HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-12-09, Page 111 limes -Advocate, December 9 1987 TURTLE PARADES - The Purple Turtle and helpers Willy Partridge and • Mike Burton arta ready tor Saturday's Santa parade. Cromarty, learn first By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN° Stark' Mrs. Glen Elliott attended the Convocation held at the Doon Cam- pus in Kitchener on Saturday, where she graduated with honours in the Health care Aide programme. Con- gratulations Cathy. The First Cromarty Scouts have been very busy learning First Aid this past few weeks. When they complete this course they should all be prepared in case of minor emer- gencies. Saturday, November 21, seven of our nine scouts braved the weather to plant fifteen maple trees for Hib- bea Township. Special thanks to the following fathers who helped,. Jack Dearing, Jim Waddell and John Scott. Staffa WI Mrs. Margaret Kemp hosted the Citizenship and Legislation meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute at her home on Wednesday evening, November 25, when special gucsts were Misses Tracy Schrader and Kelly Nicholson, students at Mitch- ell District High School. Thesetwo girls were among the ten students from Mitchell High School who were chosen to travel to Weagamow in Northern Ontario on a exchange trip. The girls gave their impressions of their six day stay with the na- tives of Weagomaw, showed some excellent slides and displayed many souvenirs which they had received as gifts or purchased. Both girls were very enthusiastic and their comments were interesting to all. The girls were introduced and thanked by Mrs. Joyce Miller. Mrs. Miller presided opening with the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Upon arrival everyone was given a paper feather with the name of a Indian Tribe on it. Mrs. Kemp also had a map up showing the lo- cation of many of the Indian reser- vations in Ontario. She also had on display several Indian Artificacts, including a wov- en basket over sixty years old. Mrs. , Kemp gave two Indian readings "Spring on Weagamow" and "Death of an Indian Child". There were 11 members and three visitors present, answering the roll call by naming a Indian reservation in Ontario. Mrs. Florence McPhail commented on, how civic holiday came into being. Mrs. Roberta Templeman presided for the business with correspon- dence from the Children's Aid, Opti- mism Place, 4-H club and Hibbert Township, being read by Mrs. Verli Mahon. In the absence of the treasurer, Mrs. Kay Smale, Mrs. Joyce Vivi- an gave the treasurer's report. Dona- tions were made to the Children's Aid and Optimism Place. Twelve WRAP UP CHRISTMAS EARLY Scouts aid hand books are to be purchased for the branch members. Staffa Women's Institute have been asked, and have accepted a,ii- vitation to cater to a Christmas din- ner at the Township hall on Tues- day evening December 15. The committee named to plan the banquet are Esther Smale, Marjorie Drake, Doris Miller and Freda Ker- slake. Mrs. Kemp volunteered to send Christmas greetings to the Weavering Women's Institute at Maidstone, Kent, England and Mrs. Templeman will send a gift. Members were reminded of the Christmas meeting which is to be hosted by Mrs. Joyce Vivian on De- cember 16 beginning at 7 p.m. with a pot luck dinner. Don't forget your secret pal gift. For lunch Mrs. Kemp and Mrs. Miller served Ban- nock with jams and tea for lunch. Bannock was a new taste experience for almost everyone present and was enjoyed by all Kirkton By MRS HAROLD DAVIS The Kirkton Womens Institute met at the Kirkton-Woodham Com- munity Centre on Thursday, No- vember 25. President Doris Spence welcomed everyone, especially our gucsts. Roll Call was answered by "A Country you would like to visit". Butsy Parkinson, Shirley Brintnell, Doris Denham and Christine Eve- leigh are donating gifts valued at S 10.00 each to the Ladies Tent for the International Ploughing match in September, 1988. A donation was approved to Perth County Children's Aid Society to help with their Christmas. 1t was decided to give each 4-1-1 girl com- pleting 12 clubs a Trillium cup and saucer. The -executive will decide on a gift for the 4-1-1 girl completing 18 clubs. The conveners for International Affairs, Miss Jean Copeland and Miss Ethel Copeland, inroduced guests peaker Mrs. Calvin Christie who with her husband travelled to Greece in the spring of 1984. Her presentation of slides, pictures and souvenirs were most interesting. Some of the points of interest were the ruins of temples. They toured many museums. They were at Olympia where the Olympic torch was lit, and at Delphi where the Oracle used to forte!' the future. They also enjoyed seeing and visit- ing some of the small Greek is- lands. Ethel thanked Gwen and pre- sented her with a gift on behalf of the Institute. Mrs. Ewart Crago gave a very in- teresting report on current events. Jean Copeland gave a humorous reading 'A .mother's letter to her son". Will award Tuckersmith citizens Tuckersmith Township, through the new Canada program "Celebration 88", will be able to award some of its citizens who have' made outstanding contributions to amateur sports and another group who have contributed to.the quality of life in their community. A committee has 'been formed, anonymous at this time, which will adbertise for nominations required for these awards. Anyone in Tucker - smith wishing to nominate a de- serving citizen is requested to mail these names to the township office at Vanastra before January 4. The nominations required are two outstanding athletes in the town- ship, one male and one female; a volunteer for his or her unselfish contributions totheir sport and community; a coach for devoting his or her time to the encourage- ment of fair play and sportsmanship and for bringing out the best in the athletes under his or her guidance; an official, an individual for devot- ing his or her time 10 the promo- tion of fair play and sportsmanship; a sponsor, a business that has con- tributed monetarily or with services` in kind, towards the development of amateur sport in the township. The local Celebration Committee is asked to identify individuals for "Celebration 88" certificates. They deserve recognition for their unself- ish.contribution to the community. Their contribution can be inspira- tional in nature, and recipients can be recognized fer demonstrating the Olympic spirit in business, educa- tion, Culture or community service, etc. Both for the medal and certificate awards the committee is asked to' solicit nominations from the com- munity and to select recipients by consensus. In other business council accepted the tender by Chamney Sanitation Limited for the garbage pick-up at Vanastra for $210 per week, plus 580 per month for the container at the Vanastra Recreation Centre for a two-year period. A policy will -be established by council that any fill removed on the clean-out of a municipal ditch will be levelled at the expense of the drainage system. Council will apply to the Huron County development committee for assistance, to reproduce the town- ship's industrial brochure. Passed for payment were the fol- lowing accounts for a total of $359,906.06; regular day care centre at Yanastra - $8.874.44; sppeecci day. care centre at Vanastra - $7,3 6.54; Vanastra Recreation cen re - $11,236.37; roads - $103,5 .86; and general accounts - $228,9 .85. Council will forward a let r to John Segeren requesting that a ob- struction in the Nott Dra nage Worksbe removed. , A weight restriction by-law was passed that the limit be six tons on. the McLean-Broadfoot bridge and five 'tons on the bridge on ,the Plumb Sideroad. Mark Bell of the ministry of envi- ronment attended council and dis- cussed the 1988 budget for the Va- nastra water and sewage department. This will be discussed at a later date. - The Vanastra water and sewage-1- partment is asked to investigate the water problem in the basement of Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas of 10 Toronto Boulevard at Vanastra, sug- gesting a back=water valve be con- sidered The meeting was adjourned at • 12:30 a.m. Wednesday. Share dental director Huron and Perth Counties should soon be sharing a new director of dental services, Dr. Maarten Bok- hout has advised Huron County Council. Dr. Bokhout, Huron's medical of- ficer of health, made the announce- ment during presentation of the board of health report to the regular December session of county coun- cif. At present, Dr. Bokhout said, plans are for the two counties to share the cost of providing a director of dental services and candidates are currently being interviewed for the position, Dr. Bokhout and Perth MOH Susan Tamblyn expect to an- nounce the appointment.of a suc- cessful candidate early in the new year. he said. Santa Claus Wille Here Fri., Dec. 11 Sat., Dec. 12 6 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 10 a.m. - 12 noon 1p.m.-3p.m IIIIIIIIIIII1111111111f1111I1111111111n111111111111111111111111111111rrrrrl111111111111IIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111 FREE Coffee and Donuts Friday Night &Saturday. mlUtunuutonlluniutnunuumn11nu0nmmnuuuuunnutuunumnlDumlDuunnuunouu8lunll1u117u11uu1D re Christmas Ikeat4:1ibraWOTM? f iia askec tura taco HEY KIDS Free Photo with Scintel %eaaeat7ecaaadelas EUS-Tikillt ► WEISER LOCKS A9470 HERITAGE 5 re collsoi Weiser passage sets. both passage sets. keyed entries, deod• bolts and grip sets_ Topquality door herd• wore for your home. Materiels mstrong lArynowsid on theemlity • of y aMn°tholtet orerwreere 1"x6" V Match PINE Reversible with Centre V 47' per lin. ft. ARMSTRONG CEILING TILES 1ozo Interior DOORS Ontario White Pine 1x2 1x3 1x4 1x6 1x8 1x10 1x12 Clear .310 per lin. if. #2 Stk. .300 per lin ft. #2 Stk .37C per lin. ff. 53C per lin. ff. 74C per lin. ff. 990 per lin. ft. 1.35 per lin ff. Clear Ontario Pine Also in Stock Xakabeka SOLID LUMBER PANELING FULL ''," THICKNESS • END MATCHED • SIMPLE INSTALLATION • NO WASTE • h,. ^t DRIED 11111111 ig;h10.1 sox o+! Beautify ony stroll in your home with these 4" or 6" kiln dried, end•motched tongue and groove panelling. Available in pine, oak. birch, block ash and knotty cedar. 1 VA‘PP MEM REAL W000 BOARD PANILLIW0 , 1 {, l•: Vit' .• ,!: ., r !!r,)„', Designed and manufactured by Anstett Manufactur- ing Ltd. These large Gemstones have all been purchas- ed directly by Anstett's in world markets. 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