HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-12-09, Page 33V Times -Advocate December 9 1987 HARTMAN - Gary and Diane are very proud to announce the birth of Victoria Charlene on December 1, 1987 at South Huron Hospital weighing 6 Ib. 12 1/2 oz. Vicki is a most -welcome addition for big brothers Darryl and Brent. Delighted grandparents are Ross and June Mar- shall, London and Vic and Irene Hartman, Dashwood. We would like to thank Dr. Steciuk and the staff at South Huron Hospital for another safe and sound delivery and most restful hospital stay. 49c HODGSON - KRATKY - Joyce and Ralph are tickled pink again to announce the arrival of their second child Heidi Eva Maria on Sunday, November 29, 1987 weighing 8 .lb. 5 oz., 20 1/4 inches long at St. Jo- seph's Hospital.She's just perfect!! Big sister Jasmine is just thrilled!! Proud grandparents (again) are Mr. Howard Hodgson of RR2 Ailsa Craig and Eva and Gerry Kratky of RR 2 Strathroy. Thanks alot to Dr. Bend= hcim, Dr. Vilos and third floor nurs- ing staff at St. Joseph's Hospital. 49c KNIP - Fred and Aileen (Klungel) are pleased to announce the birth of their third son Nicholas Albert, born December 1, 1987 at 3:30 a.m. at St. Joseph's Hospital,- London. Big brothers David and Michael are de- lighted with their new brother.. Proud grandparents are Harry and Karen Knip, Lucan and Harry and Ann Klungel, Hensall. Special thanks to Dr. A. Bocking and Dr. Stoffman and Dr. Q Connor and to St. Joseph's la- bour and delivery and South Huron Hospital for excellent post partum care. 49c ROOD - Timothy, Christopher and Ryan are tickled pink by the arrival of Michelle Lynn -Anne, November 21, 1987 at 12:19 a.m. weighing in at 7 lb. 4 oz. Proud parents Paul and Pam (nee Brenner), excited grandpar- ents are Bill and Marlene Brenner, Cornelius and Dora Rood, great - grandmas Ev Brenner and Hazel Mitchell. Special thanks to Dr. Johnson and nurses at Strathroy hos- pital. 49c BIRTHS ARMSTRONG - Bill and Linda are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Scott Richard, born Sun- day, November 22, 1987, weighing 9 lb. 3 oz. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Armstrong, Ex - and Mrs. Lois Wilson, Central - 49c eter ia. DEATHS PINNER - At South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter on Friday, December 4, 1987, Ada Mae (Ted) (W ton) Pinner of Victoria Street, Cre ton in her 87th year. Beloved wife of Charles Pinner and dear mother and mother- in-law of John and Mary Pinner of Huron Park. Also loved by four grandchildren and survived by broth- ers Lloyd Wilton of Pontiac, Michi- gan and Stewart Wilton of Maine, Grant Wilton of Florida. Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Funer- al Home, Dashwood. The funeral and committal service was held on Mon- day, December 7 at 2 p.m. Crema- tion with interment in Crediton Ce- metery. Rev. B. Elder officiated. TOLL- At Bluewater Rest Home, Zu- rich on Wednesday, December 2, 1987, Dr. Charles Edgar Toll former- ly of Seaforth; in his 92nd year. Be- loved husband of Laura (Argue) Toll of Seaforth. Loved father and father- in-law of Jill and John Farrugia of Cambridge andloving grandpa of Laura Farrugia and a uncle of a num- ber of nieces and nephews. Prede- ceased by his sisters Peril, Allie and Millie, brothers Roy and Fred and his parents Fred and Martha (Kear- nick) Toll. Rested at the Whitney- Ribey Funeral Home where the funer- al arrangements incomplete. T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood. 49c CARDS OF THANKS AQUILINA - I wish to express my sincere gratitude to all my neigh- bours, friends. Special thanks to Fa- ther G. Goyeau and for the flowers, cards and all the expressions of sym- pathy received in memory of my be- loved wife Carmen Mary. Sam Aquilina 49c • • ti PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 94 Andrew Street North Exeter REV. JOHN OBEDA Pastor Sunday, December 13 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Everyone Welcome EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP Sunday, December 13 9:45 - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 10:30 - 11:00 a.m. Fellowship 11:00 - 12:00 noon Family Bible Hour Christmas Program - 7:00 p.m. A Nursery is provided for the above services Tuesday 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study All Services held at Usborne Central School Huron St. East • Everyone Welcome EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev. Don Rogers Youth Pastor - Rev. Kevin Rogers Hwy. 4 South Sunday, December 13 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Wednesday night 7:00 p.m. Family Night Programs for all ages Nursery available for all services Everyone welcome BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East, Exeter Minister REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN Sunday, December 13 10:00 a.m. Worship "Needed for Christmas Joy" 11:10 a.m. Sunday School Nursery Available 7:30 p.m. Worship Choir Night "Star of Wonder" Come and Worship with us CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Interim Moderotor Rev. Rick Horst 284.3172 Guest Minister Dr. Jim Ferguson Organist Mrs. Joon Keys Sunday. December 13 11 15 a.m. Morning Service Communion 11:15 a.m. Sunday School EVERYONE WELCOME t ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Dashwood Pastor LARRY STOJKOVIC Sunday, December 13 9:30 a.m. Congregational Christian Education 11:00 o.m. Church Service Everyone Welcome EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Main St. North Minister Rev. Robert Arbogast Sunday, December 13 10:00 a.m. - Worship Sunday School - (Preschoolers) 2:30 Afternoon Service Nursery Available Everyone Welcome Listen to The Back to God Hour CKNX Dial 920 - 10:30 a.m. Television Faith 20 - Global 6 (cable 3) EXETER UNITED CHURCH Corner of James and Andrew St. Minisier: The Rev. Richard W. Hawley Staff Associate: Mrs. Bev Robinson Minister Emeritus: The Rev. Grant L. Mills Organist and Choirmaster Mr. Robert Cameron The Third Sunday In Advent Sunday, December 13, 1987 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship with The Rev. Richard W. Hawley 11:00 a:m. Sunday Church School Courtesy Car for December Mr. Jim Chapman 235-1644 Nursery Facilities available Sunday, December 13 7:00 p.m. Sunday School Christmas Concert EVERYONE WELCOME TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH (Anglican) Main Street at Gidley Exeter 235-2565 Sunday, December 13 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rev. Walter (Duke) Vipperman Sunday School Nursery Everyone Welcome EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W., Exeter Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge Sunday, December 13 9:45 a,m. Sunday School 11:00 o.m. Worship Service "The Ancestry of the King" 7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship "Greet One Another" Wed. • 7 p.m. Foniily Night Everyone Welcome CARDS OF THANKS ,1 DEVLIN - Special thanks to fami- ly, friends, neighbours, Legion la- dies Auxiliary, doctors and nurses for all your kindness shown to me while a patient in University Hospital and since coming home. Jenny Devlin 49c FAWCETT - I would like to thank Dr. Wallace and Maggie Visscher for their care and concern and the excel- lent nursing care I -got while in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Also for the many inquiries from friends since coming home. Thank you one and all. Have a Merry Christmas. 49c Margaret Fawcett, Bayfield HAIST - We express our apprecia- tion to everyone for cards, gifts, flowers and to those who extended congratulatory wishes at our 70th wedding anniversary. A special thanks to our family Stanley and Eu- nice for making the day a memorable occasion. A sincere thank you to the Dashwood U.C.W. for your assis- tance in the afternoon and to the neighbours and relatives who sur- prised us by providing and serving the supper. We will have wonderful memories of our 70th anniversary. 49c Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haist HEYWOOD - The family of the late Gordon Heywood wishes to ex- press their sincere thanks and appre- ciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes, memorials donations, mes- sages of sympathy and other acts of kindness during our bereavement. Special thanks to the Exeter Villa for their special care while Mr. Hey- wood was a patient also South Huron Hospital and nurses, to Rev. Richard Hawley and Pastor Kevin Rutledge for their words of comfort. To the la- dies of Emmanuel Baptist Church for the lunch provided after the funeral and to Hopper Hockey Funeral Home. Your kindness will never be forgotten. 49c Evelyn Heywood and family HEYWOOD - We wish to express our sincere thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbours for their lovely floral arrangements, messages of sympathy, food brought to the house and many other acts of kind- ness during our bereavement. Your kindness will always be remembered. Eldon and Alva 49c HIRTZEL - We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their kind words, cards, flowers and gifts of food at the time of the recent death of a father, father-in-law and grandfather. Also to the town of Exeter and Exeter Fire Department for the beautiful floral arrangements. Thanks again. 49* Bill, Ann and girls. McCLIjVCIIEY - We wish to thank our family who organized our 50th anniversary and all who helped in any way for our special day. We wish- to thank our neighbours and friends for the lovely gift. It will be treasured always. Thanks also for the gifts and cards and the music by Mr. and Mrs. William Holland and friend and Mr. Watson Webster on the mouth organ. 49nc Frank and Mabel MUGFORD - I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends, rela- tives and neighbours for the flowers, candies, cards, phone calls and visits received during my stay in South Hu- ron Hospital. Special thanks to Dr.Steciuk and all the staff at South Huron. The care was superb. 49* Cathy Mugford SCOTT - To my family and wife Muriel I say thank you for arranging the open house at Cromarty church to celebrate my 90th birthday, also I thank the congregation for recogni- tion of the event and the ladies for serving lunch. To all from far and near who braved the elements of the day to attend I say thank you. To the many who sent birthday greeting cards and to the Mitchell Pioneer Hobby Club and Elliott Chapter Mitchell and their visitors, for rec- ognition of my 90th birthday I say thank you. Everything was greatly appreciated. 49* Tom L. Scott. COMING EVENTS THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to at- tend the Child Health Clinic held at the health Unit Office, South Huron Hospital, Exeter on Monday, Decem- ber 14, 1987 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for health surveillance, anaemia screening and immunization. Adult immunization will also be offered at this clinic. 49c THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to at- tend the Adult Health Guidance Cen- tre held at the Health Unit Office, South Huron Hospital, Exeter on Tuesday, December 15, 1987 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. for health surveil- lance, foot care, anaemia screening, urine testing and blood pressure. 49c I.O.O.F. EUCHRE PARTY, Oddfcllows Hall, December 9, 1987, 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. 49c HERITAGE FOUNDATION PRESENTS "Christmas at the Old Town Hall", Saturday, December 12, 10:00 - 2:00 p.m. Bake sale, songs, of the season by "Horizon" and re- freshments. Everyone welcome. 48,49c NOW OPENING - FLEA MAR- KET at Mitchell Community Centre, Wellington Street. Any vendors in- terested, please contact us at 1-271- 7492. Flea Market will be running every Sunday except December 6, 1987. Hope to see you there. Open to public from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 48,d9c (- -- IN MEMf RIAM BULLOCK - In loving memory of our dear parents, mother Vera who passed away December 23, 1952 , dad John who passed away December 12, 1965. Like falling leaves the years slip by. Yet loving memories never die. Too far away for sight or speech But not too far for thoughts to reach, And no longer in our lives to share But in our hearts they're always there. Always remembered and sadly missed by daughters Nola and Clara and fam- ilies. 49* DEVLIN - In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, John Devlin, who passed away December 10, 1985. Your presence we miss, Your memory we treasure, Loving you always, Forgetting you never. Loved and missed by sons, daughters and grandchildren. 49c DEVLIN - In loving memory of my dear husband, John Devlin, who passed away December 10, 1985. You are always on my mind, No matter what I do, All the time within my heart, Are treasured thoughts of you. Loved and sadly missed by wife, Jen- ny. 49c GRACE - In loving memory of Laura Grace who passed to her eter- nal home, November'21, 1982. My heart still'aches with sadness And silent tears still flow What it meant to lose you, Laura No one will ever know. When a day is sad and lonely And everything goes wrong I seem to hear you whisper "Cheer up and carry on" Everytime I see your picture, You seem to smile and say, "Don't cry, I am only sleeping and we will meet again some day. Remembered always by your sister Sophia Haist. 49c HECKMAN - John Heckman passed away two years ago December 19, 1985. Our thoughts are always with you, We know you walk beside us. And when our lives are through, We pray that God will take our hands, And lead us straight to you. Always remembered by wife Anna, Doreen, Carolyn, Ron and Eric. 49* McLEAN - In loving memory of our parents, Ken and Eileen who passed away on December 11, 1986. Precious memories never die As the year goes on and days go by Gone are the days we used to share But in our hearts you are always there. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by your family. 49c SKINNER - In loving memory of our dad and grandpa, Harvey Skinner who passed away one year ago, De- cember 9, 1986. Your presence we miss Your memory we treasure Loving you always Forgetting you never. Tom, Vivian and family, Jean, Elson and family. 49c THORNTON - In loving memory of our grand, great and great, great grandparents, May Ann Alice Thorn- ton who passed away five years ago, December 9, 1982 and Joseph Thornton on September 10, 1966. A happy home we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still, But death has left a loneliness, The world can never fill. Our hearts still ache with sadness, And secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. When we are sad and lonely, And everything goes wrong, We seem to hear you whisper, "Cheer up and carry on", Each time I look at your pictures You seem to smile and say, Don't cry, I'm only sleeping, We'll meet again some day. Even though you arc not with us We're never far apart Because of the love you gave us, You arc always in our hearts To know we never said goodbye, Will always bring regret, But the hearts that loved you dearly, Are the hearts that won't forget. A thousand time we've needed you, A thousand times we've cried, If my love could have saved you, You never would have died. Please God look after our grandpar- ents. Sadly missed and ever remem- bered by your family Stan and Shir- ley Preszcator and families. 49c Bingo Lucan Arena Wednesday, Dec. 9 Doors open - 6:30 Bingo Starts 7:30 Regular games, share the wealth standup December Specials Every Wednesday night 1 December 1000 Jackpot game Due to the licence regula tions no one under 16 years of ode will be admitted From your children and grandchildren Hope you have many, many more T ARN DANCE Friday, Dec. 11: SINGLES DANCE LEE DAVIDSON AND SAGEBRUSH Saturday, Dec. 12: JOE OVERHOLT AND THE STANDBYS. No Blue Jeans, Please) 349-2678 Group Reservations Welcome Best Burgers & Fries Anywhere Daily Specials Eat in or Take out Hours: Mon. - Sat. 7:30a.m-7:30 p.m. Allen's ° Restaurant Hwy. 4 & 84 Hensall 262-2116j i�G3a 1•`ti� ,,4�G NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE Thurs. Dec. 314 4 HENSALL COMMUNITY •T- CENTRE $20.00 A COUPLE OpTickets available from i Grant Jones 262-5070 li Cecil Pepper 262-2201 Sponsored by H�`ensall 1.0.0.F. V:11 NOTICE t eft (gain_. 14 .11.~ .1 RvwIMN .. Nwp. 13 Will be CLOSED until January 7th following our 12 days of CHRISTMAS SALE December 1 to December 12 229-6429 risvoird, Ask Look Jane E. Will Be 30, Dec. 13 Still as Cute as Ever Mom & Dad Happy 18th Birthday To a "real •air" A tIiia piill.04•40,0 piiin10.0iimai. The Exeter & District 3 Heritage Foundation invites . you to A Christmas Open House 3 Exeter Old Town Hall 1 Sat., Dec. 12 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. - 100 -12.00 Bake Sale, Foyer 12.00 -1AO Visit with Santa Upstairs Auditorium. a moo -2.00' Songs of the Season by "Horizon" Colouring Contest, adActivities, Refreshments 1 Everyone Welcome! cr skaemizi it.Notni,easlwstaiasskeawm 3 presents Our Musical Production of "The Little Christmas Lamb" on Sun., Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. Everyone welcome held in The Usborne Central; School Gym SRst1aiR►aii4 il4041:iie Exeter Bible Fellowship 3 3 3 01.414811-0 gprxy is tV So!4Stste3 New Year's Eve Dance K -W Community Centre Music by Royalaires Tickets available: Woodham Store Kirkton Market Board Members Christmas Dance K -W Community Centre Sat., Dec. 19 Music b�y�Joe �Overholt Proceeds to ball maintenance Centralia Faith Tabernacle presents "Leave Christ in Christmas" A Christmas Musical Dec. 19 & 20 - 7 p.m. Everyone welcome For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever belleveth In Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Jain 3:16