
tion Committee, and Ronald Mur-
ray of Dublin was elected chairman
of the Finance, Insurance and By-
laws Committee.
The Board passed a borrowing by-
law for $5 million. The legal firm
of Donnelly and Murphy of Gode-
rich was appointed as board solici-
NEW CENTRALIA BROWNIES - New Centralia -Huron Palk Brownies
were invested recently. Back, left, junior leaders Sharlene Crawley and
Linette Clarke. Centre, Tracy Wilson, Dallas Giles, Amanda Graham and
Heather Smale. Front, Jodee Regier, Amanda Ducharme, Crystal Knee
/ and Crystal Harris. Missing was Jennifer Cronyn.
December 17.
Rev. Wheeler conducted a quiz on
women of the Bible, Mrs. Nadine
Bedell was the winner and will con-
duct the contest in January. The
hostess assisted by her son Stephen
and refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair, Centralia
were Friday evening guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee.
SANTA VISITS FIRE HALL- Santa Claus dropped into the Exeter fire-
men's Christmas party Sunday afternoon. Above, he gets help from fire
captain Larry Smith in presenting candy and a gift to Melanie Knip.
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