HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-12-16, Page 12Page 12 Times -Advocate, December 16, 1987 -Iry_� CHRISTMAS CONCERT - The kindergarten class at Zurich Public School under the direction of Mrs. Darlene Brooks puts on a grand performance as a Christmas marching band on Monday. Every class had its chance to perform to the rest of the school and parents who attended the afternoon performance. Santavisits arena Hcy kids - don't forget that Santa Claus is coming to the arena here in Zurich on Saturday, December 19 at 1:30 p.m.. Thcrc will be lots of treats for everyone. Also the S.H.D.H.S. Theatrical Arts group will be presenting a Christmas program to all Zurich school children this morning at the public school from 10:30-11:30. Christmas party All who attended the Christmas dinner and party at the Community Centre last Saturday evening, once again enjoyed the delicious meal prepared by Jerry Rader and Mary - Lou Erb and helpers. Afterwards everyone danced to the terrific music supplied by Mozart's Melody Mak- ers. • Concert Everyone is invited,4o hear the "Sounds of Christmas" at a concert tonight (Wednesday, December 16) at 8 p.m. whcn the music students at S.H.D.H.S. in Exeter will be performing including their school band and choir. Bingo Congratulations to the three lucky winners who split S2,400 at the bingo last Thursday on the Bonan- za. Margaret Moody from Exeter won the jack -pot worth 5750. There were also several winners on the regular games played and many went home with Christmas turkeys or hams. This was one of their biggest crowds and ncoplc came from far and . heir luck! - This is the last bingo now until after the holidays. They will resume again on January 7. i Youth group Sunby was a nice day for a youth group get together and outing held at St. Peter's Hall, St. Joseph with students attending frcm othcr par- ishes. They cnjoycd going swim- ming at Pinedale in Grand Bend, followed by a pizza supper. Then asocial hour at the hall af- terwards. OWL Everyone present at the St. Boni- face CWL pot luck supper last Wed- nesday sure didn't go home hungry. There was a delicious and lovely va- riety to choose from. Following the dinner the children were led in a sing song by Theresa Van Raay and Mozart Gelinas Jr. on the guitar. Everyone was treated to video car- cJlKS )3 IM IYJ Mn. Cannot Sw..n.y Phan*: 436.4102 WI December meeting Women's Institute members and seven guests enjoyed a lovely tur- key dinner at the hotel for their De- cember meeting. Carols were sung and readings and poems were read by Annie Finkbeincr and Joan Smith. Door prizes were won by Lylian Greb and Nora Corriveau. Bridget Groot and Louise lvanchenko had lucky chairs. Passing gifts was won by Verda Bacchler, Bridget Groot, Eleanor Laurence and Margaret Hess. Bingo was played followed by a short business meeting. A donation was made to Friend- ship House in Godcrich and it was voted to purchase a high chair for the Bluewater Rest Home to be used at their family dinners. Eileen Consist gave a report of the board meeting and the Lord's Prayer ended a lovely afternoon. Personals Richard and Janet Regicr of Cal- gary spent nearly a week in the area visiting with their parents and rela- tives and attended the funeral of her brother. -in-law John Shaw in Lon- don on Saturday. Several attended the funeral of Andy Denommc in Windsor on Sat- urday including Matthew and Mary - Lou Denommc, Francis and Cindy Denommc and Jimmy. Some of the•family of Mozart Ge- linas (mostly grandchildren) and choir members enjoyed going to the K. of C. Santa Claus day in St. Co- lumbian on Sunday and had fun travelling on grandpa's bus. Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to Dennis Charrette who is a .patient in St. Joseph's Hospital due to surgery on his hand. Best wishes also to little Jeffrey Beauchamp who spent a few days in St. Joseph's Hospital this week and to Marie Durand who has returned home from Exeter hospital. May we offer our sincere sympa- thy to the family and relatives of those who passed away this past week: Mrs. Ethel Merrier mother of Sylvia Mittleholtz, Glenn Price brother-in-law of Gloria Bedour, Andrew Denomme and John Shaw son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Webb. ` The residents of Spruce Villa Apartments and four guests had their Christmas party on Friday night. The turkey dinner with all the trimmings was prepared by the residents. Carols were sung fol- lowed by cards and crokinole. David and Carol Fisher and two children from B.C. arc presently vi- siting at the home of his parents, Bob and June—Fisher during the Christmas holidays. Also visiting f for the holiday season from Germa- ny are Jim and Mary -Ann Vanos and three girls who arrived on the weekend to visit with her parents Clarence and Beattie Geoffrey. Theresa Stark along with her niece, Louise spent from Friday to Sunday visiting with Sister Marie Pierre Bedard in Pittsburg, and trav- elling by plane. Everyone is invited to drop into the Bank of Montreal on Thursday, December 17 during the day to have a cup of coffee and a square, as it's their way of showing their apprecia- tion to all their customers during the holiday season. The family of Tony and Adeline Denomme had a lovely get together last Friday evening at their parents' home for their annual Christmas party. They also want to thank all their children for the lovely. Christ- mas present. Christmas iS quickly creeping up; and by thc many beautiful decora- tions all around us as well as thc well decorated homes and business' in the surrounding towns, it seems many people arc quite aware of the season. On Monday evening, the movie shown was "Laughing Gravy". Re- freshments followed. The monthly birthday party was held on Tuesday evening and was sponsored by the ladies of Huron - dale Institute of thc Exeter arca. Following an enjoyable program, refreshments were served. Residents having birthdays during the month of December arc: Mrs. Matilda Bas - sow, Mrs. Violet Dunn, Mrs. Alice Fcrg, Mrs. Erma Gascho and Mr. Saturda toon movies as we were disappoint- ed that due to illness Marian was not able to atten,0 and put on the puppet show thatkpplanned. Jolly of St. Nick ariivcd to talk to the little ones and hand out bags of candy. Several door prizes of - Christmas arrangements were won and a box was on hand to collect toys for the Huron County Christ- mas Bureau. St. Peter's CWL December 6 the St. Peter's CWL hosted their annual parish Christ- mas wine and cheese evening at their hall. Winners of the card games were Mike Masse, Annette Denomme Gerard Ducharme, Martin Mommer- steeg and Diane Miller. C.W.L. president Mrs. Joe Regier also presented 25 year pins to Mrs. Betty Bedard, Annette Denomme, Teresa Bedard, Sharon Durand, Catherine Masse, Adina Sreenan, Nellie Mommcrstceg and Josephine Thuss. Seniors outing About 14 seniors from Zurich, Exeter and Dashwood spent the day in Hamilton on December 9 and went to the "Geritol Follies" at Ha- milton Place.' Then they went on a guided tour around Simcoe to see all the Christ- mas lights and decorations in the park and around town The trip was arranged by Ellison Travel and hosted by Pearl Miller of Dashwood. r. Hope for PRIDE grant. for drain Zurich's share of the Zurich drain reconstruction seems to Meet the criteria of the province's PRIDE program and may be eligible for a grant to defray some of the costs, Zurich councillors were told at the regular December meeting. (Only Councillor Ken Fenwick was ab- sent.) Two representatives from the ministry of municipal affairs ex- plained that the Program for Renew- al, Improvement, Development and Economic revitalization was set up to assist with community improve- ment. To be eligible for funding, a project must be shown to fit into the community's overall plan, and have a beneficial effect on the peo- ple in the area. Further discussion revealed that sidewalk replacement in the village may also be eligible for PRIDE funding. The recipient municipality must show administrative and financial capability to handle a PRIDE -funded project. The recipient municipality initially pays all costs of a project, and PRIDE later remits 50 percent. A municipality is allowed five percent of a PRIDE allocation to de- fray administrative costs. February 29, 1988 is the current deadline for formal application for a PRIDE grant. Clerk Maureen Regi- er was given the application forms. PRIDE representative Steve Lodge told councillors the ministry takes few months to assess applications. Reeve Bob Fisher was assured that council should know by late June if their application is successful. "As the initiating municipality we can control when we award the contracts and when work begins If it's indicated we can get the money, we can hold off until fall but no lat- er", Fisher remarked.. Councillor Ray McKinnon want- ed to know if a PRIDE grant would cover engineering fees already paid out. He was told ministry approval must be obtained for a PRIDE- , sponsored project before any money is spent, as no grants are paid retro- actively. A special meeting was held on December 1 to pass a bylaw provid- ing for a drainage works in Zurich and Hay Township. A court of re- vision on the drain will convene on January 4, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. in the Zurich Community Centre. McKinnon was appointed chair- man, and Councillor Ken Fenwick as Zurich's other member, with Scores from OV Open Bowlers from Zurich Town and Country Bowling Lanes are once again competing in the OV Open Ontario Five Pin Bowlers Champi- onships. The first round of the Bluewater Zone was bowled on December 6 with 43 bowlers participating. Five games were rolled in Lucknow and five games, in Zurich. The follow- ing results are for the top tcn men and the top ten women after ten games. Walter Roth -Mt. Forest (2540), Frank Palen -Zurich (2441), Art Burt-Godcrich (2404), Murray Ben- newics-Seaforth (2364), Bob Atkin- son -Clinton (2351), Lorne John- ston-Mitch,,ll (2337), Steve Allen- Godcrich (2336), 011ie Edwards - Zurich (2330), Norm Wilding - Mitchell (2310), • Dale Taylor - Molesworth (2279). The top ten ladid(are - Shirley Schmidt-Godcrich (2392), Sandra •Dickert-Zurich (2375), Karen Pounder -Clinton (2336), June Fish- er -Zurich (2174), Sherrie Stade- Zurich (2171), Doris Matheson-- ' Itf'pieo Charles Fowler. Birthday gifts were presented, courtesy of the Ladies Auxiliary. Residents arc busy with their vari- ous activities during the mornings and working hard in the hobby shop in the afternoon trying to complete projects for the Christmas season. Bingo was played on Friday evening followed by refreshments. The Sunday evening chapel ser- vice was conducted by Rev. Vipper- man of Grand Bend and Exeter An- glican churches. Mr. John Warner presided at the organ during the wor- ship service. We welcome Dr. Herbert Kalb- fleisch to the home. He was former- ly a resident a London but originat- ed from the Village of Zurich. Huron Apothecary Ltd. J. T WILSON PHARMACIST PHONE 235-1982 440 MAIN ST EXETER, ONT. PRESCRIPTIONS We accept most major drug plans Blue Cross, Green Shield, Drug Benefit, etc. Hours Mon. Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Wed. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. "Your Independent Pharmacist" Molesworth (2123), Jean Dann - Zurich (2077), Nancy Conley - Molesworth (2062). The next round will be held on December 13, 1987 in Molesworth and Listowel. Councillor Herb Turkheim as an al- ternate. * * * * Michael Nantais attended the ses- sion to respond to notification from the village that leaving unlicensed vehicles on his residential property was in violation of zoning and property standards bylaws. "I am willing to straighten this out. I wish the neighbours had come to me to complain", Nantais said. He promised two of the cars would be gone by the end of the month, and the others would be put back in the garage. In response to some questions from Nantais, Fisher outlined the -steps required to set up a small business at a person's place of resi- dence, and commended Nantais for. his cooperation. * * * Speaking as chairman of the Zu rich hydro and water system, Turk- heim announced that hydro rates will go up 5.89 percent overall in 1988. Part of the increase will pay for the 4.7 increase in power costs from Ontario Hydro, and part will compensate for the lowered local de- mand. Turkheim said only one area municipality had a lower rate in- crease. Turkheim and PUC manager Charlie Eckel toured the village looking for areas that needed more street lighting. They decided the light at the. comer of Walnut and Edward Streets would do a better job if twisted slightly. Another dark spot was around the public school. Turkheim will approach the Huron Board of Education to suggest that a dawn -to -dusk light be installed at the front of the school. The only pole in the village with- out a light is in front of the RC rec- tory. Nearby residents will be con- tacted to see if they want a street light there. Reporting for the Zurich and area * fire board, McKinnon said the vol- unteer fu`emen would rather revert to a telephone system than acquire a central dispatch service such as the one in Crediton, noW that Michael O'Connor's dispatching service has been discontinued as of November 30.The fire phone system would be more economical, and part of the cost would be eligible for a grant. The Zurich and area fire depart- ment will be given approval to pur- chase the necessary equipment. A 68 -foot tower will be erected at the fire hall. * *..* * Cle• rk Regier s performance during her probationary period was re- viewed at an in -camera session. Councillors agreed to keeping her on permanently, at a salary of $19,200. Couricil accepted the property and finance committee's recommenda- tion of.a four percent increase for all municipal staff, and a 25 cents perhour increase for the janitor. The municipality will also pay 100 percent of staff group insurance, and the employees will pay for all weekly indemnity and long-term disability premiums. This will al- low any employee claims to be non-taxable. Anastasia Martens, landlord of the landfill site, has notified the village of proposed rent increases in the next three years. Fisher will dis- cuss this with her. Acting on some complaints about snowmobiles being driven over pri- vate property, Fisher instructed the clerk to check to see what other mu- nicipalities are doing about the problem, and draw up an appropriate bylaw. The writers of a letter complain- ing about a dog ticd at the ground floor entrance of an apartment build- ing will be asked to contact the building landlord and the village dog catcher. SPECTATORS - Zurich Public School students of their schoolmates during the Monday's Christm watch the performance as pageant. SWITCH TO WHERE THE SMART MONEY IS GETTING MORE. SEE WHO REALLY HAS THE BEST RATE.* COMPARE YOUR BANK TO THE STANDARD TRUST PRIME RATE ACCOUNT. • Rates shown are from recent survey. Subject to change without notice. With the Standard Trust Rime Rate Savings Account you get higher daily interest than the banks offer on every dollar emery day. Plus you get: Special bonus rates on accounts over S3,000, and even higher bonus rates on accounts over 510,000. 550 cash bonus for account transfers of 510,000 or more, or 525 cash bonus for transfer of accounts of 52,000 or more from another financial institution. • High Daily Interest Savings plus FREE CHEQUING privlleges'on balances over S500. Choice of Passbook or Monthly Statement. Longer business hours, no commis- sions on travellers cheques. 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