Times-Advocate, 1987-12-02, Page 26Page 8A Times -Advocate, December 2, 1987
Craft Show a huge success
The annual Oakwood Craft Show
was a huge success, with over 800
people crowding into tli'e Oakwood
Dining Room to do some early
Christmas shopping. Most camc
early in the day for the best selec-
tion of crafts produced by 26 talent -
cd exhibitors. Business was so good
that most exhibitors booked for
next year already!
There were lots of familiar faces
behind the tables, with gingerbread
houses on order, lovely handknit
sweaters and a bewildering array of
beautiful crafts all ready to trans-
form your home into a designer's
Christmas dream.
Some new faces were on the scene
as well, with Yvonne Falsetti of
Zurich,"Unique Trends" showing
beautiful sweaters and natural
wreaths. Joan Baxter of Grand Cove
had a table of doll clothes, finger
puppets, and assorted Christmas
decorations, Joan King, another to -
cal artisan, .did so well on her
stained glass collection that she
booked two tables for next year.
Pat Green, from the Grand Bend
arca, displayed wooden articles like
ducks and tulips. Cindy Taylor of
Brucef-ield had an interesting selec-
tion of computerized children's
books, where you fill in your
child's name in all the blank spaces
fora real personalized touch.
Two exhibitors came from as far
as Toronto: Philmorc Enterprizes
presented wooden doll cradles, beds,
bird feeders, etc. Sue Woods showed
an array of wooden toys, Christmas
items, wreaths and wall hangings.
There was brisk business through-
out the day, in the friendly atmos-
phere of buyer an'd craftsman meet-
ing face to face, for the best
exchange of feedback and new ideas.
News from G.B. churches
This was the First Sunday of Ad-
vent, as Father Beck led the congre-
gation in a special ceremony of
lighting the first candle of the Ad-
vent Wreath, at Immaculate Heart of
Mary Church. The reader at the Sat
urday night Mass was Andy Vrol-
lyk, and the organist was Paul Die-
In his sermon, Father Beck ex-
plained that in the early Church,
Easter was thc main feast day, with
Christmas celebrations beginning
during the second and third centu-
ries. The gospel tells us to stay
awake and watch for the coming of
the Lord. Do we wait for Ghrist dur-
ing this Advent season, to arrive at
Christmas, or arc we only marking
off the shopping days until Santa
comes? The season of Advent
"Come, oh Come, Emmanuel, God
With Us." Prepare your hearts as
his home.
Congratulations to' Karlce Dawn
Leny Flcar, infant daughter of Ste-
ven and Mathilda (Martens) Flcar,
who was received into the Catholic
community through the sacrament
of Baptism. -
Religious articles and pro-life
Christmas articles will be available
after each Mass until Christmas.
Father Beck is encouraging the par-
ish to receive the Sacrament of Re-
conciliation during Advent, so con-
fessions will be heard before all
Masses, and a communal service is
scheduled for Tuesday, December 22
at 7:15 p.m. Mass.
There is a Christmas concert Wed-
nesday December 2, at 8 p.m. in 'the
St. Boniface School Gym, Zurich,
by the St. Boniface choir. Admis-
sion is $1.00 per person and 53.00
per family. On Sunday, December
13, will be the collection of toys
and canned goods for the poor. Toys
or gifts should be marked boy or
girl, and by age.
United Church Cu. ..n
Elders Bob Southcott, I-,.., Wil-
lert, Brian Pcaren, Bcrtic Keyes,
Dianne Rice, Elizabeth Norris,
Marg Desjardinc, and Liz Adams
served the elements as the GBUC
congregation celebrated the Sacra-
ment of Holy Communion last
Rcv. R. Peebles spoke on
"Witnessing - Results". Ann Rus-
sell read the lesson from 1 Peter
2:9-17 and Acts 2:1-4, 12-16, 40-
47, wherein Rcv. Peebles said that
every early Christian was on fire
with God's message. People must
be prepared to fulfill a commission
to helpthe church grow. Only love,
compassion and understanding will
bring results.
The Youth Group will be holding
a hay ride on Saturday December 12
at 6:30 p.m. Please meet at the
church if you're 12-20 vcars old.
Some Christmas carolling will be
done at this time. This Sunday will
• be White Gift Sunday.
The stewards will be meeting on
Grand Bend
aiid district news
Lynne Desjardine - 128-8769
Roberta Walker - 238-2471
CUBS AT WORK - The 1st Grand Bend Cub pack made these bird feed-
ers with material from ARC Industries. Showing their own finished products
are Matthew Hayter, Dashwood and Brian Lovie, Grand Bend, front. Stand-
ing are Bradley Stokkermans, Jason Sheppard, Cameron Sweiger and Da-
vid Moran -Lemon just joining the group at J.T. Kerry's Lumber shop.
1; .r
MAKE WINTER FEEDERS - Cubs from the 1st Grand Bend pack line
up with cedar logs at J.T. Karry Lumber shop at their meeting last Thursday
night. Leader Larry Taylor helps each boy operate the drill press to make
holes in their feeders. Leader Bob Lovie helps a cub straighten his nails.
Alhambra Christmas party
The members of the Algarva #168
staged their annual Christmas Party
for the children of all the Sirnobles
and Sultanas, on Sunday afternoon.
Nearly 40 children, their parents and
friends gathered at the Alhambra
Hall for a great party.
• Entertainment was provided by
Sultana Roberta Walker, who_prc-
sentcd a program titled "Adventures
in Music," with violin, piano, vo-
cals, puppets and pictures. This
multi -media approach to music ap-
preciation is part of a program she
will be presenting in arca schools in
the near future, aimed at kindergart-
en to Grade 3. After the show, Paul
Dietrich played some well -loved
Christmas carols, until a familiar
"Ho -Ho -Ho -Merry Christmas!" rang
out. That jolly old gentleman, San-
ta Claus made an early appearance
to -hand out gifts to each child
(Thanks to Casey Bax).
The air was full of laughter and
noise, the floor littered with paper
and toys, but they enjoyed the re-
freshments, took their candy bags
and went home happy. Special
thanks to this years' party chairmen,
Sirnoble Phil and his Sultana Ro-
berta Walker.
Thursday, December 3 at 8:00 p.m.
Support the Sunday School Con-
cert on Sunday December 13 at 6:45
Church of God
Worshippers were greeted at the
door by Hubert and Norma Vincent,
in the Church of God on Sunday
morning. George Wincgarden led the
opening chorus "My Wonderful
Lord", Pat Desjardinc presented the
theme "Christ to the World" for
their "Christ's Birthday" missions
offering. Lucille Vincent sang a solo
"No One Understands Like Jesus".
Pastor Desjardine's message was
taken from Luke 1:26-35, Jesus
came to Earth to be the Saviour of
the World. •
For the regular evening service,
several people attended the Barry
Moore Pre -Campaign Rally at Tri -
vitt Memorial- Church in Exeter.
Barry Moore is a Canadian evangel-
ist from London, Ontario. This was
the "Kick-off' organizational meet-
ing for all the local churches that
will be involved in the rally, to take
place form February 28 to March 6.
The ladies of the Church of God
arc looking forward to enjoying a
night out on Thursday, when they
meet at Macy's Restaurant for sup-
per at 6:30 p.m.
The Tuesday morning Bible
Study group met at Saublc .Court
Lounge with 18 ladies present. Pat
Desjardinc opened with prayer and
• Millie Desjardinc led the hymn -
In starting a new chapter "Should
I Fcar God?" from thc book "David
and HIs Psalms" they learned that
Our Loving God can also be a God
of Wrath. They read in II Samuel 6
that God can punish scrverly when
His laws are not obeyed to the let-
Twentieth Century Christians do
not feel too comfortable with this
aspect of God. Answering the ques-
tion "Should I Fear God?" requires
an understanding of the awesomi-
ness of God's nature, as well as of
the meaning of the ciliation fcar.
Further study will continue on
this lesson next week, with Puc
Mcrkics as discussion leader. The
closing prayer was given by Doris
Women Today-
oday-meet Dec. 5
The Christmas Quarterly Meeting
of Women Today of Huron County
will be held on Saturday, December
5 in Clinton, at the Women Today
House. The business meeting starts
at 1 p.m. followed by a Christmas
Party: The annual Silent Auction.
fund raiser will be held from Dc
cembcr 1-16, also at the Women
Today House in Clinton.
ENTERTAIN ROYALLY -. The Cathedral Brass musicians performed a variety of musical styles last Wednes-
day in Grand Bend to a large crowd. Seated in the front is Jodi Becker, usher, GB President Carol Anne Bonen-
berg, and Liz Gaudio, usher, all of Grand Bend. In the back members include Margaret Wolf, trumpet; Janet Sar-
gent, French horn; Greg Parry, tuba; John Loretan, trombone; and Rob Dutton, trumpet.
ians .captivate
A talented group of young musi-
cians, The Cathedral Brass, captivat-
ed the crowd in the United Church
Wednesday evening with one of the
best concerts they've ever seen. The
performers quickly established a
good rapport with the audience and
cemented that bondthroughout the
evening with their easy wit, and
panache. Grand Bend Concert Asso-
ciation President Carol -Anne Bo-
nenberg introduced the musicians to
a large crowd, which included quite
a few younger children.
Rob Dutton and Margaret Wolf
played the trumpets, with Greg Par-
ry on tuba, Janet Sargent on french
horn and John Lorctan on trombone
and alpine horn.
What is an alpine horn? Well, it's
a long, (three meters or 13 feet)
curved wooden horn, cut from a
young tree, hollowed out and
wrapped in wicker. In the Alpo
mountains, the sound of one horn
can carry over six km., so needless
to say, its warm, mellow baritone
filled the church easily. John Lore -
tan, of Swiss background, com-
posed a beautiful piece for this diffi-
cult instrument (controlled only by
the lips with no keys or pedals). He
can get nearly a Ebur octave range
on the horn, which spanned the en-
tire stage. (It comes apart for pack-
From their first number, a jazzy
rendition - New Orleans style - of
"Just A Closer Walk With Thee,"
he quintet captured everyone's
Little Master Andrew Smith stole
a few hearts of his own when he re-
quested "The Lone Ranger Song".
When they played the fainiliar
"William Tell Overture" every child
was jumping up and down in his or
her scat with excitement!
The music varied widely, from
Handel's beautiful "Water Music
Suite" with its classical, stately
overtones of royalty to a Scott Jo-
plin ragtime piece "Sunflower Slow
Drag" that has a nice, easy swing to
set your toes a-tappin'.
- The musicians easily mastered the
complexity of a Bach fugue, which
presents a musical tapestry of coun-
terpoint, then delighted the children
with that charming old favorite,
"Frere Jacques" (Brother John),
complete with odd solos and lots of
general clowning around.
Certain pieces featured each of the
instruments. "Chanson De Matin"
by Edward Elgar showcases the
k ;,,. ... . . SS? C° E o- Metm`;.xsbx< s ,rs.ii: ;, m. i.: 2a','.7??.:g .
About people you
What can you say about this time
of year? Cold ,wct, bleak and dreary.
One of the few comforting thoughts
is that you don't have to shovel it.
The days grow shorter and Christ-
mas shopping fever is starting to af-
fect most of us, resulting in in-
creased gas mileage, an increase in
our credit card balance and an in-
crease of anxiety that we'll never get
it all done in time for that Big Day.
Time to start on Christmas cards too
- I'd better get working on mine.
Marg Hedley spent 30 days in Cal-
gary, leaving in September and ar-
riving home .on October 26. Ten
hours after she arrived in Calgary,
her first grandchild was born, Tara -
Lynn Amanda Winhold, daughter of
Brenda (Hedley) and Bob Winhold
madc her grand entrance. Grandma
enjoyed her company for that whole
month, and helped the new mother,
then returned home to Grandpa, who
was holding the fort. He'll get his
chance to meet his granddaughter
when the family comes for a Christ -
mas visit, arriving here on Decem-
ber 13. That'll be a holiday to re-
In news from Sauble Court, 18
seniors recently joined thc
McNaughton Bus Tours of Ildcrton,
for a trip to the Royal Wintcr Fair
in Toronto. They left on that awful
snowy Saturday at 7 a.m. but once
the bus passed Woodstock, the day •
turned sunny and bright.
They enjoyed the lovely flower
show, the beautiful horses, the veg-
etable display, and the rather comi-
cal steeplechase set-up for,the dogs.
Various breeds of dogs were clocked
as they ran a challenging course,
beautiful tones of the French horn,
a very difficultinstrumentplayed to
perfection by Janet Sargent. "Teddy
Trombone" is an outrageous, funny,
parody of the trombone, a jazzy
number the kids just loved, played
by John Loretan.
The "Golyardes Grounds" bases
everything on four notes played by
the tuba, and builds the rest of the
quintet around it.
The trumpets really shine in Han-
del's "Water Music" and in• the
"Suitt from the Monteregian
The first movement is a lively
march, the second a quieter, pensive
number - ode to a rainy day, per-
haps? The third, "Valsc Ridicule" is
a humorous piece which sounds like
a drunken dancer weaving around the
floor as the horns guffaw and blat,
and the music reels crazily around.
The suite ends with a piece like a
modem dance from "Rodeo", with a
certain Western swagger and flair.
After thunderous applause and a
heart -felt standing ovation, the per-
formers re-entered in Santa Claus
caps for "We Wish You a Merry
Christmas". Afterwards, members
of thc audience stayed to meet the
artists and enjoy refreshments.
quite similar to that of a hors%
show. -
They stopped in Cambridge for
supper and finally reached home af-
ter 10 p.m. - a very long, but excit-
ing day.
I5id you know that the last Mon-
day of thc month is always a pot-
luck birthday supper for 11 Saublc
Court residents? The busy -bee quil-
ters of Sauble Court, have finished
their third beautiful quilt since the
first of November, and arc putting
away the quilting frame now until
after Christmas. Enjoy a well-
deserved rest; ladies.
The Gift that goes on
Giving all year long
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While supplies last!
Hwy. No. 71
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Now two locoltont 786 6 761
mas visit, arriving here on Decem-
ber 13. That'll be a holiday to re-
In news from Sauble Court, 18
seniors recently joined thc
McNaughton Bus Tours of Ildcrton,
for a trip to the Royal Wintcr Fair
in Toronto. They left on that awful
snowy Saturday at 7 a.m. but once
the bus passed Woodstock, the day •
turned sunny and bright.
They enjoyed the lovely flower
show, the beautiful horses, the veg-
etable display, and the rather comi-
cal steeplechase set-up for,the dogs.
Various breeds of dogs were clocked
as they ran a challenging course,
beautiful tones of the French horn,
a very difficultinstrumentplayed to
perfection by Janet Sargent. "Teddy
Trombone" is an outrageous, funny,
parody of the trombone, a jazzy
number the kids just loved, played
by John Loretan.
The "Golyardes Grounds" bases
everything on four notes played by
the tuba, and builds the rest of the
quintet around it.
The trumpets really shine in Han-
del's "Water Music" and in• the
"Suitt from the Monteregian
The first movement is a lively
march, the second a quieter, pensive
number - ode to a rainy day, per-
haps? The third, "Valsc Ridicule" is
a humorous piece which sounds like
a drunken dancer weaving around the
floor as the horns guffaw and blat,
and the music reels crazily around.
The suite ends with a piece like a
modem dance from "Rodeo", with a
certain Western swagger and flair.
After thunderous applause and a
heart -felt standing ovation, the per-
formers re-entered in Santa Claus
caps for "We Wish You a Merry
Christmas". Afterwards, members
of thc audience stayed to meet the
artists and enjoy refreshments.
quite similar to that of a hors%
show. -
They stopped in Cambridge for
supper and finally reached home af-
ter 10 p.m. - a very long, but excit-
ing day.
I5id you know that the last Mon-
day of thc month is always a pot-
luck birthday supper for 11 Saublc
Court residents? The busy -bee quil-
ters of Sauble Court, have finished
their third beautiful quilt since the
first of November, and arc putting
away the quilting frame now until
after Christmas. Enjoy a well-
deserved rest; ladies.
The Gift that goes on
Giving all year long
VCR V'I'2130A
4 head, high performance
$559 •
0 B/ L COR
44 Colour Television
/0 e
4 only