HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-12-09, Page 25Pates 10A Times -Advocate. December 9. 1987 Second tree lighting Brenda McCourt Pulham is this . week's correspondent while Susan Hartman takes some holidays. . Villagers of Hensall met in front of the Town Hall under a light dust- .., ing of snow for the second annual • .Christmas tree lighting. ccre.mony, -----December 4. . A warm welcome was 'issued by Reeve Jim Robinson, followed by a seasonal message from Rev. Doug- las Wright of Hensall United Church who was invited to speak by the Hensall B.I.A. A festive air was created by the -Hensall Public School Senior .Choir. who under the direction of Mr. Steve Rcvington sang: Here Comes Santa Claus, Silver Bells and We Three Kings. The crowd joined in a countdown shouted out to the nursing home residents so they could share in the moment the tree was lit. Mr. Robinson extended thanks to Hensall and District Horticultural Society for their kind donation of the tree which now stands outside the Town Hall. A visit by St. Nick who distrib uted candy canes to the little ones filled the night with wonder. United Church Greeting the congregation for the White Gift Service at Hensel' 'Un- ticd'Chuicfi was Hazel Corbett: Ushers were, Ryan Kyle, Scott Gould, Jeremy Reid, Mark Brock, Angela Gould and Jonathan Corbett. Assistant pianist was Derick McGee. • Rcv. Doug Wright officiated and lit the second advent -candle. Scrip- tures were ready by Angela Gould, Janet Traquair, Lori Gould, Janine Hayter, Katie Rathwell and Jona- than Corbett: The joy of Christmas was cele- bratcd by the Junior and. Youth Choirs sharing in song: How Far is it to Bethlehem; Bells Are Ringing, Thc Gentle Donkey,. The Stars, Away in a Manger, Gloria Dco and He is Here._ The congregation appreciated the participation of Kerrie Consitt as Mary, Jason Corbett as Joseph, and Bill Hayter, Darren Zirk and Jeffrey Rathwell as wisemcn. The 25 shep- herds and angels and 37 members of thc junior and youth choir rounded out the scrvicc. A special thank you to the more than 70 students for a beautifully presented service. Working behind the scenes making this all possible. Unit IV Unit IV's Christmas meeting was opened by Nan Britton with thoughts of those things we must remember at Christmas. Thc Devo- tional was read by Mar.y Roobol as well as a closing prayer. Mary gave her report as card convener on the fine work she docs_all year. A poem read by Hilda Paync was a treat for her listeners. Elva Forrest gave a concisc treas- urer's report and partook in express- ing the unit's love and respect held for Nan Britton for her 10 years of duties. Dorothy Mickle presented Nan with a gift. Nan expressed her sipcere appreciation of the support given to her unit and herself. Carols were heartily sung fol- lowed by.a feast of Christmas cake and cookies served by Eileen Rennie and Evelyn Flynn. Horticultural Society meets The Christmas meeting of the Hensall Horticultural Society oc- curred in Hensall Untied Church on Monday, November 30. Thespeaker was Mrs. -Carol Steckle, whose top- ic was Christmas flowers which proved interesting. 'the rest of the evening was com- posed of a sing -song with Bill Gib- son on the piano, the arrival of San- ta Claus and Mrs. Claus followed by a delicious lunch. An enjoyable night for all! Klnnettes The Hensall Kinsmen received a huge bax of toys over the weekend for the Christmas bureau. Jeff Re- dburn did a commendable job of or- ganizing the event. Thanks to all who contributed. The Kinettes were successful in their _sale of poinsettias over the weekend. Some are still available at Allen's Restauraot. The money goes towards " cystic fibrosis. Thanks to Jan Hoover and all who 'ci ► . ted and su ► ► • ► the cause. r POINSETTIA SALE - Kinettes Jan Hoover (left) and president Cathie Neilands are joined by Craig Hoover while setting up the display of poinset- tias from Huron Ridge Acres for sale by. the organization. All profits from the sale will be donated to Cystic Fibrosis research. The Hensall Kinsmen also have a toy drop box at Stratford's to collect donations for needy chil- dren. Hensall and district news Susan Hartman 2622449 TRAIN DERAILMENT - A CN freight train ran off the rails near the Hensall grain elevators on Friday afternoon, tipping one bf the cars on its side. No injuries were reported. A work crew with a large crane brought in for the oc- casion hoped to have the line.open by Monday. . - B.I.A. promotes "contest Once again this year the Hensall B.1.A. is sponsoring a holiday *house, decorating contest. Everyone is eligible to participate and there are no entry forms required, only in- itiative and imagination. Besides awarding a first,. second and third prize, there will be a spe- cial category for the best decoration of an apartment balcony or window. Winners will be announced on or before December 19, so be creative and display your Christmas spirit for all to enjoy. Unit III The Christmas mecting of Unit three U.C.W. was opened with the poem ''The Heart Takes Wing at Christmas Time". Mary Brintnell conducted the worship which took the form of the Christmas Story in- terspersed with Christmas carols; Dorothy Parker was in charge of the program and read a Christmas story entitled "The Prodigal Father", as well as a mission letter. Lovely Christmas songs were sung by Dor- othy Parker and Cathy Parker and Vcra Ross performed several season- al piano selections. The secret pals revealed their iden- tity in the gift exchange followed by a delightful lunch served by the social committee. Reminders: Senior Choir will .meet at the church at 7:30 Thurs- day, December 10 this week only. Bible Study will meet December 15, Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. at the church. Thc official boat'd meets this Thursday December 10 at the church. The executive meets at 7:30. Committees meet at 8:00 and full board at 8:30. This meeting will be 'followed by a Christmas fel- lowahip here. 1 on,'rforget.thc Explorers Christ- mas program on Sunday, December 13 at 2 p.m. There will be;music, recitations and lots of fun for every- one in the Fellowship Hall. - Shuffleboard Shuffleboard scores for Tuesday, December 1 were: ladies high - Ol- lie Essery 391, Pearl McKnight 248 and Beatrice Richardson 197: Men's high scores were: Alf Ross 406, Howard Johns 392 and Dave-Wood- ward aveWood- ward 353. t THE BEST TREE - Chris Gardner of the First Hensall Venturers sells some of the 75 Christmas trees for sale by the Hensall scouting move- ment. This is the first year the scouts have sold trees and they went pleasantly surprised by the solid demand for the firs. ueeniway ! /euiJ Hello! Welcome to Quce sway news. Monday aftcmoon we played bingo for the last time this year Drysdale's of Hensall Warehouse Clearance of All 1987 Models Subject to prior sale Over 500 appliances in stock MOFFATOver 30 models in stock from ^(frigerators 01111.1111, a : on- *- Over 50 Moffat Micro ovens in stock from $27995 Includes free micro school '689 95 with trade MOFFAT RANGES 38 models in stock from '48495 with trade MOFFAT Microwave Oven,, Not exactly as Illustrated All prices Include our service delivery set up etc. except micro oven Also Speciali; on washers, dryers, gas ranges and gas stoves We Service What We Sell DRYSDALEMAJOCENirIXALTD. HENSALL 262-2728 Ontario OPEN MONDAYS IN DECEMBER OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 p.m. 'THE PLACE TO BUY APPLIANCES c with the ladies of the Bethel Re- formed Church. Residents have real- ly enjoyed spending their' time Monday afternoons with these la- dies during November. Monday evening wc welcomed a special group of children from Clinton Pentecostal Fellowship, led by Marilyn Richards with her husband as pianist. Everyone felt their sing- ing was lovely. Tuesday morning we gathered in the Activity Room for a fun and fit- ness session. In the afternoon Pas- tor Alles of the Zurich Lutheran Church led our worship service. Gertic Fleischauer was pianist. Fa- ther Mooney was also.in to see our Catholic residents. Wednesday afternoon we had choir practice with Joyce Pepper and in the evening decorating got under- way at our "Spruce Party". Several ladies from the Zurich Mennonite' church and our Ladies Auxiliary as- sisted with decorating our home. Afterwards residents and volunteers converged on the dining room to sip hot mulled cider and munch on fruit breads and cheese. Residents Council's winter project is well under way. We hope to have copies out in about three months. Once again, anyone who would like to have a recipe in our cookbook, please pick up a form from thc Ac- tivity Room at Queensway. Thursday evening we were pleased to welcome HensaN's Brownie pack, a charming group of little girls who sang several Christmas carols for us. We'd like to thank their dedicat- ed leaders Vicki Wilder, Cheryl Towle, Chris Wilcox and Jennifer Taylor for arranging the visit. Friday was a quitter day as wc met for fun and fitness and sang Christmas carols afterwards. Sunday afternoon we had a special visit from the very talented St. Bon- iface Choir directed by Theresa Van Raay. Residents really enjoyed their beautiful and profession presenta- tion. All residents are looking forward to our family Christmas dinner, Sunday, December 13. We are still in need of some vol- unteer drivers for our Meals on Wheels program. Anyone interested in becoming a voluntcet, please contact Mrs. D. Jantzi at 262-2830. viev CAROL SINGING - Reeve Jim Robinson leads a group of Hensall youths in singing Christmas carols at Friday's tree -lighting ceremony. This is the second year the ceremony has been observed and the first year with a live tree. A Christmas Gift from The Birch Tree 20% Off Storewide (except consignments) 117 King St., Henasll 262-2029 8ISLL CAN 8J1,\LIE; Simple Expressions will be closing DECEMBER 31, 1987 Everything Must Go! Lots of Bargains Hensall Arena Events Wednesday, Dec. 9 2:30-3:30 p.m. Moms & Tots 5:15 p.m. I3elgrave vs Novice 6:45 p.m. Clinton vs Atom 8:00 p.m. (iodcnch vs PeeWcc 9:15 p.m. Open Ice Thursday. December 10 5:30 p.m. Ringcttc 8:15 p.m. Rec. ILocke% Friday, December'11 4:15.p.m. Nensall Figure Skating 7:I5 p.m. ()pen Ice 11:30 p.m. Hensall OW Timers Saturday, December 12 x 45 a.m.-12:45p.m. Hensall Minor Hockey 1:00-3:00 p.m. Free Public Skating sponsored by the Kinettes 3:36•6:30 p.m.-Ringcttc 9:30 p.m. Open Ice Sunday, December, 13 I:00-3:00 p.m. I'uhlic Skating 3:30.4:1() p.m. Kippcn Church 5:00-6:15 p.m. Kincardine ss Rantam - 6:45 p.m. Open Ice Monday, December 14 5:15 p.m Hensel! Minor Hockey Tuesday, December 15 4:15 p.m. Nensall Figure Skating 8:00 p.m. Rroomhall 100() p.m. Open Ice This AdverhsemerN.spnrsnrtvt by Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. 262-2831 Stocker Rain 1 . miles north of tletnsait All Tilley Wallets iron's & ladies' 20% off • All Timex Watches Sale Priced • All Whisper or Secret Panty Hose 5O' off ea. pr. Ron's Healtk Centre HENSALL The Home of Lots of Lottery Winners urn Special Leave your films here Second set of Prints FREE Offer ends Dec. 30 rr