HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-12-16, Page 6• 1 Page 6 Times -Advocate, December 16, 1987 Two ladies church groups meet in Dashwood By BERNICE BOYLE The Lutheran Ladies Guild held their annual Christmas meeting Tuesday December 8 with 36 ladies present. The evening began with a song and prayer led by Jill Stojkov- ic. After the business meeting Mrs. Kathy Kellar led in Christmas games and a sing -a -long. shut-in names SANTA AT DASHWOOD- Santa Claus took time to drop into Satur- day's Christmas party sponsored by the Dashwood Men's Club. Above, he visits with Nathan Brown and Mary Joe Ryan. , er a3'0x€t3 a <s,a:..'`.Y.C< were passed out, along with gifts from the gift exchange. A rededica- tion candlelight service followed in the sanctuary. The evening concluded with Group two serving a most delicious lunch. Calvary UCW The Calvary United Church Women held their Christmas meet- ing Tuesday, December 8 with 60 members, husbands and friends. The new 1988 executive was in charge of the evening program. Mrs. Karen Tiernan welcomed everyone and asked Don Gaiser to open in prayer. Anmarie Hoffman sang "Silver Bells" followed by a meditation. "The light of the world" given by Charlene Edwards. Jennifer Giclnick sang a solo "Away in a Manger". Mary Anne Bender read "Let's Keep Christmas". The soloists gave two more num- bers and the audience had a sing -a- long, followed by a very impressive candlelight service conducted by Karen Tiernan. Doris Sinasac closed with prayer. President Maida Gaiser compli- mented the committee on the ar- rangements and decorations, paint- ing of the large dove hanging behind the Christmas tree which had been painted by Karen. Mrs. Alma Langford, president of Huron -Perth U.C.W., extended Christmas greet- ings to everyone. Third Sunday in Advent The third Advent Sunday was cel- ebrated by many who attended church services of their own choice in the area. The Youth Group was in charge of the 7:30 p.m. service at the Cal- vary United Church. The play "The First Christmas" was narrated by Rob Hoffman and Dan Weigand. The stable scene was set on stage with Mary and Joseph, Charmaine Van Rompay and Chad Willemson. The shepherds, Jeanette Kaak, Terry Hoffman, Randy Hoffman and Tim Hoffman brought in their live sheep. The angel, Kim Hoffman and Ted Hoffman controlled 'the light- ing. The music was proved by the choir and two soloists, Jennifer . Gielnick and Anmarie Hoffman. Bus trip Last Wednesday several area resi- dents went on a bus trip to Hamil- ton Place to hear the Geritol Fol- lies. They were entertained for two hours by a group of senior citizens who sing and dance- and have fun putting on these performances for the public who come for miles by the bus Toads. They toured the town of Simcoe to view the Christmas lights after they had enjoyed a roast beef supper at the United Church. The tour was arranged by` Ellison Travel with a Murphy bus and hostess Pearl Mill- er. Dr. Charles Toll who was co- founder of the Dashwood-Seaforth band along with other bands, died December 2 and was buried Sunday, December 6 from the Whitney- Ridey Funeral Honig, Seaforth with funeral director T. Harry Hoffman in charge of the service. Dr. Toll was a former band leader and had requested the band members play several marches and hymns be- fore and after his funeral service. Frans Boogemans played "The Last Post". A FISHING WE GO- Harold Patterson of the Dashwood Men's Club helps Ian Becker and Amanda Weigand with their fishing at Sat- urday's Christmas party. .'{. .. k. - .. ..... S: +�L�' :... { .. . > a�.5�: �,.S.n� . r. :.. '.:... ;.`.:. �+i.� :' ... <.ti.t.:t,,:<S"r':r:.:.:..�iT��.'�'S<k1?�k+fGfA. 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Christmas carols TELL US WHAT YOU THINK Be Part of our Telephone Pole" The Times -Advocate wants to know what you think. In fact, we want to know what your thoughts arc on just about any subject. In order to give the people of Exeter and arca a chance to speak out about issues which affect day-to-day life, or to blow off steam about things that simply bug you, the T -A is launching a new weekly feature called the Telephone poli' We will be opening our answering machine service up to the public after 5 p.m. nightly and on weekends. We ask that you call 235.1331 and leave your comments on it. You need not leave your name wi6 the message, but initials or a pseudonym would bc appreciated. We will impose no limits to the topics of your comments, oth- er than those dictated by good taste. All comments will, howev- er, bc subject to editing for reasons of libel and slander. Do you have a comment about thc meaning of life, local or federal politics, the conditions of our roads or the colour of our street Christmas decorations? Do you want to shari an anecdote or get a burning point across to thc community? Give us a ring and well hang your message on the Telephone pole. 235-1331 After 5 p.m. You told us... From Exeter: "When will our town decide that a traffic light is needed at the Main and Victoria St. intersection? Turning left off Victoria in either direction is almost impossible at certain times. It's time for a light." A disgruntled driver: "Why is it vans and panel trucks always seem to park near inter- sections on Exeter's Main St, blocking motorists' visibility when they want to exit from a side street? Couldn't the drivers of these large vehicles be more considerate and park nearer the middle of the block?" And an abused driver: - "f wonder about the mental age of some of the high school stu- dents who ride the school buses. Those in the back scats sometimes seem to have so little to occupy their minds that they resort to mak- ing nide gestures aimed at the occupants of cars behind them. "My assumption that the students I encountered recently were head- ing to SHDHS was based on size and shape; for all I know, they may have been heading to remedial kindergarten. "I realize such actions are more mindless than malicious. However, when my generation wants to hand on the future to these young peo- ple, will some fail to grasp opportunity because their hands, middle finger extended, are frozen in mid-air?" From a night -hawk: "Why do they turn off the Christmas decorations on Main St. so early insthc morning? Do they think people who stay out after 2 a.m. don't celebrate Christmas? I pay taxes and I want the privilege of seeing Christmas lights when its dark -- find I don't want to have to drive to Lucan td do it either. What is it with the PUC? Don't they pay their bills? There. Put that on your Telephone Pole." Editor's Note: Because this is a new weekly feature, we've got some bugs to iron out. Unfortunately, a misunderstandingcaused several messages to be erased from our trusty machine beore they could be recorded on paper. If your comment has not appeared in this week's issue, please call again and leave your point of view with us. We apologize for the inconvenience. A were sung, then Isabel Robinson gave two readings "Christmas Eve with a harried housewife" and "Sleepy ILead", then two more car- ols were sung and Ada Smith read the legend of the Christmas Rose Winners of the games were: Euch- .rc, Ladies high Aiurici Couieigh, Lone Hands Lulu Culbert, and Low Ethel Crouch, Mens high Merna O'Neil (Man), Lone Hands Clarence Davis, Low Milton Hodgins. Thanks for canned goods Members of the Lucan volunteer fire department would lice to extend their thanks for all the canned goods donated by the children of the com- munity. On Sunday, December 6, over 400 area youngsters 'gathered at the Fire Hall to visit with Santa, and each brought a can or more totalling an overwhelming canned goods drive for the community. Thanks once again to everyone who contributed to making this day Isuch a success. May thc holiday season bring everyone in our com- munity many joys and happiness which will last through the New Year too! Lost Heir - Audrey McRoberts and Beth Buchanan. Crokinole - Fred Trudgeon and Hector Robinson. Scrabble - Dorothy Trudgeon. Nis31441.04D+ p41aRaasaioaiiss. Merry Christmas and 3 A Happy New Year *lea Christmas Greetings and Thank You form the Dashwood and Area Business Association Pat's Dog Grooming & Boarding L.W. Kleinstiver Ltd. Dave Rader Construction Becker Wood Products Hayter Painting Lorne Becker Excavating Contractor A. Denomme Construction Ltd. Brian's Service Centre Merner's Food Market & Abattoir Becker Farm Equipment Ltd. Doug & Nancy's General Store Arc Industries . Zimmer's TV Harry Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home Hubert Miller J.J. Ornamental Railings Hayter's Turkey Farm Dr. Y.M. Lam 3May the Blessings of this season .be with you and pours throughout the New g Year. K Councillor, Tom Humphreys si?ititiov-cm vitt ow • • E SA\L "444 o lighten your holiday shopping! ONLY 899S ONLY 14995 Vivitar PS:20 Picture taking is as simple as point and shoot. thanks to the camera's accurate exposure system which eliminates confusing settings. Sharp Vivitar focus -free Tens. Uses 2 -alkaline batteries incl. in price. Vivitar D:535 -Affordable state -of -the art technology In an easy-to-use compact 35mm autofocus camera. In addition to above described; prebise focus with infrared reflection autofocus sytem. Built-in Vivitar electronic flash is so positioned that red eye is minimized. 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